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目的探讨极低出生体重儿生后1周内血胃泌素(GAS)和胃动素(MOT)水平的动态变化。方法用放射免疫法分别测定20例极低出生体重儿(体重<1500 g)、20例低出生体重儿(体重1500~2500 g)生后12 h、24 h、72 h和7天的血GAS、MOT水平,将15例健康足月儿(体重>2500 g)作对照组。结果 (1)极低出生体重儿组生后12 h、24 h、72 h和7天GAS、MOT水平均明显低于对照组(P<0.01);MOT水平低于低出生体重儿组(P<0.01或P<0.05),GAS水平与低出生体重儿组比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。(2)各组生后72 h内血GAS、MOT水平变化不明显,对照组和低出生体重儿组7天时明显高于72 h(P<0.01),极低出生体重儿组MOT 7天时高于72 h(P<0.05),GAS水平变化差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。(3)≤33周组各时间点GAS、MOT水平均低于≥37周组(P<0.01)。结论 GAS、MOT水平与新生儿体重、胎龄密切相关。极低出生体重儿生后1周内消化功能低下,GAS、MOT水平先降后升,但变化幅度没有低出生体重儿和足月儿明显,提示功能追赶需要更长时间,临床应选择合适的喂养时机和方式。  相似文献   

本文阐述了极低出生体重儿消化系统特点、肠内营养方式、乳类选择、开始时间、奶量增长速度及理想的生长速度,旨在了解不同的肠内营养开始时间对极低出生体重儿消化功能及生长速度的影响,以期寻找极低出生体重儿适宜的肠内营养开始时间,为临床制定极低出生体重儿肠内营养方案提供依据.  相似文献   

外周静脉营养在极低出体重儿中的临床应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探讨外周静脉营养对极低出生体重儿体重增长及其并发症情况。方法将72例极低出生体重儿分成治疗组(42例)和对照组(30例),治疗组在出生后第2-3天开始用外周静脉营养,经微电脑输液泵24h内均匀输入静脉营养液。对照组给予一般综合治疗。二组病情好转后及早开始经口或鼻饲微量喂养,以后逐渐增加奶量。结果治疗组出生后4-7d起体重开始增长,每天增重(20.06±7.64)g,对照组出生后10-15d起体重开始增长,每天增重(11.78±3.36)g。二组比较有显著性差异(P<0.05),治疗组并发症发生率11.9%(5/42),对照组为33.3%(10/30)。治疗组治愈率78.6%,对照组治愈率50.0%,二组比较有显著性差异(P<0.05)。结论外周静脉营养能明显增加极低出生体重儿的体重,合理的营养素有利于减少并发症,提高治愈率,及早经口或鼻饲微量喂养效果好,可缩短静脉营养时间及住院天数。  相似文献   

238例极低出生体重早产儿的生长速率和影响因素   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的 观察极低出生体重早产儿住院期问的生长速度及营养支持情况,研究影响其生长的因素.方法 采用回顾性调查的方法,收集2005年1月1日至2006年6月30日我国不同地区10所三甲医院檄低出生体重早产儿的临床资料,对影响早产儿生长的因素进行分析.结果 共有238例符合条件的极低出生体重早产儿,出生胎龄为(30.9±1.9)周,出生体重(1313±129)g.生后第1周~第6周平均体重生长速率分别为-7.2、14.2、13.6、13.7、14.2、14.8 g/(kg·d).肠内、外营养开始平均时间分别为(3.4±2,3)d和(3.1±1.7)d,总热卡达120 kcal/(kg·d)平均时间为(21.3±11.6)d,喂养奶量达150 ml/(kg·d)平均时间为(23.4±10.8)d.恢复出生体重后平均生长速率为(13.8±3.5)g/(kg·d),平均住院时间(39.8±13.9)d.出生时小于胎龄者较适于胎龄者恢复出生体重后的平均生长速率快[14.4 vs 13.2 g/(kg·d),t=2.703,P<0.05].结论 平均生长速率较快组[≥15 g/(kg·d)]与较慢组[<15g/(kg·d)]相比,出生胎龄差异无显著性,但出生体重低、接受肠内肠外营养早.大多数极低出生体重早产儿在住院期间不能达到正常胎儿在官内的生长速率.更积极的肠内肠外营养,可能有利于极低出生体重儿生后的早期牛长.  相似文献   

目的 探讨极低出生体重儿(VLBWI)适宜的肠内营养开始时间,观察不同肠内营养开始时间对VLBWI 消化功能、生长速度及院内感染率的影响。方法 选择NICU 病区2012 年2~12 月入院的全部VLBWI,根据肠内营养开始时间,将其分为3 组,即≤ 3 d 组(116 例)、4~6 d 组(36 例)、≥ 7 d 组(26 例)。分析不同肠内营养开始时间对消化功能、生长速度及院内感染率等的影响。结果 ≤ 3 d 组生后1 周奶量明显高于另2 组,≤ 3 d 组及4~6 d 组生后2 周、3 周奶量明显高于≥ 7 d 组。3 组生长速度指标比较差异无统计学意义。≤ 3 d 组中心静脉置管时间明显短于另外2 组,≥ 7 d 组达全肠内营养的时间明显长于另外2 组。≤ 3 d组院内感染率(13.8%)明显低于≥ 7 d 组(46.2%)。结论 肠内营养开始时间对VLBWI 生长速度无影响,但早期开始肠内营养能促进其胃肠功能成熟,利于奶量增长,能更快达到全肠内营养,缩短中心静脉置管时间,降低院内感染率。  相似文献   

极低出生体重儿的营养和喂养不仅对减少初生早期的合并症而且对远期预后产生重要影响。营养和喂养的目标是在保证安全的前提下,尽早建立肠内喂养,尽快地达到全肠内营养。2015年加拿大麦克马斯特大学儿童医院发表了《极低出生体重儿喂养指南》,内容涉及到临床上极低出生体重儿的营养和喂养经常遇到的问题,包括极低出生体重儿达到足量肠内营养的时间、开奶时间和喂养频次、出生早期肠内营养喂养方式的选择、奶量增加的速度、喂养耐受性的评估、胃内残余奶量的管理,以及早产儿胃食管反流等。  相似文献   

目的 研究34周以下早产儿宫外生长发育迟缓(EUGR)发生的相关因素。方法 选取<34周早产儿694例, 根据出院时体重分为EUGR组和非EUGR组, 回顾性分析两组早产儿的围生期资料、住院期间生长、营养摄入情况及相关合并症等资料。结果 694例早产儿中, 发生EUGR 284例(40.9%)。宫内生长发育迟缓(IUGR)患儿发生EUGR的比例明显高于非IUGR组(P<0.01); 极低出生体重儿发生EUGR比例明显高于非极低出生体重儿(P<0.01)。胎龄越小、出生体重越低的早产儿EUGR的发生率越高(P<0.01)。EUGR组早产儿禁食天数、静脉营养持续天数、首次肠内营养的日龄、全肠内营养的日龄均大于非EUGR组(P<0.01)。EUGR组患儿生后第1周蛋白质累积损失量与热卡累积损失量均大于非EUGR组(P<0.05)。EUGR组生后发生呼吸窘迫综合征、呼吸暂停、坏死性小肠结肠炎、败血症等并发症的比例高于非EUGR组(P<0.05)。Logistic回归分析显示, 出生体重、出生胎龄及IUGR是EUGR发生的独立危险因素。结论 34周以下早产儿EUGR发生率较高, 尤其是已经存在IUGR的早产儿或极低出生体重儿; 生后早期积极的营养支持, 预防呼吸暂停、败血症等并发症将会在一定程度上减少EUGR的发生。  相似文献   

极低出生体重早产儿两种肠道外营养方式的对比分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探讨传统肠道外营养(TTPN)与早期肠道外营养(ETPN)的不同效果.方法 2000年1月至2008年4月我院收治的生后24 h内入院的极低出生体重早产儿,2006年以前入院为TTPN组,2006年以后入院为ETPN组.TTPN组出生24 h后给予氨基酸0.5 g·kg-1·d-1,每日递增0.25~0.5g/kg,出生第3天给予脂肪乳0.5 g·kg-1·d-1,每日递增0.25~0.5 g/kg;ETPN组出生12~24 h给予氨基酸1.0 g·kg-1·d-1,每日递增0.5 g/kg,出生24 h给予脂肪乳0.5~1.0 g·kg-1·d-1,每日递增0.5 g/kg.观察生后1周内非蛋白热卡(不计奶量),生理性体重下降时间、恢复至出生体重时间、体重增长情况、过渡至全肠道营养时间及相关并发症等.结果 共入选58例,TTPN组30例,ETPN组28例.ETPN组较TTPN组非蛋白热卡摄入多,体重下降持续时间短,恢复至出生体重时间短,体重增长快,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);后期相关并发症及过渡至全肠道外营养时间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论 极低出生体重早产儿ETPN比TTPN摄入热量多,体重增长快,可以减少早期营养不良发生,肠道外营养相关并发症无明显增加,对胃肠功能的恢复无明显影响.  相似文献   

目的通过研究不同方式鼻饲喂养方法对极低出生体重早产儿(VLBW)喂养耐受性及喂养效果,探讨最适合极低出生体重早产儿的鼻饲喂养方式。方法将77例胎龄在29~33周,出生体重在1000~1400g活产极低出生体重儿,男婴38例,女婴39例,随机分为ABC组。A组:间歇鼻饲注入喂养,起始每次奶量2ml/kg,持续时间3~5min,2h1次,每天递增2ml/kg;B组:持续鼻饲输注喂养,使用电子微量输液泵持续鼻饲输注,奶量1ml/(kg.h),持续时间24h,每天递增1ml/(kg.h);C组:间歇持续鼻饲输注喂养,先采用电子输液泵持续鼻饲喂养2h,奶量2ml/(kg.h),间歇2h后,再继续交替进行,每天递增2ml/kg;所有VLBW均同时进行部分外周静脉营养,逐渐过渡到完全肠道内营养,观察3组患儿喂养过程中体重增长,喂养耐受情况以及黄疸持续时间。结果间歇持续鼻饲输注喂养组喂养不耐受例数最少,黄疸持续时间短,达到完全胃肠道营养时间最少。结论极低出生体重早产儿采用间歇持续鼻饲输注喂养,喂养不耐受发生率最低,达到完全胃肠喂养时间最短,有利于极低出生体重儿的生长发育和胃肠功能完善,优于单纯的间歇或持续鼻饲喂养,值得临床推广。  相似文献   

目的探讨传统肠道外营养(TTPN)与早期肠道外营养(ETPN)的不同效果。方法2000年1月至2008年4月我院收治的生后24 h内入院的极低出生体重早产儿,2006年以前入院为TTPN组,2006年以后入院为ETPN组。TTPN组出生24 h后给予氨基酸0.5 g·kg~(-1)·d~(-1),每日递增0.25~0.5g/kg,出生第3天给予脂肪乳0.5 g·kg~(-1)·d~(-1),每日递增0.25~0.5g/kg;ETPN组出生12~24 h给予氨基酸1.0 g·kg~(-1)·d~(-1),每日递增0.5 g/kg,出生24 h给予脂肪乳0.5~1.0 g·kg~(-1)·d~(-1),每日递增0.5 g/kg。观察生后1周内非蛋白热卡(不计奶量),生理性体重下降时间、恢复至出生体重时间、体重增长情况、过渡至全肠道营养时间及相关并发症等。结果共入选58例,TTPN组30例,ETPN组28例。ETPN组较TTPN组非蛋白热卡摄入多,体重下降持续时间短,恢复至出生体重时间短,体重增长快,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);后期相关并发症及过渡至全肠道外营养时间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论极低出...  相似文献   

目的 探讨广谱抗生素疗程对极低出生体重儿粪便肠道菌群和短链脂肪酸的影响。 方法 前瞻性选取2020年6~12月重庆医科大学附属儿童医院新生儿诊治中心收治的29例极低出生体重儿为研究对象,根据抗生素疗程分为≤7 d组(n=9)和>7 d组(n=20)。采集患儿住院第14天和第28天的粪便标本,运用16S rDNA高通量测序法和气相色谱-质谱法分别分析粪便样本的菌群和短链脂肪酸。 结果 ≤7 d组和>7 d组早产儿第4周和第2周相比,肠道菌群的Chao指数均显著下降(P<0.05)。≤7 d组第4周菌群与第2周相比,厚壁菌门和狭窄梭菌属1的比例均显著升高,而变形菌门显著降低(P<0.05)。第4周时,>7 d组厚壁菌门和狭窄梭菌属1的比例较≤7 d组显著降低而变形菌门显著升高(P<0.05);>7 d组异丁酸和戊酸含量较≤7 d组显著下降(P<0.05)。 结论 广谱抗生素疗程可影响极低出生体重儿肠道菌群的丰富度、定植和演化,以及其代谢产物短链脂肪酸的含量。临床上应该严格把握广谱抗生素适应证及疗程。  相似文献   

目的探讨实施基于循证的标准化喂养方案能否促进极早产儿/极低出生体重儿全胃肠道营养建立及其对早期临床结局的影响。方法回顾性纳入胎龄≤32周或出生体重<1500g的早产儿312例为研究对象。根据2020年5月实施早产儿标准化喂养方案前后1年时间将患儿分为对照组(2019年5月1日至2020年4月30日,n=160)和试验组(2020年6月1日至2021年5月31日,n=152),比较两组患儿达到全肠道喂养时间、开始肠内喂养时间、静脉营养持续时间、恢复至出生体重时间、中心静脉留置时间的差异及相关早产儿常见合并症发生率。结果试验组达到全肠道喂养时间、肠内喂养开始时间、静脉营养持续时间和中心静脉留置时间均较对照组明显缩短,中心导管相关性血流感染率较对照组明显降低(p<0.05),但Ⅱ~Ⅲ期新生儿坏死性小肠结肠炎等早产儿常见合并症的发生率及病死率在两组间比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论实施早产儿标准化喂养方案可以帮助极早产儿/极低出生体重儿更快建立全肠道喂养,减少静脉营养使用,降低中心导管相关性血流感染,而不增加新生儿坏死性小肠结肠炎风险。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare the effects of continuous versus intermittent feeding on gastrointestinal tolerance and growth in very low birth weight (VLBW) infants. STUDY DESIGN: In a randomized, controlled trial conducted at 3 neonatal units, 70 premature infants with a gestational age 24 to 29 weeks and birth weight < 1200 g were assigned to 1 of 3 feeding methods: continuous nasogastric feeding, intermittent nasogastric feeding, or intermittent orogastric feeding. Feeding was initiated within 30 hours of birth. Daily enteral and parenteral volumes, caloric and protein intakes, growth, enteral intolerance, and clinical complications were recorded. Cox regression analysis was used to determine primary outcome, the time to achieve full enteral feeding. RESULTS: The continuously fed infants achieved full enteral feeding significantly faster than the intermittently fed infants (hazard ratio [HR] = 1.86; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.07 to 3.22). In stratified analysis according to birth weight, the improvement was even more pronounced in the smallest infants, those with birth weight < or = 850 g (adjusted HR = 4.13; 95% CI = 1.48 to 11.53). Growth rate was significantly faster in the continuously fed infants ( P = .002). CONCLUSION: In VLBW infants, continuous feeding seems to be better than intermittent feeding with regard to gastrointestinal tolerance and growth.  相似文献   



Enteral feeding of very low birth weight (VLBW) infants is a challenge, since metabolic demands are high and administration of enteral nutrition is limited by immaturity of the gastrointestinal tract. The amino acid glutamine plays an important role in maintaining functional integrity of the gut. In addition, glutamine is utilised at a high rate by cells of the immune system. In critically ill patients, glutamine is considered a conditionally essential amino acid. VLBW infants may be especially susceptible to glutamine depletion as nutritional supply of glutamine is limited in the first weeks after birth. Glutamine depletion has negative effects on functional integrity of the gut and leads to immunosuppression. This double-blind randomised controlled trial is designed to investigate the effect of glutamine-enriched enteral nutrition on feeding tolerance, infectious morbidity and short-term outcome in VLBW infants. Furthermore, an attempt is made to elucidate the role of glutamine in postnatal adaptation of the gut and modulation of the immune response.


VLBW infants (gestational age <32 weeks and/or birth weight <1500 g) are randomly allocated to receive enteral glutamine supplementation (0.3 g/kg/day) or isonitrogenous placebo supplementation between day 3 and 30 of life. Primary outcome is time to full enteral feeding (defined as a feeding volume ≥ 120 mL/kg/day). Furthermore, incidence of serious infections and short-term outcome are evaluated. The effect of glutamine on postnatal adaptation of the gut is investigated by measuring intestinal permeability and determining faecal microflora. The role of glutamine in modulation of the immune response is investigated by determining plasma Th1/Th2 cytokine concentrations following in vitro whole blood stimulation.

目的 探讨极/超低出生体重儿(very/extremely low birth weight infant,VLBWI/ELBWI)出生后的腹部局部组织氧饱和度(abdominal regional oxygen saturation,A-rSO2)变化趋势。 方法 选取2019年9月至2021年5月在新生儿重症监护室住院的VLBWI/ELBWI作为研究对象。利用近红外光谱技术,从出生后第1天开始每天监测A-rSO2,共监测4周。并根据出生胎龄分为较低胎龄组(<29周组)及较高胎龄组(≥29周组),对两组VLBWI/ELBWI生后4周内的A-rSO2进行比较分析。 结果 共纳入VLBWI/ELBWI 63例,其中<29周组30例,≥29周组33例。63例VLBWI/ELBWI生后2周内A-rSO2呈现波动变化:生后第1天为最低值(47.9%),后逐渐升高,第4天达最高峰(67.4%),第5~9天逐渐下降,然后再次上升,至出生2周后趋于稳定。≥29周组出生后第1周及第2周A-rSO2均高于<29周组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。出生第3周及第4周两组A-rSO2均值比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。 结论 VLBWI/ELBWI的A-rSO2在出生后最初2周随日龄增加存在波动变化,2周后趋于稳定;生后2周内的A-rSO2与胎龄相关。  相似文献   

目的探讨深度水解蛋白配方奶喂养对极低出生体重(VLBW)和超低出生体重(ELBW)婴儿生长发育的影响。方法选取VLBW和ELBW婴儿375例作为研究对象,根据随机数字表法将其分为观察组(n=187)和对照组(n=188)。观察组给予深度水解蛋白配方奶喂养,当喂养达10 mL/次后,改用标准早产儿配方奶喂养。对照组给予标准早产儿配方奶喂养。两组持续喂养4周,比较两组喂养不耐受发生率、达全肠道喂养时间、胎便排净时间、自主排便次数、生长发育情况、喂养后第4天和第10天胃动素水平以及感染发生情况。结果观察组喂养不耐受率低于对照组(P0.05);观察组达全肠道喂养时间和胎便排净时间均短于对照组(P0.05);观察组平均每日自主排便次数多于对照组(P0.05);观察组婴儿体重、头围和身长均大于对照组(分别是1 793±317 g vs 1 621±138 g、30.5±1.1 cm vs 30.0±1.6 cm和43.9±1.2 cm vs 42.1±2.0 cm;均P0.05);观察组婴儿喂养第4天和第10天胃动素水平均高于对照组(P0.05);观察组婴儿感染率低于对照组(P0.05)。结论深度水解蛋白配方奶可提高胃动素水平,增加胃肠道喂养耐受性,促进VLBW和ELBW婴儿早期生长发育,降低感染发生率。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To study the effect of minimal enteral feeding (MEF) on intestinal permeability and feeding tolerance in preterm infants with intrauterine growth retardation (gestational age < 37 weeks, birth weight for gestational age p < 10). Furthermore, to determine whether fetal blood flow pulsatility or intestinal permeability predict feeding tolerance in these infants. DESIGN: Randomised controlled trial. METHODS: Within 48 hours of birth, infants were randomised to MEF or no enteral feeding (NEF) for five days in addition to parenteral feeding. Intestinal permeability was measured by the sugar absorption test before (SAT1) and after (SAT2) the study. The sugar absorption test measured the urinary lactulose/mannitol (LM) ratio after oral ingestion of a solution (375 mosm) containing mannitol and lactulose. Charts of all infants were assessed for measures of feeding tolerance. Fetal blood flow pulsatility index (U/C ratio) was measured within the seven days before birth. RESULTS: Of the 56 infants enrolled, 42 completed the study: 20 received MEF and 22 NEF. The decrease in LM ratio (LM ratio 1 - LM ratio 2) was not significantly different between the two groups (0.25 v 0.11; p = 0.14). Feeding tolerance, growth, and incidence of necrotising enterocolitis were not significantly different between the two groups. Neither the U/C nor the LM ratio 1 predicted feeding tolerance. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that MEF of preterm infants with intrauterine growth retardation has no effect on the decrease in intestinal permeability after birth. Neither fetal blood flow pulsatility nor intestinal permeability predicts feeding tolerance.  相似文献   



IUGR infants are thought to have impaired gut function after birth, which may result in intestinal disturbances, ranging from temporary intolerance to the enteral feeding to full-blown NEC. In literature there is no consensus regarding the impact of enteral feeding on intestinal blood flow and hence regarding the best regimen and the best rate of delivering the enteral nutrition.


This is a randomized, non-pharmacological, single-center, cross-over study including 20 VLBW infants. Inclusion criteria * Weight at birth ranging: 700?C1501 grams * Gestational age up to 25 weeks and 6 days * Written informed consent from parents or guardians Exclusion criteria * Major congenital abnormality * Patients enrolled in other trials * Significant multi-organ failure prior to trial entry * Pre-existing cutaneous disease not allowing the placement of the NIRS?? probe In the first 24 hours of life, between the 48th and 72nd hours of life, and during Minimal Enteral Feeding, all infants?? intestinal perfusion will be evaluated with NIRS and a Doppler of the superior mesenteric artery will be executed. At the achievement of an enteral intake of 100 mL/Kg/day the patients (IUGR and NON IUGR separately) will be randomized in 2 groups: Group A (n=10) will receive a feed by bolus (in 10 minutes); then, after at least 3 hours, they will receive the same amount of formula administered in 3 hours. Group B (n=10) will receive a feed administered in 3 hours followed by a bolus administration of the same amount of formula (in 10 minutes) after at least 3 hours. On the randomization day intestinal and cerebral regional oximetry will be measured via NIRS. Intestinal and celebral oximetry will be measured before the feed and 30 minutes after the feed by bolus during the 3 hours nutrition the measurements will be performed before the feed, 30 minutes from the start of the nutrition and 30 minutes after the end of the gavage. An evaluation of blood flow velocity of the superior mesenteric artery will be performed meanwhile. The infants of the Group A will be fed with continuous nutrition until the achievement of full enteral feeding. The infants of the Group B will be fed by bolus until the achievement of full enteral feeding.


Evaluations of intestinal oximetry and superior mesenteric artery blood flow after the feed may help in differentiating how the feeding regimen alters the splanchnic blood flow and oxygenation and if the changes induced by feeding are different in IUGR versus NON IUGR infants.

Trial registration number

NCT01341236  相似文献   

Background: Enteral feeding is known to be effective on the development of gut hormone secretion and pancreatic exocrine function. The aim of the present study was to examine the effects of extremely early enteral feedings on the development in very low‐birthweight (VLBW) infants. Methods: Fecal elastase 1 and plasma secretin concentrations were measured at four different periods during the first 28 days of life in VLBW infants, with extremely early enteral feeding starting within 24 h of birth, as well as in control infants. Results: Fecal concentrations of elastase 1 at 7, 14 and 28 days after birth were significantly higher than those at 1 or 2 days in both the early feeding and control groups. Fecal elastase 1 levels in the early feeding group were significantly higher than those in the control group at 7 and 14 days after birth. The plasma concentration of secretin at 14 days after birth was significantly higher than that at 1 or 2 days and 7 days after birth in the early feeding group. No significant differences in plasma secretin levels were detected between the early feeding and control groups at 1 or 2 days, 7 days and 28 days after birth, but a significant difference in secretin level was observed between the two groups at 14 days after birth. Conclusions: Extremely early enteral feedings may play an important role in the development of pancreatic exocrine function and secretin secretion in the early period of life in VLBW infants.  相似文献   

AIM: Glicentin, an active component of enteroglucagon, is considered to have a significant trophic action on the intestinal mucosa. We examined the effects of extremely early enteral feedings on the postnatal and postprandial changes in plasma glicentin levels in very-low-birthweight (VLBW) infants. METHODS: We measured the plasma glicentin concentrations before and after feedings at 1 or 2 days, 5 or 6 days and 14 days after birth in 21 VLBW infants. The subjects were randomly divided into an extremely early feeding group, which was started on breast milk within 24 h after birth, and a control group, which was started on breast milk more than 24 h after birth. RESULTS: Plasma basal concentrations of glicentin at 5 or 6 days and at 14 days after birth were significantly higher than those at 1 or 2 days after birth in the early feeding group. The basal glicentin level at 14 days after birth was significantly higher than that at 1 or 2 days. The basal levels at 5 or 6 days and at 14 days after birth in the early feeding group were significantly higher than those in the control group. Plasma glicentin concentrations after feeding were significantly higher than those before feeding at 5 or 6 days and 14 days after birth in the early feeding group, but those levels were significantly higher only at 14 days after birth in the control group. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that extremely early enteral feedings may play an important role in the development of glicentin secretion and intestinal mucosal growth in the early period of life in VLBW infants.  相似文献   

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