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通过分析影响沸腾的各种因素,结合水的流动特性以及激光在水中按照指数衰减的特点,利用单元差分方法着重分析了整个光斑所在区域过余温度的分布,借助水沸腾状态与过余温度之间的关系,建立了水在激光作用下的强制流动沸腾模型.环行光束被作为主要研究对象,对环行光束进行了数据模拟和实验验证.在实验中采用照相法记录下气团的形态,与模拟沸腾曲线具有较好的一致性.  相似文献   

短脉冲激光作用下丙酮液池沸腾现象的瞬态观测   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
本文对短脉冲激光作用下试件表面的温度变化和丙酮液体汽泡行为进行了瞬态观测,研 究了激光参数和细小金属颗粒等因素对丙酮液体沸腾行为的影响。结果表明:激光参数中,脉宽是 影响温度曲线和汽泡行为的主要因素,随着激光脉宽增大,大汽泡的长大时间和脱离直径减小;汽 泡长大速度与常规沸腾时的完全不同,没有出现等温生长阶段,在激光脉冲后很长时间内汽泡长大 速度快速增大;试件表面覆盖细小金属颗粒后,沸腾过程变得非常剧烈。  相似文献   

多孔通道内流动沸腾广泛应用于热管、高效换热器、航天热防护等领域,认识孔隙尺度相变典型行为及特点有助于理解多孔介质内沸腾传热机理,进而改进多孔介质内部流体相变模型。基于此,本文搭建了二维多孔介质内流动沸腾实验台,对微米级多孔通道内部流动沸腾现象及气泡行为进行研究。实验发现在毛细力、黏性力和惯性力的共同作用下,多孔介质内的流动沸腾形态显著区别于直通道内的沸腾,存在局部气泡堵塞、合并和液膜蒸干、再润湿等行为。该研究有助于增强对相变过程的理解,并为多孔结构优化设计提供指导。  相似文献   

低温液体流动沸腾数值计算中的相间传热模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用双流体模型预测了液氮在垂直管内的流动沸腾过程,着重考察和评价了五个常用的相间传热模型对数值计算结果的影响,找出了最优的相间传热模型;同时,研究还发现相间传热模型对流动压降的预测并无明显影响.  相似文献   

21世纪的超导研究将步入实用化阶段。在超导体工作中,其所处的低温环境(液氮、液氦)有可能受到瞬时高热流的冲击,从而导致爆发沸腾的发生,甚至影响到超导体的安全、稳定工作。对此,有必要进行系统的实验和理论研究,揭示低温工质的爆发沸腾现象与过程特征。本文就是基于这一目的,首次从实验角度观察液氮的爆发沸腾行为,拍摄到液氮爆发沸腾时的系列照片,并测量了脉冲加热期间以及之后的温度变化。发现了一些新颖并值得关注的现象。  相似文献   

本文基于不同流速下变传质强度因子的Lee模型,对低热通量下上升管内流动沸腾进行了数值模拟。通过分析气相分布、局部气泡行为解释了沸腾换热特性和局部传热恶化。结果表明:低热通量下,不同流速的平均气体体积分数沿管长线性分布,沿径向呈双峰状分布,峰值在壁面附近;高流速时,近壁处气体体积分数的增长速率最大。换热性能受流速影响显著,流速越大,换热系数越大;三种流速下换热系数最小值对应的气体体积分数相同,气相分布不同是换热特性产生差异的直接原因。低中流速下,壁温局部升高位置与换热系数骤降位置是一致的,表明壁面附近局部气泡附着会造成壁温的局部升高,导致传热恶化。  相似文献   

李祥东  汪荣顺  石玉美 《低温与超导》2006,34(3):168-171,175
对核态沸腾表面上的各种传热机理进行了分析和量化,建立了低温液体核态流动沸腾传热的机理模型,并将该模型纳入双流体模型实现了数值求解,数值预测的结果详细地反映出了壁面上各参数随流动的变化情况。该机理模型的计算结果表明,气泡挣脱后液体与过热壁面间的激冷效应是导致壁面上各参数在OSV处突变的根本原因。  相似文献   

本文在已有的池和外掠平板核态沸腾机理研究的基础上,提出了系统的水平管内饱和流 动核态沸腾理论,建立了水平管内环状流下流动核态沸腾换热的组合模型,并对该模型进行了简化 和数值求解。最后,将计算结果与HFC-134a实验数据进行了比较;结果表明二者一致性较好。  相似文献   

本文实验对比研究了0.3 mm、0.5mm、0.7 mm三种粒径的铜颗粒烧结与堆积床多孔介质中的流动沸腾换热,主要研究了入口流速、热流密度、加热方位及粒径对流动沸腾换热的影响,以及多孔介质中的沸腾滞后。实验结果表明:大入口流速、低热流密度、下方加热以及小粒径时加热壁面的过热度较低,即有利于沸腾换热;本实验所用烧结多孔介质壁面过热度高于堆积床多孔介质,其原因是内部含有闭孔。  相似文献   

本文利用微液层模型对过冷沸腾的临界热流密度(CHF)进行了理论预测。过冷沸腾的强化换热主要是通过单个气泡的形成和消失造成的对流换热强化而引起的。对等热流面,CHF在高过冷区趋近于常数;对等温面,CHF随过冷度的增加而增加。过冷度增加时,蒸发换热量减少,总热流密度主要由蒸发区外的导热引起。  相似文献   

X. Huai  Z. Dong  Z. Li  Y. Zou  Y. Tao 《实验传热》2013,26(4):237-256
An experimental investigation was conducted to explore the characteristics of microscopic boiling induced by firing a microsecond pulsed laser beam on a thin platinum (Pt) film that immerged in the liquid nitrogen (LN2) cryostat. High-speed photography aided by a high-voltage lighting system was employed to visually observe the bubble formation and the dynamical boiling process of LN2. A rapid transient temperature-measuring system was designed to record the temperature evolution of the heating surface. Explosive boiling, characterized by bubble cluster, was observed within LN2 at the early stage of laser heating, and conventional boiling followed after a certain time. The transition time, therefore, was introduced for separating these two different boiling modes. The temperature of Pt film rose sharply to its maximum during laser pulse, with a very high rising rate of about 107 K/s, and then dropped rapidly after laser irradiation. A model of bubble cluster was proposed to describe the explosive boiling heat transfer, and the latent heat released by bubble collapse in explosive boiling was explored as an important mechanism considerably influencing the boiling heat transfer.  相似文献   

测量了水平微细圆管内蒸馏水和不同质量浓度的水基多壁碳纳米管纳米流体在低雷诺数下的强制对流换热特性。实验结果表明,与蒸馏水相比,纳米流体的对流换热系数显著提高,且随质量浓度和管内雷诺数的增大而增大;并且研究了流体管内流动阻力特性,得到的泊肃叶数f·Re值随着雷诺数的变化不明显,但纳米流体的f·Re值要明显小于纯水。  相似文献   

G. Arslan  N. Eskin 《实验传热》2013,26(6):707-720
In this study, condensation of pure refrigerant R134a vapor inside a vertical 18° helical microfin tube was experimentally investigated. Tests were performed at saturation pressure of 5.7–5.9 bar with mass fluxes of 20–100 kg/m2s and heat fluxes of 1.7–5.3 kW/m2. The effects of mass flux and the temperature difference between the refrigerant and tube wall (ΔT) on the heat transfer performance were analyzed throughout experimental data. For experiments in which ΔT is more than 2.5°C, the average condensation Nusselt number showed a tendency to be independent from ΔT. Heat transfer enhancement ratio was found to be 1.59–1.71, which is always higher than the heat transfer area enhancement factor (1.55). Fins always act as a turbulence promoter in the given experimental data range. Finally, the most widely used heat transfer coefficient correlations for condensation inside microfin tubes were analyzed through the experimental data. Best fit was obtained with Yu and Koyama's correlation with an absolute mean deviation of 17% and Kedzierski and Goncalves's correlation with an absolute mean deviation of 19%.  相似文献   

土壤中有效硼测定对评价土壤有效硼供应水平具有重要意义,土壤中有效硼含量的高低直接影响植物的生长过程,因此如何提取和测定有效硼的含量至关重要.然而传统的沸水浸提-姜黄素比色法和沸水浸提-亚甲胺比色法前处理部分流程长、速度慢和使用试剂较多且不易操作,检测结果容易造成较大的误差,随着土地质量地球化学调查、生态地球化学调查和农...  相似文献   

颗粒有序堆积多孔介质对流换热实验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文采用"瞬态单吹反问题研究方法"对颗粒有序堆积多孔介质内的强制对流换热进行了实验研究。详细研究了颗粒堆积方式变化对多孔介质内对流换热的影响,并对均匀与非均匀颗粒堆积多孔介质内的对流换热特性进行了对比分析。研究表明:通过对颗粒进行合理有序堆积,可以使相应多孔介质内的压降显著降低,其综合换热效率明显提高;通过拟合获得了颗粒有序堆积多孔介质内的宏观流动换热实验关联式,其形式与传统经验公式(Ergun公式和Wakao公式)一致,但部分模型参数值远低于传统经验公式。  相似文献   

本研究在工质水中布置针状电极,研究非均匀电场对其池沸腾换热过程中传热系数以及临界热流密度的影响,同时测量了不同电压下沸腾表面接触角的变化,以及可视化的观察到了气泡的产生以及脱离相对于无电场情况下的变化.结果表明,在低热流密度区电场强化传热,且强化效果随热流密度的增加而减弱.在中热流密度区电场恶化传热,恶化效果随着热流密...  相似文献   

雷宏 《物理通报》2011,(1):95-96
"水沸腾"实验是北师大版八年级上册教材第一章"物态及其变化"第四节"汽化和液化"中的一个实验."水沸腾"是日常生活中常见的一种现象,但学生对其具体特征不一定清楚.这又是八年级刚开始学习物理的一个实验,学生对实验很感兴趣,因此成功做好这个实验非常重要.  相似文献   

A simplified arc model based on the integral method is used to study the arc behavior in a supersonic nozzle. Emphasis is placed on the energy balance of the overall arc, which extends to the arc thennal boundary. Similarity rules for aerodynamic and electrical quantities are established, and a quantitative definition of current zero period is given. Computations have been done for two nozzle geometries. The nozzle geometry plays the role of shaping the arc, thereby affecting the axial electric field distribution. Performance curves in terms of the critical rate of rise of recovery voltage (rrrv)c and di/dt at current zero are established. It has been found that (rrrv)c can be seriously affected by the distortion of the current waveform near current zero due to arc-circuit interaction. When experimentally measured current waveform is used as an input, a good quantitative agreement is obtained for the Liverpool orifice arc [1] between theory and experimental results. A satisfactory agreement has also been achieved for the axial electric field distribution without adding a turbulence term into the energy equation. The limitations of the present arc model is also discussed in detail.  相似文献   

A laser model is formulated in terms of quantum harmonic oscillators. Emitters in the low lasing states are usual harmonic oscillators, and emitters in the upper states are inverted harmonic oscillators. Diffusion coefficients, consistent with the model and necessary for solving quantum nonlinear laser equations analytically, are found. Photon number fluctuations of the lasing mode and fluctuations of the population of the lasing states are calculated. Collective Rabi splitting peaks are predicted in the intensity fluctuation spectra of the superradiant lasers. Population fluctuation mechanisms in superradiant lasers and lasers without superradiance are discussed and compared with each other.  相似文献   

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