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Our aim is assessment of ultrasound (US) common bile duct (CBD) diameter to predict the presence of CBD stones in acute cholecystitis (AC).


A retrospective review from 2007 to 2011 with codes for ultrasound, magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP), endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, and AC was conducted.


The incidence of CBD stones was 1.8%. Two hundred forty eight individuals had US+MRCP+ERCP+AC, of which 48 had CBD stones and 200 did not have CBD stones. US CBD diameter range was 3.6 to 19 mm. Ninety percent of MRCPs were negative, and it delayed care by 2.9 days. Mean CBD diameter was narrower in those negative for CBD stones (5.8 vs 7.08; P = .0043). Groups based on diameter ranges <6, 6 to 9.9, and ≥10 mm demonstrated 14%, 14%, and 39% CBD stones, respectively.


US CBD diameter is not sufficient to identify patients at significant risk for CBD stones. MRCP delayed care by 2.9 days. Intraoperative cholangiography may be more effective, based on the low risk of CBD stones in AC.  相似文献   

Background This study aimed to evaluate the accuracy of magnetic resonance cholangiography (MRC) in detecting variants of low cystic duct conjunction, which can be a source of confusion during surgery when unrecognized. Methods All cases with both MRC and endoscopic retrograde cholangiography (ERC) indicating suspected common bile duct stones between January 1999 and January 2004 were retrospectively reviewed by investigators blinded to the final diagnosis. Assessment with ERC was regarded as the gold standard. The aim was to find a low conjunction of the cystic duct with the bile duct. The sensitivity and specificity of MRC were calculated in comparison with those for ERC. The cystic junction radial orientation was defined as lateral (insertion diagonally from the right), medial (insertion into the left side of the common hepatic duct), or posteroanterior (overlap of the junction with the bile duct in the posteroanterior view). A spiral cystic duct and a long parallel course were evaluated separately. Results Low insertion of the cystic duct was found on ERC in 66 of 622 patients (11%; 28 men and 38 women; mean age, 64.5 years). The sensitivity and specificity of MRC for detecting low cystic entrance were 100% (90.4% on an intention-to-diagnose basis and 100%, respectively). In 11 patients (16.6%), the radial orientation of the cysticohepatic junction could not be defined with MRC. The rate of correct MRC delineation was 95% for lateral (n = 21), 77% for medial (n = 26), and 74% for posteroanterior (n = 19) insertion of the cystic duct. Conclusion The findings showed that MRC has good correlation with ERC with regard to the location and anatomic details of cystic duct insertion. Although this does not generate a separate indication for MRC before laparoscopic cholecystectomy, the anatomic information can be of additional use when MRC is clinically indicated in this setting.  相似文献   

The complex pathogenesis of bile duct stones, the anatomical properties of the biliary tree, the patient's age, associated diseases, as well as the technical devices available, may explain the great variety of procedures and preferences of different groups in the treatment of choledocholithiasis. Since no technique is infallible or free of complications, it seems unfair to argue that procedures whose efficacy has been proven by many authors are obsolete. This is the case of choledochoduodenostomy (CDS) in the treatment of common bile duct (CBD) stones. The complications associated with CDS, (ascending cholangitis, and sump syndrome) have been overemphasized and have led CDS to be rejected by many surgeons. Our experience with this technique is good and concurs with that of Madden and others.Data on 125 patients with CBD stones treated with CDS between 1968 and 1982 are analyzed. Sixty-eight of them were female and the mean age was 61.4 years; 73.6% were more than 50 years old. There were frequent accompanying diseases, especially cardiovascular ones. More than half of the patients had a previous operation on the biliary tree. The duct diameter was always greater than 20 mm and it was frequently associated with stenosis of the distal choledochus. Floercken's technique of CDS was the most frequently used, after Kocher's maneuver had been performed. There was no intraoperative mortality. Postoperative mortality was 3.2% and is analyzed in detail. The incidence of postoperative complications was 42.4%. Most were septic complications or those ascribed to accompanying diseases. Late operative cholangitis was present in 1.6% of patients, comparable with reports of other authors. We encourage the use of CDS in the treatment of CBD stones provided that: (a) careful attention is paid to its clinical indications, considering that the patient may benefit from alternative techniques, for example, duodenoscopic papillotomy; and (b) choledochal dilatation is greater than 20 mm in diameter and the choledochal and duodenal walls are normal. We specifically recommend CDS as the primary operation for patients with choledochal funnel syndrome. The operation is simple, restores normal digestive function, and almost always resolves the problems of CBD stones in high-risk patients.
Resumen La compleja patogenia de los cálculos del colédoco, las propiedades anatómicas del árbol biliar, la edad del paciente, las patologías asociadas y otros factores, junto con la disponibilidad de diversos elementos técnicos, explican la gran variedad de procedimientos y de preferencias por parte de los cirujanos en el tratamiento y de preferencias por parte de los cirujanos en el tratamiento de la litiasis biliar. Puesto que ninguna técnica operatoria es infalible ni totalmente libre de complicaciones, parece injusto argumentar que procedimientos cuya eficacia ha sido comprobada por muchos autores sean calificados como obsoletos. Tal es el caso de la coledocoduodenostomía (CDS) en el tratamiento de los cálculos del colédoco. Las complicaciones asociadas con la CDS (colangitis ascendente y el sindrome del segmento distal ciego) han sido exageradas, lo cual ha llevado a muchos cirujanos a rechazar la CDS. Nuestra experiencia con esta técnica es buena y está de acuerdo con la de Madden y de otros. Se analizaron los datos en 125 pacientes con cálculos del colédoco tratados con CDS entre 1968 y 1982. Sesenta y ocho eran mujeres y la edad promedio fué de 61.4 años; 73.6% eran mayores de cincuenta años. Otras enfermedades asociadas fueron halladas con frecuencia, especialmente las cardiovasculares. Más de la mitad de los pacientes tenían historia de una operación previa sobre el árbol biliar. El diámetro del colédoco fué superior a 20 mm en todos los casos y con frecuencia se encontró estenosis árbol de la porción distal. La técnica de Floercken fué la más frecuentemente utilizada, una vez realizada la maniobra de Kocher. No hubo mortalidad intraoperatoria. La mortalidad postoperatoria fué de 3.2% y se analiza en detalle. La tasa de complicaciones postoperatorias fué de 42.4%, incluyendo las sistematicas y las locales, leves y severas, habiéndose observado predominancia de las complicaciones sépticas y de aquellas relativas a patologiás asociadas. La colangitis operatoria tardía ocurrió en el 1.6% de los pacientes, tasa comparable a la informada por otros autores. Nosotros preconizamos el uso de la CDS en el tratamiento de los cálculos del colédoco siempre que: (a) se preste atención cuidadosa a sus indicaciones clínicas, considerando que el paciente puede beneficiarse con otras alternativas, por ejemplo la papilotomía duodenoscópica; y (b) la dilatación del colédoco sea de un diámetro superior a 20 mm y que las paredes tanto del colédoco como del duodeno sean normales. Específicamente recomendamos la CDS como la operación primaria para pacientes con el síndrome del embudo coledociano (estenosis distal con dilatación proximal). La operación es sencilla, restaura la función digestiva normal y en forma casi uniforme resuelve los problemas que producen los cálculos del colédoco en pacientes de alto riesgo.

Résumé La pathogénie complexe de la lithiase biliaire, les caractères anatomiques des voies biliaires ainsi que l'âge des malades, les affections associées et la grande variété des méthodes techniques expliquent la grande diversité des procédés de traitement de la lithiase choledocienne employés par les différentes équipes chirurgicales. Aucune technique n'étant infaillible ou exempte de complications, il paraît inconsidéré d'abandonner toute méthode qui a fait ses preuves. Il en est ainsi de la choledocoduodénostomie. Les complications attribuées à ce type d'intervention comme l'angiocholite ascendante, et le syndrome du moignon sous-anastomotique ont été exagérées conduisant de nombreux chirurgiens à l'écarter de leur pratique. Notre expérience de la choledocoduodénostomie est bonne et coincide avec celle de Madden et d'autres auteurs. Les données recueillies chez 125 malades qui présentaient des calculs de la V.B.P. et qui furent traités par la choledocoduodénostomile de 1968 à 1982 ont été étudiées. Soixante-huit étaient des femmes. La moyenne d'âge était de 61.4 ans, 73.6% étaient âgés de plus de 50 ans. Les affections associées étaient fréquentes en particulier les affections cardiovasculaires. Plus de la moitié de nos opérés avaient déjà subi une intervention sur la voie biliaire. Le diamètre de la voie biliaire a toujours été supérieur à 20 mm et la dilatation se trouvait souvent au dessus d'un rétrécissement du bas cholédoque. La technique de Floercken fut le plus souvent employée après le décollement du bloc duodénopancréatique. Il n'y eu aucun décès peropératoire. La mortalité postopératoire s'est élevée à 3.2% et a été étudiée avec précision. Le taux des complications postopératoires a atteint 42.4%, dont les infections et les désordres secondaires aux affections associées occupent la première place. Le taux de l'angiocholite postopératoire tardive s'est élevé à 1.6%, identique à celui rapporté par d'autres auteurs. Notre expérience nous permet de recommander la choledocoduodénostomie à condition (a) d'apporter une attention particulière aux indications après avoir pris en considération la possibilité de traiter la lithiase par une autre méthode, la sphinctérotomie endoscopique par exemple; et (b) de la réserver aux cas où le diamètre de la V.B.P. est supérieur à 20 et ou les parois de la voie biliaire et du duodénum sont normales. Nous considérons qu'elle est particulièrement indiquée en présence du syndrome du cholédoque en entonnoir. L'intervention est simple, restaure la fonction digestive normale et résoud le problème des calculs de la V.B.P. chez les malades de haut risque.



Variation exists in the management of choledocholithiasis (CDL). This study evaluated associations between demographic and practice-related characteristics and CDL management.


A 22-item, web-based survey was administered to US general surgeons. Respondents were classified into metropolitan or nonmetropolitan groups by zip code. Univariate tests and multivariable logistic regression were used to determine factors associated with CDL management preferences.


The survey was sent to 32,932 surgeons; 9902 performed laparoscopic cholecystectomy within the last year; 750 of 771 respondents had a valid US zip code and were included in the analysis. Mean practice time was 18 ± 10 years, 87 % were male, and 83 % practiced in a metropolitan area. For preoperatively known CDL, 86 % chose preoperative endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). Those in metropolitan areas were more likely to select preoperative ERCP than those in nonmetropolitan areas (88 vs. 79 %, p < 0.001). For CDL discovered intraoperatively, 30 % selected laparoscopic common bile duct exploration (LCBDE) as their preferred method of management with no difference between metropolitan and nonmetropolitan areas (30 vs. 26 %, p = 0.335). The top reasons for not performing LCBDE were: having a reliable ERCP proceduralist available, lack of equipment, and lack of comfort performing LCBDE. Factors associated with preoperative ERCP were: metropolitan status, selective intraoperative cholangiography (IOC), and availability of a reliable ERCP proceduralist. Those who perform selective IOC were 70 % less likely to prefer LCBDE (OR 0.32, 95 % CI 0.18–0.57, p < 0.001). Those with a reliable ERCP proceduralist available were 90 % less likely to prefer LCBDE (OR 0.10, 95 % CI 0.04–0.26, p < 0.001).


The majority of respondents preferred ERCP for the management of CDL. Having a reliable ERCP proceduralist available, use of selective IOC, and metropolitan status were independently associated with preoperative ERCP. Postoperative ERCP was preferred for managing intraoperatively discovered CDL. Many surgeons are uncomfortable performing LCBDE, and increased training may be needed.

Background  Although intraoperative cholangiography (IOC) is a widely used method for detecting common bile duct stones (CBDS), its accuracy has not been fully evaluated in large nonselected patient samples. The purpose of this study was to assess the sensitivity, specificity and predictive value of dynamic IOC regarding its ability to diagnose CBDS in a population-based setting, and to assess the morbidity associated with the investigation. Methods  All patients operated on for gallstone disease between 2003 and 2005 in the county of Uppsala in Sweden, a county with a population of 302,000 in December 2004, were registered prospectively. The outcome of cholangiography was validated against the postoperative clinical course. Results  1171 patients were registered, and among these IOC was performed in 1117 patients (95%). Common bile duct stones were found in 134 patients (11%). One perforation of the common bile duct caused by the IOC catheter was recorded. Sensitivity was 97%, specificity 99%, negative predictive value 99%, positive predictive value 95%, and overall accuracy 99%. In 7 of the 134 cases where IOC indicated CBDS, no stones could be verified on exploration. In 4 of the 979 cases where IOC was normal, the clinical course indicated overlooked CBDS. Conclusion  Intraoperative cholangiography is a safe and accurate method for detecting common bile duct stones.  相似文献   



Because choledochoscopy often is a challenging maneuver, it would be advantageous to define the real utility of its use. This study aimed to compare blind exploration of the common bile duct (CBD) with choledochoscopy-assisted CBD stone removal in terms of patient outcome and complication rate.  相似文献   

Summary To verify the appropriateness of sphincterotomy as the treatment of choice of choledocholithiasis, since 1980 we have been using endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatographic (ERCP) manometry of the sphincter of Oddi (SO). This method allows direct investigation of SO motor activity and provides useful information regarding the presence of benign papillary stenosis (BPS). Thirty-four patients were investigated because the radiological examination indicated BPS might be present. Of these, 20 had common bile duct (CBD) stones, while the remaining 14 presented with biliarylike pain and one or more of the following: CBD dilation (larger than 12 mm); emptying of the ERCP contrast medium took longer than 45 min; abnormal liver function tests. Moreover, 8 healthy volunteers served as controls. Our results show that the incidence of SO motor anomalies is very low in the presence of choledocholithiasis, while it is substantial in patients with suspected SO dysfunction. These observations would suggest that, unlike the traditional view, BPS is rarely secondary to biliary lithiasis. Therefore, most of the sphincterotomies performed that are based on the assumption of underlying SO pathology should be considered unnecessary. Under these circumstances, the physiological role of a functioning SO has induced us to advocate sphincterotomy, surgical or endoscopic, in selected cases only.  相似文献   

It has been more than 30 years since the introduction of endoscopic sphincterotomy for the management of choledocholithiasis. Once introduced, this endoscopic intervention subsequently enabled clinicians to witness the natural history of leaving the gallbladder in situ once the common duct calculi were removed. Because many people were free of symptoms once the common bile duct was cleared of stones, patients and physicians alike soon questioned whether it was necessary to remove the gallbladder at all. Despite more than two decades of clinical research and numerous published reports, the answer to this question remains elusive. Similarly, the management algorithm for choledocholithiasis in patients with an intact gallbladder remains controversial. We review the available key data regarding this question. Importantly, there are only three prospective, randomized trials that have examined the need for cholecystectomy after endoscopic sphincterotomy, with case studies constituting most of the published reports. Consequently, the literature on this topic remains inconclusive, weakened by its retrospective approach, considerable variability between the patients studied, inconsistent inclusion and exclusion criteria, and frequently poor patient follow-up. Nonetheless, the preponderance of data favor removing the gallbladder after endoscopically clearing the common bile duct of gallstones because an estimated 25% of patients will experience recurrent symptoms within a 2-year follow up period. Recognizing the existence of various mitigating clinical factors, we advocate adopting a selective wait-and-see approach for high-risk patients, especially those with a life expectancy of less than 2 years or severely debilitating comorbidities.  相似文献   



The aim of this study was to assess laparoscopic treatment of choledocholithiasis with respect to the surgeon’s experience.


From January 1994 to December 2006, 130 patients underwent laparoscopic treatment for common bile duct stones found with intraoperative cholangiography. Two types of surgeons were defined: junior surgeons with fewer than ten laparoscopic common bile duct explorations performed and experienced surgeons with more than ten. The two patient populations (n = 65 in each group) were similar in regard to demographic data, clinical presentations (complicated or not), and ASA score.


Results show that junior surgeons had significantly more patients with a common bile duct (CBD) diameter <7 mm compared to experienced surgeons (66 % vs. 38 %; p = 0.002). Primary closure of choledochotomy was performed by senior rather than junior surgeons significantly more often (87.5 % vs. 69 %; p = 0.05). Mean operating time was found to be longer for junior operators than for experienced surgeons (220 ± 71 min vs. 169 ± 71 min; p = 0.0006). There was no difference between group 1 (juniors) and group 2 (experienced surgeons) in regard to laparotomy conversion rate (9 % vs. 1.5 %; p = 0.1), complete common bile duct clearance (98 % vs. 100 %, p = ns), postoperative complications (two bile leaks in group 1 and one in group 2), and hospital stay (9 days vs. 7.5 days). In multivariate analysis, the transcystic approach was not influenced by the surgeon’s experience. Experienced surgeons performed choledochotomy with primary closure more easily [RR = 3 (range = 1.1–8); p = 0.04]. Complicated presentations [RR = 2 (0.7–3); p = 0.08] and CBD diameter [RR = 2.5 (0.96–7); p = 0.06] influenced the choice of type of closure of choledochotomy without any significant value.


Surgeon’s experience influenced operating time and type of choledochotomy closure performed but had no influence on postoperative results of the laparoscopic treatment of common bile duct stones.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The essential minimum of hepatic segmentectomy combined with caudate lobectomy (parenchyma-preserving hepatectomy) has been recommended particularly for high-risk patients with hilar bile duct cancer to minimize the risk of postoperative liver failure. This quality control study investigated whether parenchyma-preserving hepatectomy is a "noble option" in the surgical treatment of hilar bile duct cancer. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A total of 53 patients with hilar bile duct cancer underwent surgical resection. These patients were retrospectively classified into a major hepatectomy group (major Hx, n=30), a parenchyma-preserving hepatectomy group (preserving Hx, n=11), and a hilar bile duct resection group (HBDR, n=12). A preserving Hx consisted of caudate lobectomy, either alone (n=3), or combined with resection of segment 4 (S4, n=4), or S58 (n=3) or S458 (n=1). The preserving Hx was used for high-risk patients in whom tumor tissue was diagnosed to be Bismuth type I and II by preoperative selective percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography. RESULTS: The mean numbers of hepatico-jejunostomies were 2.8, 4.8, and 4.6 in the respective groups. Mortality rates including hospital death were 13.3%, 0%, and 0% respectively. Morbidity rates were 46.7%, 54.5%, and 33.3%. The preserving Hx group encountered no liver failure (T.Bil>10 mg/dl, encephalopathy) but acquired hyperbilirubinemia (T.Bil>5 mg/dl), pulmonary insufficiency and other complications at the same frequency as in the major Hx group. The survival rates in the three groups were 35.6%, 52.5%, and 48.6% at 3 years and 25.2%, 14.9%, and 24.3% at 5 years respectively. Curability rates (R0 to R1+2) were 76.7%, 54.5% and 50.0%, respectively. Preserving Hx tended to result in higher frequencies of positive transmural margins (e.g., cancer cells remaining around the right hepatic artery or the portal vein). CONCLUSIONS: Preserving hepatectomy for high-risk patients should be limited strictly to patients who do not have tumors which are not invading adjacent organs (e.g., T2) nor a segmental duct and are confined longitudinally to the right or the left.  相似文献   

Frede T  Hammady A  Klein J  Teber D  Inaki N  Waseda M  Buess G  Rassweiler J 《European urology》2007,51(4):1015-22; discussion 1022
OBJECTIVE: Complex laparoscopic procedures in urology are technically demanding with an extended learning curve. Robotic systems add significant cost to laparoscopic procedures. We therefore evaluated the use of the Radius Surgical System (RSS), a mechanical manipulator, for complex laparoscopic cases in urology. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The RSS (Tuebingen Scientific) consists of two hand-guided surgical manipulators and provides a deflectable and rotatable tip allowing six degrees of freedom. We evaluated the system by using a series of standardized models in the pelvitrainer. We analyzed the effectiveness of the system and the learning curve. We then evaluated the system in the clinical setting during laparoscopic radical prostatectomy. RESULTS: Surgeons with experience on the RSS were compared to surgeons without previous experience on the system. We identified a learning curve in those participants without experience on the system only when performing complete anastomoses in the pelvitrainer. However, this learning curve included less than 10 anastomoses. The first clinical experiences during laparoscopic extraperitoneal radical prostatectomy (n=10) are promising. All anastomoses were patent on routine (X-ray) examination 8 days after surgery. CONCLUSIONS: The RSS system is easy to use and we identified a very short learning curve. We now optimize the system for use in urology. This device may facilitate complex laparoscopic procedures without the use of costly robotic systems and should be further evaluated in the experimental and clinical setting.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to analyze the treatment outcomes for staghorn stones in patients with solitary kidney using either the single-tract or the multi-tract minimally invasive percutaneous nephrolithotomy (MPCNL). We retrospectively reviewed 105 patients who underwent MPCNL for staghorn calculi in solitary kidney from 2012 to 2014. The patients who underwent the single-tract approach (71 patients) were assigned to Group 1. The 34 patients who underwent the multi-tract approach (34 patients) were assigned to Group 2. We recorded and compared the patient’s demographics, intraoperative parameters, and post-operative outcomes. We also analyzed any complications as a result of the particular procedure, as well as any resulting stone-free rates (SFRs). The mean number of access tracts was 2.38 ± 0.70 (range 2–4) for Group 2. The mean operative time was longer for Group 2, p = 0.01. The initial SFR was 52.1 % for Group 1 and 47.1 % for Group 2 after the one-session procedure, p = 0.63.The final SFR improved to 83.1 and 79.4 % for both groups following auxiliary treatment, p = 0.65. The mean hemoglobin drop was higher in Group 2 as compared to Group 1, p < 0.01. There was no significant difference in the change of mean serum creatinine in either group. There were fewer overall complications in Group 1 than in Group 2 (23.9 vs. 44.1 %). Almost half of the patients who underwent multi-tract MPCNL required an additional procedure to achieve satisfactory stone clearance. The results showed that single-tract MPCNL might be a better treatment option for staghorn stones in a solitary kidney with the same therapeutic outcome, but with less complications.  相似文献   

Since the results of surgical resection and transplantation in the treatment of central bile duct carcinomas have been poor and neither radiotherapy nor chemotherapy has shown promising results, a new attempt to achieve curative resection has been made to combine liver transplantation with the Kausch-Whipple operation. With this operation the complete biliary system can be resected without touching the region of the hepatoduodenal ligament. Our intention is to avoid tumor cell spread by this no-touch technique. Tumor cell spread is very likely to occur with the commonly used technique of close dissection near the centrally located carcinoma. In the seven patients operated on so far, we observed that the combination of total hepatectomy, partial duodenopancreatectomy and liver transplantation can be performed with fewer postoperative problems than cluster transplantation and probably has the same oncological benefit in terms of more radical resections at least for central biliary carcinomas. Theoretically, the radicalness of the resection should be greater than with liver transplantation or bile duct resection alone. Whether this concept helps to achieve better results in surgical treatment of early Klatskin tumors can only be evaluated after a longer follow-up. So far, six of seven patients have survived the operation without great problems and have been discharged from the hospital. The quality of life after this procedure seems to be better than with total pancreatic resection or even with replacement of the pancreas.
Die erweiterte resektion des gallenganges — ein neues onkologisches konzept zur behandlung zentraler Gallengangskarzinome. Beschreibung der methode und frühergebnisse
Zusammenfassung Da die bisherigen Ergebnisse der chirurgischen Therapie von Gallengangskarzinomen ungünstig sind und weder Bestrahlung noch Chemotherapie ermutigende Ergebnisse zeigen, wurde in einem neuen Ansatz der Versuch unternommen, durch die Kombination von Lebertransplantation und Operation nach Kausch-Whipple eine kurative Resektion zu erreichen. Bei diesem Verfahren kann das gesamte Gallengangsystem ohne wesentliche Manipulation am Ligamentum hepatoduodenale reseziert werden. Es ist beabsichtigt, bei dieser No-touch-Technik intraoperative Tumorzellaussaat zu verhindern, welche bei der herkömmlichen Technik der Präparation an einem zentral gelegenen Gallengangskarzinom sehr leicht auftreten kann. An den bislang operierten 7 Patienten konnte gezeigt werden, daß die Kombination von Lebertransplantation mit partieller Duodenopankreatektomie weniger postoperative Probleme erzeugt als die sogenannte Clustertransplantation und speziell für Gallengangskarzinome wahrscheinlich denselben onkologischen Vorteil erhöhter Radikalität bietet. Zumindest theoretisch sollte die Radikalität im Vergleich zur alleinigen Transplantation verbessert sein. Ob dieses Konzept bessere Ergebnisse bei der chirurgischen Behandlung früher Klatskin-Tumoren erlaubt, kann erst nach einem längeren Nachbeobachtungszeitraum beurteilt werden. Bis jetzt haben 6 von 7 Patienten die Operation überlebt und konnten nach Hause entlassen werden. Die Lebensqualität scheint nach dieser Operation besser zu sein als nach totaler Pankreatektomie oder nach Pankreastransplantation.

The firm opposition of public opinion and the reduction in public funding have remarkably curtailed the role of experimental surgery which several years ago was a key aspect of the activity of a surgical department. Experimental surgery in large animals has been virtually banned and experimental research in small animals requires the use of complex microsurgical techniques. In our opinion, experimental surgery is still useful in order to test new surgical devices and new drugs, especially in the field of transplant surgery. Another important function of experimental surgery is to facilitate the training of surgical residents in order to speed up the process of acquiring experience and expertise. Public opinion can be reassured because the legislation is very strict and safeguards the well-being of animals.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The value of endoprostheses for long-term management of bile duct stones has not been formally established. We retrospectively compared the results of this method versus surgical approach in elderly patients (>70 years) with endoscopically irretrievable bile duct stones. METHODS: From January 1990 to September 1998, 68 patients over 70 years old underwent endoscopic biliary stenting (group A: 31 patients) or surgery (group B: 37 patients) for endoscopically irretrievable bile duct stones. The groups were similar with regard to gender, age, clinical presentation, ASA score, and number and size of the stones. RESULTS: Successful biliary drainage was achieved in 31 of 31 patients of group A and 37 of 37 patients of group B. Early complications occurred in 12.9% of group A versus 29.7% of group B (P <0.005) and early mortality was 0% in group A versus 2.7% of group B (P = NS). Over the long-term follow-up, late complications occurred in 35.5% of group A versus 8.1 % of group B (P <0.001). Three cases of biliary-related death occurred in group A versus 0 in group B (9.6% versus 0%: P <0.005). CONCLUSIONS: For immediate bile duct drainage endoprostheses proved a safe and effective alternative to surgery in elderly patients with endoscopically irretrievable bile duct stones. Because of the risk of subsequent complications, their use as a definitive treatment should be restricted to highly selected cases.  相似文献   

Is there still a role for open surgery in the management of renal stones?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: In the last few decades, with the improvement in endourological surgery and the invention and evolution of extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy, the indications for open surgery in stone disease have become rare, although open surgery still has a role in selected cases. In this review we discuss the current indications of open surgery for the elimination of urinary calculi. RECENT FINDINGS: A MEDLINE and MeSH search was performed to evaluate currently available guidelines on open stone surgery and identify the evidence-based medicine that support the role of open surgery in treating urinary lithiasis. The latest papers published on open stone surgery are reviewed and conclusions are drawn, based on their results. SUMMARY: Open stone surgery should be avoided in most cases, but should be considered for those patients in whom a reasonable number of less invasive procedures would not be useful. The most common indications for open stone surgery include complex stone burden, failure of extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy or endourological treatment and anatomical abnormalities (such as ureteropelvic junction obstruction and infundibular stenosis with or without renal caliceal diverticulum). The level of evidence for the currently available guidelines is not adequate, mainly because of lack of properly designed, large prospective randomized trials that compare different treatment options.  相似文献   

Wright BE  Freeman ML  Cumming JK  Quickel RR  Mandal AK 《Surgery》2002,132(4):729-35; discussion 735-7
BACKGROUND: Although laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) and therapeutic endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) have revolutionized the management of secondary common bile duct (CBD) stones, the use of these modalities as a single-stage procedure remains controversial. The aim of this study is to determine whether LC and intraoperative ERCP as a single procedure has any advantages to LC and either preoperative or postoperative therapeutic ERCP performed in 2 stages. METHODS: A retrospective 5-year review involved all patients undergoing both LC and ERCP for management of CBD stones from January 1997 to December 2001. Patients were categorized into 3 groups: (1) preoperative ERCP, followed by LC (ERCP then LC); (2) LC, followed by postoperative ERCP (LC then ERCP); and (3) LC with intraoperative ERCP as a single procedure (LC/ERCP). RESULTS: Sixty-seven patients were treated for secondary CBD stones. Forty-three patients underwent ERCP then LC, 10 underwent LC then ERCP, and 14 patients underwent LC/ERCP. There were no differences among the groups in terms of patient demographics or overall complication rates. CBD access and stone clearance was achieved in all 67 (100%) patients, with 1 mild ERCP-related complication in the ERCP-then-LC group. Overall complication rates, hospital length of stay, and total hospital charges were not statistically different among the 3 groups. CONCLUSION: Single-stage LC/ERCP provides efficacious therapy for CBD stones and may be beneficial in select patients who may not tolerate a second anesthetic procedure.  相似文献   

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