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Many people who are interested in learning about usability testing have trouble finding an entry point into the literature in the field. This briefly annotated bibliography addresses their needs by identifying recent, reasonably accessible articles and books organized in the following categories: general introduction to usability testing; usability testing of documentation (the process and general methods and tools); print documentation (discussions and examples of tests); and online documentation (discussions and examples of tests); the human-machine interface (the process, general methods and tools, and discussions and examples of tests); and textbooks on research design  相似文献   

Grid computing is emerging as the foundation upon which virtual organizations can be built. Such organizations are becoming of increasing importance for tackling various projects, both in academic and in business fields. This paper is concerned with presenting an integrated view of the grid to readers interested in understanding it, or perhaps in developing it further or making use of it in the future. The target view is based on the STOPE (strategy/technology/organization/people/environment) framework that has previously been used to integrate the issues of various information technology problems over its well‐defined domains. For strategy, the view considers the reasons associated with the need for the grid, including grid services and grid benefits. For technology, the technical components of the grid and their functions are taken into account. For organization, the organizations concerned with the development, technology production, service provisioning and use of the grid are considered. For people, those associated with the grid in the related organizations are taken into account. For the environment, rules, practices and support associated with the grid are discussed. Finally, the paper emphasizes questions that need to be answered in order to contribute to the future development of the grid. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, the unique features of periodic magneto-dielectric meta-materials in electromagnetics are addressed. These materials, which are arranged in periodic configurations, are applied for the design of novel EM structures with applications in the VHF-UHF bands. The utility of these materials is demonstrated by considering two challenging problems, namely, design of miniaturized electromagnetic band-gap (EBG) structures and antennas in the VHF-UHF bands. A woodpile EBG made up of magneto-dielectric material is proposed. It is shown that the magneto-dielectric woodpile not only exhibits band-gap rejection values much higher than the ordinary dielectric woodpile, but also for the same physical dimensions it shows a rejection band at a much lower frequency. The higher rejection is a result of higher effective impedance contrasts between consecutive layers of the magneto-dielectric woodpile structure. Composite magneto-dielectrics are also shown to provide certain advantages when used as substrates for planar antennas. These substrates are used to miniaturize antennas while maintaining a relatively high bandwidth and efficiency. An artificial anisotropic meta-substrate having /spl mu//sub r/>/spl epsiv//sub r/, made up of layered magneto-dielectric and dielectric materials is designed to maximize the bandwidth of a miniaturized patch antenna. Analytical and numerical approaches, based on the anisotropic effective medium theory (AEMT) and the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) technique, are applied to carry out the analyzes and fully characterize the performance of finite and infinite periodic magneto-dielectric meta-materials integrated into the EBG and antenna designs.  相似文献   

Recently, programming tools have become available to researchers and scientists that allow the use of video cards for general-purpose calculations in computational electromagnetics applications. Over the past few years, developments in the field of graphic processing units (GPUs) for video cards have vastly outpaced their general central processing unit (CPU) counterparts. As specifically applied to vector mathematic operations, the newest generation GPUs can generally outperform current CPU architecture by a wide margin. With the addition of large onboard memory units with significantly higher memory bandwidth than those found in the main system, graphic cards can be utilized as a highly efficient vector mathematic coprocessor. In the past, this power has been harnessed by writing low-level assembly code for the video cards. Recently, new tools have become available to make programming possible in high-level languages. By formulating proper procedures to realize general vector computations on the GPU, it will be possible to increase the processing power available by at least an order of magnitude compared to the current generation of CPUs.  相似文献   

MobiSoC: a middleware for mobile social computing applications   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Recently, we started to experience a shift from physical communities to virtual communities, which leads to missed social opportunities in our daily routine. For instance, we are not aware of neighbors with common interests or nearby events. Mobile social computing applications (MSCAs) promise to improve social connectivity in physical communities by leveraging information about people, social relationships, and places. This article presents MobiSoC, a middleware that enables MSCA development and provides a common platform for capturing, managing, and sharing the social state of physical communities. Additionally, it incorporates algorithms that discover previously unknown emergent geo-social patterns to augment this state. To demonstrate MobiSoC's feasibility, we implemented and tested on smart phones two MSCAs for location-based mobile social matching and place-based ad hoc social collaboration. Experimental results showed that MobiSoC can provide good response time for 1,000 users. We also demonstrated that an adaptive localization scheme and carefully chosen cryptographic methods can significantly reduce the resource consumption associated with the location engine and security on smart phones. A user study of the mobile social matching application proved that geo-social patterns can double the quality of social matches and that people are willing to share their location with MobiSoC in order to benefit from MSCAs.
Cristian Borcea (Corresponding author)Email:

One of the most important steps in the development of any numerical code is the validation of the implementation by comparison of the results obtained for a set of test cases to the exact solution. In the context of codes developed for high-frequency electromagnetics, this usually means comparing computed results to analytical solutions. Obtaining these analytical solutions can be a nontrivial problem, although fortunately it need only be implemented once, and can then be used repeatedly to validate any new code. This paper concentrates on finding the analytical solution to eigenvalue problems for a range of standard geometries, as well as the near-field solution for plane-wave scattering from a PEC sphere. The solutions are implemented using the Python programming language and the SciPy library of scientific functions.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional Fourier transform (FT) of a linear function with triangular support is derived in its coordinate-free representation. The Fourier transform of this distribution is derived in three steps. First, the 2-D FT of a constant (top hat) function is obtained. Next, the distribution is generalized to a linearly varying function. Finally, the formulation is extended to a coordinate-free representation which is the 3-D FT of the 2-D function defined over a surface. This formulation is applied to the near-field computation, yielding accurate numerical solutions  相似文献   

Industrial applications of soft computing: a review   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Fuzzy logic, neural networks, and evolutionary computation are the core methodologies of soft computing (SC). SC is causing a paradigm shift in engineering and science fields since it can solve problems that have not been able to be solved by traditional analytic methods. In addition, SC yields rich knowledge representation, flexible knowledge acquisition, and flexible knowledge processing, which enable intelligent systems to be constructed at low cost. This paper reviews applications of SC in several industrial fields to show the various innovations by TR, HMIQ, and low cost in industries that have been made possible by the use of SC. Our paper intends to remove the gap between theory and practice and attempts to learn how to apply soft computing practically to industrial systems from examples/analogy, reviewing many application papers  相似文献   

Soft computing (SC) is an emerging collection of methodologies which aims to exploit tolerance for imprecision, uncertainty, and partial truth to achieve robustness, tractability, and low total cost. It differs from conventional hard computing (HC) in the sense that, unlike hard computing, it is strongly based on intuition or subjectivity. Therefore, soft computing provides an attractive opportunity to represent the ambiguity in human thinking with real life uncertainty. Fuzzy logic (FL), neural networks (NN), and genetic algorithms (GA) are the core methodologies of soft computing. However, FL, NN, and GA should not be viewed as competing with each other, but synergistic and complementary instead. Considering the number of available journal and conference papers on various combinations of these three methods, it is easy to conclude that the fusion of individual soft computing methodologies has already been advantageous in numerous applications. On the other hand, hard computing solutions are usually more straightforward to analyze; their behavior and stability are more predictable; and, the computational burden of algorithms is typically either low or moderate. These characteristics. are particularly important in real-time applications. Thus, it is natural to see SC and HC as potentially complementary methodologies. Novel combinations of different methods are needed when developing high-performance, cost-effective, and safe products for the demanding global market. We present an overview of applications in which the fusion of soft computing and hard computing has provided innovative solutions for challenging real-world problems. A carefully selected list of references is considered with evaluative discussions and conclusions.  相似文献   

A thin-slot formalism proposed by Gilbert and Holland (1981) for use with finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) electromagnetics codes has been evaluated in both two and three dimensions. This formalism allows narrow slots to be modeled in the wall of a scatterer without reducing the spatial grid size to the slot width. In two dimensions, the evaluation involves the calculation of the total fields near two infinitesimally thin coplanar strips separated by a gap. A method-of-moments (MoM) solution of the same problem serves as a benchmark for comparison. Results in two dimensions show that up to 10 percent error can be expected in total electric and magnetic fields both near (λ/40) and far (1 λ) from the gap. In three dimensions, the evaluation is similar. The finite-length slot is placed in a finite plate and an MoM surface patch solution is used for the benchmark. These data show that slightly larger errors can be expected  相似文献   

A leaky-wave antenna is developed from a novel dielectric waveguide for millimeter wave applications. Design formulas and data are provided, and measured and computed results are presented for a prototype model.  相似文献   

The main objectives of this paper are to characterize and develop insight into the performance of photonic bandgap (PBG) periodic dielectric materials and to integrate the results into some novel applications. A powerful computational engine utilizing the finite-difference time-domain technique with periodic boundary conditions/perfectly matched layers integrated with Prony's method is applied to provide an in-depth look at the physics of PBG/periodic bandgap structures. Next, the results are incorporated into two classes of applications in the areas of nanocavity lasers and guidance of electromagnetic (EM) waves in sharp bends. A two-dimensional PBG structure with finite thickness is presented to strongly localize the EM waves in three directions and design a high-Q nanocavity laser. It is shown that the periodic PBG/total internal reflections remarkably trap the EM waves inside the defect region. The effect of the number of periodic cells and defect's dielectric constant on the Q of structure is investigated. It has been found that a seven-layer PBG with a dielectric impurity defect can be used in the design of a laser with a Q as high as 1050. Additionally, potential applications of the PBG structures for guiding the EM waves in sharp bends, namely, 90/spl deg/ and 60/spl deg/ channels are demonstrated. It is shown that shaping the bend by introducing small holes can noticeably improve the guidance of the waves at the bends and channel the EM waves with great efficiency. A comparative study between PBG and effective dielectric materials in controlling the EM waves is also provided and it is observed that the novel characteristics of the PBG cannot be modeled using the effective material for the frequencies within the bandgap.  相似文献   

A lenslike glass fiber guide with a parabolic variation of refractive index has been developed. This optical guide named SELFOC® has the following characteristics: simultaneous transmission of laser beams modulated by wide-band signals through narrow space; optical image transmission; realization of a lens with tiny aperture or with extremely short focal length; and the possibility of being bent with a small radius of curvature without spoiling transmission characteristics. In the case of a typical fiber guide with length 1 meter and diameter 0.3 mm, transmission loss is about 0.2 dB and depolarization is about 20 dB at wavelength 0.63μ. The mode pattern of a laser beam after passing through the fiber guide is scarcely deformed. The fiber guide can be used as a transmission line or lens, in optical communication, optical data processing, and optical instruments.  相似文献   

A novel class of special functions for electromagnetics is presented. Formed by the incomplete Hankel and modified Bessel functions, this class allows solving electromagnetics problems concerning truncated cylindrical structures. The differential and recurrence equations of these functions feature additional terms with respect to the classical theory of the Hankel and Bessel functions. The general properties, the most important analytical characteristics, and the large argument asymptotic approximations of the incomplete functions are derived using the steepest descent path (SDP) technique, showing that each special function splits into two terms. The first one has a discontinuous character and is linked to the saddle-point(s) contribution(s), while the second one, arising from the integral end-point contribution(s), compensates exactly the said discontinuity. In the solution of electromagnetic problems, the first term describes the geometrical optics (GO) field, the diffracted field being described by the second one. The general theory is employed to find the closed form analytical solution of the field radiated from a uniform line current source. Using the properties of the incomplete Hankel functions, it is demonstrated that this source excites cylindrical fields having optical character. Finally, the shape of the spatial regions where the GO solution cannot be applied is determined and discussed in details.  相似文献   

Aiming to meet the growing demand for observation and analysis in power systems that based on Internet of Things (IoT), machine learning technology has been adopted to deal with the data-intensive power electronics applications in IoT. By feeding previous power electronic data into the learning model, accurate information is drawn, and the quality of IoT-based power services is improved. Generally, the data-intensive electronic applications with machine learning are split into numerous data/control constrained tasks by workflow technology. The efficient execution of this data-intensive Power Workflow (PW) needs massive computing resources, which are available in the cloud infrastructure. Nevertheless, the execution efficiency of PW decreases due to inappropriate sub-task and data placement. In addition, the power consumption explodes due to massive data acquisition. To address these challenges, a PW placement method named PWP is devised. Specifically, the Non-dominated Sorting Differential Evolution (NSDE) is used to generate placement strategies. The simulation experiments show that PWP achieves the best trade-off among data acquisition time, power consumption, load distribution and privacy preservation, confirming that PWP is effective for the placement problem.  相似文献   

Single-user interactive computer applications are pervasive in our work and daily lives. Commonly used single-user interactive applications include text editors such as Notepad and Emacs, word processors such as Office Word and OpenOffice Writer, spreadsheet tools such as Office Excel and OpenOffice Calculator, slide authoring and presentation tools such as Office PowerPoint and OpenOffice Impress, Web authoring tools such as FrontPage and Dreamweaver, CAD systems such as AutoCAD and Catia, and media creation tools such as Maya and 3D Studio Max. The choices for real-time collaborative applications, however, are limited. Most advanced real-time collaborative applications are research prototypes with limited functionalities and usability. The vast majority of existing commercial applications were designed for single users, and future applications' design is expected to continue to be single-user-centric.  相似文献   

An original and general method is proposed to predict the impact of electromagnetic effects due to the environment on the error performance of microwave communications systems. The method is based on the concept of a process-oriented model which consists of a simplified representation of the physical phenomenon responsible for transmission impairments and simulates its influence on the signals received by any given communications link. The method yields a thorough characterization of the system impairments in both the time domain, by calculating the fluctuations of the received signal during the evolution of the physical process, and the frequency domain, by inferring the communication channel transfer function from the frequency dependence of the received waveform. In addition, by introducing the simulated channel transfer function as a filter in a communications system simulation software, the method evaluates the degradation induced in the system performance. Three applications as different as scintillation due to turbulence in clouds, depolarization by rain and ice crystals, and interference in the presence of diffraction on obstacles demonstrate the ability of the method to deal with actual radio-communications system impairments  相似文献   

Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) has been considered a promising solution that can address capacity and performance challenges in legacy systems such as Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC). In particular, such challenges include intolerable delay, congestion in the core network, insufficient Quality of Experience (QoE), high cost of resource utility, such as energy and bandwidth. The aforementioned challenges originate from limited resources in mobile devices, the multi-hop connection between end-users and the cloud, high pressure from computation-intensive and delay-critical applications. Considering the limited resource setting at the MEC, improving the efficiency of task offloading in terms of both energy and delay in MEC applications is an important and urgent problem to be solved. In this paper, the key objective is to propose a task offloading scheme that minimizes the overall energy consumption along with satisfying capacity and delay requirements. Thus, we propose a MEC-assisted energy-efficient task offloading scheme that leverages the cooperative MEC framework. To achieve energy efficiency, we propose a novel hybrid approach established based on Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Grey Wolf Optimizer (GWO) to solve the optimization problem. The proposed approach considers efficient resource allocation such as sub-carriers, power, and bandwidth for offloading to guarantee minimum energy consumption. The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed strategy is computational-efficient compared to benchmark methods. Moreover, it improves energy utilization, energy gain, response delay, and offloading utility.  相似文献   

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