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采用WOA13气候态季节温度数据,利用绝对梯度法对东海黑潮不同水深海洋锋的季节变化特征进行了分析,得出结论:东海黑潮温度锋具有显著的季节变化特征,它的范围和强度存在多个大值区,不同季节,温度锋的大值区存在于不同深度。在200 m以浅海域,按照冬季、春季、夏季的季节顺序,温度锋的大值区由表层逐渐增加到100 m层处;在200 m以深海域温度锋的大值区没有季节变化,大值区大约出现在400 m层附近。  相似文献   

横穿黑潮锋断面的流场结构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于一组简化了的运动方程组,在充分考虑底Ekman层作用的情况下,提出一种横穿锋面的断面上流场结构的计算方法。应用该方法对东海横穿黑潮锋的不同断面上的流场(1989-1990年资料)进行计算。结果表明,黑潮锋左侧(向岸侧)存在较强的上升流,而锋区右侧(离岸侧)表现为海水的下降运动。垂直流速为(1-20)×10-3cm/s的量级,而横穿锋面方向的水平流速为1-3cm/s,其中以夏、秋季跃层附近最强。在陆架坡折处,上升流转向陆架。同时,还分析了正压场和斜压场对这种流场的不同贡献,认为在黑潮区,正压场起主要作用;而在内陆架区,斜压场则变得重要。将计算的流场与硝酸盐的分布比较表明,两者有较好的对应关系。  相似文献   

基于东海PN断面多年CTD实测资料,主要从PN断面上的温盐结构和声场结构两个方面进行研究,统计分析PN断面上东海黑潮边界锋的水文要素特征。文章利用Matlab软件对资料中所涉及的温盐数据绘制等值线图,描绘出PN断面上关于测站位置、温盐分布特点,利用Mackenzie公式计算声速分布及其变化,从而构成温、盐、声三种要素的断面分布图。此外还进一步分析了PN断面温盐断面结构,得到黑潮锋的分布与强度特征。并对黑潮锋的季节变化规律进行分析,得出夏秋季节黑潮在PN断面上的海洋锋强度相对于冬春季节要大、冬季最弱等结论。  相似文献   

分形方法分析和预测月平均海面水温   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
付昱华 《海洋预报》1995,12(1):49-54
本文用分段变维分形方法分析了西北太平洋30°N、125°E坐标点处1949~1975年各年月平均海面水温资料,给出各年分形分布的平均分线数D.应用分形方法还给出了某些情况下适用的,根据任一点处1~8月月平均海面水温预测9~12月月平均海面水温的方法.  相似文献   

海面水温与台风关系的分形分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文用分形方法分析了西北太平洋53个坐标点1949-1975年多年逐月平均海面水温资料,结果表明西北太平洋逐月平均海面水温呈分形分布,而且其分维数D与台风总数有关,即D值高的月份台风总数也多。  相似文献   

加权分形分析和预测月平均海面水温   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
付昱华 《海洋通报》1996,15(2):69-76

南海上层水温分布的季节特征   总被引:27,自引:2,他引:27  
为对南海上层水温分布特征有一总体认识,利用气候平均的1°×1°网格的Levitus资料,分析了南海0-200m层共10个等深面上的季平均温度分布状况。结果表明,南海上层水温分布的季节变化明显,季风和太阳辐射对水温分布有显著影响,四季平均水温分布与平均环流状况对应较好。冬、春两季在吕宋岛西北海域有一冷涡(即吕宋冷涡),夏、秋季在越南沿岸出现另一冷涡(即越南冷涡)。这两个冷涡均对应着本海区尺度较小的气旋式环流和正的风应力旋度。吕宋冷涡还与黑潮在吕宋海峡的形变有关,越南冷涡则与局地强上升流有联系。  相似文献   

本文基于历史资料(1934~1988)和近期中、日黑潮合作调查结果分析指出,东海黑潮锋在其三维结构和季节变化等方面皆存在较明显的区域性差异.初步研究表明,地形效应是导致上述差异的主导因素.同时,季风和海面冷却在产生东海黑潮锋的区域性差异中亦起着重要的作用.  相似文献   

平移分形分析和预测月平均海面水温   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
付昱华 《海洋预报》1996,13(2):63-68
本文给出平移分形的概念,即对某一区段内的数据点的r坐标进行平移处理,使这些数据点位于双对数坐标上的一条直线上。应用平移分形分析了西北太平洋30°N、125°E坐标点的月平均海面水温资料,并根据该点某年4-8月的月平均海面水温预测该点该年9-12月的月平均海面水温。  相似文献   

为提高侧扫声呐图像中沉船等目标信息的识别精度和识别效率,根据盒维数、毯维数与多重分形谱的侧扫声呐图像纹理特征提取算法,构建了基于分形纹理特征的Adaboost级联分类器沉船目标识别流程。结合实测侧扫声呐图像数据进行水下沉船识别实验,并与灰度共生矩阵和Tamura纹理特征的识别结果进行对比。研究表明,基于分形纹理特征的识别方法综合考虑了图像全局与局部纹理特征,且不依赖人工选取阈值参数与特征向量,可有效提高目标识别精度和识别效率。  相似文献   

The position and strength of the surface Kuroshio Extension Front (KEF), defined as the sea surface temperature (SST) gradient maximum adjacent to the Kuroshio Extension (KE) axis (approximated by a specific SSH contour consistently located at, or near, the maximum of the SSH gradient magnitude), have been studied using weekly, microwave SST measurements from the later 1997 to early 2008. The mean KEF meanders twice around ∼36°N between the east coast of Japan and 153°E. It then migrates southeast to ∼34°N, just before reaching the Shatsky Rise (∼158°E), then progresses mostly eastward. Spatially, the KEF is strongest near the Japan coast, while it is seasonally strongest in winter and weakest in summer. Low-frequency variations of its strength, most notably in its upstream region, can be related to the known bimodal states of the KE. During 2003–2005, when the KE was in its stable state, the winter KEF SST gradient exceeded 10°C/100 km.  相似文献   

黑潮延伸体海表温度锋位置的变化特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
High spatial resolution sea surface temperature(SST) data from 1993 to 2013 are used to detect the position of the Kuroshio Extension sea surface temperature front(KEF) from 141°E to 158°E,and the seasonal,monthly and interannual-to-decadal variations of the KEF position are investigated.The latitudinal position of the KEF varies with longitudes:the westernmost part of the KEF from 141°E to 144°E is relatively stable,whereas the easternmost part from 153°E to 158°E exhibits the largest amplitude of its north-south displacement.In the light of the magnitudes of the standard deviations at longitudes,then the KEF is divided into three sections:western part of the KEF(KEFw,141°–144°E),central part of the KEF(KEFc,144°–153°E) and eastern part of the KEF(KEFe,153°–158°E).Further analysis reveals that the KEFw position is dominated by the decadal variability,while the KEFc and KEFe positions change significantly both on interannual and decadal time scales.In addition,the KEFw position is well correlated with the KEF path length.The possible mode leading to the decadal oscillation of the KEFw is further discussed.The KEFw position exhibits significant connections with the Pacific decadal oscillation(PDO) index and the north Pacific gyre oscillation(NPGO) index with a time lag of 40 and 33 months,respectively.  相似文献   

分形几何在海底火山地形中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对最近取得的中国南海大陆坡上的火山地形的等高线进行分维测量 ,发现火山及其附近的等高线具有稳定的分维数。利用分维数可以将火山及其附近的地形分成三类 :火山口附近、较陡峭的火山腰部和火山附近较平坦的海底。它们的分维数均低于大陆上等高线的一般分维值 ,平均为 1 .1 1 8。说明玄武岩火山即便不很古老 ,仍可具有标度不变性 ,并且与附近海底一起接受了较厚的海底沉积后 ,又具有了略为不同的分维数。  相似文献   

The application of the fractal geometry in the study of sea-floor volcano   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Theapplicationofthefractalgeometryinthestudyofsea-floorvolcanoTaoChunhui,JinXianglong,LuWenzhengandHuaZugen(ReceivedOctober4,...  相似文献   

日本南部黑潮存在多种路径模态:近岸非大弯曲路径、离岸非大弯曲路径和大弯曲路径。黑潮延伸体的路径存在两种典型模态:收缩态和伸展态。从地理位置看, 日本南部黑潮和黑潮延伸体是相邻的, 但它们的路径状态是否存在关联一直存在争议。本文基于卫星观测的海表高度资料和长期的海洋高分辨率再分析资料, 对日本南部黑潮和黑潮延伸体路径状态之间的关联性进行定量分析, 结果表明:日本南部黑潮和黑潮延伸体的路径状态存在一定的关联。当日本南部黑潮处于近岸非大弯曲和大弯曲路径时, 黑潮延伸体主要处于伸展态; 当日本南部黑潮处于离岸非大弯曲时, 黑潮延伸体处于伸展态和收缩态的比例相当。进一步分析表明, 黑潮流轴处于伊豆海脊的位置部分决定了上述关系, 可能存在其他因素调制了两者的关联性。  相似文献   

混合过程是海洋中普遍存在的一种形式, 对气候变化、物质分布等起到了重要作用。地震海洋学是近十多年发展起来的一门新兴学科, 被广泛应用到物理海洋学问题的研究中, 具有高空间分辨率的突出优点。文章利用反射地震资料, 通过斜率谱方法, 分别获得了吕宋海峡以东黑潮区湍流段与内波段的耗散率及扩散率。结果显示, 在剖面深度200~800m的平均耗散率为10 -7.0W·kg -1, 平均扩散率为10 -3.3m 2·s -1, 比大洋统计均值10 -5.0m 2·s -1高约1~2个量级, 与前人在吕宋海峡的观测结果相一致。湍流段和内波段的扩散率空间分布差异较大: 湍流段扩散率高值区对应强流区域, 推测这里是中尺度涡边缘, 其次中尺度不稳定过程引起扰动增强, 进而引起湍流混合的加强; 内波段扩散率高值区出现在吕宋岛弧附近, 推测是内波遇到岛弧地形发生破碎, 进而引起强的内波混合。  相似文献   

The characteristics of the Kuroshio axis south of Kyushu, which meanders almost sinusoidally, are clarified in relation to the large meander of the Kuroshio by analyzing water temperature data during 1961–95 and sea level during 1984–95. The shape of the Kuroshio axis south of Kyushu is classified into three categories of small, medium, and large amplitude of meander. The small amplitude category occupies more than a half of the large-meander (LM) period, while the medium amplitude category takes up more than a half of the non-large-meander (NLM) period. Therefore, the amplitude and, in turn, the curvature of the Kuroshio axis is smaller on average during the LM period than the NLM period. The mean Kuroshio axis during the LM period is located farther north at every longitude south of Kyushu than during the NLM period, with a slight difference west of the Tokara Islands and a large difference to the east. A northward shift of the Kuroshio axis in particular east of the Tokara Islands induces small amplitude and curvature of the meandering shape during the LM period. During the NLM period, the meandering shape and position south of Kyushu change little with Kuroshio volume transport. In the LM formation stage, the variation of the Kuroshio axis is small west of the Tokara Islands but large to the east due to a small meander of the Kuroshio. In the LM decay stage, the Kuroshio meanders greatly south of Kyushu and is located stably near the coast southeast of Kyushu. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The seasonal variation of the Kuroshio transport south of Japan has been investigated using the results of an assimilation model. Annual and semiannual variations of the transport and dynamic depth anomaly are reconstructed by CEOF (complex orthogonal empirical function) analysis. In the basin west of the Izu-Ogasawara Ridge, the annual component of the variation propagates westward with the phase speed of the long Rossby wave associated with the first baroclinic mode. The variation also shows a similar tendency to that reproduced in a wind-driven, two-layer model with a ridge. This suggests that the annual variation revealed in the assimilation model is associated with the baroclinic first mode of motion excited above the Izu-Ogasawara Ridge. Furthermore, it is found that both the semiannual component and the annual component are important members determining the seasonal variation of the Kuroshio transport south of Japan. The semiannual component is revealed as a double gyre pattern in the basin west of the Izu-Ogasawara Ridge. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

本文根据1988年10月20~24日“向阳红09号”调查船在奄美大岛以西海区进行调查时,在陆架斜坡上的表均温层的底部,即50m附近的深层上,出现一个黑潮锋面涡。不论在平面上形成的特点,还是在断面上水系配置的形式,它与春季黑潮锋面涡的特征极为相似。说明秋季东海同样存在陆架水与黑潮水在水平方向交换与混合。  相似文献   

李爽  詹文欢  姚衍桃 《海洋通报》2019,38(2):210-216
分维数是反映海岸线复杂程度的客观依据。结合国内外海岸线分形研究进展,本文以漠阳江入海口附近海域为研究区,基于Landsat 8 OLI遥感影像对研究区域提取瞬时水边线,并利用潮汐数据进行校正得到海岸线;利用Fractal Fox2.0计算获得该海岸线的分维数为1.071;通过对研究区的分形机制分析,认为漠阳江附近的断裂构造对海岸起宏观控制作用,从而对海岸线的分维值也起了决定作用。根据断裂体系模型计算得到西侧海岸线的理论分维值为1.089,而对数螺线模型计算得到东侧海岸线的分维值为1.171;实际分维值相对理论值偏小,说明海岸带的沉积与侵蚀影响了分维值。此外,根据本区海岸侵蚀原因的分析,对分维机制进行了探究,初步论证的分维值大小可为海岸的冲淤变化研究提供参考。  相似文献   

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