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煤矿风机叶片直径大,转速较低,风量大,所以排风口的噪声峰值的频率也相对较低,治理难度大.目前,国内在此类工程中多采用阻性消声塔或者分段设计阻性(多为片式)-抗性(多为扩张室)消声器来治理风井噪声,而结果往往不理想.为了探讨研究阻-共复合消声器在煤矿风井噪声控制中的应用,结合工程实例,设计了一种新型消声器,技术先进,设计简单且实际可行,费用低,有较高的实用价值.  相似文献   

柴油发电机噪声控制技术的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

分析了饮食业后堂噪声的频率特性,采取隔声、吸声、消声控制技术和防油雾措施,并独创设计了一种排油烟通风复合消声器,解决了同时排油烟和降噪的难题,得出了饮食业后堂噪声综合控制的有效工艺。经2年的实际应用证明,降噪能力强,可满足60dB(A)的区域环境标准的要求,效果稳定,是一项值得推广的技术。特别是排油烟通风复合消声器、通风消声窗及“声闸”的设计参数,可在同类噪声控制中推广应用。  相似文献   

城市天然气加气站位于城市道路和居民区周边。由于加气站地理位置特殊,声源复杂,与周边道路对环境的影响叠加,还要考虑通风散热等问题,噪声治理难度大。目前,国内关于城市天然气加气站的噪声控制研究的报道较少。本研究以合肥市长江西路天然气加气站为例,根据城市天然气加气站加气工艺噪声源及邻近交通噪声对周围环境进行叠加影响预测,根据预测结果和通风散热等工艺要求设计冷却塔安装进风、出风消声器和隔声罩,压缩机安装局部通风隔声罩及压缩机房东墙内安装隔声墙及通风隔声窗等措施。经检验,研究结果好于《工业企业厂界噪声排放标准(GB12348-2008)》中的2类标准的夜间50 dB(A)的标准。该研究设计技术工艺、参数先进合理,费用低且实际简单,为国内天然气加气站噪声预测及治理提供较好的示范作用。  相似文献   

中央空调系统噪声测评与控制对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于中央空调设计缺陷,安装时没有采取有效的减振措施引起机壳振动或管道风量调节不当,导致噪声超标,引发了许多经济纠纷。只有通过对空调系统噪声进行正确测试与合理评价,找出噪声超标的原因,才能化解这方面的矛盾。  相似文献   

由于中央空调设计缺陷,安装时没有采取有效的减振措施引起机壳振动或管道风量调节不当,导致噪声超标,引发了许多经济纠纷。只有通过对空调系统噪声进行正确测试与合理评价,找出噪声超标的原因,才能化解这方面的矛盾。  相似文献   

从多方面初步探讨了公路交通噪声污染控制技术,指出只有综合治理才能最大限度地控制公路交通噪声污染,使公路沿线居民,学校的声环境质量得以最大限度地改善。  相似文献   

道路两侧交通噪声空间变化规律的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、概述交通噪声是影响城市环境质量的主要污染源。控制和降低交通噪声污染已成为城市环境保护工作的重要内容之一。交通噪声的监测评价及控制工作都需要了解交通噪声级的空间变化规律。城市道路纵横交错,各类声级的叠加使空间声场变化相当复杂,因此需要建立基本模型  相似文献   

张小泉剪刀厂冲床噪声治理,从控制发声源入手,设计减噪模具,配合吸声、隔声、防震和其他综合性降噪措施,使冲床噪声大幅度下降。  相似文献   

城市天然气加气站噪声影响分析及噪声控制技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市天然气加气站位于城市道路和居民区周边。由于加气站地理位置特殊,声源复杂,与周边道路对环境的影响叠加,还要考虑通风散热等问题,噪声治理难度大。目前,国内关于城市天然气加气站的噪声控制研究的报道较少。本研究以合肥市长江西路天然气加气站为例,根据城市天然气加气站加气工艺噪声源及邻近交通噪声对周围环境进行叠加影响预测,根据预测结果和通风散热等工艺要求设计冷却塔安装进风、出风消声器和隔声罩,压缩机安装局部通风隔声罩及压缩机房东墙内安装隔声墙及通风隔声窗等措施。经检验,研究结果好于《工业企业厂界噪声排放标准(GB12348-2008)》中的2类标准的夜间50 dB(A)的标准。该研究设计技术工艺、参数先进合理,费用低且实际简单,为国内天然气加气站噪声预测及治理提供较好的示范作用。  相似文献   

The national Environmental Protection Agency is expected to issue its recommendations on noise legislation some time during the latter part of 1973. This agency will assume primary responsibility for enforcing noise limits on new products, such as vehicles, construction equipment, electrical equipment, etc. Primary responsibility for community noise control will remain with local governments. Local EPA’s, now involved in air and water pollution, will be given the additional responsibility to enforce anti-noise legislation.This legislation will cover noise emissions fromvehicles, industries, construction equipment, residential air conditioners, and power equipment, and the noises that pervade multifamily dwellings. Responsibility for controlling aircraft noise will be shared with the FAA.

The noise ratings used in this legislation must be capable of easy measurement and yet correlate well with subjective response. For most noises the decibel level read on the A-scale of a sound level meter (dBA) is adequate. For aircraft noise a more complex rating scale must be used which includes consideration of the duration of the noise and the presence of a pure tone (engine whine). For still other noises (industries, construction) some consideration must be given to the total daily exposure time of the noise, along with its dBA rating.

New community noise ordinances will draw on the research and experience associated with the present Chicago, III., ordinance. Some modifications of this ordinance are expected, however, to improve enforcement procedures and to lower vehicle noise levels, which are considered the worst of all the community noise pollutants.  相似文献   

The article reviews the current state of knowledge of noise and how people respond to noise. Sources of community noise are discussed and existing federal legislation pertaining to noise is mentioned. Methods of reducing the noise impact on communities from aircraft, surface transportation, and industrial sites are presented. Interior noise in industry, OSHA noise standards and means of controlling the noise to minimize hearing impairment are emphasized.  相似文献   

Biofiltration is a relatively recent air pollution control (APC) technology in which off-gases containing biodegradable volatile organic compounds (VOC) or inorganic air toxics are vented through a biologically active material. This technology has been successfully applied in Germany and The Netherlands in many full-scale applications to control odors, VOC and air toxic emissions from a wide range of industrial and public sector sources. Control efficiencies of more than 90 percent have been achieved for many common air pollutants. Due to lower operating costs, biofiltration can provide significant economic advantages over other APC technologies if applied to off-gases that contain readily biodegradable pollutants in low concentrations. Environmental benefits include low energy requirements and the avoidance of cross media transfer of pollutants. This paper reviews the history and current status of biofiltration, outlines its underlying scientific and engineering principles, and discusses the applicability of biofilters for a wide range of specific emission sources.  相似文献   

Air monitoring by the A.I.S.I. filter sampling device which both preceded and was concurrent with source control of particulates demonstrated air quality improvement over a ten-year period. A difference in improvement from that estimated by the pollution control agency resulted from difference in the measurement parameters.  相似文献   

Most air pollution control programs rest on one or more of the following four basic philosophies: emission standards, air quality standards, emission taxes, and cost benefit analysis. Frequently they rest on mixtures or combinations of these four. This paper examines each of the four separately, tries to show why each is different from the others, and compares their advantages and disadvantages.  相似文献   

Surface transportation creates most of the noise pollution imposed on our communities today. Reduction of this noise impact requires effective preparation and enforcement of regulations to control noise sources, and methods and locations of operation. At the Federal level, such action has begun, within the limited authority available. Concurrently, research and development programs are demonstrating that means to satisfy noise control regulations are technically practical and economically reasonable. This paper provides a brief review of Federal regulatory areas and corresponding R&D activities pertinent to surface transportation noise abatement.  相似文献   

申卫民 《污染防治技术》2003,16(Z2):191-192
就南通港水泥散装码头装卸工艺改造项目,阐述了气吸工艺的原理和技术要点,通过对技术改造前后,粉尘污染监测结果的分析,论证了气吸工艺防治粉尘污染的可行性和实效性.  相似文献   

从一起邻里间空调噪声扰民的民事案件,阐述了居民邻里间空调扰民噪声监测方法及执行标准,从实践体会到,国家应制定更合适的噪声标准和测量方法,以利于处理这类问题。  相似文献   

This paper was one of several presented at the Workshop on Air Pollution Control in Portland, Oregon, on May 6, 1968. The Workshop was sponsored by the Manufacturing Chemists Association and the Chemical Industry Council of the Pacific Northwest in cooperation with the Association of Oregon Industries, Association of Washington Industries, and the Environmental Committee of the Portland Chamber of Commerce. While many of the papers were of localized interest, this paper speaks to anyone designing air pollution control systems.  相似文献   

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