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磁流变液剪切屈服应力的数值分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为了改善单链模型的准确性,从颗粒间的磁相互作用能出发,建立了磁流变液多链计算模型.考虑链内颗粒和相邻链中颗粒的影响,利用磁能密度的变化,得到了磁致剪切应力应变关系,由剪切应力应变曲线的最大值来确定磁流变液的剪切屈服应力.对于链状结构,研究了链间距与链内相邻颗粒距离之比对磁流变液剪切屈服应力的影响;对于柱状结构,通过确定柱的大小及相邻柱的间距,构建了BCT结构计算模型,对含柱状结构的磁流变液的剪切屈服应力进行了分析.计算结果表明,当比值较大时,多链模型与单链模型趋于一致;比值较小时单链模型的误差不能忽略.传统的单链模型高估了磁流变液的剪切屈服应力,铁磁颗粒体积比浓度较小时,链状结构有比柱状结构更高的剪切屈服应力;而当颗粒体积比浓度较大时,柱状结构优于链状结构.  相似文献   

磁流变液传力模型分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍磁流变液传动现象,分析了磁流变液的流变特性和传力特性,建立了磁流变液的动态屈服应力及传力的计算模型。研究结果表明:磁流变液具有较强的传力能力,可作为传力介质用于工程技术领域。  相似文献   

阐述了磁流变液的流变特性,分析了磁流变阀的结构及其性能影响因素.依据磁流变液的流变特性,设计了一种工作间隙中置的磁流变阀,并对其性能特性进行了研究.研究表明:磁流变液、磁场、磁流变阀的材料和结构是磁流变阀性能的主要影响因素.在电流一定的条件下,工作间隙中置的磁流变阀可使其工作间隙内的磁流变液产生较高的屈服应力,可有效提高磁流变阀的性能  相似文献   

传动装置中磁流变液的稳态流动分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了了解磁流变液在传动装置中的流动,基于Bingham模型和流体动量方程,分析稳态下传动装置中磁流变液的流动特性。研究结果表明,在同步工况下,传动装置流场中磁流变液未屈服,各点角速度相同;在滑差工况下,随外加磁场的增大和滑差转速的减小,磁流变液逐渐从完全屈服向部分屈服转变;磁流变液完全屈服时,磁流变液角速度随半径呈非线性增加,工作间隙中磁场越强,流场的非线性分布越明显;磁流变液部分屈服时屈服区域随外加磁场的增大而减小,随滑差转速的增大而增大,未屈服区与主动转子相连;稳态下磁流变传动装置传递的转矩随外加磁场的增加而近似呈线性增大,但在相同外加磁场下,传递转矩基本不随滑差转速改变而改变,表现出良好的恒转矩特性。  相似文献   

磁流变液是智能材料与结构前沿领域中的一类重要的驱动材料。由于它具有响应时间短、能耗低、流变效果显著、抗杂质干扰以及温度适应性强而备受关注。本文利用测试数据对Bingham阻尼力模型以及Herschel—Bulkley阻尼力模型参数进行了识别,结果表明,Herschel—Bulkley模型与实验结果吻合较好。  相似文献   

磁流变液是近年来得到广泛重视的一种新型的智能材料,它是由悬浮于载体液中的软磁性颗粒和稳定剂构成.介绍了磁流变液的特性,系统阐述了磁流变液的研究现状及其在工程中的应用情况,详细分析了磁流变技术存在的问题、关键技术及其发展趋势.  相似文献   

磁流变液控制阀控制性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据磁流变液的流变特性,设计了一种磁流变液控制阀。对该控制阀控制性能进行了研究,测试了压力差与外载、外加磁场的关系,并进行了数学建模,确定了该控制阀两端压力差与控制电流的关系,为实际应用打下了基础。  相似文献   

引入分数微积分理论研究磁流变液体的粘弹特性。建立基于分数阶的Maxwell模型,采用贮能模量和耗能模量曲线,展示磁流变液的粘弹特性。在磁流变液体不同的实验条件下,理论的贮能模量和耗能模量均能与实验结果较好地拟合。结果表明,分数阶本构方程能够较好地描述磁流变液的阻尼特性,且方程分数阶算子与磁流变液物质参数有关。  相似文献   

磁流变液是智能材料与结构前沿领域中的一类重要的驱动材料.由于它具有响应时间短、能耗低、流变效果显著、抗杂质干扰以及温度适应性强而备受关注.本文利用测试数据对Bingham阻尼力模型以及Herschel-Bulkley阻尼力模型参数进行了识别,结果表明,Herschel-Bulkley模型与实验结果吻合较好.  相似文献   

讨论结构设计、外加磁场、输入转速和转矩对MRF联轴器传动扭矩的影响。在Bingham模型基础上,通过理论计算,得出筒式结构扭矩传递值在工作间隙减小过程中趋于某一极限值结论,按此结论设计出传动实验装置,通过实验对筒式磁流变液连轴器的输出性能进行验证,所得实验结果与理论推导结果相吻合。  相似文献   

Based on the single-chain structure model of magnetorheological fluids, a formula for the calcultion of shear stresses was established. The interaction force of two magnetic panicles in an infinite single-chain was deduced using a new theoretical model which is founded on Ampere‘ molecular current hypothesis, dipole theory and Ampere‘ law. Furthermore, the resultant force on a particle was then deduced by taking into account of the action caused by all the other particles in the single- chain. A predictive formula for shear stresses was made corresponding to the case that MR fluids were sheared by a small angle and the calculating results fit well on the order with the yield stresses of the commercial MR fluids.  相似文献   

对磁流变液组成材料的选取及相互间的配比关系进行了研究.利用均匀设计配方设计来制备磁流变液,从而通过较少的试验获得了高屈服强度、低沉降性能的优良磁流变液,并分析了不同组分对磁流变液各方面性能的影响.  相似文献   

A new modified conductivity model was established to predict the shear field stress of electrorheo-logical fluids (ERF). By using a cell equivalent method, the present model can deal with the face-center squarestructure of ERF. Combining the scheme of the classical conductivity model for the single-chain structure, a new formula for the prediction of the shear yeld stress of ERF was set up. The influences of the separation distance ofthe particles, the volume fraction of the particles and the applied elects‘field on the shear yield stress were investigated.  相似文献   

根据两个相对运动的平行板的流体处于简单剪切流状态的原理,设计制作了滑动平板式多功能流变体屈服应力测试装置.该装置用步进电机驱动,用单片机对步进电机进行精确定位和调速,并且由力传感器和应变仪来测量切应力数值,可以分别用于电流变液、磁流变液以及电磁流变液的测试.测试结果说明,该装置测量各种流变液都是有效的和实用的,且能保证一定的测量精度.  相似文献   

A combined magnetorheological damper combined with rubber spring and magnetorheological damper is addressed.This type of damping device has inherited the merits of rubber spring and the magnetorheological damper.The test damping device is made up of combined magnetorheological damper,amplitude controller,signal collecting device,computer software for dynamic analysis,etc.When a zeromean and non-Gaussian white noise interfere with the device,a time series autoregressive(AR) model is conducted by using the sampled experimental data.Trispectrum and its slices analysis are emerging as a new powerful technique in signal processing,which is put forward for investigating the dynamic characteristics of the magnetorheological vibrant device.The present of trispectrum and its slices analysis change with the variation of controllable working magnetic field of the damper correspondingly.It is indicated that AR trispectrum and its slices analysis methods are feasible and effective for investigation of magnetorheological vibrant device.  相似文献   

通过运动方程、物理方程、几何方程及电动力学方程给出了磁流变弹性体薄板在机械场、磁场作用下的基本方程,以磁流变弹性体环形薄板问题为例,建立了含有8个基本未知量的偏微分方程组,再利用Newmark有限等差式,得到了可以应用离散正交法求解的标准型。对于变化磁场下的磁流变弹性体薄板,得到了磁场力的表达式。讨论了磁流变弹性体薄板应力、变形随外加磁场参量的变化规律,并通过实例证实了可以通过改变磁场、机械场的参数来实现对薄板的应力、应变的控制。  相似文献   

In order to prepare special MRFs to satisfy the demands of tracked vehicle,two different carrier fluids were used to prepare MRFs.Preparation of MRF,which are based on carrier of special shock absorption fluid and 45# transformer oil,was finished.And characteristics of these samples were tested and analyzed.The results show that Tween-80 and Span-80 can improve the sedimentary stability,and the larger mass fraction can also increase the sedimentary stability.Using 45# transformer oil instead of special shock absorption fluid as a carrier of MRF,the shear yield stress remains nearly constant but the viscosity and the sedimentary stability are reduced.The MRF with diameter of 2.73 μm shows better sedimentary stability than that of the MRF with diameter of 2.30 μm,or 4.02 μm.Stearic acid obviously improves sedimentary stability and off-state viscosity,but has no function on the shear yield stress.In magnetic field of 237 kA/m,the shear yield stress of MRF based on special shock absorption fluid is 18.34 kPa and the shear yield stress of MRF based on 45# transformer oil is 14.26 kPa.  相似文献   

三剪应力统一屈服准则研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为克服单剪屈服准则仅考虑最大主切应力和双剪准则只考虑两个较大主切应力的缺点,以菱形十二面单元体为依据,同时考虑单元体上的三个主切应力τ13、τ12、和τ23、对材料屈服的影响,认为这三者的组合达到某一极值时,材料即出现屈服.提出了三剪应力统一屈服准则,三剪屈服准则可更大限度地发挥材料的强度潜力.该屈服准则比单剪屈服准则和双剪屈服准则更具有一般性.它还可以考虑单元体上所作用的全部剪应力的不同组合,从而构成外凸和非凸两大族屈服面.  相似文献   

The yield stress of waxy crude oil is a fundamental parameter in the calculation of pipelining technique and analysis of flow safety for the heated oil transported through pipeline.Daqing crude oil was studied and the variation of yield stress with shear history was explored through simulation experiment of pipelining.It is found that the effect of throughput variation or shear rate on yield stress is not obvious.With the decrease of final dynamic cooling temperature,the yield stress of waxy crude oil decreases,but there exists a little increase at the beginning.The prediction model of yield stress for waxy crude oil under the condition of shutdown is developed and it can be used to predict the yield stress of Daqing crude oil at certain heating temperature,final dynamic cooling temperature and measurement temperature.For the 139 groups of yield stress data of Daqing crude oil from the simulation experiment of pipelining,the result of prediction with this model shows that the average relative deviation between the yield stress measured and predicted is 30.27%,and the coefficient of correlation is 0.962 3.  相似文献   

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