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During magnetic active periods, disturbances in the geomagnetic field can act as natural noise masking other magnetic variations of small amplitude. In this paper, the influence of these perturbations on the observation of the effects on Earth of solar flares (sfe) has been studied. The diurnal and monthly values of detected sfe have been obtained, as well as the temporal variation of the relative occurrence of events. These numbers show how the irregular distribution of the magnetic observatories is an important limitation in the efficiency of the detection method. Some considerations about the actual method used at the International Service on Rapid Magnetic Variations are finally presented.  相似文献   

The results of a three-dimensional numerical simulation of changes in the temperature and wind within a height range of up to 100 km caused by changes in fluxes in the solar ultraviolet (UV) radiation in the 23rd solar activity cycle (which was characterized by unusually low values of UV-radiation fluxes) and also of global changes in the ozone content are presented. The simulation results showed that the response of the temperature to variations in the UV radiation are substantially of a nonzonal character, which is caused by the presence in the model of sources of quasi-stationary waves corresponding to the observational data.  相似文献   

The dynamics of the absolute global values (Φ) of the large-scale open solar magnetic field (LOSMF) fluxes at an interval of one solar rotation in 2006–2012 has been studied based on the Wilcox Solar Observatory data and using the ISOPAK original package for modeling the solar magnetic field. The reference points and the duration of the final quasi-biennial interval in cycle 23 (January 2006–May 2007; 17 months) and the phases of the cycle 24 minimum (May 2007–November 2009; 30 months), growth (November 2009–May 2012; 30 months), and the beginning of the maximum (May 2012–January 2013) have been determined. It has been indicated that the absolute values (Φ) decreased sharply at the beginning of the minimum, growth, and the maximum phases to ~(2, 1.25, 0.75) × 1022 Mx, respectively. During the entire minimum phase, LOSMF corotated super-quasi-rigidly westward in the direction of solar rotation; at the beginning of the growth phase, this field started corotating mostly eastward. The LOSMF polarity reversal in the current cycle 24 started in May–June 2012 (CR 2123–2124), when fields of southern polarity rushed from the Sun’s southern hemisphere toward the north. The statement that the solar cycle is a continuous series of quasi-biennial LOSMF intervals is confirmed. In particular, the minimum and growth phases are characterized by opposite LOSMF rotation directions, i.e., super-quasi-rigid corotation (twisting) and detwisting, with identical duration at least in cycle 24.  相似文献   

Three independent temperature datasets have been analyzed for quantifying the influence of the 11-year solar cycle modulation of the UV radiation. The datasets used include: US rocketsondes, the OHP lidar, and the global temperature database made by the successive SSU on the NOAA satellites, adjusted and provided by the UK Meteorological Office. These measurements cover the upper stratosphere and the mesosphere, where the direct photochemical effect is expected. The improvement of the analysis compared to previous ones was possible because the overall quality and the continuity of many data series have been checked more carefully during the last decade in order to look for anthropogenic fingerprints and the one used here have been recognized as the best series according to their temporal continuity. The analysis of the different data set is based on the same regression linear model. The 11-year solar temperature response observed presents a variable behavior, depending on the location. However, an overall adequate agreement among the results has been obtained, and thus the global picture of the solar impact in the upper stratosphere and lower mesosphere has been obtained and is presented here. In the tropics, a 1–2 K positive response in the mid and upper stratophere has been found, in agreement with photochemical theory and previous analyses. On the opposite, at mid-latitudes, negative responses of several Kelvin have been observed, during winters, in the analyses of the datasets analyzed here. In the mesosphere, at sub-tropic and mid-latitude regions, we observe a positive response all the year round increasing by a factor of two during winter.  相似文献   

The results of a spherical harmonic analysis and a sector spherical harmonic analysis of the solar magnetic field on the photosphere, source surface, and in the Earth’s orbit on July 10–20, 2004, were compared. It was found that the field values according to a sector harmonic analysis are an order of magnitude as large as the same values according to a spherical harmonic analysis and differ in the configuration. A twocomponent magnetic field structure was revealed: short-range sources are better described by a sector spherical harmonic analysis; long-range sources are better described by a spherical harmonic analysis. This is caused by the different depths of the occurrence of sources below the photosphere.  相似文献   

A long series of the known Π index of the solar corona structure has been proposed. It seems that this index, which characterizes the limb extension of polar coronal plume systems, is of importance because it is related to the large-scale polar solar magnetic flux. Solar corona photographs and drawings during total solar eclipses, collected for 13 solar activity cycles from different sources (78 eclipses), as well as H-alpha map data on the drift of the high-latitude belt of filaments before polarity reversal of the polar magnetic field have been used. Daily solar corona images, obtained on the SOHO spacecraft (using an EIT ultraviolet telescope), have been additionally used.  相似文献   

The effect of auroral electrojets on the variations in the low-latitude geomagnetic disturbances and Dst during a strong magnetic storm of November 20–21, 2003, with Dst ≈ ?472 nT has been studied based on the global magnetic observations. It has been indicated that the magnetospheric storm expansive phase with Δt ≈ 1–2 h results in positive low-latitude disturbances (ΔH) of the same duration and with an amplitude of ~ 1–2 h results in positive low-latitude disturbances (ΔH) of the same duration and with an amplitude of ~ 30–100 nT in the premidnight-dawn sector. A growth of negative low-latitude ΔH values and Dst is mainly caused by regular convection electrojets with Δt ≥ 10 h, the centers of which shift to latitudes of ~ 50°–55° during the storm development. It has been established that the maximal low-latitude values of the field ΔH component at 1800–2400 MLT are observed when the auroral luminosity equatorward boundary shifts maximally southward during an increase in the negative values of the IMF B z component. It has been assumed that, during this storm, a magnetic field depression at low latitudes was mainly caused by an enhancement of the partially-ring current which closes through field-aligned currents into the ionosphere at the equatorward boundary of the auroral luminosity zone.  相似文献   

The dynamics of the large-scale open field and solar activity at the second stage of the MHD process, including the origination and disappearance of the four-sector structure during the decline phase of cycle 23 (the stage when the blocking field is displaced from the main zone of active longitudes), has been considered. Extremely fast changes in the scales of one of new sectors (from an extremely small sector (“singularity”) to a usual sector that originated after the uniform expansion (“explosion”) of singularity with a “kick” into the zone of active longitudes, westward motion of the MHD disturbance front in the direction of solar rotation, and formation of an active quasi-rigidly corotating sector boundary responsible for the heliospheric storm of November 2004) have been detected in the field dynamics. It has been indicated that a very powerful group of sunspots AR 10656 (which disappeared after the explosion) with an area of up to 1540 ppmh (part per million hemisphere), a considerable deficit of the external energy release, and zero geoeffectiveness in spite of the closeness to the Earth helioprojection existed within singularity. It has been assumed that the energy escaped from this group with effort owing to the interaction between coronal ejections and narrow sector walls (singularity), and a considerable part of the energy was released in the outer layers of the convective zone, as a result of which singularity exploded and this explosion was accompanied by the above effects in the large-scale field and solar activity.  相似文献   

In the 1960s and 1970s, quite simply produced cylindrical Langmuir probes were used in the USSR both on satellites (Kosmos-378, Intercosmos-2, -4, -8, -10, -19) and to measure the electron density and temperature on vertical launched rockets (Vertical’-4, -6, -10) within the Intercosmos program. These measurements were first made at middle latitudes. With increasing inclination of the orbits of launched satellites (satellites had no stabilization), falling sections were sometimes observed on probe characteristics in the electron saturation region. The Intercosmos-Bulgaria-1300 satellite, which was stabilized along three axes and was equipped with a cylindrical probe whose longitudinal axis was always directed downward to the Earth, was launched in 1981. This satellite allowed definite conclusions on the effect of the geomagnetic field on the form of the probe characteristic and, hence, on the determination of the electron density and temperature. Probe characteristics with falling sections are presented. These measurements are compared with those performed in a laboratory plasma. The appearance of negative sections on the probe characteristics is shown to be due to the effect of the geomagnetic field. The degree of this effect depends both on the electron density and temperature and on the probe voltage.  相似文献   

The effect of the 11-year solar cycle on the response of the stratospheric geopotential height and temperature fields at 10 and 30 hPa in winter to solar activity oscillations with periods related to the period of the Sun’s rotation (27.2 days) is discussed, applying methods of statistical spectral analysis to daily data for the period from 1965 to 1996. Atmospheric responses for three periodicities — 27.2 days (period of the Sun’s rotation), 25.3 days (periodicity caused by the modulation of the 27.2 days oscillation by annual atmospheric variation), and 54.4 days (doubled period of the solar rotation) — are studied. A significant effect of the 11-year solar cycle on the atmospheric response to the 27.2 days solar periodicity has not been found. We explain it by a frequency shift of the response from the 27.2 days to the 25.3 days periodicity via amplitude modulation. For the 25.3 days oscillation, prominent differences between the maximum and minimum of the 11-year solar cycle have been found in the coherence between the 10.7 cm solar radio flux and the height/temperature fields: the relationships are stronger at solar maximum than at the minimum of the 11-year cycle. The same differences, but to a greater extent, are revealed for the oscillation with a period of 54.4 days. Coherence and amplitude estimates for this doubled solar rotation periodicity exhibit strong differences between extrema of the 11-year solar cycle. Phase estimates also demonstrate a clear difference between high and low solar activity: on the average, the delay of the atmospheric response after the solar signal is smaller at solar maximum than at solar minimum. Thus, we conclude that the mechanism of the influence of the 11-year solar cycle on the winter middle stratosphere can include both a direct effect of the frequency corresponding to the doubled solar rotation periodicity and an indirect effect of modulation of the intensity of the interaction between the solar 27.2 days oscillation and seasonal atmospheric variations.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONItisknownthatChinaisanearthquake pronecountryintheworldandisalsoacountrysufferingmostsevereseismiccalamitiesintheworld .China’sterritoryoccupiesabout 1 1 4oftheglobalconti nentalarea ,whileabout 1 3ofglobalM≥ 7.0continentalearthquakesoccurredinCh…  相似文献   

The global warming has obviously been causingthe Arctic sea ice shrinking and thinning during thelast 30 years, which would increase free ice waters andenhance biological productivity. These changes willimpact the source and sink of carbon in the ArcticOcean and subarctic waters as well as a feedback tothe global change[1—3]. The Chukchi Sea is located in the southwest ofthe western Arctic Ocean and the Bering Sea in thenorthwest of the North Pacific Ocean. Both seas are 1997—2001) and…  相似文献   

The sorption of AuCl4 ,AuCl2 and Au(S2O3)3- on δ-MnO2 was investigated at pH2–11.6, 0.01 mol/L and 0.1 mol/L NaNO3 solutions. At pH 4 in two electrolyte strength solutions, Au sorption densities on δ-MnO2 are 0.18–0.21 and 0.28μmoL/m2 for AuCl4 and Au(S2O3)2 3-, respectively, and the Au surface coverage is approximate to or lower than 1%. This adsorption of the two Au complexes decreases as the solution pH increases, which conforms to the sorption regularity of the anion on δ-MnO2. The Au sorption decreases in the sequence of Au(S2O3)2 3- >AuCl4 >AuC12 . The intrinsic equilibrium constants (logK int) of the three Au complexes are 1.17–2.7, much higher than those of Cu and Cd. The hydrolysis products of AuCl4 - are preferentially adsorbed by δ-MnO2 and the inner-sphere Au-surface complexes are formed on the surface. Project supported by the National Studying-abroad Foundation, the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 49573200) and the Australian Mining Industry.  相似文献   

Based on the data of the long-term monitoring of the electromagnetic background at frequencies of 1–30 MHz in Tomsk, new main regularities of the daily and seasonal variations in this background in different frequency ranges at a low level of solar activity (the annual average values are 68.6 = F 10.7 <= 80.9) have been established.  相似文献   

A detailed representation of variations of the total solar flux I has been obtained by analyzing the regular measurements of this flux by the Nimbus-7 and other spacecrafts. In particular, quasi-biennial variations (QBVs) of the monthly average value 〈I〉 and standard deviation sI within a month interval have been revealed. It is remarkable that the QBVs of sI almost coincide in shape with the QBVs of many solar activity and ionospheric indices, and the QBVs of 〈I〉 are almost in antiphase with the variations of sI. The manifestation of the QBVs of 〈I〉 in some processes on the Earth has been already revealed. A relation between the QBVs of 〈I〉 for solar radiation (according to the Nimbus-7 and ACRIM-2 data) and the QBVs of the zonal stratospheric wind near the equator, as well as the QBVs of the Earth’s rotation velocity, has been found. Many of the considered QBV-processes on the Earth are seemingly attributed to the variations of the total solar flux.  相似文献   

The relativistic electron flux in the Earth’s outer radiation belt generally decreased by almost three orders of magnitude during the minimum of cycle 23 in 2009. Such a behavior was possibly caused by very low geomagnetic activity during an extremely weak interplanetary field in that period. This decrease was replaced by an increase in the relativistic electron flux by two orders of magnitude during several months after the sunspot minimum at the beginning of 2010.  相似文献   

Naturally occurring 210Po (half-life 138.4d) is the granddaughter of 210Pb (half-life 22.3a), both are members of 238U decay series and have been inten-sively utilized to study kinetic aspects of material cy-cling in the ocean[1]. Based on radioactive disequilibria in the 226Ra-210Pb-210Po system, oceanographical processes with different timescales have been widely studied. Rama et al.[2] first detected excess 210Pb rela-tive to its precursor 226Ra in surface waters, and considered this exc…  相似文献   

IntroductionThe tectono-physical background and dynamic environmental features of strong earthquakes have long been studied from different viewpoints by seismologists both in domestic and abroad. Many controlling factors include the crust structure, lithological environment, tectonic conditions, the stress state, heat flow distribution and hydrodynamic effects at depth, etc. Some of the studies have established a foundation for researching and recognizing the spatial distribution of potential …  相似文献   

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