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声波方程是对大多数声学问题进行数学描述的出发点. 那些得到 广泛应用的经典波动方程及对流波动方程都存在苛刻的适用条件, 即仅适用于描述处于静态或匀速运动状态的定常 均匀介质中的线性无耗散声波. 然而, 很多实际场合并不满足这些严格的适用条件. 本文对经典声波方程和对流声波 方程进行推广, 导出了编号为W1$\sim$W36的36种不同形式的声波方程, 涵盖了处于静止、势流或旋涡流状态下的非均匀 和/或非定常介质中的声波传播问题. 所考虑的声波传播情形包括: (1) 线性波, 即具有小梯度(小振幅)性质; (2)非线性波, 即具有陡峭梯度性质, 包括``波纹'(小振幅大梯度)或者大振幅波. 本文仅考虑非耗散声波, 即排除了由剪切、体积黏度及热传导所引起的耗散. 对具有匀熵或等熵(熵沿流线守恒)性质的均匀介质和非均匀介质中的声传播进行了研究但非等熵(即耗散)情况除外; 另外, 对非定常介质中的 声波问题也进行了分析. 所涉及的介质可以处于静止、匀速运动状态, 或者是非匀速的和/或非定常的平均流动, 包括: (1)低Mach数的势平均流(即不可压缩的平均态), 或高速势平均流(即非均匀可压缩的平均流); ② 变截面管 道中的准一维传播, 包括无平均流的号管和具有低或高Mach数平均流的喷管; 或③平面的、空间的、或轴对称的单 向剪切平均流. 本文没有探讨其他类型的旋涡平均流(将与耗散及其他情形一起留待下一步研究), 例如, 可能与剪切效应相结合的轴对称旋转平均流. 通过对流体力学的一般方程进行消元处理或根据声学变分原理, 导出了36种波动方程, 对一些波动方程还采用这两种方法进行相互校验. 尽管声波方程的36种形式没有涵盖非线性、非均匀与非定常及非匀速运动介质 这3个效应的所有可能的组合情形, 但它们的确包括了孤立状态下的各种效应, 并包括了多种多重效应组合的 情形. 虽然经典波动方程和对流波动方程仅适用于处于静止(或匀速运动)的均匀定常介质中的线性无耗散声波, 但它们在 相关文献中已被广泛采用; 本文给出的36种声波方程提供了它们多种有用的推广形式. 在许多实际应用中, 经典波动方 程和对流波动方程仅是粗略的近似, 声波方程的更一般形式可提供更令人满意的理论模型. 本文每节末尾给出了这些应用 的众多范例. 在这篇评论文章中引用了240篇参考文献.  相似文献   

非均匀介质散射问题的体积分方程数值解法   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
将非均匀介质视为某一均匀背景介质中的扰动,可建立用均匀背景介质格林函数作基本解的体积分方程.给出了配置法求解体积分方程的数值方法,首先解得扰动域内各点以速度扰动为权的波场函数,然后回代计算得到观测面上各接收点的散射波场.与边界元法和Born近似法计算结果比较表明该方法具有很高的精度,可得到穿过非  相似文献   

非均匀介质弹性波动方程的不规则网格有限差分方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从弹性波动方程出发,提出了一种新的空间不规则网格有限差分方法,并用于求解非均匀各向异性介质中的弹性波正演问题。这种方法简单易行,对于复杂几何结构,例如低速层、套管井和非平面界面等,在较细的不规则网格上进行离散,计算时间和占用内存更少。与多重网格差分方法相比,该方法不需要粗、细网格之间的插值,所有网格差分计算在同一次空间迭代中完成。具有复杂几何交界面的模型计算,包括地下透镜体、套管井眼等,在确定弹性常数和密度后,用不规则网格的差分方法更易实现。该方法使用了Higdon吸收边界条件解决人工边界反射问题,引入了新的稳定性条件和网格频散条件,很好地消除了非物理散射波。理论模型的效值计算表明,该方法具有良好的稳定性和计算精度,在模拟非均匀介质弹性波传播时,比相同精度的规则网格有限差分方法计算速度更快。该方法易于推广到非结构网格和三维问题中。  相似文献   

建立了非规则区域的有限分析5点格式,增加了有限分析法对不规则边界的适应性。应用所提出的方法对水利工程中常见的有压和无压流动进行了计算,与实验和前人的计算结果相比较,本文的方法都能得到较为满意的结果。本文的计算格式也可以应用到其他非规则区域的计算中。  相似文献   

基于复变函数理论,研究了径向非均匀弹性介质中均匀圆夹杂对弹性波的散射问题. 介质的非均匀性体现在介质密度沿着径向按幂函数形式变化且剪切模量是常数. 利用坐标变换法将变系数的非均匀波动方程转为标准亥姆霍兹(Helmholtz) 方程. 在复坐标系下求得非均匀基体和均匀夹杂同时存在的位移和应力表达式. 通过具体算例分析了圆夹杂周边的动应力集中系数(DSCF). 结果表明:基体与夹杂的波数比和剪切模量比,基体的参考波数和非均匀参数对动应力集中有较大的影响.   相似文献   

本文在复频域内,通过应用混合变量粘弹性波方程和线性常微分方程组的指数矩阵解法,给出了一种计算非均匀吸收同中地震波传播的广义传播矩阵解法。该方法适用于各种粘弹性模型,可模拟任意震源及所产生的各种体波、面波,数值结果表明具有很高的计算精度。  相似文献   

非均匀介质有限元法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出适合非均匀介质应力分析的有限元法.文中在有限单元内部采用等参变换方法模拟材料特性的变化,算例表明该法计算效率高,计算精度好.  相似文献   

本文研究的碳酸盐岩油藏储集体属于缝洞型多孔介质.这类缝洞型多孔介质由裂缝、溶蚀孔洞和低孔隙度低渗透率的基岩组成.裂缝是空隙流体流动的主要通道;溶蚀孔洞大小从几厘米到数米不等,渗透率和孔隙度都很高,是流体主要的储集空间.由于缝洞型多孔介质空隙空间的复杂性和强非均质性,数值计算中基本控制方程的空间离散应采用非结构化网格的计算模型.本文采用有限体积法模拟缝洞型多孔介质中多相流体的流动,并给出了相应的单元中心格式有限体积法的计算公式.裂缝介质和溶洞介质中单元间多相流体的流动考虑为高速非达西流,其质量通量采用Forchheimer定律计算.非线性方程的离散选取全隐式格式,并采用Newton-Raphson迭代进行求解.通过两个二维模型注水驱油的数值模拟,验证了本文方法的有效性.  相似文献   

本文在复频域内,通过应用混合变量粘弹性波方程和线性常微分方程组的指数矩阵解法,给出了一种计算非均匀吸收介质中地震波传播的广义传播矩阵解法。该方法适用于各种粘弹性模型,可模拟任意震源及所产生的各种体波、面波,数值结果表明具有很高的计算精度。  相似文献   

非均匀损伤介质中波传播的数值解   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对弹性波在非均匀损伤介质中的传播理论进行了研究。通过将非均匀损伤区域离散成分层均匀的区域,结合相邻区域交界面处的连续条件,推导出了以右行波、左行波为状态向量的波动方程和传递矩阵。对几种非均匀损伤介质中波的传播进行了实例数值计算,并和其解析解的结果进行了比较,讨论了弹性波在非均匀损伤介质中传播的一般性质。  相似文献   

在传统的伽辽金变分为有限元数值逼近思想的基础上,本文采用改进的加罚有限元法对粘性不可压缩紊流动进行数值计算。在高雷诺数流动时,为避免对流效应过强产生的数值计算的振荡,对标准权函数引入迎风修正项,同时采用雷诺数加载法,保证数值解的收敛性。在有限元方法离散过程中,采用有效的隐式压力-显式速度方式,以准确的速度场确保获得压力的稳定性。速度压力项选用不同阶次的插值函数。实践证明:当控制方法各对流项假扩散被  相似文献   

In this paper, thermal diffusion phenomena in a porous cavity are investigated. The Brinkman model, coupled with the energy and the mass balance equations was solved numerically using a finite element techniques. A two-component system was included in the model. Different models were investigated to demonstrate the importance of the Soret effect with the presence of gravity vector. We do not take into consideration the pressure effect in the thermal diffusion. Even with such simplification to the problem, results reveal that the thermal diffusion is important and drives a strong convection. A series of convection cells are observed and steady-state solutions are obtained. Asymmetric solutions are obtained for various cases of dual-porosity porous media. Variations in the gravity vector indicated that the convection patterns, as well as the role of Soret coefficient, are profoundly impacted. Finally, the importance of including thermal diffusion in petroleum reservoir simulation is discussed.  相似文献   

非饱和多孔介质有限元分析的基本控制方程与变分原理   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
张洪武 《力学季刊》2002,23(1):50-58
本文在对问题研究现状进行阐述的基础上较系统地给出了骨架可变形非饱和多孔介质的全耦合分析模型,模型中考虑了孔隙气体,水(油)流动对介质力学性能的影响,多孔介质的饱和度,渗透系数与毛吸压力的关系,由实验给出,所导出的控制方程以固体骨架的位移与孔隙流体压力为基本未知量,由于问题的非自共轭特征,文中构造了非饱和介质动力问题的参数变分形式,并在此基础上给出有限元离散方程。  相似文献   

A mathematically rigorous method of homogenization is presented and used to analyze the equivalent behavior of transient flow of two incompressible fluids through heterogeneous media. Asymptotic expansions and H-convergence lead to the definition of a global or effective model of an equivalent homogeneous reservoir. Numerical computations to obtain the homogenized coefficients of the entire reservoir have been carried out via a finite element method. Numerical experiments involving the simulation of incompressible two-phase flow have been performed for each heterogeneous medium and for the homogenized medium as well as for other averaging methods. The results of the simulations are compared in terms of the transient saturation contours, production curves, and pressure distributions. Results obtained from the simulations with the homogenization method presented show good agreement with the heterogeneous simulations.  相似文献   

There are many fault block fields in China. A fault block field consists of fault pools. The small fault pools can be viewed as the closed circle reservoirs in some case. In order to know the pressure change of the developed formation and provide the formation data for developing the fault block fields reasonably, the transient flow should be researched. In this paper, we use the automatic mesh generation technology and the finite element method to solve the transient flow problem for the well located in the closed circle reservoir, especially for the well located in an arbitrary position in the closed circle reservoir. The pressure diffusion process is visualized and the well-location factor concept is first proposed in this paper. The typical curves of pressure vs time for the well with different well-location factors are presented. By comparing numerical results with the analytical solutions of the well located in the center of the closed circle reservoir, the numerical method is verified.  相似文献   

Buès  M. A.  Oltean  C. 《Transport in Porous Media》2000,40(2):171-200
The proposed numerical code simulates the displacement of two miscible fluids through a saturated porous medium (2D configuration). Coupling between flow and transport is carried out by an equation of state. In the mixing zone, the density is assumed to vary as a function of concentration. The model uses a combination of the mixed hybrid finite element method and the discontinuous finite element method.Applied in its classical development, the mixed hybrid finite element method leads to a non-conservative formulation of the mass balance equation. However, one of the main reasons for using this technique is the ability to conserve mass cell-by-cell. Consequently, a new formulation that makes it possible to hold the conservative form of the continuity equation and so preserve the mass cell-wise is proposed. Although the pertinence of these approaches could have also been tested on other standard benchmarks, e.g., Elder's problem or salt dome problem, we have voluntarily limited ourselves to Henry's problem (1964). This choice was dictated by the possibility of a comparison with a semi-analytical solution. Contrary to previous numerical results, the comparison is made for the whole mixing zone. The very good agreement between our results and the semi-analytical solution shows the robustness and the efficiency of this approach for the seawater intrusion problems.  相似文献   

The differential system (DS) method for the identification of transmissivity and storativity is applied to a confined isotropic aquifer in transient conditions. The data that are required for the identification are the piezometric heads and the source terms, together with the value of transmissivity at a single point only, which is the only parameter value needed a priori. In particular, no a priori knowledge of storativity is needed and, moreover, the identification of transmissivity does not depend upon storativity. The DS method yields the internode transmissivities necessary for the conservative finite differences models in a natural way, because it identifies transmissivities along the internodal segments, so that a well-known formula can be applied that bypasses the difficulty of finding an equivalent cell transmissivity and an averaging scheme. In addition, the DS method takes into account several different flows all over the aquifer, so that the identified parameters are to a certain degree global andflow independent. Moreover, the method allows for a piecemeal identification of the parameters, thus keeping away from the regions where wells are pumping so that a two-dimensional model can be used throughout. We test the applicability of the DS method with noisy data by means of numerical synthetic examples and compare the identified internode transmissivities with the reference values. We use the identified parameters to forecast the behaviour of the aquifer under different exploitation and boundary conditions and we compare the forecast piezometric heads, their gradients and the associated fluxes with those computed with the reference parameters.  相似文献   

Abstract. The Picard and modified Picard iteration schemes are often used to numerically solve the nonlinear Richards equation governing water flow in variably saturated porous media. While these methods are easy to implement, they are only linearly convergent. Another approach to solve the Richards equation is to use Newton's iterative method. This method, also known as Newton–Raphson iteration, is quadratically convergent and requires the computation of first derivatives. We implemented Newton's scheme into the mixed form of the Richards equation. As compared to the modified Picard scheme, Newton's scheme requires two additional matrices when the mixed form of the Richards equation is used and requires three additional matrices, when the pressure head-based form is used. The modified Picard scheme may actually be viewed as a simplified Newton scheme.Two examples are used to investigate the numerical performance of different forms of the 1D vertical Richards equation and the different iterative solution schemes. In the first example, we simulate infiltration in a homogeneous dry porous medium by solving both, the h based and mixed forms of Richards equation using the modified Picard and Newton schemes. Results shows that, very small time steps are required to obtain an accurate mass balance. These small times steps make the Newton method less attractive.In a second test problem, we simulate variable inflows and outflows in a heterogeneous dry porous medium by solving the mixed form of the Richards equation, using the modified Picard and Newton schemes. Analytical computation of the Jacobian required less CPU time than its computation by perturbation. A combination of the modified Picard and Newton scheme was found to be more efficient than the modified Picard or Newton scheme.  相似文献   

GTN模型参数的选择一直是小冲杆模拟中一个至关重要的环节,其正确与否直接影响着模拟得到的载荷-位移曲线的正确性。以16MnR材料作为研究对象,结合拉伸试验与小冲杆试验的实验结果,逐步确定出有限元模拟中的GTN模型参数。本文重点介绍了参数fN,fc,ff的确定方法。结果发现,拟合的载荷位移曲线不具有唯一性。为了验证所用方法的正确性,增加了试样断后减薄率作为另一评判标准。这一做法后来证明是可行的。这说明载荷位移曲线不能作为判断GTN参数正确的唯一准则,而增加的断后减薄率作为另一判断标准,对此方法有很好的辅助作用。上述结果可为小冲杆实验的有限元模拟夯实基础。  相似文献   

In the last decade, the characterization of transport in porous media has benefited largely from numerical advances in applied mathematics and from the increasing power of computers. However, the resolution of a transport problem often remains cumbersome, mostly because of the time-dependence of the equations and the numerical stability constraints imposed by their discretization. To avoid these difficulties, another approach is proposed based on the calculation of the temporal moments of a curve of concentration versus time. The transformation into the Laplace domain of the transport equations makes it possible to develop partial derivative equations for the calculation of complete moments or truncated moments between two finite times, and for any point of a bounded domain. The temporal moment equations are stationary equations, independent of time, and with weaker constraints on their stability and diffusion errors compared to the classical advection–dispersion equation, even with simple discrete numerical schemes. Following the complete theoretical development of these equations, they are compared firstly with analytical solutions for simple cases of transport and secondly with a well-performing transport model for advective–dispersive transport in a heterogeneous medium with rate-limited mass transfer between the free water and an immobile phase. Temporal moment equations have a common parametrization with transport equations in terms of their parameters and their spatial distribution on a grid of discretization. Therefore, they can be used to replace the transport equations and thus accelerate the achievement of studies in which a large number of simulations must be carried out, such as the inverse problem conditioned with transport data or for forecasting pollution hazards.  相似文献   

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