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The aim of this contribution is to estimate the impact of road economic conditions and mobility on traffic accidents for the case of Algeria. Using the cointegration approach and vector error correction model (VECM), we will examine simultaneously short term and long-term impacts between the number of traffic accidents, fuel consumption and gross domestic product (GDP) per capital, over the period 1970–2013. The main results of the estimation show that the number of traffic accidents in Algeria is positively influenced by the GDP per capita in the short and long term. It implies that a higher economic development worsens the road safety situation. However, the new traffic rules adopted in 2009 have an impact on the forecast trend of traffic accidents, meaning efficient public policy could improve the situation. This result calls for a strong political commitment with effective countermeasures for avoiding the further deterioration of road safety record in Algeria.  相似文献   

With Australia facing a looming shortage of heavy vehicle drivers the question is raised as to whether it is desirable or prudent to encourage older professional heavy vehicle drivers to remain in the transport sector for longer, particularly those of heavy vehicles or recruit drivers of a younger age.


To review age-related safety and identify other factors that contribute to accidents experienced by heavy vehicle drivers.


A search was conducted of national and international peer-reviewed literature in the following databases: MedLine, Embase, Cinahl, PsychInfo and the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health & Safety. A manual search was performed to obtain relevant articles within selected journals.


A limited number of studies reported age-specific accident rates for heavy vehicles for the spectrum of driver age that included drivers younger than 27 years and those over 60 years of age. Heavy vehicle drivers younger than 27 years of age demonstrated higher rates of accident/fatality involvement which decline and plateau until the age of 63 years where increased rates were again observed. Other contributing factors to heavy vehicle accidents include: long hours and subsequent sleepiness and fatigue, employer safety culture, vehicle configuration particularly multiple trailers, urbanisation and road classification.


Drivers of heavy vehicles are over-involved until age 27 years however a characteristic ‘U’ shaped curve indicates a higher risk of accident involvement for both younger and older drivers. More detailed analyses of “at-fault” involvement and inability to avert an accident and other factors that contribute to accidents across the ages of heavy vehicle drivers may give further clarification to the degree of safety of both younger and older commercial heavy vehicle drivers.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to analyze patterns of injuries sustained by pilots involved in fatal general aviation (GA) airplane accidents. Detailed information on the pattern and nature of injuries was retrieved from the Federal Aviation Administration's autopsy database for pilots involved in fatal GA airplane accidents from 1996 to 1999. A review of 559 autopsies revealed that blunt trauma was the primary cause of death in 86.0% (N=481) of the autopsies. The most commonly occurring bony injuries were fracture of the ribs (72.3%), skull (55.1%), facial bones (49.4%), tibia (37.9%) and pelvis (36.0%). Common organ injuries included laceration of the liver (48.1%), lung (37.6%) heart (35.6%), and spleen (30.1%), and hemorrhage of the brain (33.3%) and lung (32.9%). A fractured larynx was observed in 14.7% of the cases, a finding that has not been reported in literature until now. It was observed that individuals who sustained brain hemorrhage were also more likely to have fractures of the facial bones rather than skull fractures.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to investigate the psychosocial consequences and coping strategies among accident victims in South Africa. Participants (138 drivers and 141 passengers) who had been involved in a road traffic accident were approached and interviewed in public places. In both groups the median age group was between 25 years and 34 years. In 34 accidents (12.2%) a family member was killed, in 68 accidents (24.4%) a non-family member was killed in the accident. In 272 accidents 197 (72.4%) persons (both drivers and passengers) were injured and 168 (61.7%) were hospitalized. Eighty-seven drivers (63%) did not perceive themselves at fault and 51 (37%) did. Following the road traffic accident both drivers and passengers showed a significant decline of their well-being. Drivers who perceived themselves to be at fault did not cope better than those not perceiving themselves at fault. Passengers related to the drivers showed more decline in their well-being than those not related. Path analysis for drivers found that holding oneself responsible had a direct, and mediated by self-blame, guilt and family distress, negative effect on personal well-being. In the passengers group, holding the driver or others responsible led, mediated by increased self-blame, feelings of guilt, and family distress, to lower psychological well-being (PWB). Findings have relevant implications for the development of coping strategies to aid victims of road traffic accidents in dealing with their trauma in this African context, which may differ to those in Western societies.  相似文献   

The relationship between drink driving behaviours and rates of traffic accidents was analysed in a birth cohort of 907 New Zealand young people studied to the age of 21. Drink driving was significantly (P<0.0001) related to active traffic accidents in which the driver’s behaviour contributed to the accident but was not related to passive accidents in which driver behaviours did not contribute to the accident (P>0.15). Those engaging in high rates of drink driving had rates of active traffic accidents that were 2.6 times higher than those who did not drink and drive. Further analysis suggested that much of this association was explained by confounding factors (and notably driver behaviour) that were associated with both drink driving and accident rates. After adjustment for confounding factors, those engaging in high rates of drink driving had rates of active accidents that were 1.5 (P<0.01) times higher than those who did not drink and drive. It is concluded that although the study findings support the view that the regulation of drink driving behaviour amongst young people is likely to contribute to a reduction in traffic accidents, to be fully effective attempts at regulation of drink driving also need to be accompanied by a similar level of investment in regulating other aspects of risky or illegal driving behaviour amongst young people.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that unsafe driver acts can be classified into two distinct categories (i.e.. errors and violations) entailing different measures for reducing road traffic accidents. A survey of over 1,400 drivers in Greece is reported in which a variety of aberrant driving behaviours have been identified. The present study has confirmed the results of earlier studies in the driving populations of Britain. Australia and Sweden that errors and violations are the major determinants in the factor structure of aberrant behaviours. Three types of violations were identified including, highway code-, aggressive- and parking-violations (or situational violations). Mistakes and lapses were two major forms of errors. The factor analysis identified another two classes of behaviour that could not be accounted for very well by the error-violation distinction. One class of behaviours referred to a state of low preparedness and negligence while the other class referred to communication errors and 'social disregard' for the other road users. Each class of behaviour was found to have different demographic correlates. Finally, accident liability was predicted by self-reported tendency to commit highway-code violations, but not by tendency to make errors due to failures of judgement (i.e.. mistakes) or lapses. Aggressive violations were significantly related to involvement in speeding convictions and law-breaking whilst highway-code violations were related to speeding convictions only.  相似文献   

In this study it was endeavored to predict full green and green arrow accidents at traffic lights, using configuration-specific features. This was done using the statistical method known as Poisson regression. A total of 45 sets of traffic lights (criteria: in an urban area, with four approach roads) with 178 approach roads were investigated (the data from two approach roads was unable to be used). Configuration-specific features were surveyed on all approach roads (characteristics of traffic lanes, road signs, traffic lights, etc.), traffic monitored and accidents (full green and green arrow) recorded over a period of 5 consecutive years. It was demonstrated that only between 23 and 34% of variance could be explained with the models predicting both types of accidents. In green arrow accidents, the approach road topography was found to be the major contributory factor to an accident: if the approach road slopes downwards, the risk of a green arrow accident is approximately five and a half times greater (relative risk, RR = 5.56) than on a level or upward sloping approach road. With full green accidents, obstructed vision plays the major role: where vision can be obstructed by vehicles turning off, the accident risk is eight times greater (RR = 8.08) than where no comparable obstructed vision is possible. From the study it emerges that technical features of traffic lights are not able to control a driver's actions in such a way as to eradicate error. Other factors, in particular the personal characteristics of the driver (age, sex, etc.) and accident circumstances (lighting, road conditions, etc.), are likely to make an important contribution to explaining how an accident occurs.  相似文献   

This study estimates the dose–response relationship between body mass index (BMI) and crash risk in operators of heavy commercial motor vehicles. Intake data were collected during the first two weeks of instruction from 744 new truck drivers training for their commercial driver's licenses at a school operated by the cooperating trucking firm. Drivers were then followed prospectively on the job using the firm's operational data for two years, or until employment separation, whichever came first. Multivariate Poisson regression and Cox proportional hazards models were used to estimate the relationship between crash risk and BMI, controlling for demographic characteristics and for variations in the exposure to risks on the road. Results from the Poisson regression, which used cumulative miles driven as an exposure control, indicated that compared to normal BMI (18.5 < BMI < 25) the risk ratio (RR) for all crashes was significantly higher for drivers in the combined obesity Classes II and III: RR = 1.55 (95% CI 1.24–1.94). Similarly, the multivariate Cox proportional hazard model (controlling for miles and job type on a week-by-week basis) showed that crash risk was significantly higher compared to normal BMI for the same combined obesity Classes II and III: RR = 1.54 (95% CI 1.13–2.10). The results of this prospective study establish an association between obesity and crash risk and have important implications for driver health and public safety.  相似文献   

Accidents in twin-engine aircraft carry a higher risk of fatality compared with single engine aircraft and constitute 9% of all general aviation accidents. The different flight profile (higher airspeed, service ceiling, increased fuel load, and aircraft yaw in engine failure) may make comparable studies on single-engine aircraft accident causes less relevant. The objective of this study was to identify the accident causes for non-commercial operations in twin engine aircraft.  相似文献   

Objective: to examine linkages between cannabis use and traffic accident risks in a birth cohort of 907 young New Zealanders studied from 18 to 21 years. Methods: during the course of a 21-year longitudinal study of a birth cohort of 907 New Zealand born children information was gathered on (a) annual frequency of cannabis use over the period from 18 to 21 years; (b) annual rates of traffic accidents during the period 18–21 years; (c) measures of driver behaviours and characteristics. The association between cannabis use and traffic accident risk was examined among the 907 sample members who reported driving a motor vehicle between the ages of 18 and 21 years. Results: there were statistically significant relationships between reported annual cannabis use and annual accident rates. This association was present only for ‘active’ accidents in which driver behaviours contributed to the accident; those using cannabis more than 50 times per year had estimated rates of active accidents that were 1.6 (95% CI 1.2–2.0) times higher than the rate for non-users. However, statistical control for driver behaviours and characteristics related to cannabis use (drink driving behaviour; risky/illegal driving behaviours; driver attitudes; gender) eliminated the association between cannabis use and traffic accident risks. Conclusions: although cannabis use was associated with increased risks of traffic accidents among members of this birth cohort, these increased risks appear to reflect the characteristics of the young people who used cannabis rather than the effects of cannabis use on driver performance.  相似文献   

This paper presents an investigation into the relationship between driver stress, coping strategies and aberrant driving of a Greek sample of company employees (N=714). The results supported the main factor structures of the Driver Behavior Inventory (Matthews, G., Tsuda, A., Xin, G., Ozeki, Y., 1999. Individual differences in driver stress vulnerability in a Japanese sample. Ergonomics 42, 401-415) and Driver Behavior Questionnaire (Kontogiannis, T., Kossiavelou, Z., Marmaras, N., 2002. Self-reports of aberrant behavior on the roads: errors and violations in a sample of Greek drivers. Accident Anal. Prev. 34, 391-399). An inventory of coping strategies was also examined in terms of self reports. Confrontive coping was characteristic of drivers high on aggression who also had higher rates of mistakes and violations. Coping in terms of self-criticism was exhibited by drivers high on dislike of driving (i.e., anxiety) who reported a higher incidence of mistakes. Task-focus coping was characteristic of alertness and had a weak correlation with confidence. Drivers high in confidence reported fewer mistakes and violations which, in association with low perception of risk, was a particularly worrying aspect of driving. A contextual model of accident involvement was tested with LISREL in which violations yielded a direct effect whilst aggression yielded an indirect effect mediated by violations. Alertness and confidence were both related to safety orientation but failed to predict accident rates and speeding convictions.  相似文献   

Minor bicycle accidents are defined as “bicycle accidents not involving death or heavily injured persons, implying that possible hospital visits last less than 24 hours”. Statistics about these accidents and related injuries are very poor, because they are mostly not reported to police, hospitals or insurance companies. Yet, they form a major share of all bicycle accidents. Official registrations underestimate the number of minor accidents and do not provide cost data, nor the distance cycled. Therefore related policies are hampered by a lack of accurate data.This paper provides more insight into the importance of minor bicycle accidents and reports the frequency, risk and resulting costs of minor bicycle accidents. Direct costs, including the damage to bike and clothes as well as medical costs and indirect costs such as productivity loss and leisure time lost are calculated. We also estimate intangible costs of pain and psychological suffering and costs for other parties involved in the accident. Data were collected during the SHAPES project using several electronic surveys. The weekly prospective registration that lasted a year, covered 1187 persons that cycled 1,474,978 km. 219 minor bicycle accidents were reported. Resulting in a frequency of 148 minor bicycle accidents per million kilometres. We analyzed the economic costs related to 118 minor bicycle accidents in detail. The average total cost of these accidents is estimated at 841 euro (95% CI: 579–1205) per accident or 0.125 euro per kilometre cycled. Overall, productivity loss is the most important component accounting for 48% of the total cost. Intangible costs, which in past research were mostly neglected, are an important burden related to minor bicycle accidents (27% of the total cost). Even among minor accidents there are important differences in the total cost depending on the severity of the injury.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate taxi drivers' superstition and risk perception of accidents as well as risk-taking in an urban area in South Africa. One hundred and thirty drivers of minibuses, so-called "taxis" were interviewed on the basis of: (1) a superstition scale; (2) a risk-taking scale; (3) a list of perceived causes of road traffic accidents. Drivers showed largely superstitious attitudes and expressed a high degree of risk-taking behavior.Superstition was positively correlated with the number of self-reported accidents the drivers had been involved in and the number of accidents they had witnessed. Path analysis revealed a direct path from superstition to accident involvement while the influence of formal education was negligible. Risk-taking was inversely correlated with driving experience and the number of accidents witnessed but not so with the number of accidents involved in. There was no clear pattern of associations between superstition and risk-taking and perceived causes of accidents. Superstition and risk-taking were slightly and inversely correlated with each other. It is concluded that superstition represents an attitude that is associated with a driver's accident risk, and further research on superstitious attitudes among South African drivers is advocated.  相似文献   

This paper presents a re-analysis of the Power Model of the relationship between the mean speed of traffic and road safety. Past evaluations of the model, most recently in 2009, have broadly speaking supported it. However, the most recent evaluation of the model indicated that the relationship between speed and road safety depends not only on the relative change in speed, as suggested by the Power Model, but also on initial speed. This implies that the exponent describing, for example, a 25% reduction in speed will not be the same when speed changes from 100 km/h to 75 km/h as it will when speed changes from 20 km/h to 15 km/h. This paper reports an analysis leading to a re-parameterisation of the Power Model in terms of continuously varying exponents which depend on initial speed. The re-parameterisation was accomplished by fitting exponential functions to data points in which changes in speed and accidents were sorted in groups of 10 km/h according to initial speed, starting with data points referring to the highest initial speeds. The exponential functions fitted the data extremely well and imply that the effect on accidents of a given relative change in speed is largest when initial speed is highest.  相似文献   



The aim of this study was to examine different socio-demographic, health and safety-related factors, and psychoactive substance use among fatally injured drivers in road traffic accidents in Finland during 2006–2008.


An accident information register maintained by the Traffic Safety Committee of Insurance Companies (VALT) of the Finnish Motor Insurers’ Centre was used as basic data, and the basic data were complemented with further toxicological analytical information retrieved from autopsy reports from the Department of Forensic Medicine, Helsinki University. The data included all the drivers (n = 556) who were driving a motor vehicle and who died in a road traffic accident in Finland during 2006–2008.


Of all the 556 fatally injured drivers 43% (n = 238) had psychoactive substance findings. 51% (n = 121) of substance positive drivers had a finding for alcohol only, the rest had a finding for one or more illicit/medicinal drugs impairing driving ability, and possibly also alcohol. Fatally injured drivers with alcohol findings were significantly younger (mean age 34 years) than sober drivers (mean age 44 years) or drivers with findings for drugs (mean age 45 years). Socio-demographic background did not differ substantially among drunken/drugged and sober drivers, although drivers with alcohol findings had a slightly lower education and socioeconomic position. Previous substance abuse problems were highly prevalent among drivers with substance findings and mental or both mental and physical health problems were more common among drivers with drug findings. The non-use of safety equipment and driving at a high speed were more common among fatally injured drivers with substance findings.


Substance abuse and mental health problems, as well as reckless driving behavior were more pronounced among fatally injured drivers with substance findings when compared to sober drivers. Thus, prevention and early intervention concerning substance abuse, mental health problems and DUI are essential. Improved traffic safety cannot be achieved by means of traffic policy only, but integration with other policies, such as health and social policy should be strengthened.  相似文献   

Racial/ethnic groups in the United States may be overrepresented in motor-vehicle incidents (crashes and violations), particularly among low-acculturated immigrants coming from countries in which traffic laws are not well enforced. Some evidence suggests just the opposite. We collected and analyzed information on the residency status of licensed drivers in Florida and Tennessee to examine the hypothesis that the prevalence of seat-belt nonuse, DWI, speeding, and failures to obey a traffic signal was higher among recent immigrants than among US citizens. We rejected this hypothesis. Both in Florida and Tennessee, US citizens were more likely to be cited for DWI, seat-belt, or speeding violations than the noncitizens. However, immigrants were more often cited for failure-to-obey than US citizens. We concluded that residency status does, appear to play a role in the likelihood of traffic violations, but this role is far from uniform; varying depending upon the type of traffic violation, the racial/ethnic group, and the state in which the violation occurred.  相似文献   

Driver sleepiness is a prevalent phenomenon among professional drivers working unconventional and irregular hours. For compromising occupational and traffic safety, sleepiness has become one of the major conundrums of road transportation. To further elucidate the phenomenon, an on-road study canvassing the under-explored relationship between working hours and sleepiness, sleep, and use of sleepiness countermeasures during and outside statutory rest breaks was conducted. Testing the association between the outcomes and working hours, generalized estimating equations models were fitted on a data collected from 54 long-haul truck drivers (mean 38.1 ± 10.5 years, one female) volunteering in the 2-week study. Unobtrusive data-collection methods applied under naturalistic working and shift conditions included the Karolinska Sleepiness Scale (KSS) measuring sleepiness, a combination of actigraphy and sleep-log measuring sleep, and self-report questionnaire items incorporated into the sleep-log measuring the use of sleepiness countermeasures during and outside statutory rest breaks. Drivers’ working hours were categorized into first and consecutive night, morning and day/evening shifts based on shift timing. The results reveal severe sleepiness (KSS ≥ 7) was most prevalent on the first night (37.8%) and least on the morning (10.0%) shifts. Drivers slept reasonably well prior to duty hours, with main sleep being longest prior to the first night (total sleep time 7:21) and shortest prior to the morning (total sleep time 5:43) shifts. The proportion of shifts whereby drivers reported using at least one sleepiness countermeasure outside statutory rest breaks was approximately 22% units greater for the night than the non-night shifts. Compared to the day/evening shifts, the odds of severe sleepiness were greater only on the first night shifts (OR 6.4–9.1 with 95% confidence intervals, depending on the statistical model), the odds of insufficient daily sleep were higher especially prior to the consecutive night shifts (OR 3.5 with 95% confidence intervals), and the odds of using efficient sleepiness countermeasures outside statutory rest breaks were greater on the first as well as consecutive night shifts (OR 4.0–4.6 with 95% confidence intervals). No statistically significant association was found between shift type and use of efficient sleepiness countermeasures during statutory rest breaks. In all, the findings demonstrate marked differences in the occurrence of severe sleepiness at the wheel, sleep preceding duty hours, and the use of sleepiness countermeasures between different shift types. In addition, although drivers slept reasonably well in connection with different shift types, the findings imply there is still room for improvement in alertness management among this group of employees.  相似文献   

The authors examined the association between prescribed medications and fatal motor vehicle crashes (MVCs) in an active duty military population between 2002 and 2006. Using a case-control design, MVC deaths were ascertained using a military mortality registry, and an integrated health system database provided information on health system eligibility, pharmacy transactions, and medical encounters. Cases and controls were matched on comparable observation time outside periods of deployment. Among selected categories, only one, antidepressant medications, was an independent predictor of fatal MVC (odds ratio, 3.19; 95% confidence interval, 1.01-10.07). Male gender, Black race, enlisted rank, service branch (Navy and Marine Corps), and selected co-morbidities were also independent predictors. Unexpectedly, the odds of younger age quartiles (<27 years) and history of deployment were reduced for MVC cases. Although results need to be considered in the context of data limitations, the association between prescribed antidepressants and fatal MVC may reflect unmeasured co-morbidities, such as combined effects of prescribed and over-the-counter medications and/or alcohol or other substance abuse. Younger individuals, representing new military accessions in training or returning from deployment with serious injuries, may have fewer opportunities to operate vehicles, or targeted efforts to reduce MVC following deployment may be showing a positive effect.  相似文献   

While antilock brakes can improve steering and reduce stopping distance in some test situations, there is little evidence that they reduce the risk of crash-related injury. We sought to estimate the association between presence of antilock brakes and the risk of driver injury. We conducted a case-control study using claims data from the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia, Canada, for passenger vehicles insured during July 1, 2003, to June 30, 2004. Cases were 5000 vehicles with a driver crash injury during the study period. Controls were 49,994 vehicles insured at the mid-point of the study interval. The adjusted risk ratio for a crash with driver injury in a vehicle with antilock brakes was 1.06 (95% confidence interval, 0.95-1.17), compared with a vehicle without antilock brakes. If this estimated association is causal, antilock brakes do not prevent crash-related driver injuries.  相似文献   

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