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Kattawar GW  Raković MJ 《Applied optics》1999,38(30):6431-6438
We present a theoretical analysis on use of polarized light in the detection of a model target in a scattering and absorbing medium similar to seawater. Monte Carlo numerical simulations are used in the calculation of the effective Mueller matrix which describes the scattering process. A target in the shape of a disk is divided into three regions, each of which has the same albedo but different reduced Mueller matrices. Contrast between various parts of the target and background is analyzed in the images created by ordinary radiance, by various elements of the Mueller matrix, and by certain suitable combinations of these elements. It is shown that the application of polarized light has distinct advantages in target detection and characterization when compared with use of unpolarized light.  相似文献   

Depolarization and principal mueller matrix measured by null ellipsometry   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Nee SM 《Applied optics》2001,40(28):4933-4939
Methods for accurately measuring depolarization and principal Mueller matrix by null ellipsometry are devised. The measurement errors obtained with these methods are analyzed, and methods to correct for the errors are devised. The depolarization spectrum measured directly by null ellipsometry for a sapphire slab agrees excellently with the depolarization spectrum reduced indirectly from the retardance spectrum measured by rotating analyzer ellipsometry and the depolarization spectrum simulated for the retardance spread caused by a finite bandwidth of monochromator [J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 17, 2067 (2001)]. The measured cross-polarized depolarization for the sapphire slab is much smaller than the total depolarization.  相似文献   

On-line Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy was applied to monitor the concentration of halogenated volatile organic compounds in a sample-preparation process that simulates long-term, slow accumulation of contaminants in soils (i.e., aging). Artificial aging is conducted by circulating a supercritical fluid solution containing the contaminant(s) of interest through a packed soil column. Mid-infrared spectra of several volatile halocarbons were measured in supercritical Xe and CO(2) to evaluate possible interferences from the strong absorption of CO(2). Although some of the C-X bands were partially masked in supercritical CO(2), all of the compounds studied had distinct spectral features in the region 1400-700 cm(-1) and could be monitored in either solvent. Quantitative measurements of halogenated volatile organics in supercritical CO(2) were demonstrated with CCl(4). Excellent results were obtained over the range 7-280 mM. Representative artificial aging experiments were conducted on two test soils using CCl(4) as the contaminant. On-line (FT-IR) estimates of the aged soil concentrations were 1.3-4.4 times higher than off-line concentrations obtained by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. The discrepancies were primarily ascribed to post-aging losses that occurred during depressurization and subsequent sample handling. FT-IR spectroscopy is shown to be a powerful tool for monitoring soil loading behavior and for developing artificial aging protocols.  相似文献   

Chyan OM  Chen JJ  Xu F  Wu J 《Analytical chemistry》1997,69(13):2434-2437
Trace levels of organic impurities in the hydrofluoric acid solutions were measured by a multiple internal reflection infrared spectroscopic (MIRIS) technique. The MIRIS utilizes a clean attenuated total reflection (ATR) silicon crystal to extract organic impurities from the HF solutions. An open beam single-channel background spectrum combined with statistical analysis was used to ensure the reproducibility of absorbed organics measurement. The hydrofluoric acid samples were analyzed under an ultrapure nitrogen blanket to avoid airborne organics interferences. The adsorbed organic contaminants were found to randomly orient on the silicon ATR probe surface. A higher level of organic impurities was found in the more concentrated hydrofluoric acid solutions.  相似文献   

Deibler LL  Smith MH 《Applied optics》2001,40(22):3659-3667
The complex refractive index of materials at infrared wavelengths is often determined when absorption measurements are made at selected wavelengths, and then the Kramers-Kronig relationship is used to calculate the real part of the index. Because many organic materials are highly absorbing in the infrared, absorption measurements require a short path length. We report on the use of an attenuated total internal reflection (TIR) method in combination with an infrared Mueller matrix spectropolarimeter to measure the Mueller matrix spectrum of samples from 3 to 14 mum. From the elements of the Mueller matrix the complex refractive index is determined for materials whose TIR interfaces are eigenstates of s and p polarization. The calculated index for water compares well with data found in the literature.  相似文献   

Emission spectroscopy is applied in the determination of the near infrared spectral absorption coefficient of molten glass. The glass is held in a small horizontal platinum alloy crucible, within an electrically heated cell, optically coupled to a Fourier transform spectrometer. A formula is derived which relates emissivity to absorption coefficient, thickness, and reflectivities for the glass-air and glass-metal interfaces. The reflectivity parameters are determined, in effect, by varying the thickness. Spectral absorption coefficient results are compared with results of transmission spectroscopy. The emission technique is advantageous in that it eliminates the problem of chemical reactions with window materials used in the transmission method, and sample preparation and interfacing to commercially available spectrometers is simplified.  相似文献   

After a brief introduction to wavelet theory, this paper discusses the critical parameters to be considered in wavelet denoising for infrared laser spectroscopy. In particular, it is shown that measurement dispersion as well as sensibility can be dramatically improved when using wavelet denoising for gas detection by infrared laser absorption spectroscopy.  相似文献   

Bartel S  Hielscher AH 《Applied optics》2000,39(10):1580-1588
We have developed a Monte Carlo algorithm that computes all two-dimensional elements of the diffuse backscattering Mueller matrix for highly scattering media. Using the Stokes-Mueller formalism and scattering amplitudes calculated with Mie theory, we are able to consider polarization-dependent photon propagation in highly scattering media, including linearly and circularly polarized light. The numerically determined matrix elements are compared with experimental data for different particle sizes and show good agreement in both azimuthal and radial direction.  相似文献   

Qu Y  Kang ZH  Jiang Y  Gao JY 《Applied optics》2006,45(33):8537-8540
A multiline absorption spectroscopy technique was investigated based on the single-line absorption spectroscopy technique. An open-path methane-detecting system was designed. An LED was used as a broadband source, and a Fabry-Perot interferometer whose transmission peaks matched the methane R-branch absorption lines was used to enhance the detectable sensitivity. We demonstrate a minimum-detectable concentration of 7600 +/- 10% ppm (parts per million) with a multiline differential absorption spectroscopy technique and a concentration of 1000 +/- 10% ppm with a multiline wavelength modulation spectroscopy technique.  相似文献   

We present a titanium-silicon oxide film structure that permits polarization modulated infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy on silicon oxide surfaces. The structure consists of a ∼ 6 nm sputtered silicon oxide film on a ∼ 200 nm sputtered titanium film. Characterization using conventional and scanning transmission electron microscopy, electron energy loss spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and X-ray reflectometry is presented. We demonstrate the use of this structure to investigate a selectively protein-resistant self-assembled monolayer (SAM) consisting of silane-anchored, biotin-terminated poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG). PEG-associated IR bands were observed. Measurements of protein-characteristic band intensities showed that this SAM adsorbed streptavidin whereas it repelled bovine serum albumin, as had been expected from its structure.  相似文献   

We demonstrate how grating-coupler assisted infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy can be used to simultaneously determine the chemical identity and relative thickness of organic thin films. With a grating substrate, a threshold anomaly associated with passing off of the -1 diffracted order occurs at grazing angles of incidence, resulting in a sharp absorbance in the infrared. The position of this peak is sensitive to the grating geometry as well as the dielectric environment near its surface. Thus, shifts in the peak position can be used to determine the relative thickness of adsorbed films or quantify molecular adsorption events. To illustrate the characteristics and sensitivity of this phenomenon, several samples were prepared and tested, including self-assembled alkanethiolate monolayers with 11-mercaptoundecanoic acid, 11-mercapto-1-undecanol, decanethiol, and a covalently linked layer of bovine serum albumin on a commercial, gold-coated grating. For these samples, the position of the threshold absorbance peak shifted to lower wavenumbers as film thickness increased, which is consistent with calculated shifts based upon an increasing refractive index at the interface. The sensitivity of this shift was measured to be 3.7 cm(-1) nm(-1). These results illustrate how a grating substrate can be exploited in a standard infrared reflectance measurement to provide additional information about the relative thickness of adsorbed surface films.  相似文献   

The application of phase-shift, fiber-loop, ring-down spectroscopy (PS-FLRDS) as an on-line detector for capillary electrophoresis (CE) of biomolecules is demonstrated. CE was conducted using a custom-designed capillary/fiber interface coupled to an absorption detector, which is based on the ring-down of an optical signal in a closed fiber waveguide loop. The ring-down times were obtained by measuring the phase difference between intensity modulated light entering and exiting the fiber loop. The incorporation of a microlens to enhance transmission through the sample gap led to an improvement of the sensitivity by up to 80% compared to the square-cut fiber and a reduction in the detection limit. The performance of the PS-FLRDS absorption technique as an online detector was characterized by flow injection through a capillary. Good repeatability and linear response were obtained, and the detection limit using the lensed fiber/capillary interface system was determined to be alpha(min) = 1.6 cm(-1) for an absorption path of approximately 30 microm. PS-FLRDS coupled to CE was also applied to the analysis of human serum albumin (HSA) by using a NIR dye as a noncovalent label. The excess free dye and the dye/protein complex were resolved. The labeling coefficient was determined to be approximately 6, and good repeatability of peak areas (RSD = 8.7%) was obtained for the analysis of HSA. Furthermore, an excellent linear response (R2 > 0.99) was obtained between the peak areas and concentrations of HSA. The detection limit of labeled HSA was determined to be 1.67 microM.  相似文献   

Ye C 《Applied optics》1999,38(10):1975-1985
A method based on Mueller matrix polarimetry is developed and demonstrated for determining the fibril angle and relative phase retardation of single, intact pulp fibers. The method permits quantitative and nondestructive determination of these parameters from measurements at one wavelength without any fiber alignment. The Mueller matrix of a pulp fiber and its relationship with the fibril angle and phase retardation are described. A nonmodulation method for determining the Mueller matrix is then proposed that is based on a set of intensity data registered by a single detector. Measurements were carried out with single pulp fibers as samples to test the theoretical prediction. The test measurements and results are described and presented.  相似文献   

Preferentially aligned silver nanorod arrays prepared by oblique angle vapor deposition were evaluated as substrates for surface-enhanced infrared absorption (SEIRA) spectroscopy. These nanorod arrays have an irregular surface lattice and are composed of tilted, cylindrically shaped nanorods that have an average length of 868 nm +/- 95 nm and an average diameter of 99 nm +/- 29 nm. The overall enhancement factor for chemisorbed organic films of para-nitrobenzoic acid (PNBA) deposited onto the Ag nanorod arrays analyzed by external reflection SEIRA was calculated to be 31 +/- 9 compared to infrared reflection-absorption spectroscopy (IRRAS) obtained from a 500 nm Ag film substrate. This enhancement is attributed to the unique optical properties of the nanorod arrays as well as the increased surface area provided by the nanorod substrate. SEIRA reflection-absorbance intensity was observed with both p- and s-polarized incident radiation with angles of incidence ranging from 25 degrees to 80 degrees . The largest intensity was achieved with p-polarization and incident angles larger than 75 degrees . Polarization-dependent ultraviolet/visible/near-infrared (UV/Vis/NIR) spectra of the nanorod arrays demonstrate that the red-shifted surface plasmon peaks of the elongated nanorods may be partially responsible for the observed SEIRA response. The SEIRA detection limit for the Ag nanorod arrays was estimated to be 0.08 ng/cm(2). Surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) and SEIRA analysis of chemisorbed PNBA utilizing the same nanorod substrate is demonstrated.  相似文献   

介绍了差分吸收光谱(DOAS)在线测量系统,分析了DOAS的光谱处理方法.研究了SO2气体浓度的DOAS测量方法,可以实现排放烟气中SO2的在线测量.DOAS法利用数学方法将吸收光谱分解成快变和慢变部分,他利用快变部分计算气体成分的浓度,这使得烟尘干扰和光源强度变化不影响烟气浓度测量精度.DOAS法用线测量代替点测量,可获得区域内更具有代表性的数据,能更准确的反映烟气排放情况;可同时对多种污染物的进行定性、定量分析;是非接触性测量,无需采样.  相似文献   

A high-resolution differential optical absorption spectroscopy (DOAS) system for long-path atmospheric pollution monitoring is described. The system, consisting of a broadband lamp and a dispersive, fast-scanning optical receiver, separated by a few kilometers, was used in measurements of different pollutants, highlighted by the monitoring of the local concentration of atomic mercury. Mercury levels in the ppt (1:10(12)) range were assessed by comparisons with laboratory measurements.  相似文献   

A newly developed UV-visible instrument for differential optical absorption spectroscopic measurements of atmospheric trace gases from balloon platforms is described. Direct solar light at daytime in the near-ultraviolet (320.6-422.6-nm) and the visible (417.6-670.7-nm) spectral ranges can be simultaneously analyzed for the atmospheric column abundances or profiles of O(3), NO(2), NO(3), BrO, OClO, O(4), H(2)O, and possibly other species (HNO(2), IO, CH(2)O). Compared with previously used balloonborne UV-visible spectrometers, the instrument has the superior properties of low mass (42 kg), low power consumption (30 W), decreased spectral drift that is caused by temperature and pressure changes, low detector dark current, and low spectrometer stray light. The three last-named characteristics are achieved by enclosure of the entire spectrometer in a pressurized and thermostated container and by inclusion of separately thermostated photodiode array detectors. The optical setup is simplified to reduce its weight. The spectral stray light is reduced by suppression of the higher-order and zero-order grating reflections by use of light traps and in the UV by addition of a dispersive prism preanalyzer. The major instrumental design characteristics and the instrumental performance as tested in the laboratory and during several stratospheric balloon flights are reported.  相似文献   

Absolute measurements of the optical absorption at λ=10.6 μm of BaF2 thin film grown on a ZnSe substrate and bare ZnSe substrate surface were performed by collinear photothermal deflection technique. Absorption values were obtained in an absolute manner by fitting experimental data to the theoretical expressions of beam deflection for two particular cases: when thermal wave extends far from the laser spot and the opposite, when the heated region does not stretch beyond the laser spot. The validity of the theoretical models were tested in the range of modulation frequencies from 20 Hz to 2700 Hz. This method was also applied to the analysis of fused silica and sapphire bulk samples in order to be used as reference absorbing media in the infrared spectral range. Optical absorption of BaF2 thin film and ZnSe substrate surface were also deduced from the same theoretical approach using sapphire as a bulk reference medium. From both calculation methods an absorptance of 1200 ppm for BaF2 thin film and of 425 ppm for ZnSe plate surface were measured.  相似文献   

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