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不相接双星的相互照射吸收和子星表面温度的变化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本对不相接双星系统的子星间相互照射吸收进行了计算,从理论上得到子星的表面温度分布情况,对已知基本参数的33个晚型双星系统中的反映了星等温面和等势面偏离程度的量进行了统计,结果表明,冷子星上等温面向和等热面的偏离程度普遍较热子星的要大。该结果支持了ZhouLeung所提出了用气旋和反气旋来解释恒星黑子和太阳黑子巨大差别的可能性,本还考虑了临边昏暗效应在晚型双星系统中对子星之间相互照射吸收的影响。  相似文献   

照射吸收引起的子星表面温度不均匀分布是子星包层大气斜压性的原因,同时又 会影响到光变曲线的形态.要了解子星包层大气斜压性形成的详细图景,要计算双星 照射吸收对光变曲线的影响,首先要计算出经过照射吸收后双星表面温度的改变,本 文在最简单的双球模型的基础上,采用椭球-球模型就椭球受球的照射吸收后所改变 的表面温度进行了计算.  相似文献   

照射吸收引起的子星表面温度不均匀分布是子星包层大气斜压性的原因,同时又会影响到光变曲线的形态,要了解子星包层大气斜 压性形成的详细图景,要计算双星照射吸收对光变曲线的影响,首先要计算出经过照射吸收后双星表面温度的改变,本在最简单的双球模型的基础上,采用椭球-球模型就椭球受球的照射吸收后所改变的表面温度进行了计算。  相似文献   

短周期食双星V361Lyr(p=0.3096天)可能是观测到的最短周期的由非简并天体且成的近相接双星,本文采用Kaluzny1989年观测到的V和I光变曲线进行了详细的测光分析。考虑到次子星上由于吸积而引起热斑在径度方向的可能延伸效应,而采用了多热斑模型近似,结果取得了对观测到的畸变光变曲线的很好的拟合。  相似文献   

收集了近相接双星BF Vir的光极小时刻,并对其轨道周期进行分析。结果表明该星的轨道周期在长期减小的财时也含有30年的周期性变化,对引起轨道周期变化的各种物理机制的分析研究表明:一个质量为0.281M⊙、绕公共质心的轨道半径为10.2UA的第3天体的存在能对轨道周期的周期性变化成份作出解释,如果轨道周期的周期性变化成份是由于次子星的周期性磁活动引起,那么系统总光度就应该有振幅0.097L⊙的周期性  相似文献   

用相同的仪器条件在美国基特峰国立天文台观测了12颗晚型双星,并用卷积法测得了这12个双星系统的15个子星的自转速度,其中5个子星是首次进行自转测量。利用我们自己测得的自转速度值,我们也讨论了这些双星系统中的自转同步性。结果显示:所有轨道周期小于9天的双星系统子星都是周步的自转的。  相似文献   

计算了总质量为3.9M,具有不同初始质比和两子星间距的一组模型在总质量、总角动量守恒假设下的Case A演化,以探求Case A演化与几乎相接双星(NCS)可能的联系.结果表明确实存在经过Case A质量交流演化为NCS系统的途径。并且这样形成的NCS系统其随后的演化有两种前景:一种随即演化为相接系统;另一种则经由慢速质量交流成为较稳定的半接或不接系统.但能够演化为NCS状态的初始模型范围极为狭窄,本文大致确定了它们的初始质比、子星间距等参量范围. 结合模型计算结果,对已知29个NCS系统作了统计研究,结果表明NCS系统与相接双星在演化上有很密切的联系.  相似文献   

本文回顾了W UMa型相接双星观测和理论研究的历史。总结了W UMa型相接双星观测特性和理论研究的成果。最后讨论了W UMa型相接双星理论模型研究中存在的问题及其解决这些问题的一些可行方法。  相似文献   

A list of 62 detached binaries having reliable data on the rotation of the line of apsides is considered. Theoretical estimates of the rate of apsidal motion are obtained. These estimates are compared with observational data. It is shown that cases in which the theoretical estimate exceeds the observed value are several times more frequent than cases in which the theoretical value is lower than the observed one. This discrepancy increases when systems with more reliable observational data are considered.  相似文献   

We present the first direct distance determination to a detached eclipsing binary in M33, which was found by the DIRECT Project. Located in the OB 66 association, it was one of the most suitable detached eclipsing binaries found by DIRECT for distance determination, given its 4.8938 day period. We obtained follow-up BV photometry and spectroscopy from which we determined the parameters of the system. It contains two O7 main sequence stars with masses of and and radii of and , respectively. We derive temperatures of K and K and determine the reddening . Using HST photometry for flux calibration in the V band, we obtain a preliminary distance modulus of mag ( kpc). The photometry and thus distance is subject to revision in the final paper.  相似文献   

谢基伟 《天文学报》2013,54(1):79-81
自1995年在类太阳恒星周围发现第1颗太阳系外行星(简称系外行星)以来,到目前为止发现的系外行星数目已达500多个.恒星一般诞生在双星系统中,因此在双星系统中发现行星是很自然的.目前的观测统计显示,双星系统中具有行星的恒星比例大概为17%.显然这个比例应该看成一个下限,因为很强的观测选择效应使很多行星观测计划避开了双星系统.目前发现的有行星的双星系统大都为S型,即一颗伴星围绕着里面的恒星-行星系统公转.一般S型的双星轨道间距在100 AU以上,不过目前也发现了4个S型双星轨道间距在20 AU左右.这些系统包括Gamma Cephei、GJ 86、HD41004和HD 196885.除了以上介绍的S型双星,还有一类叫P型,即行星围绕两个恒星公转.P型的双星到目前为止只发现并确认了两例.本论文将主要研究S型双星系统中的行星形成. 在第1章,我们首先概括了到目前为止有关单星和双星系统中行星的观测特征.然后,我们系统地介绍了有关行星形成的理论模型,特别是这些理论模型应用到双星系统中时需要考虑的情况变化.双星系统中,由于伴星的引力扰动,行星形成与之在单星系统中相比变得更加复杂.伴星的引力可以激发起星子的轨道,从而使得它们的碰撞速度增大到大于星子的表面逃逸速度,甚至大于使星子碎裂的极限速度.行星形成的中间(第2)阶段—从星子到行星胚胎,因此变得问题重重和扑朔迷离.我们接下来的内容将主要集中在这个问题很多的中间阶段,看星子能否以及如何顺利通过这个阶段.  相似文献   

We consider the evolution of certain low-mass binaries, incorporating models of (a) internal evolution, (b) tidal friction, (c) dynamo activity driven by an elementary α,Ω dynamo, (d) stellar wind driven by the activity, and (e) magnetic braking as a consequence of wind and poloidal dynamo-generated magnetic field. In some circumstances the stellar wind is found to remove mass on a nuclear timescale, as is necessary to explain some observed systems. We can hope that various uncertainties in the model may be clarified by a careful comparison of the models with such observed quantities as rotation periods. These are modified by processes (a), (b) and (e). Assuming that stellar evolution is slow, rotation rate should in some circumstances represent a balance between magnetic braking trying to slow the star down and tidal friction trying to spin it up. Preliminary attempts are promising, but indicate that some fine tuning is necessary. When there is a third body present, in an orbit which is inclined but not necessarily of short period, the eccentricity of a close binary can be strongly modified by ‘Kozai cycles’. We show that this may complicate attempts to account for spin rates of stars in close binaries.  相似文献   

本文研究了激变双星中较冷次星的星风在磁场耦合作用下造成的角动量损失,以及对激变双星演化的影响。本文特别注意到双星成员的星风物质损失和角动量损失应该与单星情况明显不同,这就是:双星成员的星风物质损失受到潮汐效应和系统自转效应的影响而增大,同时双星成员的角动量是由轨道角动量和自转角动量所组成,并且轨道角动量远大于自转角动量。研究结果表明,由于次星的星风物质损失率很小,星风的速度也不大,因而磁滞效应造成的角动量损失极小,不能成为驱动周期大于3小时的激变双星演化的机制。  相似文献   

The most puzzling property of the extrasolar planets discovered by recent radial velocity surveys is their high orbital eccentricities, which are very difficult to explain within our current theoretical paradigm for planet formation. Current data reveal that at least 25% of these planets, including some with particularly high eccentricities, are orbiting a component of a binary star system. The presence of a distant companion can cause significant secular perturbations in the orbit of a planet. At high relative inclinations, large-amplitude, periodic eccentricity perturbations can occur. These are known as “Kozai cycles” and their amplitude is purely dependent on the relative orbital inclination. Assuming that every planet host star also has a (possibly unseen, e.g., substellar) distant companion, with reasonable distributions of orbital parameters and masses, we determine the resulting eccentricity distribution of planets and compare it to observations? We find that perturbations from a binary companion always appear to produce an excess of planets with both very high (?0.6) and very low (e ? 0.1) eccentricities. The paucity of near-circular orbits in the observed sample implies that at least one additional mechanism must be increasing eccentricities. On the other hand, the overproduction of very high eccentricities observed in our models could be combined with plausible circularization mechanisms (e.g., friction from residual gas) to create more planets with intermediate eccentricities (e? 0.1–0.6).  相似文献   

讨论了143颗早型和125个晚型双星系统轨道偏心率与轨道周期间的关系。结果表明:几乎所有P<17d的早型主序双星都具有圆或近圆轨道(e≤005),即早型主序双星的圆轨道临界周期约为17d;而早型巨星、特殊星和晚型主序、晚型巨星组双星的圆轨道临界周期分别约为20d,75d,7d和10d。比较理论预期与实测统计关系,动力学潮汐机制及粘滞理论与实测数据较好地吻合,而纯流体动力学理论与我们的统计不太一致。  相似文献   

A very slight rotation-induced latitudinal temperature variation (presumably on the order of several kelvin) on the solar surface is theoretically expected. While recent high-precision solar brightness observations reported its detection, confirmation by an alternative approach using the strengths of spectral lines is desirable, for which reducing the noise due to random fluctuation caused by atmospheric inhomogeneity is critical. Toward this difficult task, we carried out a pilot study of spectroscopically investigating the relative variation of temperature (\(T\)) at a number of points in the solar circumference region near to the limb (where latitude dependence should be detectable, if any exists) based on the equivalent widths (\(W\)) of 28 selected lines in the 5367?–?5393 Å and 6075?–?6100 Å regions. We paid special attention to i) clarifying which types of lines should be employed and ii) how much precision is attainable in practice. We found that lines with strong \(T\)-sensitivity (\(|\log W/\log T|\)) should be used and that very weak lines should be avoided because they inevitably suffer strong relative fluctuations (\(\Delta W/W\)). Our analysis revealed that a precision of \(\Delta T/T \approx 0.003\) (corresponding to ≈?15 K) can be achieved at best by a spectral line with comparatively large \(|\log W/\log T|\), although this can possibly be further improved When a number of lines are used all together. Accordingly, if many such favorable lines could be measured with subpercent precision of \(\Delta W/W\) and by averaging the resulting \(\Delta T/T\) from each line, the random noise would eventually be reduced to ??1 K and detection of a very subtle amount of global \(T\)-gradient might be possible.  相似文献   

Three importantphysical processes occurringin contact binarysystems are studied. The first one is the effect of spin, orbital rotation and tide on the structure of the components, which includes also the effect of meridian circulation on the mixing of the chemical elements in the components. The second one is the mass and energy exchange between the components. To describe the energy exchange, a new approach is introduced based on the understanding that the exchange is due to the release of the potential, kinetic and thermal energy of the exchanged mass. The third is the loss of mass and angular momentum through the outer Lagrangian point. The rate of mass loss and the angular momentum carried away by the lost mass are discussed. To show the effects of these processes, we follow the evolution of a binary system consisting of a 12M and a 5M star with mass exchange between the components and mass loss via the outer Lagrangian point, both with and without considering the effects of rotation and tide. The result shows that the effect of rotation and tide advances the start of the semi-detached and the contact phases, and delays the end of the hydrogen-burning phase of the primary. Furthermore, it can change not only the occurrence of mass and angular momentum loss via the outer Lagrangian point, but also the contact or semi-contact status of the system. Thus, this effect can result in the special phenomenon of short-term variations occurring over a slow increase of the orbital period. The occurrence of mass and angular momentum loss via the outer Lagrangian point can affect the orbital period of the system significantly, but this process can be influenced, even suppressed out by the effect of rotation and tide. The mass and energy exchange occurs in the common envelope. The net result of the mass exchange process is a mass transfer from the primary to the secondary during the whole contact phase.  相似文献   

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