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在自行建立的太阳能腔式吸热器热性能实验台上,研究热流密度、入口工质水体积流量、风速等参数对腔式吸热器热性能的影响.结果表明:太阳能模拟器的热流密度整体上呈高斯分布,吸热管的轴向壁温差可以高达50 ℃;正对太阳能模拟器的#5号吸热管出口水温升最高,可达40 ℃.吸热器的热损失随热流量的增大、入口流量的减小及风速的增大而增大,且热流量因素的影响最大;腔式吸热器具有较高的热效率,正向平衡计算热效率大于85%,且正、反向能量平衡的计算热效率偏差在3%以内.  相似文献   

比较了各种吸热器在塔式太阳能系统中的表现,结果发现腔式吸热器比外热式吸热器具有更高的吸热效率,但经济性略差;在工作介质方面,熔盐介质具有热容量大及经济性、安全性较好的优点,但工作温度受限,对反射镜的控制精度要求高;而空气没有温度限制,并且对环境友好,但其热容量较小,导致经济性不好;水/蒸汽式吸热器有较高的效率及热容量,但管路及容器等需承受高压.  相似文献   

在考虑变物性以及腔体固壁与流体间流固耦合的基础上,采用定热流的热边界条件和RNG k-ε紊流模型,对相同热流密度不同倾角以及相同倾角不同热流密度下的圆柱形腔式吸热器的腔体内的自然对流特性进行了三维数值模拟。结果表明:随着腔体壁面上的热流密度增加,内壁面上平均温度将升高,平均努塞尔特数增加;随着吸热器倾角的增大,平均努塞尔特数减小;随着离采光口距离的增大,腔体壁面温度近似呈线性规律升高,同一截面不同位置处的壁面温差减小,但减小的幅度不大。  相似文献   

从热力学的角度(火用)来分析热管式太阳能吸热蓄热器,结合实例计算热管式太阳能吸热蓄热器热平衡和(火用)平衡.得出热管式太阳能吸热蓄热器(火用)损失的主要原因是传热的不可逆性引起的(火用)损失.减少(火用)损失的关键措施是减小冷热源之间的传热温差、提高冷热源的温度水平.  相似文献   

应用三维设计软件pro/e建立了符合300 km/h高速动车组实际尺寸的制动盘模型,通过pro/e与ANSYS之间的接口将模型导入ANSYS软件平台,建立了紧急制动工况下高速动车组制动盘的热-结构耦合计算模型.并充分考虑了制动盘材料参数随温度变化的影响以及制动盘与闸片之间的热流耦合的影响,应用ANSYS软件强大的非线性多物理场处理功能,得出了制动盘温度场和应力场的分布规律.制动盘在t=66 s时达到最高温度815℃,t=90 s时达到最大应力760 MPa.  相似文献   

以太阳能光解水制氢为背景,采用计算流体力学软件结合二次开发,对太阳能光催化反应器内部的传热过程进行了数值分析。建立了高质量的结构化六面体光催化反应器网格,对太阳能光催化反应器模型的温度分布特性进行数值分析研究,编辑高斯热流,并结合太阳能光催化分解水制氢活性评价系统实验台进行模型验证。重点研究在全光谱作用下太阳辐射对于反应器以及反应器内部流体温度分布的影响,研究在不同工况下温度分布差异以及原因。  相似文献   

针对真空泵屏蔽电动机屏蔽套出现变形、开裂和泄漏导致光伏产业生产线真空度下降的工程问题,采用有限元分析法,对使用三种不锈钢材质屏蔽套的屏蔽电动机稳态温度场和热应力场进行分析.结果表明:屏蔽套采用Hastelloy-C材质时屏蔽套涡流损耗小,屏蔽电机各部件温度均低于采用Sus316L材质时的温度;屏蔽套采用Sus430导磁材质时屏蔽电动机损耗最小,在降低温升方面效果明显.采用Hastelloy-C和Sus430材质时,屏蔽套最大形变量比采用Sus316L时分别下降17%和19%,最大热应力分别降低12%和16%.因Sus430不锈钢价格低廉,且有很好的防腐性能,所以Sus430不锈钢比较适合真空泵屏蔽电动机.  相似文献   

管式电凝聚器的特性及对亲水性染料脱色试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对管式电凝聚器研究了温度、pH、电流密度、水流速度对电流效率的影响,对亲水性染料(活性艳红X-3B)做了脱色试验,考察了上述因素对脱色率的影响,为管式电凝聚器的开发利用提供了一定条件.  相似文献   

为了进行温度场和应力场的耦合分析及获得工程上更有意义的成果,通过利用大型有限元软件AN-SYS强大的热分析和多物理场耦合分析功能及路径映射技术对其进行研究开发,以混凝土自由板为例,很好地实现了温度场和应力场的耦合分析及其成果的自动整理和显示.  相似文献   

在文献[1]对汽包封头的机械应力场及机械应力集中系数计算的基础上,用有限元法又进一步计算了封头的不稳定温度场和更为复杂的综合应力场。通过计算分析.弄清了温度场和综合应力场的分布规律,找到了封头的最大应力集中部位,得出了最大综合相当应力与启动温升率的关系.给出了冷态启动时温升率的上限值.  相似文献   

Nowadays, using a solar-driven thermochemical reaction system to convert greenhouse gases into high-quality liquid fuels has been proven to be an effective way to address the growing depletion of traditional fossil fuels. However, the utilization of highlyconcentrated solar irradiation runs the high risk of reactor damage issues resulting from thermal stress concentration, which seriously threatens the security and reliability of the total reactor system. In this study, the thermal radiation distribution and thermo-mechanical process in a volumetric reactor were numerically investigated by combining Monte Carlo ray-tracing method with computational fluid dynamics method. Based on the experimental results and thermal characteristic analysis, the formation mechanism of thermal stress concentration and the strategies of improving thermal stress distribution were discussed in detail.The simulation results indicate a great possibility of reactor damage at about 1000°C operating temperature and 9.0 k W lamp power, which is well-matched with related experimental results. The ceramic damage typically occurs at the inner edges of the through-holes, including the aperture, the gas inlet, and the thermocouple hole, then extends along the lines connecting these holes and finally causes brittle fracture. By reasonable control of the opening direction and the distance between the throughholes, the maximum compressive stress can be reduced by 21.78%.  相似文献   

Designing highly-efficient parabolic trough receiver(PTR) contributes to promoting solar thermal utilization and alleviating energy crisis and environmental problems. A novel finned PTR with inner tube(FPTR-IT), which can provide different grades of thermal energy with two heat transfer fluids(oil and water), is designed to improve thermal efficiency. In this FPTR-IT, an inner tube and straight fins are employed to respectively lessen heat loss at upper and lower parts of the absorber. Based on ...  相似文献   

以太阳能Kalina循环为研究背景,搭建太阳能光热光伏联合应用实验平台;借助单管太阳能热水器,通过实验和数值模拟的方法,对太阳能真空管热性能进行分析与测试;利用场协同原理,对单管太阳能热水器温度场和速度场进行可视化分析。研究表明:建立的二维数值计算模型,能准确反映同一条件下,全玻璃真空管太阳能热水器的变化趋势;真空管内加装导流板后,场协同性最高;最终确定加装反光板和导流板的Φ58 mm×1 800 mm太阳能真空管为最佳选择。  相似文献   

In order to improve the thermal shock resistance of solar thermal heat transfer tube material, the mullite-cordierite composite ceramic as solar thermal heat transfer tube material were fabricated by pressureless sintering using α-Al2O3 , Suzhou kaolin, talc, and feldspar as starting materials. The important parameter for solar thermal transfer tube such as water absorption (Wa ), bulk density (Db ), and the mechanical properties were investigated. The phase composition and microstructure of the composite ceramics were analyzed by XRD and SEM. The experimental results show that the B3 sintered at 1 300 ℃ and holding for 3 h has an optimum thermal shock resistance. The bending strength loss rate of B3 is only 2% at 1 100℃ by air quenching-strength test and the sample can endure 30 times thermal shock cycling, and the water absorption, the bulk density and the bending strength are 0.32%, 2.58 g·cm-3 , and 125.59 MPa respectively. The XRD analysis indicated that the phase compositions of the sample were mullite, cordierite, corundum, and spinel. The SEM images illustrate that the cordierite is prismatic grain and the mullite is nano rod, showing a good thermal shock resistance for composite ceramics as potential solar thermal power material.  相似文献   

预应力混凝土箱梁桥的温度场和应力场   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
为较严密地计算预应力混凝土箱梁桥实时温度应力场,提出了计算温差应力场的新方法.基于箱梁表面热交换平衡理论,综合考虑环境条件、物理材料特征、几何性质以及桥梁走向对温度应力场的影响,采用热瞬态分析和热 结构耦合求解技术,实现任意时刻箱梁结构温度应力场的仿真.以杭州湾跨海大桥为例,进行了预应力箱梁温度和应力场的数值仿真,并与按公路桥规中的温度模式所计算的结果作了比较.结果表明,该方法能客观模拟实际边界,具有较高的计算精度,能合理解释常见温度裂缝的成因.  相似文献   

考虑太阳辐射作用的砌体结构温度场   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为探讨砌体结构的温度裂缝机理,对砌体结构的温度场进行了研究。由通用有限元软件SAP ALOGOR的稳态温度场计算结果得出砌体结构的温度分布规律,提出了简化的计算方法,即对墙体和屋面分别按独立的一维问题进行计算,推导了一维瞬态温度场的隐式差分公式,取消了时间步长和空间步长的相互约束。编制了程序进行计算,所得墙体计算结果与实测资料相吻合,表明该计算方法是简洁可行的;同时,利用该方法可为砌体结构的温度应力计算提供可靠的温度参数。  相似文献   

In order to get thermal stress field of the hot section with thermal barrier coating (TBCs), the thermal conductivity and elastic modulus of top-coat are the physical key properties. The porosity of top-coat was tested and evaluated under different high temperatures. The relationship between the microstructure (porosity of top-coat) and properties of TBCs were analyzed to predict the thermal properties of ceramic top-coat, such as thermal conductivity and elastic modulus. The temperature and stress field of the vane with TBCs were simulated using two sets of thermal conductivity data and elastic modulus, which are from literatures and this work, respectively. The results show that the temperature and stress distributions change with thermal conductivity and elastic modulus. The differences of maximum temperatures and stress are 6.5% and 8.0%, respectively.  相似文献   

A gradually-varied porous structure is designed to increase the thermal performance of the porous volumetric solar receiver.Based on the replica method and multilayer recoating technique, the silicon carbide porous ceramic with linear-changed geometrical parameters is fabricated. The performances of the uniform and gradually-varied porous volumetric solar receivers are studied by both experiment and numerical simulation. An optimization method combining genetic algorithm and computational fluid dynamics analysis is applied to determine the optimum porosity distribution. The results present that porous volumetric solar receiver with linear-changed geometrical parameters exhibits better thermal performance than the uniform porous volumetric solar receivers, especially when the thickness of the receiver is small. Larger porosity in the front is beneficial for increasing the solar radiation penetration depth, which limits the reflectance and thermal radiative losses. Smaller porosity in the rear traps more solar radiation and increases the convective heat transfer. When the receiver's thickness is larger, the performance of the gradually-varied volumetric solar receiver is nearly identical to that of the uniform receiver with largest porosity. The double-layer configuration is found to be the optimized structure of the gradually-varied porous volumetric solar receiver. The thermal efficiency could be further improved using genetic algorithm with an 11 K increase of the outlet temperature.  相似文献   

As a core element in solar parabolic trough collector, the evaluated receiver often runs under severe thermal conditions. Worse still, the transient thermal load is more likely to cause structural deformation and damage. This work develops an efficient transient multi-level multi-dimensional(M~2) analysis method to address photo-thermal-elastic problems, thereby estimating transient thermal load and deformation for the receiver:(i) one-dimensional(1-D) thermo-hydraulic model is adopted to determine the transient thermo-hydraulic state,(ii) 3-D finite volume method(FVM) model for the receiver tube is established to obtain the real-time temperature distribution,(iii) 3-D finite element method(FEM) model is employed to make thermoelastic analysis. Based on this M~2 method, the typical transient cases are conducted in cold-start, disturbed-operation and regulatedprocess. Three indicators(average temperature of the wall(ATW), radial temperature difference(RTD), circumferential temperature difference(CTD)) are defined for overall analysis of the receiver thermal load. It is found that in the transient process,receivers face response delay and endure significant thermal load fluctuation. The response time for a single HCE(heat collecting element) under lower mass flow rate(1.5 kg s~(-1)) could sustain 280 s. During the cold-start stage(DNI=200 W m~(-2) to 800 W m~(-2)), the maximum value of CTD in receiver is as high as 11.67℃, corresponding to a maximum deflection of 1.05 cm.When the mass flow rate decreases sharply by 80%, the CTD reaches 33.04℃, causing a 2.06-cm deflection. It should be pointed out that in the cold-start stage and the lower mass flow rate operation for solar parabolic trough collector, alleviating the transient thermal load and deformation is of importance for safely and efficiently running evaluated receiver.  相似文献   

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