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Hypertension, the most prevalent cardiovascular disorder in America, affects over 50% of the older adult population. Management of hypertension in the elder is influenced by numerous age-related factors, including physiological changes, co-morbid conditions, functional or cognitive impairments, and polypharmacy issues. As data on the damaging effects of untreated hypertension increase, practice guidelines are increasingly focused on early detection and successful management of blood pressure in the primary care setting. The primary health care provider, having an advanced knowledge base and excellent communication skills, can make effective management of hypertension a reality. This article presents a comprehensive review of assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of hypertension in the older adult. Lifestyle modification and pharmacologic therapy are discussed. Elements of patient education are described, with special emphasis on promoting adherence to a long-term treatment regimen.  相似文献   

Hypertension is a major risk factor for coronary artery disease, stroke, renal failure, and peripheral vascular disease. The importance of preventing hypertension and controlling blood pressure in patients with hypertension is well established and is associated with reduced cardiovascular morbidity and mortality rates. Treatment guidelines should consider the merits of dietary changes in addition to pharmacologic therapy in the control of mild hypertension.  相似文献   

Hypertension is a highly prevalent disorder and a potent factor in promoting atherosclerosis. Identifying and controlling high blood pressure are major goals in caring for the vascular patient. A focused history and physical examination and selected laboratory studies will identify potential underlying (and remediable) causes of hypertension, target organ effects, and other risk factors for vascular disorders. Lifestyle changes and pharmacologic therapy tailored for this patient population are discussed, along with the importance of considering whether renovascular hypertension is present.  相似文献   

Despite the clear benefits of treating established hypertension, this approach alone will not prevent all of the blood pressure-related cardiovascular-renal disease in the community. Primary prevention of hypertension is a natural extension of hypertension treatment which provides opportunity to reduce costly cycle of managing hypertension and its complications. The purpose of this report is to guide practician physicians and health professionals in their care of hypertensive patients. In order to provide specific guidelines, a new classification schema of high blood pressure that includes systolic as well diastolic levels is proposed (source, Joint National Committee on Detection, Evaluation and Treatment of High Blood Pressure 1993). Furthermore, recommendations for follow-up based on initial set of blood pressure measurements, life-style modifications and pharmacologic therapy are proposed, suggesting a new treatment algorithm in which diuretics and beta-blockers are preferred as first-choice agents because their confirmed reduction in morbidity and mortality (unless they are contraindicated or unacceptable), but including an expanded list of agents that are suitable for initial monotherapy and guidelines for selecting and individualizing the antihypertensive drug regimen.  相似文献   

Stress can cause hypertension through repeated blood pressure elevations as well as by stimulation of the nervous system to produce large amounts of vasoconstricting hormones that increase blood pressure. Factors affecting blood pressure through stress include white coat hypertension, job strain, race, social environment, and emotional distress. Furthermore, when one risk factor is coupled with other stress producing factors, the effect on blood pressure is multiplied. Overall, studies show that stress does not directly cause hypertension, but can have an effect on its development. A variety of non-pharmacologic treatments to manage stress have been found effective in reducing blood pressure and development of hypertension, examples of which are meditation, acupressure, biofeedback and music therapy. Recent results from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey indicate that 50 million American adults have hypertension (defined to be a systolic blood pressure of greater than 139 mm Hg or a diastolic blood pressure of greater than 89 mm Hg). In 95% of these cases, the cause of hypertension is unknown and they are categorized as "essential" hypertension. Although a single cause may not be identified, the general consensus is that various factors contribute to blood pressure elevation in essential hypertension. In these days of 70 hour work weeks, pagers, fax machines, and endless committee meetings, stress has become a prevalent part of people's lives; therefore the effect of stress on blood pressure is of increasing relevance and importance. Although stress may not directly cause hypertension, it can lead to repeated blood pressure elevations, which eventually may lead to hypertension. In this article we explore how stress can cause hypertension and what can be done about it.  相似文献   

Although treatment for hypertension is readily available, poor control of hypertension is a major health problem frequently manifested in late life. Researchers believe that one of the major causes of uncontrolled hypertension is failure to take medication as directed. In this preliminary study, the medication-taking behaviors of 48 adults diagnosed with hypertension, ranging in age from 35 to 87, were recorded for 2 months with credit card-sized bar-code scanners. The social-cognitive model (Park, 1992) for understanding medication adherence, which proposes that medication adherence is governed by both beliefs and cognitive factors, was used as a basis for this research. Therefore, measures of health behaviors, attitudes about health and medication taking, and cognitive function were recorded, as well as blood pressure readings. The main findings were that (a) the oldest-old and groups of middle-aged adults were the most nonadherent, whereas the young-old were more likely to adhere than the other age groups; (b) high blood pressure readings predicted adherence to antihypertensive medications; and (c) medication beliefs influenced adherence in some situations.  相似文献   

Awareness and treatment of hypertension in the United States has been improving for older patients, but hypertension continues in many cases to be poorly controlled. Three options exist if initial therapy fails to achieve target blood pressure: upward drug titration, substituting another drug, or combination drug therapy. Combination therapy is the attempt to optimize blood pressure control by using two or more agents with additive or synergistic effects. Problems with this approach include noncompliance due to complicated regimens, adverse drug reactions, and the added expense of multiple medications. However, the newer fixed-dose combination products have been shown to offer improved blood pressure control, simplification of drug regimens, decreased adverse reactions, improved compliance, and cost-effectiveness.  相似文献   

As we learn more about hypertension, it is becoming increasingly apparent that conventional blood pressure measurements are fraught with potential error. Noninvasive ambulatory blood pressure monitoring is proving to be extremely valuable in both diagnosis and treatment. Advancing medical technology has provided small, noninvasive, reliable systems what are well tolerated by patients. The commercial availability of these systems facilitates their use in both clinical practice and in research. There have been legitimate concerns that continuous blood pressure monitoring may add considerably to the costs of diagnosing and treating hypertension. These worries, however, may be misplaced. If there are indeed as many patients being treated unnecessarily as has been suggested by many studies, then the money saved on drugs may well cover the costs of prolonged blood pressure monitoring. Moreover, many subjects can be spared unnecessary therapy. Although much work needs to be done with larger groups of patients followed over longer periods of time, the early experiences with 24-h ambulatory blood pressure monitoring have been extremely encouraging. These procedures have added to our understanding of hypertension and of the agents used in its treatment and are rapidly assuming an increasing importance in overall management.  相似文献   

Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) is a 28 amino-acid polypeptide secreted into the blood by atrial myocytes after atrial pressure and distension. Although its role in humans is not clear, it can produce a variety of physiologic effects including vasodilatation, natriuresis, and suppression of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone axis. These actions are potentially useful in a variety of pathologic states such as hypertension and congestive heart failure, and diverse methods to augment the effects of ANP in these states have been devised. The results are exciting and, despite some problems, may lead to the pharmacologic use of enhancement of ANP actions in several clinical disorders.  相似文献   

More women than men eventually develop hypertension, but they suffer less cardiovascular damage as a consequence. Primary hypertension in women has a greater volume component, often related to commonly associated obesity. Most lifestyle modifications have more to offer women, but women respond in a similar manner to various antihypertensive drugs. However, women appear to receive less benefit from antihypertensive therapy, as measured by morbidity and mortality data in multiple large clinical trials. Women who take oral contraceptives typically have a small rise in blood pressure, and in a small percentage, the rise is sufficient to induce hypertension. The prevalence is likely lower with currently used low-dose estrogen formulations. The use of estrogen for postmenopausal replacement therapy almost never raises the blood pressure, so that concerns about hypertension should not interfere with the use of this valuable therapy.  相似文献   

AIM: To study the effectiveness of acupuncture in combination with unload diet against hypertension. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 137 patients with mild hypertension have undergone unload diet therapy or therapeutic fasting in combination with acupuncture. Acupuncture therapy was carried out according to the physiological model. The unload diet therapy was performed according to the method of Iu. S. Nikolaev and consisted of voluntary fasting. RESULTS: The treatment resulted in a decrease of cholesterol levels and blood pressure, positive trend in ECG. For 3 years 20 patients with mild hypertension had normal blood pressure. They kept on diet, had short-term courses of fasting, exercised in free-choice regimen. CONCLUSION: Acupuncture in combination with diet therapy are recommended for treatment of blood hypertension. They can be used alone or in combination with drug therapy.  相似文献   

RENAL DAMAGE CAUSED BY HYPERTENSION: Renal vasoconstriction seems to be a key factor in the origin of arterial hypertension and accounts for the decrease in renal blood flow commonly observed in patients with hypertension. An inverse correlation has been found between renal blood flow and clinic blood pressure levels in established hypertension. Other features of renal damage attributable to high blood pressure have also been correlated with clinic blood pressure levels. Microalbuminuria is a good example of an alteration in renal function that depends in part on blood pressure levels. EFFECTS OF ANTIHYPERTENSIVE AGENTS: Antihypertensive agents can prevent or ameliorate renal vascular damage secondary to arterial hypertension, including renal failure. Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring is an excellent method of studying blood pressure levels in relation to end-organ damage and the blood pressure response to antihypertensive agents. Preliminary studies using this technique indicate that changes in renal function are closely correlated with the average daily blood pressure in arterial hypertension. CONCLUSIONS: Further studies are needed on the mechanisms of renal deterioration and on how to preserve renal function in arterial hypertension.  相似文献   

The association between adherence to medical recommendations and health outcomes (physical, role, and social functioning, energy/fatigue, pain, emotional well-being, general health perceptions, diastolic blood pressure, and glycohemoglobin) was examined in a 4-year longitudinal, observational study of 2125 adult patients with chronic medical conditions (hypertension, diabetes, recent myocardial infarction, congestive heart failure) and/or depression. Change score models were evaluated, controlling for disease and comorbidity. Patient adherence was associated minimally with improvement in health outcomes in this study. Only 11 of 132 comparisons showed statistically significant positive effects of adherence on health outcomes. We conclude that the relationship between adherence and health outcomes is much more complex than has often been assumed.  相似文献   

Mild hypertension is currently defined as systolic blood pressure between 140 and 160 mm Hg. The prevalence of systolic hypertension (including this mild category) in individuals 65 and older is 21% for men and 23% for women. Risk factors include obesity, excessive sodium and alcohol consumption, and possibly calcium and bone metabolism. Determinants of arterial wall rigidity and subsequent increase in pulse-wave velocity are also clearly factors. Much of the associated disease occurs in individuals with systolic pressures between 140 and 159 mm Hg. A particularly high-risk group appears to be those with an elevated systolic blood pressure and a low diastolic blood pressure. Systolic hypertension has now been found to be related to the progression of peripheral atherosclerosis, with lower progression rates among treated individuals. In addition, the beneficial effects of antihypertensive therapy have been found to be strongest among individuals with evidence of subclinical peripheral atherosclerosis. The high prevalence of mild systolic hypertension and its clear association with atherosclerotic disease suggests that older individuals with early systolic hypertension should be identified and treated. Clinical trials to test the efficacy of such treatment should be a high priority, perhaps in subgroups with early subclinical disease.  相似文献   

Preliminary results of this retrospective-prospective analysis of renal hypertension in 110 children indicate that hypertension may be secondary to a wide variety of acute progresive, and chronic renal diseases which may be either congenital or acquired. Affected children may be detected at any time from infancy through adolescence. Symptoms usually associated with acute glomerulonephritis (i.e., headache, swelling, nausea, vomiting, anorexia, fatigue, dizziness, and fever) occur in both acute and chronic renal diseases associated with hypertension. Headache and swelling are the most common symptoms in this series. Peripheral edema, rales, and increased heart size were found in between 10 and 25% of these children. Differential diagnosis may be approached by a consideration of causes of acute and chronic hypertension. The child with chronic renal disease usually presents with a long history of fatigability, poor growth, and pallor, and laboratory tests reveal elevation of the creatinine and BUN along with anemia, hypocalcemia, and hyperphosphatemia. In contrast, the child with acute renal disease and hypertension presents with a history of prior good health followed by the abrupt onset of signs and symptoms of renal disease; laboratory tests usually reveal modest elevations of creatinine and BUN, anemia is unusual, an abnormal urinalysis is common, and serum calcium and phosphorous levels are usually normal. Renovascular and asymmetric renal parenchymal disease represent uncommon but important conditions because surgery may be curative. Treatment may be surgical, medical, or combined. Surgical conditions include renal trauma, hydronephrosis, asymmetric renal disease, and renal arterial disease. Adequate blood pressure control without medication can be expected following surgery in instances of unilateral involvement with a normal contralateral kidney. Meticulous assessment of the contralateral kidney is needed to determine that it is normal. If surgery is unsuccessful or is not indicated, pharmacologic therapy is initiated with a stepwise regimen starting with the mildest agent (e.g., thiazides) and then adding additional antihypertensive drugs when adequate blood pressure control has not yet been achieved. The goal of therapy is the lowest, safest, tolerated blood pressure levels. Long-term, carefully designed studies of antihypertensive agents for children with renal hypertension are not available. The need for collection and critical analysis of data concerning the clinical course of children with renal hypertension is evident from a review of the literature and from the preliminary data presented in this series. The presentation of such information and a critique of outcome variables will provide a basis for program planning for affected children and improvement in patient care where indicated.  相似文献   

Inadequate management of blood pressure in a hypertensive population   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
BACKGROUND: Many patients with hypertension have inadequate control of their blood pressure. Improving the treatment of hypertension requires an understanding of the ways in which physicians manage this condition and a means of assessing the efficacy of this care. METHODS: We examined the care of 800 hypertensive men at five Department of Veterans Affairs sites in New England over a two-year period. Their mean (+/-SD) age was 65.5+/-9.1 years, and the average duration of hypertension was 12.6+/-5.3 years. We used recursive partitioning to assess the probability that antihypertensive therapy would be increased at a given clinic visit using several variables. We then used these predictions to define the intensity of treatment for each patient during the study period, and we examined the associations between the intensity of treatment and the degree of control of blood pressure. RESULTS: Approximately 40 percent of the patients had a blood pressure of > or =160/90 mm Hg despite an average of more than six hypertension-related visits per year. Increases in therapy occurred during 6.7 percent of visits. Characteristics associated with an increase in antihypertensive therapy included increased levels of both systolic and diastolic blood pressure at that visit (but not previous visits), a previous change in therapy, the presence of coronary artery disease, and a scheduled visit. Patients who had more intensive therapy had significantly (P<0.01) better control of blood pressure. During the two-year period, systolic blood pressure declined by 6.3 mm Hg among patients with the most intensive treatment, but increased by 4.8 mm Hg among the patients with the least intensive treatment. CONCLUSIONS: In a selected population of older men, blood pressure was poorly controlled in many. Those who received more intensive medical therapy had better control. Many physicians are not aggressive enough in their approach to hypertension.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Calcium channel blockers are effective agents for the management of chronic hypertension and are being used with increasing frequency. If their safety and efficacy during pregnancy can be documented, women can be counseled to continue their antihypertensive agent during pregnancy. To our knowledge, the use of felodipine, a calcium channel blocker of the dihydropyridine group, during pregnancy has not been described. CASES: We report three cases of felodipine use in pregnancy by women with chronic hypertension. CONCLUSION: In women with severe hypertension (diastolic blood pressure > 100 mm Hg) who require pharmacologic treatment of it during pregnancy, felodipine appears to be an acceptable option.  相似文献   

AIM: To review the various pharmacological approaches currently proposed for the treatment of hypertension. RESULTS: With the evolution of pharmacological treatment of hypertension, various classes of agent (diuretics, beta-blockers, angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, calcium antagonists and alpha 1-blockers) have become available for the initiation of antihypertensive therapy. As monotherapy, each type of agent will normalize blood pressure in about half of all hypertensive patients. Replacing one drug with another that acts through a different mechanism improves the probability of controlling blood pressure. Another way to increase the number of responders is to increase the dose; however, this often results in more side effects. A preferable way of improving efficacy is to combine low doses of drugs that have different impacts on the cardiovascular system, thus opposing the compensatory responses that tend to limit the blood pressure drop. CONCLUSION: Low-dose drug combinations are generally well tolerated and the treatment of hypertension can be simplified by using fixed-dose combinations. These combinations have the potential to become a valuable alternative in the initiation of antihypertensive therapy.  相似文献   

New guidelines for the management of patients at risk of developing hypertension and associated conditions have recently been published. These guidelines include a new risk stratification and blood pressure classification, as well as an altered approach to drug therapy. This article describes the major changes from previous recommendations, highlights the role of oral health care providers and emphasizes the dental implications of caring for patients with blood pressure conditions.  相似文献   

We have the opportunity to evaluate a portable ambulatory device for the recording of sequential indirect arterial blood pressure and continuous electrocardiogram (Del Mar Avionics automatic ambulatory blood pressure recording device). With careful attention to technique, only 11% of systolic and 5% of diastolic blood pressure readings differed by more than 10 mm Hg as compared with a trained technician's observations simultaneously in the same arm. The device has been useful in the evaluation of borderline (labile) hypertension, hypertensive drug therapy programs, and various episodic cardiovascular phenomena--for example, vasodepressor syncope and pheochromocytoma crises.  相似文献   

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