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Hortaea werneckii is an environmental dematiaceous fungus found in the halophilic environment. It causes tinea nigra. We report the isolation of H. werneckii from blood and splenic abscess of two patients with acute myelomonocytic leukaemia. H. werneckii grew at room temperature but not at 37 °C, it was identified by biochemical tests, growth characteristics and the presence of conspicuous collarette intercalary on dividing yeast cells. The use of specific oligonucleotide primer Hor-F (5′-TGGACACCTTCA TAACTCTTG-3′) and Hor-R (5′-TCACAACGCTTAGAGACGG-3′) confirmed the two isolates were H. werneckii. The sequence for 281 nucleotide of HW299 and HW403 were 99% identical but differed only in one nucleotide. In vitro anti-fungal susceptibility testing showed that the isolates were resistant to amphotericin B and flucytosine.  相似文献   

The life cycle ofHortaea werneckii includes yeast-like, hyphal and meristematic growth. The preponderance of each form of propagation can be influenced by environmental conditions. The clinical entity tinea nigra is explained by ecological similarities between supposed natural niches and human hyperhydrotic skin.The species is recognizable by assimilation of lactose, nitrate and nitrite, no or little growth with L-lysine, cadaverine, creatine and creatinine, and tolerance of 10% NaCl. It generally does not grow at 36°C.  相似文献   

Fifteen isolates ofHortaea werneckii, causative agent of tinea nigra in man, were examined with respect to restriction fragment length polymorphisms of mitochondrial DNA. Seven types of mtDNA, interpreted as populations, could be distinguished, with similarities between the restriction patterns ranging from 32 to 79%. Much of the variance originated from length mutations. Of the seven populations four represented isolates from man, two of which also comprised isolates from other sources. This makes adaptation ofH. werneckii towards association with man in its evolution unlikely; similarity in the chemical and/or physical characteristics of the different isolation sources, viz. salinity, seems more probable. mtDNA types were not correlated with geographic origin. Isolates with the same mtDNA type are widely geographically distributed.  相似文献   

Tinea cruris in female prostitutes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Tinea cruris is a dermatophytosis that mainly affects males. Infections in females are rare, and there are no known data on the frequency of tinea cruris in female prostitutes. We describe seven female prostitutes with tinea cruris with on age range of between 19–34 years (mean 25.3). Each prostitute had a mean of 50 sexual partners per month. Four Trichophyton mentagrophytes (57.1%),2 T. rubrum (28.6%), and 1 Epidermophyton floccosum (14.3%) isolates were cultered. Tinea cruris transmission is mainly indirect, but direct contact may serve to transmit the disease in some cases, and the spread of active lesions in prostitutes through multiple contacts among with their clients is possible. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Over the past decades there has been a significant increase in fungal infections caused by Candida species, and continues to be common in immunocompromised individuals infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Although Candida albicans remains the fungal species most frequently isolated as an opportunistic oral pathogen, other non-albicans are often identified in this cohort of patients, including C. dubliniensis. This yeast is closely related to and shares many phenotypic characteristics with C. albicans. Colonies of these two species appear morphologically identical when not grown on special media. The shared phenotypic characteristics of C. dubliniensis and C. albicans suggest that many C. dubliniensis isolates may have been misidentified as C. albicans in the past. The present studies aim is to recover and identify C. dubliniensis, and presumptive clinical C. albicans, from the oral cavities of HIV-seropositive individuals, comparing conventional media to obtain a simple, low-cost and reliable identification system for C. dubliniensis. A total of 16 isolates (3,98%) had been obtained from 402 HIV infected individuals with recurrent oropharyngitis and were identified as C. dubliniensis. Out of these C. dubliniensis isolates 19% were resistant, with MICs above 64 μg/ml to fluconazole. This constitutes, to the authors knowledge the first recovery of this organism in Venezuela.  相似文献   

The first Cenozoic avian remains from Venezuela are described. The material comprises an associated right tarsometatarsus and tibiotarsus from the earliest Pliocene of the Codore Formation, northwestern Venezuela. The fossil-bearing horizon represents a deltaic paleoenvironment. The elements are long and narrow, and the presence of a circular incisura intercondylaris bordered proximally by a prominent and centrally-situated tuberculum m. tibialis anticus on the tibiotarsus, allows confident referral to the Ciconiidae (storks). The elements are a close match in morphology and size to the extantJabiru mycteria (Jabiru Stork), although the presence on the distal tibiotarsus of a well-defined caudal sulcus, a narrower sulcus extensorius and shallower angled pons supratendineus, and on the tarsometatarsus of a narrower and deeper sulcus on the plantar surface and a less prominent ridge laterally bordering the fossa supratrochlearis plantaris indicate that this is a new species,Jabiru codorensis n. sp.Jabiru mycteria, the only living species, still occurs in Venezuela, where it is found mostly in grassy wetlands. These specimens represent the first fossil record ofJabiru, as well as the first pre-Pleistocene record of fossil birds from Venezuela.   相似文献   

Pictolejeunea reginae, a new species from Venezuela is described and illustrated. It is the type of the new subgenusNeopitolejeunea Ilkiu-Borges, which is characterized by entire underleaves. A key to the two subgenera and four known species ofPictolejeunea is provided.
Ilkiu-Borges, A. L. (Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, C. P. 399, Belém, Pará, CEP 66040-170. Brasil: email: ilkiuborges@hotmail.com).Pictolejeunea reginae, a new species of Lejeuneaceae (Hepaticae) from Venezuela. Brittonia 54: 318–321. 2002.—Pictolejeunea reginae, uma nova espécie encontrada na Venezuela, é descrita e ilustrada. A espécie é tratada como tipo do novo subgêneroNeopictolejeunea Ilkiu-Borges, caracterizada pelos anfigastros inteiros. é apresentada uma chave para os dois subgêneros e as quatro espécies dePictolejeunea.

Robbin C. Moran 《Brittonia》2000,52(3):238-240
A new species,Trichomanes resinosum, is described and compared to two similar species,T. elegans Rich. andT. rigidum Sw., with which it has been confused.  相似文献   

A new species of the genus Streblocerus is described from Venezuela and compared with European, Newfoundland and Australian specimens. The geographical distribution of the genus is discussed.  相似文献   

A new species of Crossoglossa (Orchidaceae: Epidendroideae: Malaxideae), Crossoglossa acuminatissima, from Santander del Sur Department in Colombia, is described and illustrated, and its affinities are discussed. Malaxis tipuloides var. exigua is raised to the rank of species as Crossoglossa exigua, and its report from Venezuela constitutes the first record of the genus Crossoglossa in that country.
Resumen  Se describe Crossoglossa acuminatissima de Santander del Sur en Colombia y se provee una ilustración y una discusión de sus afinidades. Malaxis tipuloides var. exigua se eleva al rango de especie como Crossoglossa exigua, y su reporte para Venezuela constituye el primer registro del género en ese país.

In this paper, airborne dispersion of the pollen ofCecropia peltata L. (Moraceae) in a location close to the Equator is described. The Cecropias are fast-growing pioneer trees unique to the Neotropics, where they grow within a large altitude range, from Mexico to Brazil.Cecropia pollen was the most abundant grain throughout the year. The highest recovery occurred during April–May. As widely distributed members of the Moraceae family and because of their small pollen size, the Cecropias are prime suspects for being the source of inhalant allergens. The numbers ofCecropia airborne pollen grains that were recorded are well above those deemed necessary for human sensitization.  相似文献   

Avian aspergillosis is reported in several avian species, with Aspergillus fumigatus as the main aetiological agent. Predisposing factors such as starvation, thermal stress, migratory stress, primary infectious disease or toxicosis may play a role. Eight cases of disseminated aspergillosis in free ranging seagulls sheltered at C.R.U.M.A. (Centro Recupero Uccelli Marini e Acquatici, Livorno, Italy) with different clinical histories are presented. The infection was demonstrated by cultural and histological methods from lesions of all birds, and the presence of airborne A. fumigatus viable elements ranging from 450 to 525 CFU/m3 inside and outside the shelter by means of a surface air sampler (SAS) Super-90 was also assessed. The role of this fungal species as an opportunistic factor in the captivity of seagulls is considered and some control measures, such as a clean and stress free environment and the use of antifungal drugs are suggested.  相似文献   

Euceraea rheophytica is newly described and illustrated. It differs from the two other species in the genus, E. nitida and E. sleumeriana, in its much smaller and narrower leaves and in its smaller, spicate (vs. branched) inflorescences. It is known only from frequently flash-flooded riverbanks in the large, central canyon of the Sierra de la Neblina massif in southernmost Venezuela.  相似文献   

Yu J  Wan Z  Chen W  Wang W  Li R 《Mycopathologia》2004,157(1):37-41
Tinea capitis is a dermatophyte infection of the scalp that occurs most often in prepubescent children. Tinea capitis may be transmitted by shared use of contaminated hairbrush, by contact with fomites or by direct physical contact with an infected person. Occasionally, outbreak of tinea capitis would happen under some special conditions. Last year, we found an outbreak of tinea capitis in a school due to Microsporum canis. In epidemiological study, we performed the prevalence survey to all of the exposed persons by physical examinations and mycological laboratory tests, including KOH preparation and fungal cultures. We also investigated the environment in the school. In molecular typing study of the M. canis isolated from patients and the environment, random primer amplification polymorphic DNA (RAPD) method, the specific amplification of subrepeat element in the ribosomal DNA nontranscribed spacer (NTS), and the analysis of DNA sequence in the intertranscribed spacer (ITS) of rDNA were performed. The total number of exposed children was seventy-one, among them forty-two were attacked by tinea capitis. The ratio between boy and girl was 13:1. The ages of the patients was ranged from 3.5 years old to 10 years old. Four patients bred cat or dog as pet. Most patients appeared noninflammatory type of tinea capitis and several patients were inflammatory type. Under microscopic examination the invaded hair were all ectothrix. The pathogens isolated from these patients were M. canis. And we also isolated M. canis from the carpet and the pillowcase in the school. The patterns of total strains of M. canis in the RAPD method and PCR amplification of the rDNA NTS region study were identical, and the isolates from patients and the environment contained the same DNA sequences in the ITS region. The outbreak of tinea capitis was caused by M. canis. The M. canis isolated from patients and from the environment were probably the same origin.  相似文献   

Acclimatization trials of the two tropical speciesSolanum sessiliflorum (cocona) andSolanum stramonifolium (coconilla) from Amazonas Venezuela, were carried out at the Botanical Garden of Padua.S. sessiliflorum exhibited a greater difference between the Botanical Garden and the native environment. Plant growth was reduced and pollination was difficult; despite numerous blooms few fruits were produced. Moreover, some fruit abscised early and the persistent ones were still unripe at the end of the season. On the contrary,S. stramonifolium showed good adaptation to the new environmental conditions. The plants grew well and produced a lot of ripe berries. Self-pollination as well as cross-pollination by bumblebees (Bombus terrestris) and other insects present in the open air succeeded. Thus, this latter species could be regarded as potentially exploitable in temperate climates as well as in Venezuela.  相似文献   

Summary   Bulbophyllum fendlerianum is newly described based on a collection of August Fendler in Venezuela, deposited at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. It was previously confused with B. manarae, but differs significantly from the latter species in its petal and lip shape, particularly the callus.  相似文献   

The collection of Panstrongylus geniculatus bugs by inhabitants of dwellings in Caracas city (Metropolitan District) and in the neighboring Miranda and Vargas Sates, Venezuela, allowed for the gathering of data on the potential role of this sylvatic triatomine bug as a vector of Chagas disease in this area. The natural infection by Trypanosoma cruzi was recorded by examining fresh and stained faeces of the bugs. Additionally, a random amplification of polymorphic DNA technique for parasite identification and group typing was employed. A dot-ELISA test was used to identify the gut content of the triatomine bugs with the aim of assessing and quantifying the vector-human contact. Sixty-seven specimens (76.1%) were positive to T. cruzi (identified as T. cruzi I) and 60.2% (53/88) gave a positive reaction to the human antiserum. The human blood-positive samples included mixed blood meals with domestic animals (dog, pig and cow) (9.4%) and with mouse (3.8%). The overall Human Blood Index, measured as the percentage of bugs whose gut contents reacted with human antiserum on the total numbers of bugs that reacted with all the antisera tested, was 98.1%. Almost 41% of the bugs that had fed on humans were also positive for T. cruzi. These data show that the feeding of P. geniculatus on humans does not seem to be accidental and that its rate of infection by T. cruzi is high in this area which is not regarded as endemic for Chagas disease by the National Control Programme. This situation is particularly striking because it occurs in and around Caracas, the capital city, where 20% of the whole population of Venezuela live, human migrations from endemic areas are continuous, people in the crowded shantytown as well as people living in high-quality country houses are equally at risk and the epidemiological cycle Didelphis marsupialis/Rattus rattus-P. geniculatus-human does appear to occur successfully.  相似文献   

Two hundred and seventy nine patients suspected of having fungal lesions were examined. Skin scrapping, hair samples and nail clippings were collected from patients. Direct and culture examinations were performed for all samples. About 115 cases of examined subjects had dermatophytosis. Dermatophytosis occurred mainly in adults males (20–29 years). Tinea cruris (24.3%) was the most common type of dermatophytosis followed by tinea pedis (16.5%), tinea corporis (14.8%), tinea ungium (13%), tinea capitis (11.3%), tinea faciei (11.3%), tinea manuum (7%) and tinea barbae (1.7%). Trichophyton mentagrophytes was the most prevalent species followed by Epidermophyton floccosum.  相似文献   

Laurence J. Dorr 《Brittonia》1991,43(4):279-263
Roupala barnettiae from the Monta?as de Misisí in Edo. Trujillo, Venezuela is described and illustrated. Its taxonomic affinities are also discussed.  相似文献   

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