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In this paper the high-cell-density fed-batch culture and optimal amino acid modulation were combined together to enhance glutathione production in Saccharomyces cerevisiae T65. Ethanol concentration in the broth was an important parameter for feedback control in fed-batch culture. Low ethanol concentration was propitious to both the cell growth and glutathione synthesis. The feedback control of a low ethanol concentration was an efficient way to realize high-cell-density culture and the biomass reached 140 g/L after 57 h fermentation. With optimal amino acid addition to elevate the glutathione content continually, the maximum glutathione yield achieved 2190 mg/L.  相似文献   

 We studied illegitimate recombination by transforming yeast with a single-stranded (ss) non-replicative plasmid. Plasmid pCW12, containing the ARG4gene, was used for transformation of yeast strains deleted for the ARG4, either in native (circular) form or after linearization within the vector sequence by the restriction enzyme ScaI. Both circular and linearized ss plasmids were shown to be much more efficient in illegitimate integration than their double-stranded (ds) counterparts and more than two-thirds of the transformants analysed contained multiple tandem integrations of the plasmid. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis of genomic DNA revealed significant changes in the karyotype of some transformants. Plasmid DNA was frequently detected on more than one chromosome and on mitotically unstable, autonomously replicating elements. Our results show that the introduction of nonhomologous ss DNA into yeast cells can lead to different types of alterations in the yeast genome. Received: 9 February 1996/Accepted: 7 July 1996  相似文献   

Data obtained on the conversion of -glucose to alcohol using Saccharomyces cerevisiae in batch culture has been analysed kinetically. The effects of different kinetic parameters, e.g. rates of ethanol and biomass formation, rate of -glucose utilization and variation of pH have been studied. Analysis of data was made on the basis of Michaelis-Menten, Leudeking-Piret and simple kinetics. Unsteady rate behaviour in the lag phase was observed and explained.  相似文献   

由于对全球变暖等日益严重的环境问题的担忧,生产生物乙醇等清洁能源的技术正受到世界各国越来越多的关注。较之以粮食为原料生产乙醇,木质纤维素生产生物乙醇具有更大的发展潜力,因其来源广泛,廉价且可再生。以木质纤维素生产生物乙醇已经取得长足进步,但仍面临几个主要问题,比如天然酿酒酵母不能利用木糖发酵乙醇,木质纤维素酶成本过高,木质纤维素预处理环节成本高等。已经有基因改造的酵母菌株可以利用戊糖和己糖进行生物乙醇生产。然而,这些菌株对木糖的利用效率很低。这主要是因为酿酒酵母缺乏高效的特异性木糖转运基因,木糖运输依赖已糖转运基因。为了提高木糖利用速度,已有不少方法成功应用于构建重组酵母细胞。现对酵母木糖转运基因的最新研究进展进行简要概述。  相似文献   

Methyleneketoesters were readily prepared in high yields by performing a direct -methylenation of the corresponding ketoesters using a previously described protocol. Reactions of ethyl 2-methylene-3-oxo-3-arylpropanoates 2a–c catalyzed by S. cerevisiae were performed with good conversions to give reductions of the CC, CO or both, depending on the reaction conditions and on the substitution of the aryl moiety. Reaction of 3-methylene-2-oxo-4-phenylbutyrate 2d was carried out with free yeast cells and with yeast cells immobilized with calcium alginate, in which the major products resulted from CC and CO bond reduction.


To increase the NAD(P)H-dependent xylitol production in recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae harboring the xylose reductase gene from Pichia stipitis, the activity of glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH) encoded by the ZWF1 gene was amplified to increase the metabolic flux toward the pentose phosphate pathway and NADPH regeneration. Compared with the control strain, the specific G6PDH activity was enhanced approximately 6.0-fold by overexpression of the ZWF1 gene. Amplification in the G6PDH activity clearly improved the NAD(P)H-dependent xylitol production in the recombinant S. cerevisiae strain. With the aid of an elevated G6PDH level, maximum xylitol concentration of 86 g/l was achieved with productivity of 2.0 g/l h in the glucose-limited fed-batch cultivation, corresponding to 25% improvement in volumetric xylitol productivity compared with the recombinant S. cerevisiae strain containing the xylose reductase gene only.  相似文献   

在真核细胞中,内质网、高尔基体、质膜等膜结构间的蛋白质运输主要通过囊泡出芽和融合实现。SNARE蛋白家族在介导囊泡与目的膜结构融合过程中发挥关键作用。在模式生物酿酒酵母中,对全基因组SNARE蛋白的系统研究仍有不足。此研究构建了一套用于标记酿酒酵母基因组全部24种SNARE的工具质粒。该系列质粒既能呈现出良好的定位特征,又避免了过度表达造成的定位异常。通过与细胞器标记共定位验证了SNARE蛋白的亚细胞定位。结果发现3种SNARE的定位与之前报道不符:Bos1定位于早高尔基体,Snc1和Bet1定位于晚高尔基体/早内体。另外,Sec9定位于芽尖和芽颈,这是首次观察到Sec9在活酵母细胞中的定位。这项工作首次全面的检验了酵母SNARE家族蛋白的亚细胞定位,为后续SNARE蛋白功能研究提供了新线索,并为相关研究提供了一套工具质粒。  相似文献   

Genetically modified Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain (YPB-G) which secretes a bifunctional fusion protein that contains both Bacillus subtilis -amylase and Aspergillus awamori glucoamylase activities was used for the direct conversion of starch into ethanol. Starch was either supplied initially to different nutrient media or added instantaneously to the reactor at various discrete time instants (pulse feeding). Stoichiometric modeling was used to investigate the effects of initial substrate concentration and growth rate of the recombinant yeast culture on ethanol production. Reaction stoichiometries describing both the anabolism and catabolism of the microorganism were used as an input to flux balance analysis (FBA), the preferred metabolic modeling approach since the constructed stoichiometric network was underdetermined. Experiments for batch and fed-batch systems at different substrate concentrations were analyzed theoretically in terms of flux distributions using ethanol production rate as the maximization criteria. Calculated ethanol rates were in agreement with experimental measurements, suggesting that this recombinant microorganism is sufficiently evolved to optimize its ethanol production. The function of the main pathways of yeast metabolism (PPP, EMP, TCA) are discussed together with the node analyses of glucose-6-P and pyruvate branch points. Theoretical node analysis revealed that if the split ratio in G6P branch point is changed by genetic manipulations, the ethanol yield would be affected considerably.  相似文献   

对香豆酸(p-coumaric acid)作为苯丙素类物质、芪类物质及黄酮类物质的重要前体化合物,在生物医药、化妆品及食品工业中均有广泛的应用价值。以酿酒酵母作为底盘菌株,利用合成生物学原理构建一株高产对香豆酸的人工酵母细胞。通过对比不同拷贝数的酪氨酸解氨酶(tyrosine ammonia lyase)合成的对香豆酸产量,发现随着基因拷贝数的增加对香豆酸的产量也相应提高;同时对酪氨酸的负反馈调控相关的蛋白质进行氨基酸定点突变得到Aro4pK229L和Aro7pG141S,利用delta位点将突变后的基因整合至酵母基因组,并挑取24株构建成功的酵母细胞进行发酵验证,发现菌株最高产量与最低产量相差28.87mg/L;为了进一步增加对香豆酸的代谢通量,对生成芳香醇类物质的旁路基因ARO10和PDC5进行敲除,发现同时敲除两个基因的菌株对香豆酸的产量最高,是敲除前产量的2.05倍(从42.71mg/L到87.56mg/L)。此外,通过设计前体酪氨酸的梯度添加实验,发现当添加1mmol/L的酪氨酸时,对香豆酸产量达到峰值(174.57±0.30)mg/L,相较于未添加时提高了将近1倍。通过运用合成生物学原理在酿酒酵母中实现了对香豆酸的高产,为后续的芪类化合物和黄酮类化合物生物合成奠定了基础。  相似文献   

DNA组装与转移技术是合成生物学的核心使能技术之一,生命体设计改造的复杂度不断提升,使得对大片段DNA组装与转移技术的需求也日益旺盛。小片段DNA的组装与转移技术目前已经比较成熟,大片段DNA由于其分子量大、易断裂,使得体外操作繁琐且效率低下。聚焦酿酒酵母体内组装和转移的技术进展,详细介绍了基于酿酒酵母一次组装和迭代组装的不同方法,并从导入与导出的角度介绍了大片段DNA的转移技术,便于研究者更好地理解和选择酿酒酵母体内组装与转移技术。此外,还展望了将酿酒酵母开发为大片段DNA组装与转移通用平台实现更多物种基因组大尺度设计改造的愿景。  相似文献   

[目的]法尼醇(FOH,C15H26O)是一种具有芳香气味的非环状倍半萜醇,被广泛应用于化妆品和医学药物的工业化生产,也可作为航空燃料的理想替代品.具有食品级安全性的酿酒酵母细胞能够合成内源性法尼醇,但其产量很低,无法满足工业生产的需要.因此,需要采用代谢工程手段,改造法尼醇合成途径,以有效提高法尼醇在酿酒酵母中的产量...  相似文献   

Fermentation characteristics of recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae containing a xylose reductase gene from Pichia stipitis were investigated in an attempt to convert xylose to xylitol, a natural five-carbon sugar alcohol used as a sweetener. Xylitol was produced with a maximum yield of 0.95 g g−1 xylitol xylose consumed in the presence of glucose used as a co-substrate for co-factor regeneration. Addition of glucose caused inhibition of xylose transport and accumulation of ethanol. Such problems were solved by adopting glucose-limited fed-batch fermentations where a high ratio of xylose to glucose was maintained during the bioconversion phase. The optimized two-substrate fed-batch fermentation carried out with S. cerevisiae EH13.15:pY2XR at 30°C resulted in 105.2 g l−1 xylitol concentration with 1.69 g l−1 h−1 productivity.  相似文献   

The guanylyltransferase activity of mRNA capping enzyme catalyzes the transfer of GMP from GTP to the 5 terminus of mRNA. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the activity is carried on the subunit of capping enzyme, the product of the CEG1 gene. We have isolated 10 recessive, temperature-sensitive mutations of CEG1; nine (cegl-1 to cegl-9) were isolated on a single-copy plasmid and the remaining one (cegl-10) on a multicopy plasmid. The presence of cegl-10 in multiple copies is essential for the viability of cells carrying the mutation, and a shift to the restrictive temperature resulted in rapid growth arrest of cegl-10 cells, while growth rates of other mutants decreased gradually upon temperature upshift. Intragenic complementation was not observed for pairwise combinations of the mutations. Although the majority of the mutations occurred at the amino acid residues conserved between Cegl and the Schizosaccharomyces pombe homologue, none were located in the regions that are also conserved among viral capping enzymes and polynucleotide ligases. Guanylyltransferase activity of the mutant proteins as measured by covalent Ceg1-GMP complex formation was heat-labile. The availability of these mutants should facilitate studies of the structure-function relationships of capping enzyme, as well as the roles and regulation of mRNA capping.  相似文献   

目的:利用酿酒酵母表面展示技术筛选幽门螺杆菌候选疫苗,并分析其免疫原性。方法:以幽门螺杆菌的空泡型细胞毒素A(vacA)基因作为研究对象,构建重组S.cerevisiae EBY100/pYD1-VacA,通过Western blot、免疫荧光标记和流式细胞仪对S.cerevisiae EBY100/pYD1-VacA进行体外表达分析。以PBS和S.cerevisiae EBY100/pYD1为对照组,S.cerevisiae EBY100/pYD1-VacA为实验组,口服免疫SPF级BALB/c小鼠。通过ELISA分析检测口服免疫后小鼠抗VacA特异性IgG及分泌型IgA效价。结果:VacA抗原蛋白被成功地展示在S.cerevisiae EBY100表面。小鼠经口服免疫S.cerevisiae EBY100/pYD1-VacA后可诱导产生较高的VacA特异性抗体。结论:表面展示型酿酒酵母可以作为幽门螺杆菌候选疫苗的递送载体,与此同时,这也为开发其他细菌或病毒疫苗提供新思路。  相似文献   

In most eukaryotic organisms, recombination events leading to exchanges between homologous chromosomes link the homologs in a manner that allows their proper attachment to the meiotic spindle. In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae these exchanges are initiated in early prophase as double-strand breaks in the DNA. These breaks are processed through a series of intermediates to yield mature crossovers late in prophase. The following experiments were designed to monitor the appearance of the earliest recombinant DNA strands formed in this process. A polymerase chain reaction assay was devised that allows the detection of recombinant strands at a known initiation site for meiotic recombination. The time and rate of appearance of recombinant strands was found to coincide with commitment to recombination, demonstrating that DNA strands bearing sequences from both parental chromosomes are rapidly formed after the initiation of meiotic recombination. Received: 22 July 1997 / Accepted: 25 February 1998  相似文献   

透明颤菌血红蛋白基因vgb在多种研究和工业发酵菌中异源表达很好的解决了高密度发酵中的溶氧率问题。酿酒酵母是经典的真核模型,且在发酵工业中具有重要的应用价值,但vgb在酿酒酵母中异源表达对细胞生长的影响并不清楚。以ADH1为启动子构建了含透明颤菌(Vistreoscilla)血红蛋白基因vgb的异源表达质粒YEplac195-ADH1pr-vgb,并转化至酿酒酵母BY4741。通过生长敏感性实验,发现在发酵碳源和非发酵碳源中,vgb的异源表达均抑制了菌株生长。接着,通过2',7'-二氯荧光黄双乙酸盐和PI染色和脂质过氧化产物检测分析,发现过表达vgb的酿酒酵母细胞中活性氧(ROS)的积累、细胞膜通透性改变以及脂质过氧化。结果表明,酿酒酵母中过表达vgb改变细胞的氧化状态促进活性氧的累积,氧化应激导致菌株的生长抑制。  相似文献   

【目的】为了获得高产木素过氧化物酶酿酒酵母工程菌。【方法】本研究从黄孢原毛平革菌中克隆了木素过氧化物酶(lignin peroxidases,LiP)基因,全长2193 bp,编码371个氨基酸,并与来源于酿酒酵母的PGK启动子序列、来源于pPIC9K质粒的α-信号肽序列以及来源于pSH65质粒的CYC1终止子序列通过重叠延伸PCR构建完整表达盒(PαLiC),利用rDNA整合法构建木素过氧化物酶酿酒酵母表达载体,实现木素过氧化物酶在酿酒酵母中的多拷贝表达。利用数字微滴PCR技术对拷贝数进行鉴定,探究拷贝数与蛋白表达量之间的关系。【结果】通过rDNA整合法得到拷贝数为1、2、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12和13的木素过氧化物酶酿酒酵母工程菌,通过对其酶活测定,表明当拷贝数为7时,酶活力最高,为367U/L。【结论】本研究在酿酒酵母中表达了木素过氧化物酶,研究了其基因拷贝数与酶活性的关系,对木质素降解技术的发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

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