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创业导向与绩效关系研究结论的相异性驱动了学者们开始探究创业导向的不同维度与绩效之间的关系以及这些关系的内在机理。而风险承担与绩效之间的关系尤其令学者感兴趣。新企业的创业实践表明,创业能力在一定程度上会影响新企业风险承担与绩效的关系,但个中机理并未得到有效揭示。本文基于新企业样本,研究了新企业风险承担、创业能力与绩效的关系,并利用调节路径分析方法来检验本研究所提出的假设。实证结果表明,新企业风险承担分别与创业能力和绩效具有倒U型关系,而且创业能力在风险承担与绩效的倒U性关系中起到了中介传导作用。研究结论说明了新企业冒适度的风险时会有较佳的绩效,规避风险和过度承担风险都会导致绩效的降低,即风险平衡将是新企业的最佳选择,而要确保风险承担的效果显著,确保企业绩效的有效提升,新企业必须提升并完善其创业能力。  相似文献   

创业导向与绩效关系研究结论的相异性驱动学者们开始探究创业导向的不同维度与绩效之间的关系以及这些关系的内在机理。而风险承担与绩效之间的关系尤其令学者感兴趣。新企业的创业实践表明,机会能力在一定程度上会影响新企业风险承担与绩效的关系,但各种机理并未得到有效揭示。本文基于新企业样本,研究了新企业风险承担、机会能力与绩效的关系,并利用调节路径分析方法来检验研究假设。实证结果表明,新企业风险承担分别与机会能力和绩效具有倒U型关系,而且机会能力在风险承担与绩效的倒U型关系中起到了中介传导作用。研究结论说明了新企业冒适度的风险时会有较佳的绩效,规避风险和过度承担风险都会导致绩效的降低,即风险平衡将是新企业的最佳选择,而要确保风险承担的效果显著,确保企业绩效的有效提升,新企业必须提升并完善其机会能力。  相似文献   

郭海  王栋  刘衡 《管理学报》2013,10(3):360-367
基于动态能力理论和权变研究视角,构建管理者关系、资源整合、创业导向与绩效间关系的理论模型,并利用大规模样本对所提假设进行检验.结果表明,商业关系和政治关系均能提升企业绩效;不同资源整合过程以不同方式调节管理者关系对企业绩效的影响;创业导向对资源整合的调节效应产生深层调节效果.  相似文献   

哪些因素决定新创企业国际创业绩效、新创企业在国际化过程中应聚焦国内资源开发还是国外资源整合,这是目前国际创业研究中亟待解决的两个问题.整合资源基础理论和国际创业理论,研究技术能力、网络能力和制度环境对国际创业绩效的作用机制,重点探讨网络能力的调节作用机制.采用层次回归模型等方法,对177家来自中国、越南、老挝3个转型经济国家新创企业的调查问卷进行分析.研究结果表明,技术能力和制度环境是新兴市场新创企业国际创业绩效的决定因素,网络能力对国际创业绩效的影响完全通过技术能力的中介作用实现;网络能力的子维度关系能力对技术能力与国际创业绩效之间关系有负向调节作用,但对制度环境与国际创业绩效之间关系有正向调节作用;网络能力的子维度协调能力对技术能力与国际创业绩效之间关系有正向调节作用,但对制度环境与国际创业绩效之间关系有负向调节作用.  相似文献   

将创业资源获取划分为运营资源获取与知识资源获取,分别研究其与创业绩效的关系,并引入资源管理这一调节变量,探讨资源管理对资源获取两个维度与创业绩效关系的不同调节作用。以165家创业企业为样本进行实证分析,研究表明,不同类型的资源获取对创业绩效的影响不同:运营资源获取与创业绩效呈倒U型关系;知识资源获取与创业绩效呈U型关系。资源管理在不同类型资源获取与创业绩效之间发挥不同的调节作用:资源管理强化了运营资源获取与创业绩效之间的倒U型关系,弱化了知识资源获取与创业绩效之间的U型关系。  相似文献   

已有研究忽视先前经验中创业失败经验的独特价值,缺乏对创业失败经验是否以及如何影响新产品开发绩效的研究。整合经验学习和认知理论,基于231位创业老手及其新创企业的经验数据,使用层次回归和自助方法检验创业失败经验对新产品开发绩效的影响,同时探索创业导向在两者关系间的多重中介作用。研究结果表明,创业失败经验与新产品开发绩效存在倒U形关系,创业失败经验与创业导向的预应性、创新性和风险承担性3个维度间存在倒U形关系,创业导向在创业失败经验与新产品开发绩效的关系中起部分中介作用。研究结果深化了对创业情景下失败经验与组织绩效关系的理解,提出失败经验向新产品开发绩效转化的中间路径,对创业者和风险投资家有重要的实践启示。  相似文献   

基于动态能力中介作用的创业拼凑及其功效实证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
  祝振铎 《管理学报》2014,(4):562-568
利用212家新企业的调研数据,检验了创业拼凑对新企业绩效的影响,以及动态能力的中介作用。结果表明,创业拼凑对新企业绩效与动态能力具有显著的直接功效;动态能力对新企业绩效具有正向影响,且动态能力在创业拼凑对新企业绩效的影响路径中起部分中介作用,即创业拼凑通过动态能力对新企业绩效具有一定的间接功效。  相似文献   

资源整合过程、动态能力与竞争优势:机理与路径   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
资源基础观和动态能力观分别强调了资源和动态能力对企业竞争优势的重要作用。但资源的静态性并不能保证竞争优势的持续性,因此需要对静态的资源进行整合,体现出其动态性的特征。但目前为止,国内外学术界对资源整合过程、动态能力以及竞争优势三者间相互影响机理的研究仅停留在定性研究层面,缺乏相应的实证研究。本文首次将资源基础观和动态能力观整合到一个研究框架下,构建了全新的理论模型,并以结构方程模型对东北地区187份有效问卷进行了实证分析。本研究的贡献在于,打开了从资源到竞争优势的黑箱,动态能力在企业的外部资源识取过程与竞争优势的关系中起到了完全中介作用,而它在企业的资源配用过程与竞争优势的关系中起到了部分中介作用。其实践意义在于企业应该如何提升其动态能力并以此来提升企业的竞争优势,参与市场竞争。  相似文献   

蔡莉  柳青 《管理工程学报》2008,22(2):19-23,40
本文通过对集群共享性资源与企业创新绩效关系的研究,利用共享性资源所包含的共同声誉、资源整合与交换和机构参与程度三个主要因素,通过实证研究,检验并支持了集群共同声誉和中介机构的参与对科技型创业企业的创新绩效的积极作用,同时对集群内企业间的资源整合与交换强度对科技型企业的创新绩效的作用进行了分析.  相似文献   

李瑜  谢恩 《管理科学》2014,27(3):14-23
结合市场导向和组织双元理论,讨论如何整合客户导向和竞争者导向的问题。识别出客户导向和竞争者导向的两种整合方式,即组合和平衡,探讨两种整合方式对企业绩效的直接效应及企业资源对两种整合方式与企业绩效关系的调节作用。以209家中国制造企业为对象进行问卷调查,运用多元回归分析等方法对以上直接效应和调节作用进行统计检验。研究结果表明,组合客户导向和竞争者导向会提升企业绩效,平衡客户导向和竞争者导向不能提升企业绩效。企业的营销能力和规模显著调节不同整合方式对企业绩效的作用,企业营销能力负向调节平衡方式对绩效的影响,正向调节组合方式对绩效的影响;企业规模会正向调节平衡方式对绩效的影响,但不能显著改变组合方式对绩效的影响。最后,提出企业根据营销能力和企业规模的特点对客户导向与竞争者导向进行整合的相关建议。  相似文献   

作为战略管理与创业管理的交叉领域,创业导向研究日益成为学界关注的热点,而受到"新生弱性"困扰的新创企业往往缺乏必要的资源基础和实力,尤其在中国经济转型背景下,如何通过外部关系网络来增强创业导向成为新企业面临的关键难题。结合社会网络理论与组织学习理论,对网络导向影响创业导向的内在过程进行剖析,发现网络嵌入机制和创业学习机制是影响新企业网络导向与创业导向关系的两种主要机制。运用多层次回归分析的方法实证研究新企业网络导向影响其创业导向的影响机理,结果显示:(1)网络导向与创业导向之间呈倒U型关系;(2)新企业的网络嵌入与创业学习在"网络导向-创业导向"主效应中能起到正向调节作用,不过其中的利用性创业学习调节作用不显著;(3)网络嵌入与创业学习之间存在一定的匹配互补性,其中关系嵌入与利用性学习、结构嵌入与探索性学习具有显著的协同调节效应。本文研究深化了网络与学习双重视角下的创业导向前因理论研究,研究结论有助于新企业把握网络导向影响创业导向的内在规律,从而指导新企业对网络嵌入与创业学习行为进行科学规划。  相似文献   

This paper contributes to studies on dynamic capabilities (DCs) by showing that a neglected environmental contingency – i.e. the occurrence of a jolt – shapes the DCs–performance relationship. We focus on high-tech entrepreneurial ventures because these are the firms that jolts affect most; in so doing, we also advance the understanding of DCs in the entrepreneurship field. We argue that, in the aftermath of an environmental jolt, the high-tech entrepreneurial ventures that use internationalization and new product development capabilities to modify their resource configuration and regain environmental fit enjoy better performance. Econometric estimates on a sample of 340 Italian high-tech entrepreneurial ventures confronting the consequences of the global economic crisis that began in 2008 confirm that separately using these two DCs has a positive performance effect. This effect is stronger for relatively smaller ventures. Interestingly, despite synergies should arise from the combined use of the two DCs, we do not detect any superadditive effects.  相似文献   

易朝辉 《管理学报》2012,9(10):1484-1489
基于创业认知理论,拓展了创业导向与创业绩效的经典模型.通过数据调查,实证检验了组织创业气氛、创业导向以及创业企业绩效三者之间的关系,由此得出结论:①组织创业气氛与创业绩效具有正向关系,创业导向与创业绩效具有正向关系;②创业导向在组织创业气氛与衍生企业绩效之间起中介作用.  相似文献   

郭润萍 《管理科学》2016,29(3):13-23
创业能力对于新企业创造和维持竞争优势具有重要意义,相关研究受到创业领域学者们的广泛关注。然而创业能力的实证研究主要集中于创业者个体层面创业能力的前因和结果分析,组织层面的创业能力的实证研究尚处于探索阶段,仍有待运用有效的理论揭示新企业如何构建组织层面创业能力的内在机理和路径。作为新兴的创业理论,手段导向理论有助于面临高不确定性的新企业在创业过程中持续进行迭代式学习,而组织学习理论认为,知识获取作为组织学习的核心环节有助于组织创业能力的构建。因此,手段导向可能通过知识获取提升新企业创业能力。然而,少有学者关注此方面研究。 运用手段导向理论和组织学习理论,深入剖析手段导向各维度对创业能力的积极影响,检验知识获取在手段导向与创业能力关系间的中介作用。采取大样本问卷调查,收集215家中国新企业数据,并运用多元线性回归分析和因子分析等方法进行实证检验。 研究结果表明,手段导向的4个维度均对创业能力具有积极影响,试验、可承受损失和先前承诺3个维度通过知识获取提升新企业创业能力,但是知识获取在柔性与新企业创业能力关系间的中介作用不显著。 研究结论对于丰富和拓展组织层面创业能力相关研究和推动手段导向理论的发展具有重要意义,为新企业如何在高不确定性和强资源约束下构建组织创业能力提供必要的理论指导。  相似文献   

A general notion in research on entrepreneurial marketing is that new ventures that adopt both strong market orientation and entrepreneurial orientation outperform other firms. The present research provides a more fine-grained analysis of this common wisdom. First, while extant research focuses on responsive market orientation, this research seeks to differentiate responsive from proactive market orientations in young ventures. Second, the study examines the moderating effects of the degree of entrepreneurial orientation on proactive and responsive market orientation’s performance consequences in the context of new ventures since these ventures must understand which orientations are worth pursuing, especially given their resource constraints. The theoretically developed research model is tested using survey data of 259 ventures in operation less than fifteen years from five national cultures in order to detect national dependencies and establish the robustness of the findings. Recommendations concerning which type of market orientation entrepreneurial and less entrepreneurial new ventures should follow are provided.  相似文献   

Current findings are still inconclusive with regard to the role played by the characteristics of social networks in INVs’ early geographical scope. This study analyses how entrepreneurial-oriented networks affect new ventures’ early geographical scope through critical capabilities. We have adopted a behavioural perspective to investigate the effect of social networks both on international new ventures’ geographical scope and on their critical capabilities such as absorptive and adaptive capabilities. Results from a sample of 183 Spanish international ventures confirm the importance of entrepreneurial orientation as a network characteristic for early geographical scope. Additionally, the positive effect of adaptive capability on new ventures’ early geographical dispersion has been confirmed but not so in the case of absorptive capabilities. Our results suggest that future research must be careful to assume international new ventures’ absorptive capability as a prerequisite to their cross-border expansion.  相似文献   

This research is based on the perception that the explanation of International New Ventures' (INVs) performance demands a process view, going deeper than the standard approach, in empirical papers, of testing a direct relationship between company-level antecedents and performance. A three-tier model was developed to investigate the process leading to INVs international performance, emphasizing the role of entrepreneurial alertness. Based on the dynamic capabilities framework, entrepreneurial alertness was envisaged as the mediating element between firms' capabilities and their international performance. Empirical research confirmed the hypothesized model. Firms' capabilities (entrepreneurial orientation, foreign market knowledge, and absorptive capacity) significantly influence the level of entrepreneurial alertness, which impacts on the levels of self-reported satisfaction with the company's international performance. The paper makes four contributions to International Entrepreneurship literature. First, it highlights the key role played by entrepreneurial alertness in explaining INVs' international performance. This is convergent with the dynamic capabilities view on firms' ability to sense and seize specific international business opportunities. Second, this study considers entrepreneurial alertness as a capability that is not limited to the entrepreneur, but it is an organizational capability. Third, it shows that entrepreneurial alertness does not exist in the vacuum, is based on a set of base capabilities, namely entrepreneurial orientation, foreign market knowledge, and absorptive capacity, that simultaneously leverage the INVs to sense possible opportunities and constrain the focus of opportunities to international markets, as a key element to foster INVs' higher performance. Fourth, it underlines the role of technological turbulence as a moderator of the relationship between entrepreneurial alertness and INVs' international performance.  相似文献   

We examine exploitative learning and entrepreneurial orientation (EO) in emerging young high technology firms located within business incubators. In the last five years, the UK government has invested approximately £125m in incubation activities. The rationale for supporting business incubation is to maximize knowledge sharing across firms with an expectation that it will leverage performance. This represents exploitative learning – the acquisition of established knowledge that carries clear known value and outcomes. Paradoxically, research into EO has repeatedly emphasized the value of knowledge created through exploratory learning mechanisms (‘play, discovery and experimentation’) in securing advantage. Theoretical and empirical questions are raised herein with regard to the value of exploitative learning within a network context which might negatively influence the impact of EO on the firm. Using configuration theory, we demonstrate that firms cannot sustain dual‐dominant orientations of exploitative learning and EO. A strongly configured EO generates high performance returns. However, multi‐group analysis reveals that these effects are particularly strong for those firms whose exploitative learning is weak. Implications and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Recent research suggests that entrepreneurial orientation (EO) has a more complex effect on performance (i.e. non-linear instead of linear) than previously considered. We extend this view by examining the non-linear effect of each individual dimension of EO (i.e. innovativeness, proactiveness, and risk-taking) on firm performance in the context of a transitional, collectivist economy. Drawing upon social capital theory, we also examine under which social capital conditions (i.e., business and political ties) each dimension of EO is most effective. Using survey data from 137 firms in Vietnam Top 500 Companies, this study shows that innovativeness and proactiveness have inverted U-shaped relationships with firm performance, while the effect of risk-taking on firm performance is also non-linear but in the form of increasing returns. Findings also show that social capital from business ties differentially moderates the effects of EO dimensions on performance. Similarly, social capital from political ties has different moderating effects on the innovativeness-performance and proactiveness-performance linkages. The findings urge managers of firms operating in transitional economies to take the levels of social capital from business ties and political ties into consideration when making their decision on which entrepreneurial strategy to pursue.  相似文献   

Innovativeness is the organization's capability for developing and introducing innovations. We argue that new combinations and recombinations of prior and new knowledge (by way of creating, assembling, and transforming knowledge) result in innovativeness in an organization. We further assert that a knowledge‐based focus on innovativeness is particularly important for firms that are technology‐based. The majority of studies focusing on innovativeness are in the entrepreneurship arena, and a large number of studies consider innovativeness as one of three dimensions of the entrepreneurial orientation (EO) construct, the other two dimensions being proactiveness and risk‐taking. However, recent research has suggested peering into the black box of EO by disaggregating the EO construct and examining the interrelationships among its three components. Hence, using the knowledge‐based view and drawing from multiple disciplines, our study conceptualizes innovativeness as a criterion variable and investigates the antecedent role of proactiveness and risk‐taking propensity on innovativeness in the context of technology‐based services (TBS). We hypothesize that both proactiveness and risk‐taking propensity exhibit a curvilinear relationship with innovativeness and introduce organizational structure formality as a moderator to further explicate these relationships. Our results show that proactiveness has a curvilinear (inverted U relationship) with innovativeness, and that this relationship is attenuated by organizational structure formality. Additional analysis indicates that in TBS firms, risk‐taking propensity has a positive linear relationship with innovativeness, and this relationship is accentuated by organizational structure formality. Finally, we discuss important conceptual and practical implications of our study and provide suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

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