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针对海上油气平台信息不足的问题,开展多源卫星遥感的油气平台识别方法研究。基于Landsat-8光学遥感影像(2018—2021年)应用阈值分割法、K-means分类法和最大似然分类法分别识别出渤海海域油气平台136座、166座和113座;基于Sentinel-1 SAR影像(2018—2021年)应用阈值分割法识别出油气平台338座;对上述结果进行决策级融合,识别出渤海油气平台428座。利用ZY-3高分辨率影像对融合方法的识别结果进行验证,结果显示识别油气平台的正确率达到85.2%,错判率、漏判率分别为10.9%和3.9%;油气平台位置与相关文献和公开资料一致。研究结果表明,决策级融合方法能够实现海上油气平台的有效判别,具有推广、应用价值。  相似文献   

本研究基于实测的Chl-a质量浓度和海表面光谱数据,构建了适用于CASI(Compact Airborne Spectrographic Imager)航空高光谱和MODIS(Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer)卫星遥感影像的Chl-a反演模型,并在研究海域开展了Chl-a质量浓度的反演。研究结果表明,基于CASI影像的波段比值模型可以较好地反演出研究海域的Chl-a质量浓度,研究海域内Chl-a含量为0.1~4.4 μg/L,平均相对误差为14.58%;基于MODIS卫星影像反演获得的珠江口Chl-a质量浓度为0~8 μg/L,平均相对误差为17%。总体而言,大襟岛海域整体Chl-a质量浓度的分布比较均匀,而且含量较低;基于Chl-a质量浓度计算获得卡尔森营养状态指数表明,研究海域处于贫营养化和中营养化水平,复杂水动力环境和高浊度可能是抑制研究海域浮游植物生长的主要因素。  相似文献   

The seasonal variability of the significant wave height(SWH) in the South China Sea(SCS) is investigated using the most up-to-date gridded daily altimeter data for the period of September 2009 to August 2015. The results indicate that the SWH shows a uniform seasonal variation in the whole SCS, with its maxima occurring in December/January and minima in May. Throughout the year, the SWH in the SCS is the largest around Luzon Strait(LS) and then gradually decreases southward across the basin. The surface wind speed has a similar seasonal variation, but with different spatial distributions in most months of the year. Further analysis indicates that the observed SWH variations are dominated by swell. The wind sea height, however, is much smaller. It is the the largest in two regions southwest of Taiwan Island and southeast of Vietnam Coast during the northeasterly monsoon, while the largest in the central/southern SCS during the southwesterly monsoon. The extreme wave condition also experiences a significant seasonal variation. In most regions of the northern and central SCS, the maxima of the 99 th percentile SWH that are larger than the SWH theoretically calculated with the wind speed for the fully developed seas mainly appear in August–November, closely related to strong tropical cyclone activities.Compared with previous studies, it is also implied that the wave climate in the Pacific Ocean plays an important role in the wave climate variations in the SCS.  相似文献   

在多源遥感影像融合中,基于传统PCA变换的多源遥感影像融合的光谱分辨率受到较大影响。提出了一种新的基于PCA变换的多源遥感影像像素级融合方法,通过在传统PCA变换融合算法基础上引入小波变换融合,保留了多波段遥感图像光谱特性的有用信息,进一步提高融合后遥感影像的效果。给出实验的融合结果,并与传统PCA变换方法进行对比,证明了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

海岸线是海洋与陆地的分界线,也是重要的生态交错线。本文采用GF-1卫星遥感影像,通过监测大潮高潮时刻和小潮低潮时刻海岸水陆边界线,构建了潮间带完整性系数,以此为依据将海岸线划分为自然海岸线、具有基本生态功能的人工海岸线、具有部分生态功能的人工海岸线、具有有限生态功能的人工海岸线、具有少量生态功能的人工海岸线和无生态功能的人工海岸线。在此基础上,结合潮间带完整性系数及其毗邻海岸线长度,构建了海岸线生态化指数,用以评价区域海岸线的生态化程度。营口市海岸线以无生态功能的人工海岸线、自然海岸线和具有少量生态功能的人工海岸线为主,分别占到海岸线总长度的45.74%、18.31%和15.53%。营口市总体海岸线生态化指数为0.29,其中西城区、老边区、盖州北、鲅鱼圈区和盖州南分别为0.55、0.17、0.40、0.10和0.55。  相似文献   

研究了海域使用类型遥感监测的分类系统,探索建立了各类海域使用类型的卫星遥感监测方法。在此基础上,以葫芦岛试验区为例,对该验区海域使用格局进行了卫星遥感监测与评价。结果表明:卫星遥感技术结合地理信息系统技术与全球定位系统技术可以较好地对海域使用空间格局进行监测和评价。葫芦岛试验区海域使用类型以工矿业用海和渔业用海为主,工矿业用海以大斑块的集中用海为主要特征,而渔业用海则以小斑块的分散用海为主。在海域使用空间格局上,葫芦岛区块海域以工矿业用海为主,兴城区块海域以工矿业和渔业用海为主,绥中区块海域则是以渔业用海为主,葫芦岛试验区海域使用空间格局具有明显的空间分异特征。  相似文献   

安达曼海是内波频繁发生的海区之一,对其内波的研究是当今海洋研究的热点。本文利用2013—2016年间覆盖整个安达曼海的3 000多幅Terra/Aqua MODIS、GF-1、Landsat-8、Sentinel-1 等卫星遥感图像,从中提取和解译了内波波列线和波向信息,得到安达曼海海洋内波的时间分布特征,并绘制了内波空间分布图。结果表明,安达曼海及其邻近海域内波主要出现在4个区域:苏门答腊岛以北海域、安达曼海中部海域、安达曼海北部海域以及尼科巴群岛以西海域,尺度较大的内波主要分布在苏门答腊岛以北海域和安达曼海中部海域。在时间分布上,2013—2016年间安达曼海内波的年发生次数相近;在热季、雨季及冬季遥感都能观测到内波的发生;2-4月遥感观测到的内波最多,其次为8、9月,7月遥感观测到的内波较少,这可能是由于雨季光学影像受云影响,安达曼海海域晴空影像过少造成,还需要借助更多的遥感影像进一步证明。在波向上,安达曼海多数内波向岸传播,在苏门答腊岛北部、安达曼海中部海域,内波向东或向东南传播;在安达曼群岛东部,内波向东传播,传播一定距离后与海底地形交互作用,一部分继续向前传播,一部分产生反射,向西南方向传播至安达曼群岛;在尼科巴群岛以西海域,内波由尼科巴群岛向孟加拉湾传播。  相似文献   

速度场在南海形成与演化、深部结构、沉积盆地分析和能源资源勘探过程中具有重要作用,以南海西北部为研究试点区,基于二维多道地震数据,在常规地震数据处理获得准确叠加速度的基础上,进行了均方根速度到层速度的转换,采用最小曲率插值算法,构建研究区的宏观三维速度模型,获得了良好的效果,初步建立了基于二维地震资料进行宏观三维速度建模的方法,为今后在南海全域开展宏观三维速度建模研究打下了坚实基础。  相似文献   

海岸带是人类活动的重要区域,遥感技术因其优势被广泛应用于海岸带研究,而如何高效地从遥感影像中提取出高精度岸线是海岸带研究的重要问题。本文总结了国内外9种主要水边线提取方法的特点,采用目视解译、阈值分割法(NDWI、MNDWI和SMNDWI)、边缘检测算子法(Sobel、Roberts和Canny)3种最常用的方法提取了...  相似文献   

海岸线具有重要的生态功能和资源价值,在海洋保护和开发利用管理中具有举足轻重的作用。海岸线精细化、高精度、高频次监测已成为当前海岸线管理工作的新要求和新任务。以宁波市大陆海岸线为研究对象,综合运用多时相卫星遥感影像、航空遥感影像、无人机航摄影像、全野外调查等多源数据,开展宁波市2019-2021年大陆海岸线变化监测研究,对海岸线变化情况、分布情况、使用情况以及多源数据应用情况等进行分析,提出变化岸段分类标准,发现基于多源数据采集的海岸线监测具有覆盖广、准确性高、时效性强、投入成本低等特点,能够为加强海岸线保护与利用管理提供参考。  相似文献   

为了预测南黄海盆地油气远景,利用卫星遥感对东海陆架盆地进行海面温度测量。东海陆架盆地已知油气远景区与卫星热红外温度异常区具有原地重复性,与水气界面CH4含量曲线及海底化探异常吻合程度很好。南黄海盆地卫星遥感海面温度异常区沿南北向 (123o30′) 呈带状分布,与航磁解释出的南北向分布的东部鼻状隆起吻合较好。由于温度异常区主要分布在南黄海盆地东部鼻状隆起的南北端,故推测东部鼻状隆起的南北端具有较好油气远景。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the extent to which remote sensing data can contribute to the management of two parallel crises in the South China Sea (SCS); first the ongoing disputes related to islands and related maritime boundaries and second the degradation of the marine environment and the decrease in fish stocks. It demonstrates that remote sensing surveys are the only means to lawfully collect independent and verifiable geographic data on the disputed features without the need to consult all the claimants and thereby add to regional frictions and tensions. These surveys can contribute to the determination of whether these features are submerged or above water at high tide and what their physical characteristics are. This would inform the application of the Law of the Sea and help determine entitlements to maritime zones and thus access to resources. The other category of uses for remote sensing surveys which is explored is the identification and classification of marine habitats and the building of a biogeographic platform. This paper shows the limits created by unavoidable uncertainties in the interpretation of satellite imagery. However, many benefits outweigh the downsides: the potential for national and regional marine spatial planning, for the prioritization of marine environments in need of management, for the implementation by the States bordering the SCS of the international treaties which they have ratified and for ecological monitoring.  相似文献   

文章首先论述了中南—礼乐断裂带的研究现状, 然后基于重力、磁力、地震剖面和地形等地球物理资料, 综合分析了中南—礼乐断裂带在南海海盆中的空间展布和内部构造形变特征。研究表明: 该断裂带在海盆中由北至南具有明显的分段性。北段(西北次海盆与东部次海盆北部之间)断裂带宽15km, 由(18°00'N, 115°30'E)向(17°30'N, 116°00'E)呈NNW向分布。南段(西南次海盆与东部次海盆之间)断裂带宽约60~80km, 由中沙海台东侧向礼乐地块西侧呈NNW向展布。中南—礼乐断裂带的主控断裂沿中南海岭呈NNW向分布。断裂带在南北两段的过渡区总体呈NNE向展布。断裂带两侧海盆的沉积厚度和洋壳厚度存在差异, 推断该断裂带对其东西两侧海盆的地质构造具有控制作用。根据地壳结构变化, 推测该断裂带至少是一条地壳级断裂。  相似文献   

生物礁具有良好的油气聚集能力,故一直是石油地质学家关注的焦点。礼乐盆地具有优良的成礁条件,但受限于资料品质,生物礁的研究仅仅处在起步阶段。本文借助重新处理的2D地震数据,利用地质-地球物理精细刻画技术,对礼乐盆地T70—T50时期生物礁进行了精细解剖。研究认为,T70—T60时期是礁体初始发育阶段,T60—T50时期是礁体主发育阶段。盆内可以识别出断棱型和断垒型两种礁体结构模型,其中断棱型又细分为多棱型和单棱型。断棱型是研究区的主要礁体构型。礁体的空间生长表现为侧向退积和垂向加积耦合过程。礁体结构可以细分为6期生长单元,前三期是加积慢退型生长,后三期为快退型生长。礁体的空间展布形态与生长速度受海平面升降、可容纳空间变化和古地貌形态联合控制。  相似文献   

莺歌海盆地陆架区作为南海北部的一个重要地质构造单元,记录了第四纪以来沉积和海平面变化的丰富信息。通过对研究区高分辨率单道地震剖面的解释,结合深水区钻孔资料,分析了该地区晚第四纪地层的沉积特征,研究区浅部地层划分出层A和层B 2套地层单元,并进一步对研究区三角洲平原、三角洲前缘和前三角洲3种沉积亚相的地震特征进行了解释分析。钻孔AMS14C与光释光测年结果表明,三角洲形成于晚更新世65~56 ka,即MIS4晚期—MIS3早期。结合钻孔岩性和有孔虫分布特征以及区域地质、沉积背景等资料,开展了三角洲形成的控制因素分析,认为莺歌海盆地的构造和古地貌、海南岛隆升、物源供给、海平面变化、古季风对三角洲的形成发育具有重要的控制作用。  相似文献   

本文对南海中央深水盆地KSO1岩芯(14°57'47"N,116°05'25"S)(图1)粒度、矿物、碳酸盐含量、化学元素、微体古生物和古地磁等进行了分析。岩芯的长度和取样水深分别为710m和4169m。研究结果表明,南海中央海盆沉积物的颗粒较细;粘土矿物以伊利石为主,蒙脱石含量较低;化学元素显示出介于浅海一深海之间的半深海沉积特点。上述特征说明南海中央海盆的沉积物是以细粒含粘土矿物为主的半深海沉积物。同时,对岩芯的火山灰夹层、沉积速率、岩芯的年代以及碳酸盐含量和古气候间的关系进行了讨论。对KSO1岩芯在665~670cm处的微粒锰结核富集层存在的意义进行了探讨。另外,应用最优分割法、有序分析法等数理统计方法,对KSO1岩芯进行了元素地层学的划分工作。  相似文献   

High-resolution multichannel seismic data enables the discovery of a previous, undocumented submarine canyon(Huaguang Canyon) in the Qiongdongnan Basin, northwest South China Sea. The Huaguang Canyon with a NW orientation is 140 km in length, and 2.5 km to 5 km in width in its upper reach and 4.6 km to 9.5 km in width in its lower reach. The head of the Huaguang Canyon is close to the Xisha carbonate platform and its tail is adjacent to the central canyon. This buried submarine canyon is formed by gravity flows from the Xisha carbonate platform when the sea level dropped in the early stage of the late Miocene(~10.5 Ma). The internal architecture of the Huaguang Canyon is mainly characterized by high amplitude reflections, indicating that this ancient submarine canyon was filled with coarse-grained sediments. The sediment was principally scourced from the Xisha carbonate platform. In contrast to other buried large-scale submarine canyons(central canyon and Zhongjian Canyon) in the Qiongdongnan Basin, the Huaguang Canyon displays later formation time, smaller width and length, and single sediment supply. The coarse-grained deposits within Huaguang Canyon provide a good environment for reserving oil and gas, and the muddy fillings in Huaguang Canyon have been identified as regional caps. Therefore, Huaguang Canyon is potential area for future hydrocarbon exploration in the northwest South China Sea. Our results may contribute to a better understanding of the evolution of submarine canyons formed in carbonate environment.  相似文献   

High-resolution multichannel seismic data enables the discovery of a previous, undocumented submarine canyon(Huaguang Canyon) in the Qiongdongnan Basin, northwestern South China Sea. The Huaguang Canyon with a NW orientation is 140 km in length, and 2.5 km to 5 km in width in its upper reach and 4.6 km to 9.5 km in width in its lower reach. The head of the Huaguang Canyon is close to the Xisha carbonate platform and its tail is adjacent to the Central Canyon. This buried submarine canyon is formed by gravity flows from the Xisha carbonate platform when the sea level dropped in the early stage of the late Miocene(around 10.5 Ma). The internal architecture of the Huaguang Canyon is mainly characterized by high amplitude reflections, indicating that this ancient submarine canyon was filled with coarse-grained sediments. The sediment was principally scourced from the Xisha carbonate platform. In contrast to other buried large-scale submarine canyons(Central Canyon and Zhongjian Canyon) in the Qiongdongnan Basin, the Huaguang Canyon displays later formation time,smaller width and length, and single sediment supply. The coarse-grained deposits within the Huaguang Canyon provide a good environment for reserving oil and gas, and the muddy fillings in the Huaguang Canyon have been identified as regional caps. Therefore, the Huaguang Canyon is a potential area for future hydrocarbon exploration in the northwestern South China Sea. The result of this paper may contribute to a better understanding of the evolution of submarine canyons formed in carbonate environment.  相似文献   

南海北部琼东南盆地中央峡谷成因新认识   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对区域构造断裂体系和逐渐连片的高分辨率三维地震资料的精细解析,认识到琼东南盆地中央峡谷的形成机制除了与晚中新世区域构造变动、大规模海平面下降、充足物源供给以及凹槽型古地形特征等因素相关之外,还存在另外一个非常重要因素:峡谷底部早期隐伏断裂带的存在。研究表明:琼东南盆地中央坳陷带发育平行于陆架坡折的大规模深水峡谷,峡谷底部发育大型走滑断层以及走滑断层派生出一系列次级断层形成的地层破碎带,认识到峡谷的形成、规模以及展布方向均受断裂带影响;相应地峡谷的充填及演化亦是受物源、海平面变化、重力流作用等多种因素共同作用和相互叠加的过程。从而为研究经历了裂陷期和坳陷期盆地演化过程形成的大型峡谷提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

The seismic, drilling and logging data reveal that a large-scale igneous intrusion with a width of 14 Km and a maximum thickness of 170 m intruded within the Paleogene Liushagang Formation in the Fushan Depression, Beibuwan Basin, South China Sea (SCS). In this study, we report the geochemistry and Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf isotopic compositions of the igneous rocks, and evaluate the thermal effect induced by this large-scale igneous intrusion on the host rocks. The analyzed igneous samples exhibit strong enrichment in light rare earth elements (LREE) and large-ion lithophile elements (LILE), having characteristics similar to intra-plate oceanic island basalts (OIB). The Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf isotopic data display narrow ranges (e.g. 87Sr/86Sri = 0.7042–0.7044, 143Nd/144Ndi = 0.5128–0.5129, 206Pb/204Pbi = 18.90–18.94, εHf(t) = +7.56∼+9.60). Geochemical and isotopic compositions suggest a mixed mantle source between depleted mid-ocean-ridge-basalt (MORB) mantle (DMM)-like mantle and enriched mantle type II (EMII, possibly the Hainan mantle plume). Vitrinite reflectance values, major mineralogical changes together with a maturity-related biomarker [Ts/(Ts + Tm)] all reveal significant thermal effect induced by the igneous intrusion. Vitrinite reflectance values of the host rock are up to 2.5% in the intrusion region, whereas lower reflectance values (0.62–0.73%) occur in the unaffected area of the same strata. Moreover, our results suggest that the host rocks above the igneous intrusion are characterised by higher maturity than below, which should be attributed to the different behavior of hydrothermal fluids. These observations suggest that the thermal effect of large-scale thick igneous intrusions is much more intense than that of thin igneous intrusions, and the behavior of hydrothermal fluids induced by magmatic intrusive events should be a critical impact factor during heat transfer process.  相似文献   

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