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Voluntary intake, digestibility, N balance, and chewing behavior of six 6-mo-old (young) and six 30-mo-old (mature) Texel wethers (32.6 and 83.1 kg average BW) given ad libitum access to grass silage and 100 g of top-dressed soybean meal with or without 5 g of methionine hydroxy analog (MHA) in the acid form were examined according to a two-period crossover design. Supplementation level of MHA in the acid form corresponded to .32 and .16 g of MHA/kg BW.75, respectively, in young and mature wethers. There was no effect (P greater than .10) of MHA on mean voluntary DMI. Methionine hydroxy analog supplementation increased (P less than .02) digestibility of DM, OM, and CP by young wethers but not (P greater than .18) by mature wethers. The MHA decreased eating time (P less than .03) in both young and mature wethers and intake level (P = .01) in young wethers during the first 1.5 h of access to grass silage. With MHA, both age groups increased (P less than .05) the daily number of meals and decreased (P less than .02) the mean duration of each meal. There was no effect (P greater than .06) of MHA on daily and unitary eating, ruminating, and masticating times; however, mean duration of consecutive rumination bolus cycles was longer (7.2%; P = .01) in young wethers. Young vs mature sheep ate more (53.4 vs 39.3 g of DM/[d.kg BW.75]; P less than .001) and had shorter unitary mastication times (P = .001). Results suggest that, depending on its relative level of supplementation, MHA in the acid form could act through both palatability and effects on ruminal metabolism.  相似文献   

试验旨在研究不同能量水平低氮饲粮对藏羊表观消化率、氮代谢和生长性能的影响,为高寒地区反刍家畜冷季补饲提供参考。选取1.5周岁、体重(48.5±1.89) kg和体况相近的健康去势藏羊24只,随机分为低能(LE)、中低能(MLE)、中高能(MHE)和高能(HE)4个处理组,每组6个重复。试验饲粮的粗蛋白质(CP)含量相近[(6.97±0.05)%]而能量不同,其消化能(DE)水平分别为8.21、9.33、10.45和11.57 MJ·kg-1。经过49 d的饲养和全收粪尿法,结果表明:1)藏羊的干物质(DM)、粗蛋白质(CP)、总能(GE)采食量在各处理组间基本相同(P>0.05),其中DM、GE表观消化率都随着能量水平的提高而线性增加(P<0.05);2)当饲粮能量水平升高时,藏羊血清尿素氮(BUN)浓度线性增加(P<0.05),而游离脂肪酸(FFA)浓度却线性降低(P<0.05);3)随着饲粮能量水平升高,藏羊尿氮排出量线性降低(P<0.05),氮平衡和氮沉积率均线性升高(P<0.05),并且氮沉积率(NDR,%)与饲粮能量水平(DE, MJ·kg-1)呈显著线性正相关,其关系式为NDR=5.2143DE-39.006(R2=0.9616,n=24);4)藏羊的平均日增重(ADG)随着饲粮能量水平的提高而线性增加(P<0.05),除LE组外,其余ADG都为正值。上述研究结果表明,藏羊的蛋白和能量维持需要量较低,低氮条件下提高能量水平可改善藏羊的饲料营养消化率、氮代谢以及生长性能。  相似文献   

Our objective was to determine the impact of supplemental energy, N, and protein on feed intake and N metabolism in sheep fed low-quality forage. Six Texel x Dorset wethers (16 mo, 63+/-3.1 kg) fitted with mesenteric, portal, and hepatic venous catheters were used in a Latin square design with five sampling periods. Lambs were fed chopped bromegrass hay (4.3% CP) to appetite, and a mineral mixture was given. Treatments were 1) control (no supplement), 2) energy (cornstarch, molasses, and soybean oil), 3) energy plus urea, 4) energy plus soybean meal (SBM), and 5) energy plus ruminally undegraded protein (RUP; 50:50 mixture of blood and feather meals). Supplements were fed once daily (.3% BW). Forage DMI did not differ (P = .13), but intake of total DM, N, and energy differed (P<.01) among treatments. Apparent digestibilities of DM, OM, and energy were less (P<.01) for control than for other treatments. Apparent N digestibility was least for control and energy and greatest for urea treatments (P<.05). As a result, digested DM, OM, and energy ranked from least to greatest were control, energy, urea, SBM, and RUP, respectively. Apparently digested N was 2.44, 2.24, 11.39, 9.80, and 11.25 g/d for control, energy, urea, SBM, and RUP (P<.01; SE = .10). Hour of sampling x treatment was a significant source of variation for blood concentrations of ammonia N and urea N, net ammonia N release from portal-drained viscera (PDV) and liver, and urea N release from splanchnic tissues. These results were primarily because patterns through time for the urea treatment differed from the other treatments. Net PDV release of alpha-amino N did not differ (P>.05) between control and energy treatments. Values for those treatments were about one-half of values for urea, SBM, and RUP treatments, which did not differ (P>.05). Hepatic net uptake (negative release) of alpha-amino N for control was 53% of values for the other treatments, which did not differ (P>.05). Net release of alpha-amino N from splanchnic tissues did not differ among treatments (P = .34) and did not differ from zero. The data indicate that arterial alpha-amino N concentration, hepatic alpha-amino N uptake, PDV release and hepatic uptake of ammonia N, and hepatic release of urea N were greater in energy than in control treatments. We also found that hepatic uptake of alpha-amino N was 187% of PDV release in energy-supplemented lambs. These results suggest that energy supplementation of a protein-limiting diet stimulated mobilization of body protein.  相似文献   


Feed intake and milk production responses to whole-crop cereal silages and ryegrass silage (RGS) supplemented with a fixed amount of concentrate were measured in three 4×4 Latin square-designed experiment with three 17-day periods using 12 Holstein cows. Diets consisted of a fixed amount of concentrate (10 kg) and one of the following silages offered ad libitum: RGS, Mondego wheat silage (MWS), Alva wheat silage (AWS), and triticale silage (TS). Silage dry matter intake and milk yield were significantly higher for RGS. Milk composition was not affected by silage treatment. The whole-crop cereal silages tended to show higher milk concentrations of anteiso C15:0, iso C15:0, C16:1 and C18:1 and lower concentrations of C18:2 and C18:3. This study suggests better response of dairy cows to a single cut RGS than to whole-crop cereal silages harvested in an early stage of maturity.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted to determine the effects of lysocellin on growth performance and metabolism of steers fed forage-based diets. Treatments in all experiments consisted of 1) control, 2) 100 mg lysocellin/d, 3) 200 mg lysocellin/d and 4) 200 mg monensin/d. In each of two 90-d performance studies, 24 Hereford steers were individually fed greenchop (fungus-free tall fescue and Coastal and Tifton-44 bermudagrass) ad libitum and .91 kg/d of a corn-trace mineral salt supplement. In Exp. 1, tall fescue was fed from d 1 to 45 and bermudagrass from d 46 to 90. Bermudagrass was offered during d 1 to 45 and tall fescue during d 46 to 90 in Exp. 2. Lysocellin improved gain (Exp. 1, P less than .01) and feed conversion (Exp. 1 and 2 combined, P less than .05), decreased total VFA concentrations (P less than .05), increased molar proportions of propionate, isobutyrate and isovalerate (P less than .01), decreased molar proportions of acetate and butyrate (P less than .01) and lowered acetate:propionate (P less than .01). Two metabolism studies involving a total of 16 Hereford steers were conducted. Steers were fed tall fescue greenchop and .91 kg/d supplement for a 34-d adjustment period followed by a 5-d total collection period. Lysocellin increased N digestibility (P less than .01) and N retention (P less than .06) but did not (P greater than .05) affect DM, NDF or ADF digestibility. Data indicate that lysocellin results in major alterations in ruminal fermentation and can increase growth performance and N retention in steers fed forage-based diets.  相似文献   

The experiment consisting of 7 days of digestibility and 90 days of feeding trial was conducted at Wogda (Ethiopia) to determine the effect of supplementation of graded levels of concentrate mix (CM) on feed intake, digestibility, and body weight (BW) change in hay-based feeding of Simada sheep. Twenty-yearling Simada sheep with a mean initial BW of 17.9 ± 0.81 kg (mean ± SD) were used in randomized complete block design arranged into five blocks of four animals. The four dietary treatments that consisted of hay alone (T1), hay +150 g dry matter (DM; T2, low), hay +250 g DM (T3, medium), and hay +350 g DM (T4, high) CM were randomly assigned to each sheep within a block. The CM consisted of wheat bran (WB), noug seed (Guizotia abyssinica) meal and safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) seed meal at the ratio of (2:1:1), respectively. Supplementation with T2 and T3 increased (P < 0.001) total DM and organic matter intake than the control treatment. Overall, supplementation improved (P < 0.001) crude protein intake, digestibility, feed conversion efficiency, BW gain, and profitability compared to the control, whereas sheep on the high than the low and medium level of supplementation performed better in these parameters among the supplemented treatments. From the results of this study, T4 is recommended as the best level of supplementation since it resulted in better nutrient utilization, animal performance, and profitability.  相似文献   

The feeding value of a mixture of sorghum and soybeans plants, either fresh or ensiled, was evaluated with sheep. Sorghum and soybeans were harvested during the Cuban rainy season and ensiled in a ratio of 0.6/0.4 (w/w, as feed) with molasses and a bacterial inoculant. Silos were opened between 162 and 182 d post ensiling during the Cuban dry season and silages were fed to six pelibuey sheep (including two fistulated). Six other sheep (also including two fistulated) were fed sorghum and soybean in the same proportion, but freshly harvested during the dry season. The experiment lasted 21 d (14 d adaptation and 7 d data collection period). Silage quality parameters included pH, ammonia, lactate, and short chain fatty acids (SCFA). Further, both fresh and ensiled diets were offered to study the rumen fermentation characteristics (pH, ammonia, lactate, SCFA, in situ degradability and methane), duodenal flow of microbial protein (assessed through urinary purine derivatives secretion), fecal degradability of nutrients and urinary N excretion. From these measurements ME value and degradable CP supply at the small intestine (DCPSI) were estimated. Silage was of excellent quality. Compared to fresh forage feeding silage increased molar propionate proportion and rumen microbial protein synthesis and reduced methane emission. Fresh forage showed lower rumen degradability and total digestibility. Further, the higher ME concentration (11.2 vs. 10.3 MJ/kg DM) and DCPSI (84.7 vs. 56.1 g/kg DM) of the silage would allow a higher milk production or daily gain as compared with fresh forage available during the Cuban dry season.  相似文献   

Two in vivo digestibility trials with sheep were conducted to identify the minimum period length of feeding a new diet to obtain reproducible values of nutritional variables onward and the minimum length of collection period as to obtain maximal precision for each variable. Trial 1 was conducted with ten Polwarth male sheep (34 ± 5 kg body weight (BW)) throughout three 21‐day periods, in a completely randomized two‐way crossover design. The animals were divided into two groups (Group A and B, n = 5 per group) which were fed ad libitum with a sequence of the following diets throughout the periods: Group A: hay – hay plus concentrate – hay; Group B: hay plus concentrate – hay – hay plus concentrate. The concentrate was included in a proportion of 0.33 of the total diet. The intake, and the faecal and urinary excretion were measured daily throughout the experiment. For evaluating rumen fermentation variables, in Trial 2 four Santa Inês male sheep (65 ± 5 kg BW) fitted with ruminal cannula were used. The animals were randomly divided into two groups (n = 2 per group), and the trial was conducted through four 21 days experimental period, in a three‐way crossover design, using experimental diets and feeding management similar to Trial 1. The results indicated that, even though no clear or consistent steady‐state condition was identified for rumen fermentation or urinary excretion variables, the adaptation period for measuring OM digestibility in in vivo trials with sheep fed ad libitum where the diet shifts from one of only hay to another containing concentrate, or vice‐versa, should be at least 12 days long. Moreover, although no precision improvement was obtained by increasing the collection period above 1 day for measuring OM digestibility, the minimal length of collection period should be 4 days for measuring faecal excretion variables and 7 days for measuring urinary excretion variables.  相似文献   


This study is aimed at determining the maximum inclusion level of tamarind (Tamarindus indica) residues in the diet of goats on intake, digestibility, ingestive behavior, and nitrogen (N) balance. Twenty-four crossbred (Boer × undefined breed) castrated goat kids (5 months old and with an initial weight of 23.9?±?0.3 kg) were assigned in a completely randomized design (4 treatments and 6 replicates). Diets consisted of Tifton 85 (Cynodon sp.) hay as the roughage (400 g/kg) source and concentrate (600 g/kg); the levels of tamarind residue inclusion were 0.0, 7.0, 14.0, and 21.0% on a dry matter (DM) basis. The experimental period lasted 23 days (15 of adaptation and 8 of sampling). Inclusion of tamarind residue in the goat kid diets did not affect (P?>?0.05) the intake and digestibility of DM, crude protein, neutral detergent fiber (NDF), and total digestible nutrient; intake of N, urinary N, and retained N (g/day); time spent ruminating; numbers of times/day feeding, ruminating, or idling; eating efficiency of DM and NDF; number of boluses/day; and amount (g) of DM/bolus. However, there were a linear reduction in ether extract digestibility (P?=?0.011) and a linear decreasing trend in non-fibrous carbohydrate digestibility (P?=?0.083). The addition of tamarind residue had a positive linear effect (P?=?0.041) on the time spent feeding and promoted a decreasing linear trend for the time spent idling (P?=?0.063). It is recommended to include the residue from tamarind fruit at a level of 21% in diets for goat kids, as it does not affect nutrient intake and digestibility and the N balance.


The objective of this experiment was to determine effects of substituting concentrate mixture (CM) with water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) leaves (WHL) at different inclusion levels of feed and nutrient intake, digestibility, and growth performance of Washera sheep. Twenty yearlings intact male sheep with initial body weight of 24.1?±?1.68 kg (mean?±?SD) were used in both 90 days of feeding and 7 days of digestibility trials. The experimental animals were arranged into four blocks of five animals based on their initial body weight. The dietary treatments used in the experiment were 100% concentrate mix (0WHL-T1), 50% WHL and 50% CM (50WHL–T2), 75% WHL and 25% concentrate mix (75WHL-T3), and 100% WHL (100WHL-T4). Rice straw was given ad libitum. The crude protein (CP) content of water hyacinth leaf is 14.4%. Dry matter digestibility was greater (p?<?0.001) for 0WHL and 50WHL followed by 75WHL. The average daily weight gain was higher for 100% concentrate mix followed by 50 and 75% water hyacinth leave supplemented sheep. Therefore, wilted water hyacinth leave can safely substitute concentrate mix up to 75% and result in the optimum growth of Washera sheep from the feeding regime employed in this study.  相似文献   

This trial was conducted to evaluate if the effect of condensed tannin (CT) is associated with a true protein source on intake, ruminal and total digestibility, ruminal digestion rate, protein efficiency, and microbial efficiency in beef steers fed high concentrate diet (87% of DM). Four Bos indicus steers (407 ± 12 kg of BW) fitted with rumen cannula were assigned to a 4 × 4 Latin square design, arranged in a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement. Treatments consisted of either inclusion (0.4% of DM) or exclusion of condensed tannin (CT) from quebracho extract (76% of CT) with or without the use of soybean meal (SBM) as source of true protein. The level of inclusion was calculated to provide a daily intake of 1 g/10 kg of BW of CT. Intake of DM and nutrients was not affected (P > 0.10) by CT inclusion. However, there was an effect (P < 0.10) of CT inclusion on ether extract digestibility. An interaction (P < 0.10) was observed between CT and SBM on ruminal digestibility and digestion rate of crude protein (CP): when mixed with soybean meal, CT decreased the ruminal digestibility and, consequently, reduced the digestion rate of CP. Intake of CP increased (P < 0.10) with the inclusion of SBM. No differences in DM passage rate were observed (P > 0.10) among treatments. Effects of the interaction (P < 0.10) between CT and SBM were observed on flux of rumen undegradable protein (RUP), metabolizable protein (MP), and on the ratio MP:CP. In the presence of soybean meal, the addition of CT increased (P < 0.10) the flux of RUP and MP, and improved the ratio MP:CP. The yield of microbial protein on the abomasum and the microbial efficiency did not differ among treatments (P > 0.10). There was no difference (P > 0.10) on the pH, VFA, and ruminal ammonia (N-NH3) with the addition of condensed tannin. The N-NH3 increased and the ruminal pH decreased with the inclusion of soybean meal (P < 0.10). The utilization of condensed tannin as an additive in beef cattle diets with high level of concentrate and soybean meal as a source of true protein implies positive effects on crude protein utilization, decreasing digestion rate and ruminal digestibility of crude protein and consequently increasing the levels of metabolizable protein, with no changes in the ruminal fermentation parameters.  相似文献   

An experiment with growing lambs was designed to test the hypothesis that alterations in blood acid-base status would influence intake of corn silage. Six wethers (29 kg) were fed a diet of corn silage (36% DM, 8% CP) supplemented with 1.25% urea and .2% sulfur. At feeding time, sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) and sodium sesquicarbonate (NaSC) were added to the silage at levels of 0, 2% or 4% of diet DM. The treatments were arranged as a 2 x 3 factorial, and the study was conducted as a 6 x 4 incomplete latin square with four 17-d periods. Voluntary intake of OM was not different (P greater than .05) between NaHCO3 (1,008 g/d) and NaSC (1,041 g/d). There was no significant interaction between type of buffer (NaHCO3 or NaSC) and level of buffer on any of the variables measured. The progressive increase in buffer load did not alter feed intake (P greater than .05), although there was a quadratic response (P less than .05) in urine pH and a linear increase (P less than .01) in blood HCO3- 2 h after feeding. There was no evidence that lambs fed corn silage experienced metabolic acid stress. Urinary excretion of ammonia and urea were indicative of changes, although not pronounced, in ammoniuria and ureapoiesis in response to bicarbonate loading. This study implies that corn silage imposes no "acid stress" on lambs and, consequently, that there is no nutritional benefit in adding buffers to corn silage for sheep.  相似文献   

本试验旨在研究日粮中添加不同水平紫苏籽(Perilla frutescens seed,PFS)对湖羊生长性能、血清生化指标、养分表观消化率及瘤胃发酵的影响。选取2月龄、平均初始体重为(23.02±1.36) kg的湖羊公羔60只,依据日粮中PFS含量随机分成为:对照组(Control)、5%紫苏籽组(5%PFS)、10%紫苏籽组(10%PFS)和15%紫苏籽组(15%PFS)。预试期14 d,正试期70 d。饲喂试验结束前21 d,从各组随机挑选4只羊进行7 d的消化代谢试验。试验结束后称重,计算平均日增重(ADG),并采集瘤胃液和血液分别用气相色谱法、比色法、全自动生化分析仪和酶联免疫分析法测定瘤胃液挥发性脂肪酸(VFA)、氨态氮(NH3-N)、血清中总蛋白(TP)、尿素氮(UN)、葡萄糖(Glu)和血清中生长激素(GH)、胰岛素样生长因子-1(IGF-1)等。结果表明,日粮中PFS水平对湖羊生长性能(干物质采食量、平均日增重和料重比)、血清生化指标(TP、UN、Glu、GH和IGF-1)、瘤胃pH和瘤胃液乙酸、丙酸及总挥发性脂肪酸(TVFA)等含量的影响不显著(P>0.05),但随着PFS添加水平的升高,乙酸、丁酸和TVFA的含量呈降低趋势,丙酸呈上升趋势;与对照组相比,15% PFS组中NH3-N和乙酸/丙酸极显著降低(P<0.01);添加PFS不影响日粮中粗脂肪(EE)和酸性洗涤纤维(ADF)的表观消化率(P>0.05),但干物质(DM)、有机物(OM)和中性洗涤纤维(NDF)的表观消化率随着PFS添加水平升高而下降,且15% PFS 组的DM和OM的表观消化率均极显著低于对照组(P<0.01);与对照组相比,10% PFS组的粗蛋白(CP)表观消化率极显著提高(P<0.01),而15% PFS组的极显著降低(P<0.01)。综上所述,湖羊日粮中添加PFS水平为10%时,饲喂效果较好。  相似文献   

Tropical Animal Health and Production - The objective of this study was to evaluate intake, digestibility, microbial protein production, and nitrogen balance of lambs fed with different dehydrated...  相似文献   

试验旨在研究发酵饲料对哺乳期水貂的营养物质消化率、氮平衡及生长性能的影响。选择哺乳期母貂及仔貂96窝,随机分成4组,每组24个重复。4组发酵饲料的含量分别为0(Ⅰ组)、2.5%(Ⅱ组)、5.0%(Ⅲ组)、7.5%(Ⅳ组)。试验进行4周。结果表明:Ⅱ、Ⅲ组粗脂肪消化率显著高于Ⅰ组(P0.05),其他各组干物质消化率、粗蛋白消化率、粗灰分消化率、食入氮、粪氮、尿氮、氮沉积率和蛋白质生物学价均差异不显著(P0.05)。Ⅲ组哺育活仔数显著高于Ⅰ组(P0.05),其他各组仔貂30日龄校正体重、45日龄校正体重和仔貂成活率无显著差异(P0.05)。由此推断,发酵饲料可用于哺乳期水貂的饲料中,推荐用量为5%。  相似文献   

Twenty-four intact male Bonga lambs were studied in a 100-day experiment to evaluate the effect of feeding tannin rich leaves of Albizia gummifera (AG) on nutrient utilization, growth performance, and carcass composition. The dietary treatments consisted of hay alone (T1, control), AG at 30 % of control diet + T1 (T2), and T2 + polyethylene glycol 6000 (PEG) (T3, 40 mg PEG, 1 kg AG/head on a dry mass (DM) basis. The lambs were individually fed at 50 g DM/kg live weight. In the last 10 days of the experiment, all animals from each treatment were harnessed with feces collection bags. At the end of the experiment, lambs were slaughtered after overnight fasting for measurements of carcass characteristics. Crude protein, neutral detergent fiber, and condensed tannin contents of AG were 300, 586, and 108 g/kg DM, respectively. Lambs fed AG with PEG had higher (P?2 were able to utilize AG, the efficiency of its utilization was lower (P?相似文献   

Thirty-six crossbred gilts were fed three levels of protein (146, 255 and 364 g/d) and two levels of energy (6,200 and 7,440 kcal of digestible energy/d) throughout gestation in a 3 x 2 factorial arrangement of treatments. Five-day N balance studies were conducted in early (0 to 30 d), mid- (30 to 60 d) and late (60 to 90 d) gestation. At slaughter (90 d of gestation), reproductive tracts were weighed and evaluated for reproductive performance and samples of the reproductive tract, liver and semimembranosus muscle (SM) were analyzed for crude protein. The right half of the carcass was subjected to a physical separation of fat, lean and bone. Neither dietary protein nor energy level significantly affected weight gain or reproductive performance. Nitrogen retention increased as dietary protein level increased and stage of gestation progressed (linear effect, P less than .01), but efficiency of N utilization and dry matter digestibility decreased with increasing protein intakes (quadratic effect, P less than .05 and linear effect, P less than .01, respectively). Nitrogen retention (P less than .01), efficiency of N retention (P less than .05) and dry matter digestibility (P less than .01) were higher in gilts fed high (H) energy compared with gilts receiving moderate (M) energy diets. Increasing dietary protein increased total carcass separable lean tissue (quadratic effect, P less than .01), liver weight (linear effect P less than .01) SM weight (quadratic effect, P less than .05) and SM percentage M (linear effect P less than .10). Similarly, total carcass N and carcass lean N increased as protein level increased (quadratic effect, P less than .10, P less than .05, respectively). In contrast to the increase in muscle N, N in uterine tissue and fluids was not affected by dietary protein level. The results of this experiment suggest that 146 g of crude protein/d during gestation is just as effective as higher levels of crude protein for litter size or storage of N in reproductive tissue, but 255 to 364 g of protein/d are required to maximize muscle N.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to assess the effect of substitution of concentrate mix with Sesbania sesban on feed intake, digestibility, average daily gain (ADG), and carcass parameters of Arsi-Bale sheep. The experiment employed 25 male sheep with mean (±standard error) initial body live weight (BLW) of 19.1?±?0.09 kg. The experiment consisted of 7 days of digestibility and 90 days of feeding trials followed by carcass evaluation. The experiment employed a randomized complete block design with five treatments and five blocks. Treatments comprised of grass hay alone fed ad libitum (GHA; control), GHA?+?100 % concentrate mix (CM) consisting of wheat bran and noug seed cake at a ratio of 2:1 (0 S. sesban), GHA?+?67 % CM?+?33 % S. sesban (33 S. sesban), GHA?+?33 % CM?+?67 % S. sesban (67 S. sesban), and GHA?+?100 % S. sesban (100 S. sesban). Total dry matter intake (DMI) was higher (p?<?0.001) for sheep in 0 S. sesban–100 S. sesban (800–821 g/day) compared to sheep in control (611 g/day). However, the effect of S. sesban inclusion (0 S. sesban–100 S. sesban) on total DMI was quadratic, and DMI declined after 67 S. sesban. Digestibility of DM, organic matter (p?<?0.01), and crude protein were higher (p?<?0.001) in supplemented group compared to the control. ADG, feed conversion efficiency (ADG/DMI), slaughter BLW, hot carcass weight, and total edible offals were higher (p?<?0.05–0.001) for sheep in 0 S. sesban–100 S. sesban than those in control. Increased level of S. sesban inclusion, in general, reduced growth and carcass parameters in this study. However, there was no difference between 0 S. sesban and 33 S. sesban in most parameters studied. Thus, it can be concluded that S. sesban could substitute a concentrate when it accounted for up to 33 % of the mix.  相似文献   

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