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In the Rif (northern Morocco) and the Western Betics (southern Spain), the Alboran Domain forms a complex stack of metamorphic nappes including mantle peridotites (Beni Bousera and Ronda). We present in this paper new temperature data obtained in the Alboran Domain based on Raman spectroscopy of carbonaceous material (RSCM thermometry). In the lower metamorphic nappes of the Alboran Domain (lower Sebtides–Alpujárrides) temperature ranges from > 640 °C at the base of the metapelitic sequence to 500 °C at the top. The relationships between field isotherms and nappe structure show that peak temperatures were reached during strong ductile thinning of these nappes whereas they partly postdate this main episode in the Rif. In the upper nappes of the Alboran Domain (Ghomarides–Maláguides), generally supposed to be only weakly metamorphosed, temperatures range from ~500 °C at their base down to < 330 °C at the top. This temperature gradient is consistent with progressive Cenozoic resetting of K–Ar and 40Ar–39Ar ages. These nappes were thus affected by a significant thermal metamorphism, and the available age data in the underlying Sebtides–Alpujárrides show that this metamorphism is related to the metamorphic evolution of the whole Alboran Domain during the Late Oligocene–Early Miocene. Such thermal structure and metamorphic evolution can be explained by generalized extension in the whole Alboran Domain crustal sequence. At a larger scale, the present thermal structure of the Alboran Domain is roughly spatially consistent around the Beni Bousera peridotites in the Rif, but much more affected by late brittle tectonics around the Ronda peridotites in the Western Betics. Therefore, on the basis of the observed thermal structure, the metamorphic evolution of the Alboran Domain can be interpreted as the result of the ascent of hot mantle units contemporaneous with thinning of the whole lithosphere during an Oligo‐Miocene extensional event. The resulting structure has however been dismembered by late brittle tectonics in the Western Betics.  相似文献   

Detrital zircon U-Pb age distributions in Mesozoic and Cenozoic rocks from the External Rif and Maghrebian Flysch Complex (including the so-called Mauretanian internal flysch units) are very similar, strongly suggesting that the External Rif and the entire Maghrebian Flysch Complex were part of the same NW African paleomargin. These patterns include scarce Paleozoic zircon grains that show influence from the Sehoul Block. Neoproterozoic and Paleoproterozoic grains are abundant with a dominant Ediacaran zircon population at ca. 590 Ma, which could have been sourced from the Variscan Moroccan Mesetas, the northern components of the West African Craton, or from Triassic sediments from the Central High Atlas and Argana basins. Mesoproterozoic zircon ages between 1.1 and 1.6 Ga were also observed (15% in the combined age spectra), the nearest sources for these being in the central part of the West African Craton. Transport of the Mesoproterozoic grains to the NW African paleomargin requires northward-directed fluvial systems parallel to the Central Atlantic continental margin of Africa. In contrast, samples from the Internal Rif or Alborán Domain are different to those from the External Rif and Maghrebian Flysch Complex, especially in the scarcity of Mesoproterozoic zircons, suggesting that the Alborán Domain was not a source area for zircons found in the NW African paleomargin.  相似文献   

The northern edge of the Central Rif (Morocco) is subject to numerous landslides where mechanisms do not correspond to the classical models used by geomechanics specialists. It is necessary to adopt a multidisciplinary approach that combines geomorphology, geology, hydrogeology, and geotechnics in order to understand how such slope failures are generated, especially in a region with a heterogeneous structure characterised by significant lithological differences, severe fracturing, and thrust sheets where tectonic contacts play a major role in groundwater circulation. This report shows that these failures are essentially controlled by the tectonic contact separating the Tisirene and Chouamat thrust sheets and by subsurface hydrodynamic conditions. A model of spatial and temporal variations in the factor of safety is proposed.  相似文献   

Scaling properties of landslides in the Rif mountains of Morocco   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
M. Rouai  E. B. Jaaidi   《Engineering Geology》2003,68(3-4):353-359
Landslides in the central Rif mountains (Morocco) were analyzed by multifractal analysis. Our results suggest that spatial distribution of landslides in the region is not a homogeneous fractal structure but a heterogeneous one with generalized dimensions D(1)=1.713>D(2)>…>D(12)=1.325. The value of D(12)=D(∞) is the fractal dimension of the most intensive clustering in the heterogeneous fractal set. It is worthwhile to note that we found D(0)<D(1). The analysis of areas affected by sliding from the geological map of Beni Ahmed at a scale 1:50 000 shows the power law size distribution: N(A>a)∝a−1.57. This confirms the scale invariance of sliding and suggests that real landslides may exhibit a Self-Organized Criticality (SOC) behaviour.  相似文献   

羌塘盆地在中生代晚期发生一次重要的构造运动,导致盆地结束海相沉积历史并形成区域性不整合。对该期构造事件发生的时代以及其对盆地油气成藏与保存的影响一直存在争议。本文根据近年来对羌塘盆地地层时代的新认识,结合盆地沉积埋藏和油气生成过程分析,认为该构造事件主要发生于早-晚白垩世之间(~100Ma),为班公湖-怒江洋盆最终闭合和拉萨-羌塘地块碰撞的结果。构造事件与盆地主要烃源岩该的生烃同时,盆地内与构造事件有关的圈闭构造为油气成藏提供了良好的场所,是盆地的主要评价和勘探目标。  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2014,346(3-4):90-98
New field and micropalaeontological investigations have been conducted in four of the Pliocene rias of the internal zone of the Rif in Morocco, on the southern margin of the Alboran Sea. We found that marine sediments outcropping in these rias were deposited mainly during the Early Zanclean, between 5.04 and 3.8 Ma. After a transgressive episode that led to the deposition of terrestrial to marine conglomerates, dark clays deposited first at shallow palaeo-depths and then at bathyal palaeo-depths. The rias were then infilled with a shallowing upward succession comprising marine clays and sandstone and, locally, terrestrial sediments that indicate their final emersion. No Gilbert-deltas were observed in these rias. The presence of transgressive deposits at the bottom of the rias, also identified in other basins of the external zone of the Rif, and the absence of Gilbert deltas question a catastrophic reflooding after the Messinian Salinity Crisis in this area.  相似文献   

The Songliao Basin, the largest oil-producing basin in China, was the centre of late Mesozoic rifting and lithospheric thinning in northeastern China. However, the rifts are still poorly revealed due to a thick cover of subsidence successions. By structural interpretation and sequential restoration of cross-sections based on new 2D seismic data and well data, this study presents the structural style, basin evolution, and horizontal crustal extension of the central Songliao Basin. We have developed a novel method to retrieve the regional extension principal strains. The results enable an assignment of rifting into two episodes. The earlier episode (ca. 157–130 Ma) was dominated by distributed faulting of numerous planar normal faults trending NNE–SSW, NNW–SSE, or near NS, probably reflecting pre-existing basement fabrics; in contrast, the later episode (ca. 130–102 Ma) was controlled by localized extension along several major listric faults. Horizontal crustal extension during rifting is estimated to have been 11–28 km (10.6%–25.5%), with the long-term average rate varying from 0.20 to 0.51 mm yr–1. Regional horizontal strains show a gradual evolution from biaxial extension at the beginning of rifting to WNW–ESE uniaxial stretching during the later rifting episode. Brittle crustal extension is interpreted to have been associated with vertical strain due to tectonic stretching, which is estimated to have contributed more in thinning the lower crust than the mantle lithosphere. Accordingly, a two-episode dynamic model is proposed to explain rifting in the Songliao Basin. We suggest that the earlier event was dominated by delamination of the thickened continental lithosphere, whereas the later event was probably controlled by regional crustal detachment due to slab subduction and stagnancy of the Izanagi lithospheric plate.  相似文献   

本文报道了郯庐断裂带巢湖-庐江段上白垩纪火山岩的主量元素、微量元素及Sr-Nd-Pb同位素特征.研究区火山岩SiO2含量为50.2%~75.2%,主要为基性岩和偏酸性岩类.样品富钾、贫钠、偏碱性(σ平均5.36),明显富集LILEs、LREEs,相对亏损HFSEs,具有弱的Eu负异常(δEu平均0.70)及富集的Sr-Nd-Pb同位素组成(Isr=0.7054~0.7090,εNd(t)=-5.2~-17.6).地球化学特征表明岩浆具有多源与源区多变的特征,早期基性岩(125Ma)的岩浆源区主要为华北克拉通地幔,兼有下地壳的贡献;流纹岩(120Ma)主要是地热异常背景下华北中、下地壳源区熔融的结果;粗面岩(100Ma)为华北下地壳和富集岩石圈地幔来源岩浆的混合结果;晚期基性岩(93Ma)的源区主要为华北岩石圈地幔,兼有软流圈和下地壳物质的贡献.这些岩浆活动是在华北克拉通东部岩石圈减薄背景下、郯庐断裂带伸展活动中发生的,深部软流圈上涌使断裂带内的地温升高而造成了岩石圈的部分熔融,其具体岩浆过程指示了详细的岩石圈减薄过程.其中120Ma时期的流纹岩喷发指示断裂带内地壳出现了最高的地温与最浅的等温面,应对应减薄的峰期;而93Ma时期的基性岩喷发反映了深部开始出现了软流圈的部分熔融.一系列现象均指示,郯庐断裂带是华北克拉通东部的岩石圈强减薄带,是热流与岩浆上升的有利通道,也是发生强烈岩石圈地幔交代与置换的场所.  相似文献   

The Tetori Group of Japan ranks amongst the more important Upper Mesozoic strata in East Asia, with common animal and plant fossils throughout and is well suited for analyses of the links between environmental changes and the various animal and plant fossil assemblages. Three marine transgressions (i. e., Bathonian–Oxfordian, Tithonian–Berriasian and Hauterivian–Barremian in age) have been recognized in the Tetori Group, based on ammonite index taxa. These pulses are also reflected in bivalve faunas which comprise, 81 species in 65 genera (marine taxa) and 16 species in 13 genera (non-marine taxa). Many of these are considered as endemic species to the Tetori Group. In view of the fact that the occurrence of non-marine taxa was primarily controlled by environmental conditions, these do not constitute chronological indices. The faunal composition of the first marine transgressive phase is similar to that found elsewhere in southeast Asia, while that of the second one resembles both that of southeast Asia and of northeast China and Far East Russia. Assemblages of the third phase are similar to those of Heilongjiang, northeast China. Currents from the equator and high-latitudes explain these similarities.  相似文献   

REE mineralogy was characterized at the micrometer scale (using scanning electron microscopy) in the four tectono-metamorphic units of the Beni Mzala window, Sebtide Complex, Internal Rif, Morocco, which sample a HP-LT metamorphic gradient from subgreenschist to blueschist/eclogite facies. These tectonic units are composed of garnet-free metapelites (and associated synmetamorphic veins) from the same homogeneous aluminium-rich and calcium-poor protolith. In that context, mineralogical differences between units are assumed to result from contrasted pressure and temperature histories. Light REE-bearing Al-phosphates of the crandallite group with florencite-rich composition and variable goyazite content are the dominant LREE minerals in the lowest-grade units, Tizgarine (300 °C, 3 kbar as peak conditions) and Boquete de Anjera (350 °C, 10 kbar). In the latter unit, metamorphic florencite is associated with MREE-rich monazite. In the schist of the highest-grade units, Beni Mzala 2 (420–450 °C, 12 kbar) and Beni Mzala 1 (550 °C, 16 kbar), associations of allanite-rich epidote and synchisite (a LREE-fluorocarbonate) are found whereas florencite and monazite are no longer observed. At the wall of the quartz–kyanite veins, retrograde monazite-(Ce) with grain size of 20 to 50 μm is the only LREE-bearing mineral. Th–Pb and U–Pb SIMS data on some of these grains yield ages of 21.3 ± 1.7 Ma and 20.9 ± 2.1 Ma, respectively, consistent with previous K–Ar ages obtained on retrograde clay–mica mixtures in rocks from the same locality. The identification of a stability field for monazite in high-pressure aluminous metapelites with an upper thermal-limit below 450 °C as well as the derivation of meaningful U–Pb and Th–Pb SIMS ages demonstrates the monazite potential for dating HP-LT metapelites. However, since, under these conditions, monazite growth occurs below its admitted closure-temperature, these ages must be interpreted on the basis of monazite textural relationships.  相似文献   

满洲鳄:中国辽宁晚中生代半水生爬行动物   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
发现于辽宁西部凌源晚侏罗世 /早白垩世非海相义县组中的满洲鳄 ( Monjurosuchus)化石新材料 ,为解决其系统位置这一长久争议的问题提供了确切的实物依据 :满洲鳄为双孔型离鳄类 ( Choristodera)爬行动物中一较原始成员。保存精美的、独一无二的表皮构造使我们对该类中生代爬行动物的外表特征有了新的认识。满洲鳄四足具蹼 ,它至少是半水生的。  相似文献   

Geochemical and isotopic data were used for a comparative analysis of Late Mesozoic (150–120 Ma) granitoids in various geological structures of the upper Amur area. The granitoids are metaluminous high-potassic I-type rocks of the magnetite series. They have variable alkalinity and consist of the monzonite-granite and granosyenite-granite associations. The monzonite-granite association consists of calc-alkaline granitoids of normal alkalinity belonging to the Umlekan-Ogodzhinskaya volcanic-plutonic zone and the Tynda-Bakaran Complex of the Stanovoy terrane. The rocks are characterized by negative anomalies of U, Ta, Nd, Hf, and Ti (in patterns normalized to the primitive mantle), with Eu anomalies pronounced weakly in the granodiorites and quartz and monzodiorites and more clearly in the granites: Eu/Eu* = 0.37–0.95, and (La/Yb)n = 7–24, Tbn/Ybn = 1.4–3.2. The granosyenite-granite association comprises of moderately alkaline rocks, which are subdivided into three groups according to their geochemistry. The first group consists of phase-I granosyenites of the Uskalinskii Massif of the Umlekan-Ogodzhinskaya zone with the highest concentrations of Sc, V, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Cs, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Yb, and Th; negative anomalies at Ba, Ta, Sr, and Hf; Eu/Eu* = 0.50–0.58, (La/Yb)n = 15–16, and Tbn/Ybn = 1.8. The second group comprises of moderately alkaline granitoids of the Umlekan-Ogodzhinskaya zone and the Khaiktinskii Complex of the Baikal-Vitim superterrane. Geochemically, the granitoids of this group are generally similar to the monzodiorite-granite association and differ from it in having lower concentrations of REE and Y, Eu/Eu* = 6.2–1.0, (La/Yb)n = 28–63, and Tbn/Ybn = 2.1–4.5. The third group consists of granitoids of the Chubachinskii Complex of the Stanovoi terrane, which typically show negative Cs, Rb, Th, U, Ta, Hf, and Ti anomalies; the lowest concentrations of V, Cr, Co, and Ni; and the highest contents of Sr. The granosyenites of the first phase display clearly pronounced negative Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu* = 0.53–0.68), (La/Yb)n = 7–24, and Tbn/Ybn = 0.8–2.0. The granitoids of the second phase have (La/Yb)n = 51–84, no Eu anomalies, or very weak Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu* = 0.97–1.23). The silica-oversaturated leucogranites of the third phase are characterized by elevated concentrations of REE, clearly pronounced Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu* = 0.48), and flat REE patterns (Tbn/Ybn = 1.3). The diversity of the granitoids is demonstrated to have been caused largely by the composition of the Precambrian source, which was isotopically heterogeneous. The rocks of the monzodiorite-granite association and first-group granosyenites of the granosyenite-granite association of the Tynda-Bakaran Complex were supposedly derived from garnet-bearing biotite amphibolites. In contrast to these rocks, the source of the second-group granites of the granosyenite-granite association was of mixed amphibolite-metagraywacke composition. The third-group of granitoids were melted out of Early Proterozoic crustal feldspar-rich granulites of variable basicity, with minor amounts of Archean crustal material. The granitoids were emplaced in a collisional environment, perhaps, during the collision of the Amur superterrane and Siberian craton. This makes it possible to consider these rocks as components of a single continental volcanic-plutonic belt. Original Russian Text ? V.E. Strikha, 2006, published in Geokhimiya, 2006, No. 8, pp. 855–872.  相似文献   

This work deals with new lithostratigraphic, sedimentological, petrographic and geochemical data collected from coastal Quaternary formations of the Tangier Peninsula along the Northern Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts in the southern side of the Gibraltar Strait (Morocco).The sedimentological features of the analyzed sections reflect a palaeoenvironment evolution from a submerged beach-type to a high energy littoral depositional system, namely lower shoreface to beachface environment with a regressive trend to thickening- and coarsening-upward sequences. Other successions, located nearby Larache city and in the Sidi Kankouch area, are also characterized by a positive trend to fining- and thinning-upward sequences, reflecting an evolution from lower beachface or upper shoreface to lower shoreface. It is possible that the transgressive to regressive trend inversion could be related to fluctuations of sediment input rate versus accommodation space during the progradation of a coastal palaeoenvironment.The lateral and vertical evolution of the studied marine formations is related to late Quaternary neotectonics, mainly to the last repercussions of isostatic rebound of the External and Flysch Basin Domains, during a period of relatively uniform sea level between 280,000 and 125,000 years B.P.The provenance of arenites of these Quaternary marine formations, studied by means of modal counting and geochemical analysis, seems to be linked mainly to Middle-Upper Miocene and Pliocene terrigenous successions, unconformably resting on various formations of the Neogene accretionary prism. The latter has been built by the stacking of Flysch Nappes and External Units of the Northern Rif Chain.  相似文献   

位于郯庐断裂带张八岭隆起北段上的滁州早白垩世火山岩,属于准铝质、硅过饱和岩石,为一套中酸性的高钾钙碱性系列火山岩,部分样品(129~125Ma)具有类似于埃达克岩的地球化学特征。该套火山岩富集大离子亲石元素和轻稀土元素、亏损重稀土元素及高场强元素,并具有类似于EMⅠ型的Sr-Nd-Pb同位素组成。地球化学特征显示该火山岩的岩浆源区属于华北克拉通,早期火山岩(约132Ma)是富集地幔来源岩浆和古老的华北下地壳源区混合的结果;中期和晚期火山岩(129~117Ma)是幔源底侵组分和古老的华北下地壳来源岩浆不同比例混合的产物。由早到晚,滁州火山岩中古老壳源物质比例逐渐增加,源区逐渐变浅,指示软流圈顶面不断抬升、岩石圈内等温面逐渐升高的过程。研究表明,热异常背景下强烈的壳-幔相互作用是该处断裂带内岩浆形成的主要方式,其具体过程是在岩石圈底部持续减薄、软流圈上涌背景下,幔源岩浆底侵而诱发了古老下地壳的部分熔融,从而形成了壳-幔过渡带内混源的岩浆。郯庐断裂带内较浅的岩浆源区、较高的源区熔融程度、强烈而持久的伸展及岩浆活动、强烈的壳-幔相互作用以及现今较薄的岩石圈厚度,都指示郯庐断裂带是华北克拉通东部岩石圈减薄中的强减薄带,在华北克拉通破坏中起着重要的作用。  相似文献   

A section from the Linglong gold deposit on the northwestern Jiaodong Peninsula,East China,containing Late Mesozoic magmatic rocks from mafic and intermediate dikes and felsic intrusions,was chosen to investigate the lithospheric evolution of the eastern North China Craton(NCC).Zircon U-Pb data showed that low-Mg adakitic monzogranites and granodiorite intrusions were emplaced during the Late Jurassic(~145 Ma) and late Early Cretaceous(112-107 Ma),respectively;high-Mg adakitic diorite and mafic dikes were also emplaced during the Early Cretaceous at~139 Ma and ~118 Ma,and 125-145 Ma and 115-120 Ma,respectively.The geochemical data,including whole-rock major and trace element compositions and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopes,imply that the mafic dikes originated from the partial melting of a lithospheric mantle metasomatised through hydrous fluids from a subducted oceanic slab.Low-Mg adakitic monzogranites and granodiorite intrusions originated from the partial melting of the thickened lower crust of the NCC,while high-Mg adakitic diorite dikes originated from the mixing of mafic and felsic melts.Late Mesozoic magmatism showed that lithosphere-derived melts showed a similar source depth and that crust-derived felsic melts originated from the continuously thickened lower crust of the Jiaodong Peninsula from the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous.We infer that the lower crust of the eastern NCC was thickened through compression and subduction of the Palaeo-Pacific plate beneath the NCC during the Middle Jurassic.Slab rollback of the plate from ~160 Ma resulted in lithospheric thinning and accompanied Late Mesozoic magmatism.  相似文献   

晚中生代是古太平洋板块俯冲东亚大陆的重要时期,也是华南大陆构造-岩浆活动的重要时期。本文通过东海陆架盆地紧邻海礁隆起ECSs611钻井的渐新统花港组(1626~1638m)砂岩和白垩系(1638~1689m)砂岩碎屑锆石U-Pb同位素和微量元素等研究,获得了~163Ma和~120Ma两期岩浆-变质事件的锆石U-Pb年龄记录。两期岩浆锆石均具有结晶温度低(556~732℃)、流体活动元素U富集(含量82×10~(-6)~3412×10~(-6))及高场强元素Nb亏损(含量0.6×10~(-6)~13.8×10~(-6))等特点,它们形成于岩浆弧构造环境。与洋壳锆石相比,两期岩浆锆石元素Y含量(371×10~(-6)~2700×10~(-6))和U/Yb比值(0.2~6.7)偏低,指示其属于大陆锆石类型。其它碎屑锆石年龄(如2.5~2.4Ga,1.7~1.6Ga,320 Ma和256~207 Ma)与华南大陆主要构造事件一致,初步认为东海海礁隆起应属于华南大陆(华夏地块)东延的部分。如果将海礁-虎皮礁隆起作为晚侏罗世至早白垩世岩浆弧一部分,与东海福州凹陷弧前盆地和西南日本至台湾俯冲增生杂岩等单元联结起来,区域上可构成受古太平洋板块俯冲控制的晚中生代东亚大陆边缘构造轮廓,即岩浆弧→弧前盆地→俯冲增生杂岩。  相似文献   

扬子北缘黄陵地区晚中生代盆地演化及其构造意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
渠洪杰  康艳丽  崔建军 《地质科学》2014,49(4):1070-1092
扬子北缘黄陵地区古构造应力场于晚中生代经历发生了重大转变,是扬子板块与华北板块在三叠纪碰撞造山之后陆内构造变形的体现。由黄陵背斜周缘晚中生代盆地充填记录所反映出这一变革的起始时间为中侏罗世晚期。早侏罗世—中侏罗世早期,盆地内沉积了以桐竹园组为代表的河流—湖泊相岩层,由沉积碎屑成分和古水流统计所得出的物源区为北部的秦岭地区,黄陵背斜上部可能也接受了碎屑沉积;中侏罗世晚期—晚侏罗世,沉积中心发生了改变,表现为仅仅在黄陵背斜西侧的秭归盆地内有所保存,沉积环境以曲流河到辫状河流和三角洲为主,物源区则局限于黄陵背斜;早白垩世初期,周坪盆地和宜昌盆地为沉积中心,近缘冲积扇和辫状河流体系占据主体,物源区依然为黄陵地区,两盆地在黄陵背斜南缘可能相连,黄陵背斜上部的原下侏罗统被剥蚀;早白垩世晚期—晚白垩世,远安盆地逐渐发育,盆地西缘为冲积扇—辫状河流体系,中、 东部则以曲流河—湖泊沉积环境为主体,并间有干旱沙漠环境。原型盆地再造结果显示,早侏罗世—中侏罗世早期盆地展布具有近东西向特点,古地貌总体呈现出北部为山脉、 南部为盆地的格局;中侏罗世晚期以来,盆地呈近南北向,黄陵背斜逐渐形成山脉,盆地位于其东西两侧。两期盆地沉积特征反映了扬子北缘古构造应力场由近南北向转变为近东西向的过程。  相似文献   

位于华北克拉通北缘的医巫闾山变质核杂岩是中生代东北亚大陆大规模伸展变形的一个代表.本文在系统收集该区已有数据的基础上,对医巫闾山变质核杂岩核部晚中生代花岗岩的主量元素、微量元素以及Sr-Nd同位素进行了测试分析和特征总结,进而讨论其成因及地质意义.研究结果显示,医巫闾山花岗岩主要为一套由黑云母二长花岗岩和花岗闪长岩等组...  相似文献   

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