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The primary objective of this research was to analyse collection 5 versus collection 4 time-series normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) data from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) 250 m for the purpose of separating crop types. Using extensive ground reference data from the state of Kansas in the central USA, NDVI value profiles were extracted from different collection versions for 2001 (collections 4 and 5) and 2005 (collection 5 only). Phenological curves for all crops and all data sets were created and visually inspected. Jeffries–Matusita (J-M) distance statistical analysis was performed to assess crop separability. Contrary to expectations, collection 5 time-series MODIS 250 m NDVI data were found to be inferior to collection 4 with respect to crop separability. Specifically, collection 4 data exhibited a greater dynamic range across the growing seasons of the various crop types, and this discriminatory advantage was supported by J-M distance analysis. Though the analysis did not suggest reasons for the outcome, it corroborates the conclusion of the only other similar study in the literature comparing data from collections 4 and 5. Considering the pervasive use of these data for land-cover mapping, it is recommended that MODIS NDVI data from collection 4 should be used where possible for crop type mapping in agricultural regions with climate, geography, and crops similar to Kansas.  相似文献   

MODIS NDVI与MODIS EVI的比较分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
MODIS NDVI与MODIS EVI是目前应用比较广泛的植被指数,MODIS EVI是对NDVI的发展和延续,从植被指数计算公式和合成方法两方面做了改进。具体表现在:避免了MODIS NDVI在植被高覆盖区易饱和的问题,考虑了土壤背景对植被指数的影响,对气溶胶等残留做了进一步校正,采用BRDF/CV-MVC合成方法保证了合成采用最佳像元。EVI时间序列相较于NDVI时间序列季节性更明显,能够更好地反映高植被覆盖区的季节性变化特征,并且很少有突降现象,时间序列曲线较平滑。EVI的这些优势为高覆盖植被物候特征的季节性变化监测提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

Improved and up-to-date land use/land cover (LULC) data sets that classify specific crop types and associated land use practices are needed over intensively cropped regions such as the U.S. Central Great Plains, to support science and policy applications focused on understanding the role and response of the agricultural sector to environmental change issues. The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) holds considerable promise for detailed, large-area crop-related LULC mapping in this region given its global coverage, unique combination of spatial, spectral, and temporal resolutions, and the cost-free status of its data. The objective of this research was to evaluate the applicability of time-series MODIS 250 m normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) data for large-area crop-related LULC mapping over the U.S. Central Great Plains. A hierarchical crop mapping protocol, which applied a decision tree classifier to multi-temporal NDVI data collected over the growing season, was tested for the state of Kansas. The hierarchical classification approach produced a series of four crop-related LULC maps that progressively classified: 1) crop/non-crop, 2) general crop types (alfalfa, summer crops, winter wheat, and fallow), 3) specific summer crop types (corn, sorghum, and soybeans), and 4) irrigated/non-irrigated crops. A series of quantitative and qualitative assessments were made at the state and sub-state levels to evaluate the overall map quality and highlight areas of misclassification for each map.The series of MODIS NDVI-derived crop maps generally had classification accuracies greater than 80%. Overall accuracies ranged from 94% for the general crop map to 84% for the summer crop map. The state-level crop patterns classified in the maps were consistent with the general cropping patterns across Kansas. The classified crop areas were usually within 1-5% of the USDA reported crop area for most classes. Sub-state comparisons found the areal discrepancies for most classes to be relatively minor throughout the state. In eastern Kansas, some small cropland areas could not be resolved at MODIS' 250 m resolution and led to an underclassification of cropland in the crop/non-crop map, which was propagated to the subsequent crop classifications. Notable regional areal differences in crop area were also found for a few selected crop classes and locations that were related to climate factors (i.e., omission of marginal, dryland cropped areas and the underclassification of irrigated crops in western Kansas), localized precipitation patterns (overclassification of irrigated crops in northeast Kansas), and specific cropping practices (double cropping in southeast Kansas).  相似文献   

The DisTrad (Disaggregation Procedure for Radiometric Surface Temperature) model shows limited applicability for sub-pixel mapping of thermal remote-sensing images in densely vegetated areas due to the phenomenon of normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) saturation. In this article, we compared the effect of NDVI and enhanced vegetation index (EVI) in the DisTrad model for thermal sub-pixel mapping in densely vegetated areas due to their different sensitivity in densely vegetated areas. Taking Ganzhou in Southern China as an example, we produced 250-m thermal remote-sensing images from a 1000-m image using 250-m NDVI and EVI data. After comparing with the synchronous 90-m thermal image from advanced spaceborne thermal emission and reflection radiometer, we found that the EVI can achieve a better result than NDVI in densely vegetated areas.  相似文献   

Agriculture in Brazilian Amazonia is going through a period of intensification. Crop mapping is important in understanding the way this intensification is occurring and the impact it is having. Two successive classifications based on MODIS (MODerate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer)-TERRA/EVI (Enhanced Vegetation Index) time series are applied (1) to map agricultural areas and (2) to identify five crop classes. These classes represent agricultural practices involving three commercial crops (soybean, maize and cotton) planted in single or double cropping systems. Both classifications are based on five steps: (1) analysis of the MODIS/EVI time series, (2) application of a smoothing algorithm, (3) application of a feature selection/extraction process to reduce the data set dimensionality, (4) application of a classifier and (5) application of a post-classification treatment. The first classification detected 95% of the agricultural areas (5 617 250 ha during the 2006–2007 harvest) and correlation coefficients with agricultural statistics exceeded 0.98 for the three crop classes at municipality level. The second classification (overall accuracy?=?74% and kappa index?=?0.675) allowed us to obtain the spatial variability mapping of agricultural practices in the state of Mato Grosso. A total of 30% of the total planted area was cultivated through double cropping systems, especially along the BR163 highway and in the Parecis plateau region.  相似文献   

Considerable controversy is associated with dry season increases in the Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI), observed using the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), compared with field-based estimates of decreasing plant productivity. Here, we investigate potential causes of intra-annual variability by comparing EVI from mature forest with field-measured Leaf Area Index (LAI) to validate space-based observations. EVI was calculated from 19 nadir and off-nadir Hyperion images in the 2005 dry season, and inspected for consistency with MODIS observations from 2004 to 2009. The objective was to evaluate the possible influence of the view-illumination geometry and of canopy foliage and leaf flush on the EVI. Spectral mixture models were used to evaluate the relationship between EVI and the shade fraction, a measure that varies with pixel brightness. MODIS LAI values were compared with LAI estimated using hemispherical photographs taken in two field campaigns in the dry season. To keep LAI and leaf flush conditions as constant variables and vary solar illumination, we used airborne Hyperspectral Mapper (Hymap) data acquired over mature forest from another region on the same day but with two distinct solar zenith angles (SZA) (29° and 53°). Results showed that intra-annual variability in MODIS and nadir Hyperion EVI in the dry season of tropical forest were driven by solar illumination effects rather than changes in LAI. The reflectance of the MODIS and Hyperion blue, red and near infrared (NIR) bands was higher at the end of the dry season because of the predominance of sunlit canopy components for the sensors due to decreasing SZA from June (44°) to September (26°). Because EVI was highly correlated with the reflectance of the NIR band used to generate it (r of + 0.98 for MODIS and + 0.88 for Hyperion), this vegetation index followed the general NIR pattern, increasing with smaller SZA towards the end of the dry season. Hyperion EVI was inversely correlated with the shade fraction (r = − 0.93). Changes in canopy foliage detected from MODIS LAI data were not consistent with LAI estimates from hemispherical photographs. Although further research is necessary to measure the impact of leaf flush on intra-annual EVI variability in the Querência region, analysis of Hymap data with fixed LAI and leaf flush conditions confirmed the influence of the illumination effects on the EVI.  相似文献   

An approach to generate a 250-meter Canada wide Leaf Area Index (LAI) map using 250-meter MODIS data is described. The full processing chain is introduced. The approach is based on intercalibration of Landsat and MODIS vegetation indices (VI's) combined with LAI-VI's empirical relationships. Preliminary validation over two sites where field work was carried out shows promising results. Intercalibration of MODIS VI's before deriving LAI maps provides up to 65% improvement of the LAI overall accuracy.  相似文献   

Recent developments in global land-cover mapping have focused on spatial resolution improvement with more heterogeneous features to integrate spatial, spectral and temporal information. In this study, hundreds of features derived from four seasonal Landsat 8 OLI (Operational Land Imager) spectral bands, Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) time series vegetation index (VI) data, night-time light (NTL), digital elevation models (DEM) and climatic variables were used for land cover mapping with a target 30-m resolution for the whole African continent. In total, 49,007 training samples (from 11,231 locations) and 23,803 validation samples (from 5,414 locations) interpreted from seasonal Landsat, MODIS Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) time series and high-resolution images in Google Earth were used for classifier training (Random Forest) and map validation. Overall accuracy was 76% at 30-m spatial resolution, which is better than previous land cover mapping for the African continent. Besides, accuracies for cropland were improved dramatically by more than 10%. Our method also addressed many remaining issues for 30-m mapping (e.g. boundary effects and declines in resolution). This framework is promising for automatic and efficient global land cover mapping resulting in better visual effects and classification accuracy.  相似文献   

Land use and land cover (LULC) maps from remote sensing are vital for monitoring, understanding and predicting the effects of complex human-nature interactions that span local, regional and global scales. We present a method to map annual LULC at a regional spatial scale with source data and processing techniques that permit scaling to broader spatial and temporal scales, while maintaining a consistent classification scheme and accuracy. Using the Dry Chaco ecoregion in Argentina, Bolivia and Paraguay as a test site, we derived a suite of predictor variables from 2001 to 2007 from the MODIS 250 m vegetation index product (MOD13Q1). These variables included: annual statistics of red, near infrared, and enhanced vegetation index (EVI), phenological metrics derived from EVI time series data, and slope and elevation. For reference data, we visually interpreted percent cover of eight classes at locations with high-resolution QuickBird imagery in Google Earth. An adjustable majority cover threshold was used to assign samples to a dominant class. When compared to field data, we found this imagery to have georeferencing error < 5% the length of a MODIS pixel, while most class interpretation error was related to confusion between agriculture and herbaceous vegetation. We used the Random Forests classifier to identify the best sets of predictor variables and percent cover thresholds for discriminating our LULC classes. The best variable set included all predictor variables and a cover threshold of 80%. This optimal Random Forests was used to map LULC for each year between 2001 and 2007, followed by a per-pixel, 3-year temporal filter to remove disallowed LULC transitions. Our sequence of maps had an overall accuracy of 79.3%, producer accuracy from 51.4% (plantation) to 95.8% (woody vegetation), and user accuracy from 58.9% (herbaceous vegetation) to 100.0% (water). We attributed map class confusion to limited spectral information, sub-pixel spectral mixing, georeferencing error and human error in interpreting reference samples. We used our maps to assess woody vegetation change in the Dry Chaco from 2002 to 2006, which was characterized by rapid deforestation related to soybean and planted pasture expansion. This method can be easily applied to other regions or continents to produce spatially and temporally consistent information on annual LULC.  相似文献   

Time series of vegetation indices (VIs) obtained by remote sensing are widely used to study phenology on regional and global scales. The aim of the study is to design a method and to produce a reference data set describing the seasonal and inter-annual variability of the land-surface phenology on a global scale. Specific constraints are inherent in the design of such a global reference data set: (1) the high diversity of vegetation types and the heterogeneous conditions of observation, (2) a near-daily resolution is needed to follow the rapid changes in phenology, (3) the time series used to depict the baseline vegetation cycle must be long enough to be representative of the current vegetation dynamic and encompass anomalies, and (4) a spatial resolution consistent with a land-cover-specific analysis should be privileged. This study focuses on the SPOT (Satellite Pour l’Observation de la Terre)-VEGETATION sensor and its 13-year time series of reflectance values. Five steps addressing the noise and the missing data in the reflectance time series were selected to process the daily multispectral reflectance observations. The final product provides, for every pixel, three profiles for 52 × 7-day periods: a mean, a median, and a standard deviation profile. The mean and median profiles represent the reference seasonal pattern for variation of the vegetation at a specific location whereas the standard deviation profile expresses the inter-annual variability of VIs. A quality flag at the pixel level demonstrated that the reference data set can be considered as a reliable representation of the vegetation phenology in most parts of the Earth.  相似文献   


Several investigations have shown that NOAA NDVI data accumulated during a rainy season can be related to total rainfall or final primary productivity in the Sahel. However, serious problems can arise when looking for quantitative relations to monitor and forecast crop yield from NDVI values. Geographical variability can affect such relations, while the use of data taken from a whole season is impractical for forecasting. The present paper proposes a complete methodology of NDVI data processing which only utilizes NOAA AVHRR scenes from the first part of successive rainy seasons. A series of basic corrections are first applied to the original data to obtain reliable NDVI maximum value composites at the middle of the rainy seasons considered. Next, the variability in land resources is accounted for by means of a standardization process which normalizes the mean NDVI levels of some areas on the relevant multi-temporal averages and standard deviations. In this way, good estimates of the actual condition of vegetation can be obtained in relation to the local seasonal trend

The methodology was applied to the Sahelian sub-departments of Niger with data from four years (1986–1989). The most interesting result achieved concerns the estimation of final grain (millet and sorghum) yield for the sub-departments by the end of July with a mean error of about 0·08 T ha ?1. This timely evaluation could be of great utility in the context of an efficient drought early warning system.  相似文献   

This study uses a combination of satellite imagery and GIS data, a vegetation map, interview data, and on-site field studies to map detailed natural vegetation to land-use conversion pathways (~ 22,000 possible combinations) in the seasonal tropics of Santa Cruz Department in southeastern Bolivia from 1994 to 2008. We mapped a suite of land-use classes based on the seasonal phenology of double- and single season cropping regimes; pasture; and bare soil cropland (fallow). Analyses focus specifically on the Corredor Bioceánico, which bisects some of the most sensitive and poorly understood ecosystems in the world and indirectly creating one of the most important agricultural region-deforestation hotspots in South America at the present time. Training data to predict class membership were based on MODIS NDVI annual mean, maximum, minimum, and amplitude derived from field observations, semi-structured interviews, and aerial videography. Results show that over 8,000 km2 of forest was lost during the 14-year study period. In the first years of cultivation, pasture is the dominant land use, but quickly gives way to cropland. The main findings according to forest type is that transitional forest types on deep and poorly drained soils of alluvial plains have lost the most in terms of percentage area cleared. The resulting transition pathways can potentially provide decision-makers with more detailed insight as to the proximate causes or driving forces of land change in addition to the most threatened forests remaining in the Tierras Bajas and those most likely to be cleared in the Brazilian Shield and Pantanal.  相似文献   

We investigated and developed a prototype crop information system integrating 250 m Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) data with other available remotely sensed imagery, field data, and knowledge as part of a wider project monitoring opium and cereal crops. NDVI profiles exhibited large geographical variations in timing, height, shape, and number of peaks, with characteristics determined by underlying crop mixes, growth cycles, and agricultural practices. MODIS pixels were typically bigger than the field sizes, but profiles were indicators of crop phenology as the growth stages of the main first-cycle crops (opium poppy and cereals) were in phase. Profiles were used to investigate crop rotations, areas of newly exploited agriculture, localized variation in land management, and environmental factors such as water availability and disease. Near-real-time tracking of the current years’ profile provided forecasts of crop growth stages, early warning of drought, and mapping of affected areas. Derived data products and bulletins provided timely crop information to the UK Government and other international stakeholders to assist the development of counter-narcotic policy, plan activity, and measure progress. Results show the potential for transferring these techniques to other agricultural systems.  相似文献   

Wheat is one of the key cereal crops grown worldwide, providing the primary caloric and nutritional source for millions of people around the world. In order to ensure food security and sound, actionable mitigation strategies and policies for management of food shortages, timely and accurate estimates of global crop production are essential. This study combines a new BRDF-corrected, daily surface reflectance dataset developed from NASA's Moderate resolution Imaging Spectro-radiometer (MODIS) with detailed official crop statistics to develop an empirical, generalized approach to forecast wheat yields. The first step of this study was to develop and evaluate a regression-based model for forecasting winter wheat production in Kansas. This regression-based model was then directly applied to forecast winter wheat production in Ukraine. The forecasts of production in Kansas closely matched the USDA/NASS reported numbers with a 7% error. The same regression model forecast winter wheat production in Ukraine within 10% of the official reported production numbers six weeks prior to harvest. Using new data from MODIS, this method is simple, has limited data requirements, and can provide an indication of winter wheat production shortfalls and surplus prior to harvest in regions where minimal ground data is available.  相似文献   


Land-cover mapping in complex farming area is a difficult task because of the complex pattern of vegetation and rugged mountains with fast-flowing rivers, and it requires a method for accurate classification of complex land cover. Random Forest classification (RFC) has the advantages of high classification accuracy and the ability to measure variable importance in land-cover mapping. This study evaluates the addition of both normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) time-series and the Grey Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) textural variables using the RFC for land-cover mapping in a complex farming region. On this basis, the best classification model is selected to extract the land-cover classification information in Central Shandong. To explore which input variables yield the best accuracy for land-cover classification in complex farming areas, we evaluate the importance of Random Forest variables. The results show that adding not only multi-temporal imagery and topographic variables but also GLCM textural variables and NDVI time-series variables achieved the highest overall accuracy of 89% and kappa coefficient (κ) of 0.81. The assessment of the importance of a Random Forest classifier indicates that the key input variables include the summer NDVI followed by the summer near-infrared band and the elevation, along with the GLCM-mean, GLCM-contrast.  相似文献   

Researchers often encounter difficulties in obtaining timely and detailed information on urban growth. Modern remote-sensing techniques can address such difficulties. With desirable spectral resolution and temporal resolution, Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) products have significant advantages in tackling land-use and land-cover change issues at regional and global scales. However, simply based on spectral information, traditional methods of remote-sensing image classification are barely satisfactory. For example, it is quite difficult to distinguish urban and bare lands. Moreover, training samples of all land-cover types are needed, which means that traditional classification methods are inefficient in one-class classification. Even support vector machine, a current state-of-the-art method, still has several drawbacks. To address the aforementioned problems, this study proposes extracting urban land by combining MODIS surface reflectance, MODIS normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), and Defense Meteorological Satellite Program Operational Linescan System data based on the maximum entropy model (MAXENT). This model has been proved successful in solving one-class problems in many other fields. But the application of MAXENT in remote sensing remains rare. A combination of NDVI and Defense Meteorological Satellite Program Operational Linescan System data can provide more information to facilitate the one-class classification of MODIS images. A multi-temporal case study of China in 2000, 2005, and 2010 shows that this novel method performs effectively. Several validations demonstrate that the urban land extraction results are comparable to classified Landsat TM (Thematic Mapper) images. These results are also more reliable than those of MODIS land-cover type product (MCD12Q1). Thus, this study presents an innovative and practical method to extract urban land at large scale using multiple source data, which can be further applied to other periods and regions.  相似文献   

Classification of grasslands is a convenient method to measure and manage the sustainability of Chinese grasslands. In this study, a timely and reliable procedure was examined using remote-sensing (RS) techniques. Linear regression analysis between field survey data and Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data showed that among 17 vegetation indices (VIs) evaluated, the enhanced vegetation index (EVI) was the best VI to simulate forage dry biomass and cover in the Gannan region. The results of precision estimation of the models showed that power and logarithm regression satisfactorily simulated grassland dry biomass and grassland cover, respectively. The index of classification management of grasslands (ICGs) was used to subdivide grasslands into conservation grasslands and moderately productive grasslands in the Gannan region, where no grasslands fell into intensively productive grasslands. Conservation grasslands accounted for 2.04% of the available grasslands, whereas moderately productive grasslands were 97.96% of the available grasslands, and this is related to the history of the grasslands’ use and the per capita income in the Gannan region. This study proposes that the area of conservation grasslands and that of moderately productive grasslands are determined by increases in per capita income and changes in the human use of grasslands.  相似文献   

Estimating the area of rice planting is vital for production prediction. This study utilizes time-series MODIS NDVI data from 2002 to 2007 to discriminate rice cropping systems in the Mekong Delta (MD), Vietnam. Data are processed using Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) and the Linear Mixture Model (LMM). Various spatial and non-spatial data are also collected for accuracy validation. The results indicate that EMD acts as a well-fitted filter for noise reduction of the time-series NDVI data. The classification results derived from the LMM for 2002 showed an overall classification accuracy of 71.6% and a Kappa coefficient of 0.6. The provincial level area estimates were strongly correlated with the rice statistics. An examination of the change in cropping patterns between 2002 and 2007 showed that 29.0% of the triple irrigated-rice cropping systems had been changed to double irrigated-rice cropping systems and that 12.0% and 9.0% of the double irrigated and rainfed-rice cropping systems, respectively, had been changed to triple rice cropping systems. These changes were verified by visual comparisons with Landsat images.  相似文献   

Timely mapping of underwater topography over turbid coastal waters is very important to navigation. Such a task is ideally accomplished through moderate- resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) satellite data that have a temporal resolution measured in hours. In this article we propose a simple regression method for retrieving bathymetry from MODIS bands. It only requires concurrently collected total suspended solids and water depth samples at limited spots, without considering the downward attenuation coefficient, surface reflectance or bottom reflectance. Regression analysis of the observed spot depth (D) against individual bands and their transformation enables an empirical model to be established. The model in which band 3 (M 3) is the exploratory variable is the most accurate, with an r value (correlation coefficient) of only 0.654. Correction of this model by the concentration level of suspended solids using bands 2 (M 2) and 5 (M 5) improves the prediction accuracy from 3.26 to 1.52 m, or from 39% to 24%. The best model takes the form of D?=?–7.833?+?0.0326M 3?/?(M 2 M 5) (r?=?0.815, n?=?3318). Application of this model to the MODIS imagery led to the generation of a bathymetric map over the 15 000 km2 study area. Assessed against four profiles, the retrieved bathymetry has a mean absolute accuracy of around 2 m or a relative inaccuracy of 10% to 18%. The remotely sensed bathymetry contains many minor relief features absent from its in situ-surveyed counterpart. It is concluded that this proposed simple method can produce reasonably accurate results without the need to consider atmospheric effects or bottom reflectance over the range of 5–20 m. However, it may not work so well in clear oceanic Case I waters.  相似文献   

The global environmental change research community requires improved and up-to-date land use/land cover (LULC) datasets at regional to global scales to support a variety of science and policy applications. Considerable strides have been made to improve large-area LULC datasets, but little emphasis has been placed on thematically detailed crop mapping, despite the considerable influence of management activities in the cropland sector on various environmental processes and the economy. Time-series MODIS 250 m Vegetation Index (VI) datasets hold considerable promise for large-area crop mapping in an agriculturally intensive region such as the U.S. Central Great Plains, given their global coverage, intermediate spatial resolution, high temporal resolution (16-day composite period), and cost-free status. However, the specific spectral-temporal information contained in these data has yet to be thoroughly explored and their applicability for large-area crop-related LULC classification is relatively unknown. The objective of this research was to investigate the general applicability of the time-series MODIS 250 m Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) datasets for crop-related LULC classification in this region. A combination of graphical and statistical analyses were performed on a 12-month time-series of MODIS EVI and NDVI data from more than 2000 cropped field sites across the U.S. state of Kansas. Both MODIS VI datasets were found to have sufficient spatial, spectral, and temporal resolutions to detect unique multi-temporal signatures for each of the region's major crop types (alfalfa, corn, sorghum, soybeans, and winter wheat) and management practices (double crop, fallow, and irrigation). Each crop's multi-temporal VI signature was consistent with its general phenological characteristics and most crop classes were spectrally separable at some point during the growing season. Regional intra-class VI signature variations were found for some crops across Kansas that reflected the state's climate and planting time differences. The multi-temporal EVI and NDVI data tracked similar seasonal responses for all crops and were highly correlated across the growing season. However, differences between EVI and NDVI responses were most pronounced during the senescence phase of the growing season.  相似文献   

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