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This research study introduces the use of a change detection and classification algorithm that relies on the change vector analysis (CVA) method. Its implementation aims to ensure adequate response to operational production needs and allow optimized data processing over extended and environmentally complex areas. Automatic change class labelling relies on the use of a (3n+2)‐dimensional feature space, where n denotes the number of sensor bands. Such enhanced feature space allows for a finer and more accurate definition of change classes of the ‘from‐to’ type. Moreover, and to efficiently address the problem of change area overestimation, the proposed method takes into account specific evidence derived from the pixel's geographic neighbourhood, the latter defined as a 3×3 pixel kernel. The performance of this integrated algorithmic approach has been tested and validated in the framework of the CORINE Land Cover‐Greece 2000 and the ESA/GSE Forest Monitoring projects in three test sites located in the outskirts of the city of Ptolemais, Thasos island and the suburbs of Athens in Greece. Its implementation in such highly fragmented and dynamically changing landscape environments has resulted in qualified and accurate land cover change maps, achieving an overall level of classification accuracy of 88–96%. Compared to visual image interpretation, the method requires half the effort. In conclusion, the proposed method has proved effective and can be recommended for use in the framework of operational projects.  相似文献   

This study attempts to develop a methodology to quantify spatial patterns of land cover change using landscape metrics. First, multitemporal land cover types are derived based on a unified land cover classification scheme and from the classification of multitemporal remotely sensed imagery. Categorical land cover change trajectories are then established and reclassified according to the nature and driving forces of the change. Finally, spatial pattern metrics of the land cover change trajectory classes are computed and their relationships to human activities and environmental factors are analysed. A case study in the middle reach of Tarim River in the arid zone of China from 1973 to 2000 shows that during the 30‐year study period, the natural force is dominant in environmental change, although the human impact through altering water resources and surface materials has increased dramatically in recent years. The human‐induced change trajectories generally show lower normalized landscape shape index (NLSI), interspersion and juxtaposition index (IJI) and area‐weighted mean patch fractal dimension (FARC_AM), indicating greater aggregation, less association with others and simpler and larger patches in shape, respectively. The results suggest that spatial pattern metrics of land cover change trajectories can provide a good quantitative measurement for better understanding of the spatio‐temporal pattern of land cover change due to different causes.  相似文献   

The phenomena of land use/ change were evaluated by using a remote sensing approach in a case study in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The index of changes, which was calculated by the superimposition of land use/ images of 1972, 1984, and land use maps of 1990, were introduced to analyse the pattern of change in the area. The results demonstrated that the pattern of land use/ change in the study area was that of paddy coverage to open/ land to settlement. The annual growth ratios of new settlements to absorb paddy coverage, mixed vegetation, and open/ land were 16 per cent, 20 per cent, and 64 per cent respectively. The larger the percentage of the paddy coverage, the higher the tendency for settlement growth to absorb the paddy coverage, and the larger the percentage of open/ land, the higher the tendency for settlement growth to absorb open/ land. Settlement growth had a high correlation with road accessibility. The highest settlement growth was distributed mostly in suburban areas between 200 and 400 m from secondary roads. Without intelligent intervention by the government and public awareness, the loss of these agricultural land cannot be stopped and will jeopardize the local and regional economy.  相似文献   

An understanding of land use/land cover change at local, regional, and global scales is important in an increasingly human-dominated biosphere. Here, we report on an under-appreciated complexity in the analysis of land cover change important in arid and semi-arid environments. In these environments, some land cover types show a high degree of inter-annual variability in productivity. In this study, we show that ecosystems dominated by non-native cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) show an inter-annual amplified response to rainfall distinct from native shrub/bunch grass in the Great Basin, US. This response is apparent in time series of Landsat and Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) that encompass enough time to include years with high and low rainfall. Based on areas showing a similar amplified response elsewhere in the Great Basin, 20,000 km2, or 7% of land cover, are currently dominated by cheatgrass. Inter-annual patterns, like the high variability seen in cheatgrass-dominated areas, should be considered for more accurate land cover classification. Land cover change science should be aware that high inter-annual variability is inherent in annual dominated ecosystems and does not necessarily correspond to active land cover change.  相似文献   

Most previous applications of coarse scale remote sensing data for land-cover mapping and land-cover change analysis were based on multi-temporal Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) data. Recent empirical studies have documented that the combination of measurements of thermal infrared radiation (e.g., land brightness temperature, Ts) and vegetation indices (VI) improves the mapping and monitoring of land cover at broad scales. We investigate the biophysical justification for such a combination, using 10 years of Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) global area coverage ( GAC) data over the African continent. First, we review recent findings on the biophysical interpretation of the TS-VI space. Second, we analyse the seasonal time trajectories of different biomes in the TS-NDVI space. Third, we measure the relative role of multi-temporal NDVI and Ts data in the discrimination of land cover classes for land-cover mapping. Fourth, we analyse trajectories of land-cover change in the TS-NDVI space for study sites in three different environments. We illustrate the usefulness of the ratio between Ts and VI as an index to perform measurements in the Tj-NDVI space.  相似文献   


Land cover change may be overestimated due to positional error in multi-temporal images. To assess the potential magnitude of this bias, we introduced random positional error to identical classified images and then subtracted them. False land cover change ranged from less than 5% for a 5-class AVHRR classification, to more than 33% for a 20-class Landsat TM classification. The potential for false change was higher with more classes. However, false change could not be reliably estimated simply by number of classes, since false change varied significantly by simulation trial when class size remained constant. Registration model root mean squared (rms) error may underestimate the actual image co-registration asccuracy. In simulations with 5 to 50 ground control locations, the mean model rms error was always less than the actual population rms error. The model rms error was especially unreliable when small sample sizes were used to develop second order rectification models. We introduce a bootstrap resampling method to estimate false land cover change due to positional error. Although the bootstrap estimates were unbiased, the precision of the estimates may be too low to be of practical value in some land cover change applications.  相似文献   

Accurate and timely land cover change detection at regional and global scales is necessary for both natural resource management and global environmental change studies. Satellite remote sensing has been widely used in land cover change detection over the past three decades. The variety of satellites which have been launched for Earth Observation (EO) and the large volume of remotely sensed data archives acquired by different sensors provide a unique opportunity for land cover change detection. This article introduces an object-based land cover change detection approach for cross-sensor images. First, two images acquired by different sensors were stacked together and principal component analysis (PCA) was applied to the stacked data. Second, based on the Eigen values of the PCA transformation, six principal bands were selected for further image segmentation. Finally, a land cover change detection classification scheme was designed based on the land cover change patterns in the study area. An image–object classification was implemented to generate a land cover change map. The experiment was carried out using images acquired by Landsat 5 TM and IRS-P6 LISS3 over Daqing, China. The overall accuracy and kappa coefficient of the change map were 83.42% and 0.82, respectively. The results indicate that this is a promising approach to produce land cover change maps using cross-sensor images.  相似文献   

This paper outlines an approach for updating baseline land cover datasets. Knowledge about land cover, as used during manual mapping, is combined with simple remote sensing analyses to determine land cover change direction. The philosophy is to treat reflectance data as one source of information about land cover features. Applying expert knowledge with reflectance and biogeographical data allows generic solutions to the problem. The approach is demonstrated in areas of semi-natural vegetation and shown to differentiate ecologically subtle but spectrally similar land cover classes. Further, the advantages of manual mapping techniques and of high resolution remotely sensed imagery are combined. This approach is suitable for incorporation into automated approaches: it makes no assumption about the distribution of land cover features, can be applied to different remotely sensed data and is not classification specific. It has been incorporated into SYMOLAC, an expert system for monitoring land cover change.  相似文献   

Land use/land cover (LULC) change occurs when humans alter the landscape, and this leads to increasing loss, fragmentation and spatial simplification of habitat. Many fields of study require monitoring of LULC change at a variety of scales. LULC change assessment is dependent upon high-quality input data, most often from remote sensing-derived products such as thematic maps. This research compares pixel- and object-based classifications of Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) data for mapping and analysis of LULC change in the mixed land use region of eastern Ontario for the period 1995–2005. For single date thematic maps of 10 LULC classes, quantitative and visual analyses showed no significant accuracy difference between the two methods. The object-based method produced thematic maps with more uniform and meaningful LULC objects, but it suffered from absorption of small rare classes into larger objects and the incapability of spatial parameters (e.g. object shape) to contribute to class discrimination. Despite the similar map accuracies produced by the two methods, temporal change maps produced using post-classification comparison (PCC) and analysed using intensive visual analysis of errors of omission and commission revealed that the object-based maps depicted change more accurately than maximum likelihood classification (MLC)-derived change maps.  相似文献   

Canada's national parks system includes 43 terrestrial parks covering 3% (276,275 km2) of the country's landmass and representing its full range of natural regions. Considering the vast and often remote areas under protection, Parks Canada Agency envisions Earth Observation technology to be the basis for a Park Ecological Integrity Observing System (Park-EIOS), and integral component of a larger national parks ecological integrity (EI) monitoring program. Park-EIOS is planned for operational use beginning in 2008 and includes coarse filter EI indicators corresponding to landscape pattern, succession and retrogression, net primary productivity, and focal species distributions within parks and their surrounding greater park ecosystems. A primary input to produce all four indicators is a time series of land cover information derived from medium (~ 30 m) resolution, Landsat-class sensors. This paper describes a generic, end-to-end change detection framework developed for Park-EIOS, labelled Automated Multi-temporal Updating through Signature Extension (AMUSE). AMUSE involves radiometric normalization steps, production of a baseline land cover, change vector analysis to identify changed pixels, and a new constrained signature extension approach to update the land cover of changed areas. We present the method and results applied to six pilot parks using time series of Landsat TM/ETM+ imagery from 1985-2005.  相似文献   

This study proposes a new approach to change detection in remote sensing multi-temporal image data. Rather than allocating pixels to one of two disjoint classes (change, no-change) which is the approach most commonly found in the literature, we propose in this study to define change in terms of degrees of membership to the class change. The methodology aims to model images depicting the natural environment more realistically, taking into account that changes tend to occur in a continuum rather than being sharply distinguished. To this end, a sub-pixel approach is implemented to help detect degrees of change in every pixel. Three experiments employing the proposed approach using synthetic and real image data are reported and their results discussed.  相似文献   


Land cover information at national or regional scale is essential for science, monitoring, reporting, and policy making. CORINE Land Cover (CLC) is the most consistent land cover map for the entire European territory, with four repetitions during the period 1985–2012. The long-term consistency of CLC maps is the most appreciated strength and it should be guaranteed. Beyond some common general guidelines, the mapping approaches used in individual countries differ and change over time, leading to inconsistencies that should be known and reported. Through a series of metrics over the Spanish CLC most recent layers (CLC2006 and CLC2012) and comparisons with eight other countries CLC statistics, we demonstrate that the methodological changes recently implemented have introduced some discrepancies with previous CLC versions. The most affected classes in Spain were transitional woodland-shrub, complex cultivation patterns, artificial, grasslands, and forests. Users should be aware of the important implications these discrepancies may have in land use and land cover change studies, trend analysis, and reports.  相似文献   

The ground data used as a reference in the validation of land cover change products are often not an ideal gold standard but degraded by error. The effects of ground reference data error on the accuracy of land cover change detection and the accuracy of estimates of the extent of change were evaluated. Twelve data sets were simulated to allow the exploration of the impacts of a spectrum of ground data imperfections on the estimation of the producer's and user's accuracy of change as well as of change extent. Simulated data were used since this ensured that the actual properties of the data were known and to exclude effects due to other sources of ground reference data error; although the impacts of simulated reference data error on two real confusion matrices are also illustrated. The imperfections evaluated ranged from the inclusion of small amounts of known error into the ground reference data through to the extreme situation in which ground data were absent. The results show that even small amounts of error in the ground reference data can introduce large error into studies of land cover change by remote sensing and reinforce the desire to avoid the expression ground truth as this might imply that the data are a gold standard reference. The effect of reference data imperfections was dependent on the degree of association between the errors in the cross-tabulated data sets. For example, in the scenarios investigated, a 10% error in the reference data set introduced an underestimation of the producer's accuracy of 18.5% if the errors were independent but an over-estimation of the producer's accuracy of 12.3% if the errors were correlated. The magnitude of the mis-estimation of the producer's accuracy was also a function of the amount of change and greatest at low levels of change. The amount of land cover change estimated also varied greatly as a function of ground reference data error. Some possible methods to reduce or even remove the impacts of ground reference data error were illustrated. These ranged from simple algebraic means to estimate the actual values of accuracy and change extent if the imperfections were known through to a latent class analysis that allowed the assessment of classification accuracy and estimation of change extent without the use of ground reference data if the underlying model is defined appropriately.  相似文献   


Statistical sampling offers a cost-effective, practical alternative to complete-coverage mapping for the objective of estimating gross change in land cover over large areas. Because land cover change is typically rare, the sampling strategy must take advantage of design and analysis tools that enhance precision. Using two populations of land cover change in the eastern United States, we demonstrate that the choice of sampling unit size and use of a survey sampling regression estimator can significantly improve precision with only a minor increase in cost.  相似文献   

土地利用/覆盖变化是全球变化中的重要组成部分,城市化进程将导致大规模的土地利用/覆盖变化.文中首先分别对1999年、2006年、2010年的CBERS和HJ-1B数据进行几何校正、拼接裁剪、分类等处理,生成土地利用/覆盖分类图,然后分别计算求得深圳市1999年到2006年和2006年到2010年的土地利用/覆盖变化转移矩阵.在此基础上,研究深圳市从1999年到2010年期间土地利用/覆盖变化的空间过程.结果表明:深圳市在快速城市化进程中发生了大规模的土地利用/覆盖变化,大量的草地、耕地、未利用土地转化为城镇用地,草地和林地之间部分结构相互转化调整.同时,10年来深圳市土地利用/覆盖变化区域差异明显,伴随着宝安和龙岗两区城市化进程加快,关外土地利用/覆盖变化强度逐渐加强,而关内逐渐减弱.在深圳城市化进程中,城镇用地重心呈现出向北部扩展的趋势.  相似文献   

Impact of anthropogenic activities has led to significant changes in riverbeds over a period of time. The objective of the study was to monitor the land use land cover (LULC) of Yamuna riverbed in Delhi and to assess the changes due to natural and anthropogenic activities. The maximum likelihood classification was carried out by using March 1977, April 1999, April 2002 and February 2009 imageries. An overall accuracy of LULC classification of 2009 imagery was around 88.6% based on ground truth data. A significant reduction in the main river course and increase in agricultural activities as well as built up were observed in remote sensing analysis as an outcome of riverbed encroachments. The changed scenario of riverbed not only stresses the riverine ecosystem but also jeopardizes the future consequences on river hydraulics.  相似文献   

Kazakhstan is the second largest country to emerge from the collapse of the Soviet Union. Consequent to the abrupt institutional changes surrounding the disintegration of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s, Kazakhstan has reportedly undergone extensive land cover/land use change. Were the institutional changes sufficiently great to affect land surface phenology at spatial resolutions and extents relevant to mesoscale meteorological models? To explore this question, we used the NDVI time series (1985-1988 and 1995-1999) from the Pathfinder Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) Land (PAL) dataset, which consists of 10 days maximum NDVI composites at a spatial resolution of 8 km. Daily minimum and maximum temperatures were extracted from the NCEP Reanalysis Project and 10 days composites of accumulated growing degree-days (AGDD) were produced. We selected for intensive study seven agricultural areas ranging from regions with rain-fed spring wheat cultivation in the north to regions of irrigated cotton and rice in the south. We applied three distinct but complementary statistical analyses: (1) nonparametric testing of sample distributions; (2) simple time series analysis to evaluate trends and seasonality; and (3) simple regression models describing NDVI as a quadratic function of AGDD.The irrigated areas displayed different temporal developments of NDVI between 1985-1988 and 1995-1999. As the temperature regime between the two periods was not significantly different, we conclude that observed differences in the temporal development of NDVI resulted from changes in agricultural practices.In the north, the temperature regime was also comparable for both periods. Based on extant socioeconomic studies and our model analyses, we conclude that the changes in the observed land surface phenology in the northern regions are caused by large increases in fallow land dominated by weedy species and by grasslands under reduced grazing pressure. Using multiple lines of evidence allowed us to build a case of whether differences in land surface phenology were mostly the result of anthropogenic influences or interannual climatic fluctuations.  相似文献   

Owing to the influence of global change, land cover and land use have changed significantly over the last decade in the cold and arid regions of China, such as Madoi County which is located in the source area of the Yellow River. In this paper, land‐use/cover change and landscape dynamics are investigated using satellite remote sensing (RS) and a geographical information system (GIS). The objectives of this paper are to determine land‐use/cover transition rates between different cover types in the Madoi County over 10 years e.g., from 1990 to 2000. Second, the changes of landscape metrics using various indices and models are quantified. The impact factors of LUCC (Land‐Use land cover Change) are systematically identified by integrating remote sensing as well as statistical data, including climate, frozen soil, hydrological data and the socio‐economic data. Using 30 m×30 m spatial resolution Landsat (Enhanced) Thematic Mapper (TM/ETM+) data in our study area, nine land cover classes can be discriminated. Our results show that Grassland, Marshes and Water Bodies decrease notably, while oppositely, Sands ‐ Gobi and Barren land increase significantly. The number of lakes with an acreage larger than six hectares decreased from 405 in 1990 to 261 in 2000. Numerous small lakes dried out. The area of grassland with a high cover fraction decreased as well, while the surface area of grassland with a medium level of cover fraction increased. The medium cover fraction grassland mainly originates from high cover fraction grassland. The desertification of land is a serious issue. (ii) The inter‐transformations between Grasslands, Barren Land, Sands, Gobi, Water Bodies and Marshes are remarkable. The Shannon–Weaver Diversity Index (SWDI), the Evenness Index (EI) and the extent of Landscape Heterogeneity (LH) has improved. Marshes have become more fragmented hence, with less connected patches. (iii) In the recent 30 years, average annual temperature, the power of evaporation and the index of dryness did increase significantly. Moreover, soil moisture content (SMC) decreased and the drought trend accelerated. The degradation of frozen soil has impacted on the decrease of surface water area and induced a drop in groundwater levels. Monitoring LUCC in sensitive regions would not only benefit from a study of vulnerable ecosystems in cold and high altitude regions, but would provide scientifically based decision‐making tools for local governments as well.  相似文献   

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