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Body size at metamorphosis is a key trait in species (such as many anurans) with biphasic life-histories. Experimental studies have shown that metamorph size is highly plastic, depending upon larval density and environmental conditions (e.g. temperature, food supply, water quality, chemical cues from conspecifics, predators and competitors). To test the hypothesis that this developmental plasticity is adaptive, or to determine if inducing plasticity can be used to control an invasive species, we need to know whether or not a metamorphosing anuran’s body size influences its subsequent viability. For logistical reasons, there are few data on this topic under field conditions. We studied cane toads (Rhinella marina) within their invasive Australian range. Metamorph body size is highly plastic in this species, and our laboratory studies showed that larger metamorphs had better locomotor performance (both on land and in the water), and were more adept at catching and consuming prey. In mark-recapture trials in outdoor enclosures, larger body size enhanced metamorph survival and growth rate under some seasonal conditions. Larger metamorphs maintained their size advantage over smaller siblings for at least a month. Our data support the critical but rarely-tested assumption that all else being equal, larger body size at metamorphosis is likely to enhance an individual’s long term viability. Thus, manipulations to reduce body size at metamorphosis in cane toads may help to reduce the ecological impact of this invasive species.  相似文献   

The Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) class I is a highly variable gene family that encodes cell-surface receptors vital for recognition of intracellular pathogens and initiation of immune responses. The MHC class I has yet to be characterised in bufonid toads (Order: Anura; Suborder: Neobatrachia; Family: Bufonidae), a large and diverse family of anurans. Here we describe the characterisation of a classical MHC class I gene in the Australian cane toad, Rhinella marina. From 25 individuals sampled from the Australian population, we found only 3 alleles at this classical class I locus. We also found large number of class I alpha 1 alleles, implying an expansion of class I loci in this species. The low classical class I genetic diversity is likely the result of repeated bottleneck events, which arose as a result of the cane toad''s complex history of introductions as a biocontrol agent and its subsequent invasion across Australia.  相似文献   

Dissections of >1,200 wild-caught cane toads (Rhinella marina) in tropical Australia confirm a laboratory report that anurans can expel foreign objects from the coelom by incorporating them into the urinary bladder. The foreign objects that we found inside bladders included a diverse array of items (e.g., grass seeds, twigs, insect prey, parasites), many of which may have entered the coelom via rupture of the gut wall. In some cases, the urinary bladder was fused to other organs including liver, fat bodies, ovaries, Bidder’s organs, lungs, mesentery, stomach wall, gall bladder, and the abdominal wall. Acanthocephalan parasites (of a range of developmental stages) were identified from the walls of the urinary bladders of three cane toads. This organ may play a significant role in destroying or excreting metazoan parasites, as well as inanimate objects.  相似文献   

Cane Toads (Rhinella marina, formerly Bufo marinus) in restoration sites on the Atherton Tableland in NE Australia consumed invertebrates belonging to 11 different taxa with ants being the most abundant prey item. Principal component analyses showed that the composition of invertebrates in Cane Toad diet is largely a reflection of invertebrates found in pitfall and leaf litter samples suggesting that the species is an indiscriminant feeder. However, pitfall samples contained more Collembola and Isopoda than were found in Cane Toad stomachs. The Cane Toad may benefit from restoration management practices by utilizing food resources enhanced by mulching and providing microhabitats (e.g. rock piles, logs) as shelter. While further studies would be needed to test this practitioners working in areas where the Cane Toad is problematic may consider trade‐offs between attracting invertebrates and Cane Toads by monitoring provided microhabitat features.  相似文献   

Vertebrates cope with physiological challenges using two major mechanisms: the immune system and the hypothalamic pituitary-adrenal axis (e.g., the glucocorticoid stress response). Because the two systems are tightly integrated, we need simultaneous studies of both systems, in a range of species, to understand how vertebrates respond to novel challenges. To clarify how glucocorticoids modulate the amphibian immune system, we measured three immune parameters and plasma corticosterone (CORT), before and after inflicting a stressor (capture and captive confinement) on introduced cane toads (Rhinella marina) near their invasion front in Australia. Stress increased CORT levels, decreased complement lysis capacity, increased leukocyte oxidative burst, and did not change heterologous erythrocyte agglutination. The strength of the CORT response was positively correlated with leukocyte oxidative burst, and morphological features associated with invasiveness in cane toads (relative leg length) were correlated with stress responsiveness. No immune parameter that we measured was affected by a toad's infection by a parasitic nematode (Rhabdias pseudosphaerocephala), but the CORT response was muted in infected versus uninfected toads. These results illustrate the complex immune-stress interactions in wild populations of a non-traditional model vertebrate species, and describe immune adaptations of an important invasive species.  相似文献   

Conspecific populations inhabiting different environments may exhibit morphological differences, potentially reflecting differential local adaptation. In anuran amphibians, morphology of the pelvis and hindlimbs may often experience strong selection due to effects on locomotion. In this study, we used the cane toad Rhinella marina to test the hypothesis that populations experiencing a higher abundance of predators should suffer higher mortality rates and exhibit morphological traits associated with enhanced locomotor performance (narrower pelvis and head, longer pelvis and hindlimbs, shorter presacral vertebral column). We investigated inter-population variation in survival rate, abundance of predators, and body shape across five populations in rivers in western Mexico. We conducted (1) mark-recapture experiments to calculate survival rates, (2) linear transects with point counts to estimate abundance of predatory spiders, snakes, and birds, and (3) geometric morphometric analyses to investigate body shape variation. We found significant differences among populations in survival rates, abundance of predators, and body shape. However, these three variables were not necessarily inter-related. Increased predator abundance did not result in decreased survival rates, suggesting other causes of mortality affect these populations. While some morphological differences supported our predictions (trend for longer pelvis, shorter presacral vertebral column, and narrower head in sites with increased abundance of spiders and snakes), other aspects of morphology did not. We discuss alternative explanations for the lack of clear associations between predation, survival, and morphology.  相似文献   

Mesocoelium lanfrediaesp. nov. (Digenea: Mesocoeliidae) inhabits the small intestine of Rhinella marina (Amphibia: Bufonidae) and is described here, with illustrations provided by light, scanning electron microscopy and molecular approachs. M. lanfrediae sp. nov. presents the typical characteristics of the genus, but is morphometrically and morphologically different from the species described previously. The main diagnostic characteristics of M. lanfrediae sp. nov. are (i) seven pairs of regularly-distributed spherical papillae on the oral sucker, (ii) ventral sucker outlined by four pairs of papillae distributed in a uniform pattern and interspersed with numerous spines, which are larger at the posterior margin and (iii) small, rounded tegumentary papillae around the opening of the oral sucker, which are morphologically different from those of the oral sucker itself, some of which are randomly disposed in the ventrolateral tegumentary region of the anterior third of the body. Addionally, based on SSU rDNA, a phylogenetic analysis including Brachycoeliidae and Mesocoeliidae taxa available on GenBank established the close relationship between M. lanfrediae sp. nov. and Mesocoelium sp.  相似文献   

Darwin and Wallace, in the mid‐nineteenth century, were the first to document examples of natural selection acting on island dwellers. A century later a pattern of morphological differences among organisms on islands was coined the ‘island rule’, which states that on islands species with small individuals tend toward gigantism and large individuals tend toward dwarfism. Selective pressures such as limited resources and increased intraspecific competition modulate the size of organisms in these environments. Of the several works that have tested vertebrates for adherence to the island rule only two have addressed amphibians. This work is the third record of body size variation of island amphibian populations, and the first for the Southern Hemisphere. The islands investigated were once continuous with mainland, and now are isolated as a result of sea level fluctuations that took place in the Pleistocene and Holocene. This study compared morphometric variation in populations of Rhinella ornata (Bufonidae) occurring on three islands of the Costa Verde to populations on five continental areas in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. We measured 18 morphometric variables of 177 individuals. There was a shift toward smaller body size (dwarfism) in two of the three island populations studied. We attribute this general pattern to geographic factors, verifying the expression of the island rule in tropical frogs populations (insular dwarfism) operating inversely in relation to those of temperate environments (island gigantism).  相似文献   

Tingley R  Shine R 《PloS one》2011,6(10):e25979
Some invasive species flourish in places that impose challenges very different from those faced in their native geographic ranges. Cane toads (Rhinella marina) are native to tropical and subtropical habitats of South and Central America, but have colonised extremely arid regions over the course of their Australian invasion. We radio-tracked 44 adult cane toads at a semi-arid invasion front to investigate how this invasive anuran has managed to expand its geographic range into arid areas that lie outside of its native climatic niche. As predicted from their low physiological control over rates of evaporative water loss, toads selected diurnal shelter sites that were consistently cooler and damper (and thus, conferred lower water loss rates) than nearby random sites. Desiccation risk also had a profound influence on rates of daily movement. Under wet conditions, toads that were far from water moved further between shelter sites than did conspecifics that remained close to water, presumably in an attempt to reach permanent water sources. However, this relationship was reversed under dry conditions, such that only toads that were close to permanent water bodies made substantial daily movements. Toads that were far from water bodies also travelled along straighter paths than did conspecifics that generally remained close to water. Thus, behavioural flexibility--in particular, an ability to exploit spatial and temporal heterogeneity in the availability of moist conditions--has allowed this invasive anuran to successfully colonize arid habitats in Australia. This finding illustrates that risk assessment protocols need to recognise that under some circumstances an introduced species may be able to thrive in conditions far removed from any that it experiences in its native range.  相似文献   

Variation in presumably neutral genetic markers can inform us about evolvability, historical effective population sizes and phylogeographic history of contemporary populations. We studied genetic variability in 15 microsatellite loci in six native landlocked Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) populations in northern Fennoscandia, where this species is considered near threatened. We discovered that all populations were genetically highly (mean F ST ≈ 0.26) differentiated and isolated from each other. Evidence was found for historical, but not for recent population size bottlenecks. Estimates of contemporary effective population size (N e) ranged from seven to 228 and were significantly correlated with those of historical N e but not with lake size. A census size (N C) was estimated to be approximately 300 individuals in a pond (0.14 ha), which exhibited the smallest N e (i.e. N e/N C = 0.02). Genetic variability in this pond and a connected lake is severely reduced, and both genetic and empirical estimates of migration rates indicate a lack of gene flow between them. Hence, albeit currently thriving, some northern Fennoscandian populations appear to be vulnerable to further loss of genetic variability and are likely to have limited capacity to adapt if selection pressures change.  相似文献   

Behavioural flexibility plays a key role in facilitating the ability of invasive species to exploit anthropogenically‐created resources. In Australia, invasive cane toads (Rhinella marina) often gather around commercial beehives (apiaries), whereas native frogs do not. To document how toads use this resource, we spool‐tracked cane toads in areas containing beehives and in adjacent natural habitat without beehives, conducted standardized observations of toad feeding behaviour, and ran prey‐manipulation trials to compare the responses of cane toads versus native frogs to honeybees as potential prey. Toads feeding around beehives travelled shorter distances per night, and hence used different microhabitats, than did toads from nearby control sites without beehives. The toads consumed live bees from the hive entrance (rather than dead bees from the ground), often climbing on top of one another to gain access to the hive entrance. Prey manipulation trials confirm that bee movement is the critical stimulus that elicits the toads’ feeding response; and in standardized trials, native frogs consumed bees less frequently than did toads. In summary, cane toads flexibly modify their movements, foraging behaviour and dietary composition to exploit the nutritional opportunities created by commercial beehives, whereas native anurans do not.  相似文献   

R. Tingley  M. J. Greenlees  R. Shine 《Oikos》2012,121(12):1959-1965
Invasive species often encounter environmental conditions well outside those found in their native geographic ranges, and thus provide ideal model systems with which to explore responses to novel abiotic challenges. Within Australia, the invasive cane toad Rhinella marina has colonized areas that are considerably more arid than those found within its native range. Has the colonization of these novel environments been accompanied by shifts in physiology and/or locomotor performance? We measured rates of evaporative water loss, water gain, and effects of desiccation on locomotor performance of cane toads from two invasion fronts: one mesic (the wet‐dry tropics) and one arid (the semi‐desert). The two populations diverged substantially. Contrary to intuition (but consistent with intra‐specific comparisons between other toad populations from mesic vs arid areas), rates of evaporative water loss were lower (not higher) in toads from the mesic population. However, arid‐zone toads gained water more rapidly through their ventral surfaces, and rates of water loss and gain were highly correlated within individual toads from the arid‐zone population. Rates of water exchange in laboratory‐acclimated toads from the semi‐arid zone did not differ from those of free‐ranging conspecifics from the same population, suggesting that divergences between mesic and semi‐arid toads reflect genetic changes that have occurred during the species’ Australian invasion. Mesic and semi‐arid toads showed similar locomotor performance (endurance, distance per hop) when fully hydrated, but locomotor performance declined much more rapidly with desiccation in the mesic toads. Thus, within the short (decades‐long) timespan of the cane toad's Australian invasion, there has been substantial population divergence in the ability to withstand desiccating conditions. If we are to accurately predict the distributions (and hence impacts) of invading organisms, we will need to include adaptation potential in risk assessment schemes.  相似文献   

  1. Laboratory experiments have shown that the viability of embryos of the invasive cane toad (Rhinella marina) can be reduced by exposure to chemical cues from older conspecific larvae. These effects (very strong in laboratory trials) may offer an exciting new approach to controlling this problematic invasive species in Australia. However, the degree to which the method works in natural environments has yet to be assessed.
  2. Our experiments in the laboratory and in seminatural outdoor waterbodies show that chemical cues from tadpoles do indeed suppress the growth, development, and survival of conspecific larvae that are exposed as embryos and do so in a dose‐dependent manner; higher tadpole densities cause greater suppression of embryos.
  3. In seminatural outdoor waterbodies, suppressor‐exposed tadpoles were less than half as likely to survive to metamorphosis as were controls, and were much smaller when they did so and hence, less likely to survive the metamorph stage. Additionally, female cane toads were less likely to oviposit in a waterbody containing free‐ranging (but not cage‐enclosed) tadpoles, suggesting that the presence of tadpoles (rather than the chemical cues they produce) may discourage oviposition.
  4. Broadly, our results suggest that the suppression effect documented in laboratory studies does indeed occur in the field also, and hence that we may be able to translate that approach to develop new and more effective ways to reduce rates of recruitment of peri‐urban populations of cane toads in their invasive range.

Metamorphosis, a critical stage in the development of toads and frogs, involves rapid levels of morphological change. In the current study, we have used microarray analysis to identify shifts in gene expression between tadpole and toadlet stages of the cane toad, Bufo (Chaunus) marinus. Here, we report on nine genes that show the greatest induction during metamorphosis; the gut-associated gastrokine and trefoil factor, blood components haemoglobins alpha/beta, apolipoprotein and serum albumin, a nasal gene olfactomedin, a lens gene gamma-crystallin, and a novel gene with low homology to frog harderin. We present both temporal and spatial expression patterns of these genes identified in developing and adult cane toads. This study extends our knowledge of the molecular basis of toad metamorphosis, and not only offers insights to the genes induced during the general remodelling that occurs but also reveals possible targets for control and manipulation of amphibian pest species, for example, the cane toad in Australia.  相似文献   

The cane toad (Rhinella marina) is one of the most successful invasive species worldwide, and has caused significant negative impacts on Australian fauna. Experimental work in the laboratory and in mesocosms has shown that tadpoles of native frogs can affect survival, size at metamorphosis and duration of larval period of cane toad tadpoles. To test if these effects occur in nature, we conducted a field experiment using two temporary ponds where we set up enclosures with tadpoles of native green tree frogs (Litoria caerulea) and cane toads in treatments with a range of densities and combinations. The presence of green tree frog tadpoles significantly decreased the growth rate of toad tadpoles and increased the duration of their larval period in both ponds; in one pond, frog tadpoles also significantly reduced the body length and mass of metamorph toads. Toad tadpoles did not have any significant negative effects on green tree frog tadpoles, but there was strong intraspecific competition within the latter species: increased frog tadpole density resulted in increased larval period and reduced survival, growth rate and size at metamorphosis for frogs at one or both ponds. Our results are encouraging for the possibility of using native frogs as one component of an integrated approach to the biological control of cane toads.  相似文献   

Tadpoles of the cane toad (Rhinella marina) form dense aggregations in the field, but the proximate cues eliciting this behavior are not well understood. We sampled water‐bodies in the Northern Territory of Australia, finding that the density of cane toad tadpoles increased with increasing temperature. Furthermore, we conducted laboratory experiments to explore the roles of biotic factors (attraction to conspecifics; chemical cues from an injured conspecific; food) and spatially heterogeneous abiotic factors (light levels, water depth, physical structure) to identify the cues that induce tadpole aggregation. Annulus and binary choice trials demonstrated weak but significant attraction between conspecifics. Tadpoles decreased swimming speeds, but did not increase grouping in response to cues from an injured conspecific. Larvae aggregated in response to abiotic cues (high levels of illumination and proximity to physical structures) and were strongly attracted to feeding conspecifics. Overall, aggregation by cane toad tadpoles is likely driven by weak social attraction coupled with a shared preference for specific abiotic features, creating loose aggregations that are then reinforced by movement toward feeding conspecifics.  相似文献   

At an invasion front, energetic and physiological trade‐offs may differ from those at the range‐core as a result of selection for enhanced dispersal, combined with a low density of conspecifics (which reduces pathogen transmission and competition for food). We measured traits related to energy stores and immunity in wild cane toads (Rhinella marina) across a 750‐km transect from their invasion front in tropical Australia, back into sites colonized 21 years earlier. Several traits were found to vary with population age; some linearly and others in a curvilinear manner. The relative size of spleens and fat bodies was highest in the oldest and newest populations, where rates of lungworm infection were lowest. Toads from older populations produced more corticosterone in response to a standardized stressor, and had higher lymphocyte counts (but lower basophil counts). The amount of skin swelling elicited by phytohaemagglutinin injection did not vary geographically, although recruitment of leukocytes to the injected tissue was higher in toads from long‐colonized areas. Because this was a field‐based study, we cannot differentiate the effects of population age, toad density or pathogen pressure on our measures of stress and immune responses, nor can we distinguish whether the causation involves hard‐wired adaptive processes or phenotypically plastic responses. Nonetheless, our data demonstrate substantial variation in immune systems among toads at varying distances from an invasion front, showing that a biological invasion imposes strong pressures on physiological systems of the invader.  相似文献   

The nematode parasites of Rhinella marina include species of the genus Rhabdias (Rhabdiasidae: Rhabditoidea). The present study describes Rhabdias paraensis sp. nov., which parasitizes the lungs of R. marina in Brazilian Amazonia. Of the more than 70 known species of this genus, 18 are parasites of bufonids, of which, eight are Neotropical. The new species described here is similar to Rhabdias alabialis in the absence of lips is different by the presence of conspicuous cephalic papillae. We describe details of the four rows of pores, which are distributed equally along the whole of the length of the body and connected with hypodermal cells, using histology and scanning electron microscopy. Other histological aspects of the internal structure of this nematode are also described.  相似文献   

Because an individual's investment into the immune system may modify its dispersal rate, immune function may evolve rapidly in an invader. We collected cane toads (Rhinella marina) from sites spanning their 75‐year invasion history in Australia, bred them, and raised their progeny in standard conditions. Evolved shifts in immune function should manifest as differences in immune responses among the progeny of parents collected in different locations. Parental location did not affect the offspring's cell‐mediated immune response or stress response, but blood from the offspring of invasion‐front toads had more neutrophils, and was more effective at phagocytosis and killing bacteria. These latter measures of immune function are negatively correlated with rate of dispersal in free‐ranging toads. Our results suggest that the invasion of tropical Australia by cane toads has resulted in rapid genetically based compensatory shifts in the aspects of immune responses that are most compromised by the rigours of long‐distance dispersal.  相似文献   

Genome-wide association studies have been performed extensively in the last few years, resulting in many new discoveries of genomic regions that are associated with complex traits. It is often the case that a SNP found to be associated with the condition is not the causal SNP, but a proxy to it as a result of linkage disequilibrium. For the identification of the actual causal SNP, fine-mapping follow-up is performed, either with the use of dense genotyping or by sequencing of the region. In either case, if the causal SNP is in high linkage disequilibrium with other SNPs, the fine-mapping procedure will require a very large sample size for the identification of the causal SNP. Here, we show that by leveraging genetic variability across populations, we significantly increase the localization success rate (LSR) for a causal SNP in a follow-up study that involves multiple populations as compared to a study that involves only one population. Thus, the average power for detection of the causal variant will be higher in a joint analysis than that in studies in which only one population is analyzed at a time. On the basis of this observation, we developed a framework to efficiently search for a follow-up study design: our framework searches for the best combination of populations from a pool of available populations to maximize the LSR for detection of a causal variant. This framework and its accompanying software can be used to considerably enhance the power of fine-mapping studies.  相似文献   

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