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随着全球化进程的推进以及生物技术的迅猛发展,国际生物安全形势更趋复杂严峻,生物恐怖等非传统安全因素的影响也在不断扩大。非政府组织作为参与国际生物军控履约进程的一个组成部分,正发挥着日益重要的作用。本文对国外生物军控履约非政府组织的定义、作用及工作机制进行深入分析,为我国生物军控履约非政府组织的建设和发展提供借鉴参考。  相似文献   

国际生物军控主要是指通过和平途径消除大规模杀伤性武器,全面开展生物履约活动,采取有效措施使生物军控更加符合要求。联合国有关决议指出,核生化武器及其运载工具扩散将对世界和平与安全构成严重威胁。鉴此,全体成员国必须履行军控和裁军义务,  相似文献   

3.1政治互信生物武器与核、化武器是被公认的大规模杀伤性武器。以生物武器达成军事目的的军事行动被称作生物战,在世界战争和局部战争中曾屡次使用生物武器。生物武器是利用细菌、病毒等致病微生物及各种毒素和其他生物活性物质来杀伤人、畜和毁坏农作物,以达到战争目的的一类武器。它传染性强,  相似文献   

《禁止生物武器公约》2013年专家组会于2013年8月12日至16日在瑞士日内瓦举行。该文通过综合分析会议的主要研讨内容及结果,对当前生物军控的形势进行了分析,同时对如何加强生物军控履约工作提出了几点思考。  相似文献   

国外反生物恐怖演习对我国的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
田德桥  郑涛 《解放军医学杂志》2006,31(12):1201-1204
目的介绍国外重要反生物恐怖演习,分析演习所取得的经验教训,为我国的生物恐怖应对及开展反生物恐怖演习服务。方法搜集整理相关网站及论著中关于反生物恐怖演习的介绍及报告,从这些演习中找到一些规律。结果等一些发达国家非常重视反生物恐怖演习工作,通过演习可以发现存在的一些问题以得到改进。结论我国有必要开展相应的反生物恐怖演习,在演习中需要重视及检验:领导层的决策,部门间的合作,新成立机构的作用,现存的一些机制需要改进的方面,国际合作,通讯交流,疾病预防控制措施,医疗机构的应对,疫苗及药品的储备等。  相似文献   

生物组织光热作用是当前激光医学领域的研究热点和难点,文章主要综述了近年来激光与生物组织光热作用的理论研究方法,并且从激光特性与组织特性两方面探讨了影响光热作用的相关参数。  相似文献   

本文简要介绍了生物防御产业的定义和特点,分析了美国生物防御产业政策制定和管理措施等方面的经验和启示,同时结合国内的发展现状,提出要加强生物防御产业发展,增强生物防御能力的若干对策建议.  相似文献   

连续波CO2激光作用下生物组织中热损伤深度的估算   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的 探讨激光与生物组织之间的相互作用,建立估算生物组织热损伤浓度的数学模型,为优化激光手术安全操作规范提供理论与实验的依据。方法 采用生物组织换热的数学模型-数学上称为多边界的Stefan问题,对激光作用下生物组织的热损伤过程进行数学模拟,并将该数值解与CO2激光对离体猪肌肉作用的实验数据相对比。结果 当CO2激光功率分别为1.50、3.15和8.01W,每种功率进行两种不同作用时间(9-20s)的情况下,用激光医学实验和数学模拟计算两种方法去确定猪肌肉组织的热损伤深度,两者相对偏差的平均值为3.60%,最大相对偏差值为5.59%。模拟计算不仅可以确定热损伤区的数值,还能得出一些重要的参数数据:例如相间边界的移动速度、相边界温度随时间的变化以及这些参数与功率的相互关系。结论 依据Vasilive^[1]的建模思想提出了热损伤过程的实用数学模型,其数值模拟结果与激光对生物组织热损伤的实验数据能较好地符合。该数学模拟还可为激光与生物组织相互作用的基础研究,提供纯激光外科实验难以得到的大量信息。  相似文献   

生物恐怖的现实威胁与医学对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文分析了生物恐怖的现实威胁,从医学科技的角度总结了发达国家反生物恐怖的经验,讨论了我国生物防御能力建设面临的关键问题,提出了国家生物防御能力的发展策略.  相似文献   

The drive to find security through possession of weapons is linked to the history and culture of a social group. Amongst pastoralists in the Horn of Africa there is a failure of security through state systems such as police and the recent replacement of less‐lethal traditional weapons by small arms and other light weapons. A warrior or vendetta culture with these arms leads to violent inter‐clan clashes with many casualties, although traditional methods of weapons control still seem operational within clans. Understanding the drive to seek weapons is essential in finding ways to control their use. Improving the capacities of the police must come hand in hand with human rights training and an end to corruption. Further work is required on how traditional methods of arms control can be co‐operatively linked with state controls.  相似文献   



To develop a method for derivation of the cranial‐spinal compliance distribution, assess its reliability, and apply to obese female patients with a diagnosis of idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH).

Materials and Methods:

Phase contrast‐based measurements of blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) flows to, from, and between the cranial and spinal canal compartments were used with lumped‐parameter modeling to estimate systolic volume and pressure changes from which cranial and spinal compliance indices are obtained. The proposed MRI indices are analogous to pressure volume indices (PVI) currently being measured invasively with infusion‐based techniques. The consistency of the proposed method was assessed using MRI data from seven aged healthy subjects. Measurement reproducibility was assessed using five repeated MR scans from one subject. The method was then applied to compare spinal canal compliance contribution in seven IIH patients and six matched healthy controls.


In the healthy subjects, as expected, spinal canal contribution was consistently larger than the cranial contribution (average value of 69%). Measurement variability was 8%. In IIH, the spinal canal contribution is significantly smaller than normal controls (60 versus 78%, P < 0.03).


An MRI‐based method for derivation of compliance indices analogous to PVI has been implemented and applied to healthy subjects. The application of the method to obese IIH patients suggests a spinal canal involvement in the pathophysiology of IIH. J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 2011;. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

MicroRNAs(miRNAs)是长约20~25个核苷酸的非编码RNA,在肿瘤中表达异常,发挥癌基因或抑癌基因的作用。miR-93是miR-106b-93-25簇的成员之一,在胃癌、乳腺癌和肺癌等肿瘤中高表达。miR-93通过调节靶基因的表达,参与调控肿瘤细胞增殖、转移和凋亡等过程,因此其表达水平与肿瘤的发生、发展、转移和预后等相关。此外,miR-93的表达还与抗肿瘤药物的耐药性相关。因此miR-93是肿瘤治疗的一个潜在的重要靶点。  相似文献   

Keratinous biological materials, such as hair and nails, offer a substantially longer retrospective window of detection compared to other body fluids. Little research on drug analysis in nails is currently being conducted. In this study, the hair and nails from a bloated cadaver was analyzed. The study showed that the forensic toxicology results of keratinous biological materials could provide valuable clues for solving cases.In this study, a method was developed for the extraction and analysis of clozapine from hair and nails. The keratinous bio-samples were washed and then pulverized using a freeze mill. After ultrasonic bath extraction, the supernatants were analyzed by ultra-performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometer (UPLC–MS/MS).The method presented in this study proved to be reliable, specific, selective and sensitive with high precision and accuracy. Clozapine was found in both hair and nails from a long term user's remains, even after serious decomposition. The mean concentration of clozapine in the hair was 322.9 pg/mg and 138.3 pg/mg in the nails. Toxicological results helped police narrow the scope of the investigation and improved the efficiency of the breaking of the case.The findings of the present study demonstrated that the method can be used in forensic investigation. Toxicological results increased the efficiency of cadaver identification and the solving of the case. The study demonstrated that hair and nail analysis could provide vital clues for solving cases and showed the value of keratinous biological materials in the forensics field.  相似文献   

新疆克拉玛依市乌尔禾乡牛焦虫病的防治效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,新疆克拉玛依市鸟尔采乡暴发牛焦虫病,发病率达40%,死亡率在4.5%左右,2008年,采取给所有的牛注射牛环形泰勒焦虫疫苗、在传播媒介硬蜱流行季节喷洒杀虫油剂、对出现症状的患牛采取尽早隔离、尽早治疗等综合防治措施,使该病的发病率降到0.3%,且无死亡病例,防治效果显著。  相似文献   

随着人的年龄增长,骨髓组织会发生一系列骨生物学和病理生理学的代谢变化,间充质干细胞的成骨/成脂化过程构成骨质代谢的主要部分,骨髓组织为间充质干细胞和造血干细胞的分化成熟提供独特的生长环境。骨髓脂肪细胞异常增多是导致骨质疏松等疾病的重要因素之一,诸多细胞因子、激素分子通过复杂的信号通路网络作用于这个过程。就骨髓脂肪在骨质代谢中发挥的作用及其可能的发生机制予以综述。  相似文献   

奶牛不育症,给养殖户带来了很大的经济损失。本文通过对新疆昌吉市奶牛养殖小区和重点养殖户奶牛不育病因的调查及疗效情况分析,针对性地提出了相应的综合防治措施。  相似文献   

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