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本文通过对福州市五人制足球运动参与者的问卷调查及座谈,得出影响福州市五人制足球运动发展的主要因素有:场地设施、裁判队伍专业素质、企业赞助、普及度等,并在分析的基础上提出建议和设想,进一步展望其发展前景。  相似文献   

现代足球运动发展至今,其训练、竞赛等方面的科学研究日益深化。而对于足球运动中一个不可缺少的重要组成部分裁判的研究微乎其微。随着现代足球运动的发展,裁判问题越来越成为一个迫切需要研究和解决的现实问题。明确裁判在现代足球运动中的地位和作用,加强足球裁判工作的组织管理,无疑会对整个足球运动的发展起到积极的促进作用。  相似文献   

<正> 女子足球运动在我国是近几年才开展起来的。虽然起步较晚,时间短暂,但发展迅速,水平提高却很快。仅仅五、六年时间。我国女子足球已经跨入世界强队行列。然而,由于我们对女子足球比赛的了解和接触还不多,那么探索和研究女子足球比赛的规律,更好地执行女子足球比赛的裁判工作,就已经成为我们裁判队伍面临的一个新的课题。一、女子足球运动员的生理特点女子足球运动就其内容和技、战术要  相似文献   

我国男子足球裁判员的现状及发展对策   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
洪家云 《体育学刊》2002,9(3):106-108
现代职业足球运动的发展对足球裁判员提出了更高的要求,为了与我国职业足球相适应,建立一支高水平的裁判员队伍是中国足球协会裁判委员会需要解决的问题。通过对我国优秀男子足球裁判员基本情况进行调查分析,指出中国要重视裁判员基层队伍的建设,建立规范的选拔、培训、考核体系、逐步提高我国足球裁判员的数量和质量,建立金字塔式的裁判员培养模式。  相似文献   

足球裁判工作是足球运动的重要组成部分之一。在每场比赛中,裁判员的水平高低,影响到运动员个人技术发挥的好坏,也影响到全队的战术配合发挥的好坏。对比赛的结局也有直接影响。因此裁判水平的高低,也会影响到足球运动的发展。目前,裁判工作中存在的一些问题和  相似文献   

为了较全面、客观、准确地分析山西省篮球裁判队伍的发展状况,文章采用问卷调查法、专家访谈法、数理统计法等研究方法,对山西省篮球裁判员的现状进行分析,并提出促进山西省裁判队伍建设和健康发展的对策,以期为山西省篮球裁判队伍发展提供参考。  相似文献   

采用逻辑分析法与文献资料法对"草根足球"进行分析探讨。"草根足球"是足球运动中不可或缺的重要因素,对在世界范围内推动足球运动的发展有着重要的意义,其本身发展的好与坏深受国家体育政策与足球运动水平的影响。  相似文献   

运用文献资料、访问和数理统计等研究方法,对黑龙江省一级以上田径裁判队伍的人数、年龄结构、学历层次、职业结构四个方面进行调查与分析,得出黑龙江省田径裁判队伍具有良好的文化素质和专业素质。指出了影响黑龙江省田径裁判队伍进一步发展的主要因素,并提出了黑龙江省田径裁判队伍的发展性建议:加大中青年国家级、国际级田径裁判的培养力度;积极参加裁判实践工作,提高临场裁判能力,增加全国性各类田径比赛在黑龙江省举办的次数。  相似文献   

我国职业足球运动人力资源现状及对策研究   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
运用文献资料调研、专家访谈、数理统计等方法,对我国职业足球运动人力资源现状进 行研究,主要结论:1)我国职业足球运动的专业管理人才匮乏,急功近利思想严重;2)裁判员面 临信任危机;3)教练员队伍数量猛增但质量不高;4)运动员的流通渠道不畅,运动员的价值评价 体系尚未建立;5)后备力量数量少且存在地域发展的不平衡性;对策:1)大力吸纳职业足球运动 的急需人才;2)建议司法介入、建立财产监察制度,实行裁判职业化;3)严格教练员的培训制度, 成立教练员培训学校;4)实行国内运动员自由转会,建立职业运动员的价值评价体系;5)加大贫 困地区和足球不发达地区的后备力量培养力度。  相似文献   

<正> 一、前言球类运动以其特有的强烈的对抗性与快速的多变性受到国内外广大群众特别是青少年的欢迎,尤其是足球,被人们誉为“球中之王”。足球运动在我国有着广泛的群众基础,全国各级各类的比赛每年要超过万余场。随着四化建设的发展和人民生活水平的提高,足球运动的开展必将越来越广泛,竞赛也必将越来越频繁。但从我国目前足球裁判队伍来看,在数量和质量上都还跟不上足球运动发展的需要。足球运动在大中学开展得也十分广泛,它是体育教学、代表队训练及开展课外体育活动的一项重要内容。作为一个体育教师,掌握必要的足球规则与裁判知识,既是本职工作的需要,也是社会工作的需要。初学足球裁判者必须从学习规则开始。足球规则  相似文献   

现代足球比赛是快速、富于竞争、充满激情的竞赛,为了取胜夺标,比赛双方在身体、技术、作风、心理、战术思想的对抗越演越激烈,对抗性已成为现代足球运动发展趋势。同时,对足球裁判员的要求也越来越高,足球裁判员在比赛中判罚的准确性对比赛的顺利进行至关重要。足球裁判员是足球场上的组织者和法官。裁判员的水平直接影响着足球比赛的质量,对犯规准确性的判罚是衡量裁判员水平的标准。本文采用调查访问及问卷调查法,对初级裁判员临场执法的错漏判因素进行探讨。结果发现存在理论与实际判罚脱离、判罚降格处理、红黄牌亮出等等问题。找出不利裁判员准确判罚的因素加以研究,对提高足球裁判员水平有着重要的促进作用。  相似文献   

It has been suggested that individuals may use heuristic methods of reasoning and rely on schemata when a quick decision is necessary. Accordingly, it is possible that decisions made by sport officials may be influenced by prior knowledge they have about teams they are officiating. The aim of the present study was to determine whether sport officials are more likely to penalize individuals who participate in a team with an aggressive reputation. In a balanced design, 38 football referees were randomly assigned to either an experimental or control group and were presented with the same 50 video clips of incidents from football games, all involving a team in a blue strip ('blue team'). The incidents were categorized before the study by five experienced referees into fouls committed both by, and against, the blue team, where all participants agreed that a foul had been committed (certain incidents), disagreed it was a foul (uncertain incidents) or agreed that there was no foul (innocuous incidents). Both groups received written instructions before the task; in addition, the experimental group was informed that the blue team present in all of the clips had a reputation for foul and aggressive play. For each incident, the participants were required to indicate what action they would engage in if refereeing the game. Although there was no difference in the number of decisions made, the experimental group awarded significantly more red and yellow cards against the blue team both overall and for the 'certain' incidents. It is suggested that prior knowledge may impact referees' behaviour in a laboratory setting, although future research should explore whether a similar effect is observed in the behaviour of referees during football matches.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that individuals may use heuristic methods of reasoning and rely on schemata when a quick decision is necessary. Accordingly, it is possible that decisions made by sport officials may be influenced by prior knowledge they have about teams they are officiating. The aim of the present study was to determine whether sport officials are more likely to penalize individuals who participate in a team with an aggressive reputation. In a balanced design, 38 football referees were randomly assigned to either an experimental or control group and were presented with the same 50 video clips of incidents from football games, all involving a team in a blue strip ('blue team'). The incidents were categorized before the study by five experienced referees into fouls committed both by, and against, the blue team, where all participants agreed that a foul had been committed (certain incidents), disagreed it was a foul (uncertain incidents) or agreed that there was no foul (innocuous incidents). Both groups received written instructions before the task; in addition, the experimental group was informed that the blue team present in all of the clips had a reputation for foul and aggressive play. For each incident, the participants were required to indicate what action they would engage in if refereeing the game. Although there was no difference in the number of decisions made, the experimental group awarded significantly more red and yellow cards against the blue team both overall and for the 'certain' incidents. It is suggested that prior knowledge may impact referees' behaviour in a laboratory setting, although future research should explore whether a similar effect is observed in the behaviour of referees during football matches.  相似文献   

张磊 《当代体育科技》2021,(7):169-171,175
该文运用文献资料法、问卷调查法,通过调查甘肃省校园足球裁判的职业、裁判等级分布、学历现状,以及甘肃省校园足球裁判的后备人才储备、裁判员地域分布与裁判员讲师队伍培养现状,立足甘肃校园足球裁判发展实情,从推动裁判员队伍常态化建设、稳步提升校园足球裁判综合素质能力、完善校园足球裁判员队伍梯队建设、提高校园足球裁判待遇水平、加强甘肃足协和校园足球竞赛主管部门的交流等方面为切入点,制定出推动甘肃省校园足球裁判又好又快发展的策略,旨在为甘肃校园足球裁判发展提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

黄光亮 《体育科技》2011,32(2):43-47
在国青队、固少队分别无缘世青赛和世少赛后,从青少午足球人数、青少年队伍得到的资金投入、年轻队员缺乏比赛场次、年轻球员转会难等六个方面,分析了当前中国足球的现状。得出要提高水平必须重视青少年足球的结论,并提出发展青少年足球应具有持续性和针对性,让青训体系扎根学校等建议。  相似文献   

当代欧洲足球强队在比赛中的防守行为研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
足球比赛中防守水平的高低往往决定着比赛的胜负.欧洲足球防守水平代表着世界足球发展的潮流与方向.在比赛中,他们以组织防守队形的方式展开整体和局部的防守行为;在不同场区内都表现出通过整体性和主动性加强防守效果的战术目的;在整体防守条件下,断球是最主要的个人防守行为方式;他们是当今成熟和完善的"逼迫式整体防守"打法的代表.  相似文献   

In recent years unfair competition and match fixing have become an increasing focus of public attention. Uncovered instances of match fixing influence the integrity of football. In the field of professional football there are well-known cases, such as the Calciopoli scandal in Italy and the case of the German referee Robert Hoyzer, where referees were involved in match fixing. However, so far little is known about how often attempts are made to influence referees and their decisions in amateur football in Germany. Data from a large scale survey of referees (n = 4813) showed that approximately 10?% of referees in amateur football have already been approached in an attempt to influence their decisions by offers of money or non-cash benefits. Results of logistic regressions show various correlats of being approached for match fixing by offers of money or non-cash benefits. The probability of being approached increases with the duration of referee activity, the number of games refereed per year, and decreases with age.  相似文献   

Football is central to the lives of countless individuals around the globe. While most of the attention of those passionate about the sport is focused on the players, football referees are often just as important in shaping the outcome of the games. Therefore, research is increasingly examining the role of referees. Even so, our understanding of the factors that create an excellent football referee is still scarce.

Based on our analysis of the opinions of 24 football experts, we demonstrate the multidimensionality of excellence in the performance of football referees. From a Categorical Principal Components Analysis (CatPCA), we were able to pinpoint that football referee excellence is shaped by three distinct dimensions: individual preparation, game preparation and game management. Additionally, we were able to see if these perceptions were different from individuals “within” the game versus those “outside” the game. Namely, we used CatPCA to graphically display the main correlations between the latent dimensions of football refereeing performance and the “inside” and “outside” perspective of the game. The findings of our work contribute towards the knowledge of the factors that shape football referee excellence, while also highlighting areas in need of additional research attention.  相似文献   

运用数理统计和逻辑分析等研究方法,并使用中国足协技术统计软件对2011赛季中超联赛辽宁宏运足球队全年30场主客场比赛以及中超其余15支球队共计240场比赛进行了统计分析,试图通过统计数据客观描述2011赛季辽宁宏运足球队的整体技战术特征以及存在的主要问题,为辽宁足球的再次振兴以及辽宁宏运足球队征战下赛季的中超联赛提供理论参考,为我国足球整体技战术水平的提升提供借鉴。  相似文献   

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