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《Applied Geochemistry》1986,1(4):441-449
Demands of modern human society require a wide application of the principles of hypergene geochemistry in order to explore for deeply buried minerals, protect the environment, assist in some medical and biological problems, etc.; such is impossible without a sound theoretical basis for this science. It is necessary that the processes associated with deep weathering be investigated, as well as the mechanisms of element transport (electrochemical transfer, vapor transport, migration of elements in pore water, etc.) and the formation of geochemical halos in various secondary environments. More effective techniques (based on chemical extractions, artificial sorbents, biological methods, etc.) must be developed in order to make further advances in all aspects of applied supergene geochemistry. Toward this end, the successful application of artificial sorbents to exploration and environmental problems is illustrated, and “geochemistry of technogenesis”, one of the main branches of hypergenesis, is discussed and shown to be presently at the stage of “geochemical inventory”. Technogenic geochemistry consists of detailed data collection for all elements and, primarily, geochemical mapping of affected environments. One of the objectives of technogenic geochemistry is the development of the theory and implementation of practical measures necessary to utilize the most efficient geochemical systems in the various natural situations affected by man. Lack, or excess, of certain chemical elements in the environment are important geochemical factors to be considered in the study of endemic disease (i.e. “medical geochemistry”). Studies are illustrated which show a general tendency for areas with higher percentages of cancer to have higher average contents of Mn, Pb and Co, but lower amounts of Cu, compared with regions with moderate oncological disease rates. The importance of studying the modes of occurrence of chemical elements in the secondary environments is stressed. By the end of this century the role of environmental geochemistry is expected to be substantially more important and will require scientists specifically trained in this subject.  相似文献   

The deinocephalian pelvic girdle, of general pelycosaurian structure, is useful in systematic diagnosis. In primitive Russian deinocephalians, two contrasting pelvic patterns are recognized, one light, thin-walled, narrow, and of V-shaped cross-section, and the other massive, thick-walled, wide, and of U-shaped cross-section. The former is characteristic of two families of lightly- built, mobile land carnivores, the Eotitanosuchidae and the Brithopodidae. The Eotitanosuchidae are more primitive and pelycosaur-like, while the Brithopodidae show more variation, and specializations of large size, shallower acetabulum (related to mobility?), and re-enforcement of a weak pubic symphysis by additional processes. The massive type of pelvis characterizes large, heavily built herbivorous animals of the family Estemmenosuchidae. In general pelvic structure, the Estemmenosuchidae resemble the South African anteosaurs and tapinocephalians and the Russian tapinocephalians. In detail, however, they show a more primitive stage of evolution, overlaid by characteristic specializations which relate them more closely to the advanced Russian forms than to those of South Africa. Three new genera are erected, Biarmosaurus, fam. Eotitanosuchidae; Chthomaloporus, fam. Brithopodidae; and Molybdopygus, fam. Estemmenosuchidae. One specimen formerly referred to Deuterosaurus Yefremov 1954, and five formerly included in the type of Brithopus Yefremov 1954 are referred to Molybdopygus. The more primitive deinocephalians are from Yezhovo in the Ocher District, Perm Province, while more advanced forms are from Isheyevo, in Tataria, where-therocephalians and other South African elements are also found. It is therefore concluded that the Ochersk beds are older than those of Isheyevo and must be dated to zone I of Yefremov's system. — N. Hotton III.  相似文献   

Soviet geologists consider the Precambrian to be divided into two groups — Archaean and Proterozoic; but such a division is unsatisfactory. A major unconformity separates Proterozoic volcanic and sedimentary formations from an underlying sequence that contains two supergroups of supercrustal formations. The oldest of these is unanimously considered to be Archaean. Rocks of that supergroup play an essential part in the composition of the Baltic, Ukrainian, Aldan and Anabar Shields and of the ancient fold belts of the East-European and Siberian platforms.Distinctive features in the composition, tectonic structure, metamorphism and metallogeny of Archaean complexes lead to the conclusion that they were formed in specifically mobile areas, different from geosynclinal areas.The other supergroup of high-grade metamorphic rocks has no clear place in the accepted two-fold stratigraphic scheme of the Precambrian, and it is considered sometimes to be Archaean and sometimes to be Early Proterozoic. We propose restoring the forgotten name “Eozoic” for that supergroup. Eozoic complexes are characterized by peculiarities of composition and inner structure, which signify changes in the tectonic regime of the earth at the lower and upper boundaries of the Eozoic Supergroup. These peculiarities give grounds for distinguishing the Eozoic Supergroup as an independent stratigraphic division.The Stanovoy Complex of the southern part of the Aldan Shield is a stratotype for the Eozoic Supergroup. Many well-known stratigraphic subdivisions of the Siberian Platform (e.g., the Eniseiskaya, the Birusinskaya series and others), the Taratash Complex of the Urals, the Goranskaya and Shahdarinskaya series of the South-West Pamir, the Tikitch complex and Aulskaya series of the Ukrainian Shield, and in part the Belomorsky Complex of the Baltic Shield, as well as some others, are also Eozoic.The Eozoic complexes are characterized by the following specific features: only some supercrustal formations are typical for them; the small number of rock types which have a total thickness about 5–6 km; relatively monotonous mineral composition of the rocks; variable quantitative ratios of rocks; absence of contrasting marker beds; regional metamorphism and ultrametamorphism in the amphibolite facies; wide development of ultrametamorphic granitoids and migmatites; distinct tectonic differentiations of the basin of sedimentation.Dates determined by isotopic analyses, which mostly reflect the metamorphism of the deposits, fall predominantly in the range 2600–3100 Ma.  相似文献   

Spoil piles in coal mine areas in north-central West Virginia suffer from numerous landslide problems. An investigation to determine the causes of these slides showed that the stratigraphic composition, the nature of the foundation soils, the seasonal high water table and the mining technique contributed to the instability. The presence of red shales is identified as a key problem.

Several models of failure were investigated based on inclinometer data. These data suggest that multiple failure surfaces may develop in spoil piles. In such cases, the initial failure surface is better defined than other movement surfaces, which either represent subsequent failures that occur in response to placement of additional spoil materials, or are shear zones of readjustment following initial failure. Results show that failures are most likely initiated along the spoil-natural ground interface and propagate slowly into the spoil mass.  相似文献   

Paleomagnetic results from 107 samples of the Chugwater Group near Lander, Wyoming, show a regular progression in pole positions from bottom to top of the sequence. This pole position trend of about 25° matches very well the North American apparent polar wander path between Early Permian and Early Triassic. It could be argued that this “agreement” results in a conflict between the apparent magnetic age (Permian) and the Early to Late Triassic age generally assigned to the Chugwater Group. However, similar progressions of paleomagnetic pole positions have been reported for the Early Triassic Moenkopi Formation in Colorado; thus it appears that long-term variations and swings characterized the geomagnetic field at that time. With detailed paleomagnetic sampling, these features can be utilized for stratigraphic correlation in addition to magnetic-reversal stratigraphy. This will eliminate, to some degree, part of the non-uniqueness inherently present in correlations based on reversal stratigraphy only.  相似文献   

Analysis of blocks and linear sutures in the base of the Russian Platform shows significant variations in their tectonic activities in different stages of the platformal evolution. --AGI Staff.  相似文献   

The recent experience of the rising cost of exploiting new material resources in the U.S.S.R. has led to exploration of alternative methods, particularly greater intensification of exploitation. The regional variations in the balance between intensive and extensive methods is considerable and is consequently an important aspect of Soviet geographical research. This paper discusses the criteria and methodology for this crucial economic/resource regionalization of the U.S.S.R.  相似文献   

This short section of Skarlato's monograph, Bivalve Mollusks of the Far Eastern Seas of the U. S. S. R. (Order Dysodonta), discusses the genus Arvella Bartsch, 1940 ms. The genus includes the species formerly assigned to Crenella. Diagnostic features of the species included in genus Arvella Bartsch are given. Vilasina Bartsch, 1940 ms is discussed, also The author states that the hinges of Vilasina clearly assign the species to the genus Crenella. The form and position of the umbo relate the species closely to the genus Arvella, though. The almost entirely smooth laminated surface distinguishes Vilasina from both genera, as does the finely serrated ventral edge of the shell. The last section discusses the genus Modiolus Lamarck, 1799. — A. W. Bellais.  相似文献   

Recent seismological studies of low-velocity layers in the U.S.S.R. have led to the development of new methods of investigation. The most important results obtained are presented in this paper. Several new techniques of record treatment and advanced computer programs make it possible to solve two-dimensional problems of seismic wave propagation in complex media and to outline zones of velocity inversion in the crust and mantle of many regions in the U.S.S.R.Zones of this type seem to occur only locally and are typical of some particular geostructures. Lateral inhomogeneities are also found to be closely related to geological features. Their depths sometimes can reach 300–400 km.  相似文献   

A large number of specimens of Seymouriamorph amphibian, family Discosauriscidae, were collected from the south slopes of the Kuramanskiy Khrebet, Mt. Sarytaypan, 10 km northeast of the settlement of Adrasman, Tadzhik S.S.R. Deposits yielding the fossils consist of about 70 m of effusive sedimentary rocks, the top third being tuffs, tuff sandstones, and tuff breccias, and the remainder being alternating fine-grained sandstones, argillites, and siltstones, of gray, greenish, pink, and black colors. The beds overlie 800 m of tuff lavas and tuff breccias and are overlain by 200 m of-tuff breccias. Fossil leaves are abundant in the lower half of the beds in all lithologic types, but the vertebrates are confined to about 1 m of adjoining layers of fine-grained gray to pink sandstone, and almost black argillite. The fossils consist of complete impressions of skeletons, which will yield much anatomical information. Two genera are represented, the most abundant referrable to the Central European form Discosauriscus. The other is related to the European Leptoverpeton but may be new. These specimens permit correlation of the Sarytaypan deposits with Lower Permian' bedsgqn Czechoslovakia and Germany. Larval forms are by far the most abundant, but the presence of adults affords a reliable comparison of growth stages. New and detailed information of the development of the spinal column will also be forthcoming from further study of the growth stages. Presence of gills in the larvae reaffirms the persistence of an aquatic larval stage in the morphologically reptile-like Seymouriamorpha. — N. Hotton III.  相似文献   

Analyses of platinum-group elements (PGE) in rocks collected from the Voikar-Syninsky ophiolite in the Polar Urals suggest that the distribution and geochemistry of PGE in this Paleozoic ophiolite are similar to those in Mesozoic ophiolites from elsewhere. Chondrite-normalized PGE patterns for chromitite, the tectonite unit, and ultramafic and mafic cumulate unit have negative slopes. These results are similar to those found for chromitites from other ophiolites; stratiform chromities show positive slopes. If the magmas that form both types of chromitite originate from similar mantle source material with respect to PGE content, the processes involved must be quite different. However, the distinct chondrite-normalized PGE patterns may reflect differing source materials.  相似文献   

Primary sedimentary structures and sedimentary textures of the Pleistocene fluvial sediments of the Columbia Formation were investigated both in the outcrops and in the subsurface. Three hundred and thirty-one subsurface samples, taken from forty holes, and fifty-six outcrop samples were analysed in the laboratory and the results were statistically treated. Unknown sedimentary structures were recognized in the subsurface by correlating some textural parameters (mean grain size, skewness, and kurtosis) of the drilling (subsurface) samples with those of the outcrop samples where the sedimentary structures were known. The utilization of both the sedimentary structures and the textures made it possible to recognize major morphologic elements of a Pleistocene stream system (channels, channel bars, floodbasins, and channel-fills) in the subsurface and to reconstruct, in a general way, the events that occurred during the existence of the stream system. It seems that in the initial stages of the Columbia deposition, the streams were confined to the valleys in the underlying surface made up of the Palaeocene-Eocene glauconitic greensands. After the valleys were filled with the Pleistocene sediments, the streams were able to shift their channels freely throughout the study area; at least two new tributary streams were added to the system and a major flood occurred during that time. Although the technique of the recognition of primary sedimentary structures in the subsurface employed in this study has shown useful in the interpretation of the fluvial sedimentary bodies, it needs further testing before it can be accepted as a new geologic tool.  相似文献   

The Pacific Northwest region of North America is a site of very complex tectonomagmatic activity. This activity is due to subduction of the Pacific plate, the associated Cascade chain of volcanoes, micro-plate interactions, and mantle plume activity to the east of the plate margin that produced the Yellowstone hotspot track along the Eastern Snake River Plain (ESRP). A number of recent geophysical and geological studies have produced new results that have drawn attention to the complex tectonic setting of the region east of the Cascade Range, and its tectonic evolution is the subject of considerable scientific interest and debate. Numerous seismic studies have specifically focused on the crustal and upper mantle structure of the ESRP and Yellowstone area. However, crustal-scale studies of the Western Snake River Plain (WSRP) are limited. We undertook an integrated analysis of new and existing geophysical data and geologic constraints to study the crustal structure of the WSRP and generated two-dimensional crustal models across it. We observed both differences and similarities in the structural and tectonic evolution of the eastern and western arms of the SRP based on our integrated analysis. From a broader perspective based on recent geological and geophysical studies in the surrounding region, the intersection of the two arms of the SRP emerges as a major element of a complex tectonic intersection that includes the High Lava Plains of eastern Oregon, the Northern Nevada rift, a southwestern extension of the ESRP into northern Nevada, as well as, faulting and volcanism extending north-westward to connect with the Columbia River basalt plateau region. Thus, the goal of this study is to advance our understanding of the tectonomagmatic evolution of the region and to encourage further studies in the region.  相似文献   

The compilation of statistical data for 269 seismic crustal sections (total length: 81,000 km) which are available in the U.S.S.R. has shown that the preliminary conclusions drawn on relations between the elevation of the surface relief and Bouguer anomalies on one hand and crustal thickness (depth to the M-discontinuity) on the other hand are not fulfilled for the continental part of the U.S.S.R. The level of isostatic compensation has been found to be much deeper than the base of the earth's crust due to density inhomogeneities of the crust and upper mantle down to a depth of 150 km.

The results of seismic investigations have revealed a great diversity of relations between shallow geological and deep crustal structures:

Changes in the relief of the M-discontinuity have been found within the ancient platforms which are conformable with the Precambrian structures and which can exceed 20 km. In the North Caspian syneclise, extended areas devoid of the “granitic” layer have been discovered for the first time in continents. The crust was found to be thicker in the syneclises and anteclises of the Turanian EpiHercynian plate. In the West Siberian platforms these relations are reversed to a great extent.

Substantial differences in crustal structure and thickness were found in the crust of the Palaeo zoides and Mesozoides. Regions of substantial neotectonic activity in the Tien-Shan Palaeozoides do not greatly differ in crustal thickness if compared to the Kazakhstan Palaeozoides which were little active in Cenozoic time. The same is true for the South Siberian Palaeozoides.

The Alpides of the southern areas in the U.S.S.R. display a sharply differing surface relief and a strongly varying crustal structure. Mountains with roots (Greater Caucasus, Crimea) and without roots (Kopet-Dagh, Lesser Caucasus) were found there.

The Cenozoides of the Far East are characterized by a rugged topography of the M-discontinuity, a thinner crust and a less-pronounced “granitic” layer. A relatively small thickness of the crust was discovered in the Baikal rift zone.

The effective thickness of the magnetized domains of the crust as well as other calculations show that the temperature at the depth of the M-discontinuity (i.e., at depths of 40–50 km) is not higher than 300–400° C for most parts of the U.S.S.R.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》1991,6(6):597-612
A small (4 km2) drainage basin in northeastern Washington contains highly uraniferous groundwater and highly uraniferous peaty sediments of Holocene age. The U is derived from granitic bedrock that underlies the entire drainage basin and that contains 9–16 ppm U. This local bedrock was studied by petrographic, chemical and isotopic methods to determine conditions of its petrogenesis and post-emplacement history that may have contributed to its present high U content and source-rock capability. The original magma was derived by anatexis of Precambrian continental crust of probable mixed metaigneous and metasedimentary character. Mineral-melt partitioning controlled the enrichment of U in chemically evolved phases of the crystallizing melt. Following emplacement in the upper crust at ∼100Ma, the pluton interacted with meteoric-hydrothermal water at ambient temperatures 300°C. Locally intense fracturing promoted alteration, and fracturing and alteration probably continued during later regional uplift in the Eocene. Regional uplift was followed by low-temperature alteration and weathering in the middle to late Tertiary. The combined result of hydrothermal alteration and low-temperature alteration and weathering was the redistribution of U from primary mineral hosts such as allanite to new sites on fracture surfaces and in secondary minerals such as hematite. Zones of highly fractured and altered rock show the most obvious evidence of this process. A model is proposed in which high-angle fractures beneath the drainage basin were the sites of Tertiary supergene enrichments of U. Recent glacio-isostatic uplift has elevated these older enriched zones to shallow levels where they are now being leached by oxidizing groundwater. The chemistry, mineralogy, texture and geological history of this U source-rock suggest criteria for locating other granitic terrane that may contain uraniferous waters and associated young surficial U deposits. The details of U distribution and mobility at this site also apply to the general topic of U mobility in granitic rocks.  相似文献   

The committee on the Paleogene of the U. S. S. R. presents a tabulation of the lithologic and faunal characteristics of a complete Paleogene section in the Crimea. The Committee proposes that this section serve as a new type of section for the Paleogene of Europe. — C.G. Tillman.  相似文献   

To better characterize human health risks associated with potentially contaminated seafood, 56 composite samples of edible tissue of several finfish and shellfish species were analyzed for residues of toxaphene using gas chromatography with electron capture and negative ion mass spectrometric detection (GC-ECD and GC-ECNI-MS). Toxaphene in these samples, collected in 1997 near a former toxaphene plant in Brunswick, Georgia, were previously reported as non-detectable using non-selective techniques. Estimated total toxaphene concentrations (ΣTOX) ranged from less than 0.01 to 26 μ g−1 on a wet tissue basis. Smaller, bottom dwelling finfish such as croaker, mullet, and spot exhibited the highest ΣTOX (0.76–26 μg g−1), larger predatory fish including seatrout contained intermediate levels (0.08–4.4 μg g−1), and shellfish (blue crab and shrimp) contained the lowest levels (<0.01 to 0.27 μg g−1). For a given species, samples from the site furthest from the toxaphene plant had lower ΣTOX than samples from the other 3 sites. On a congener specific basis, levels ranged from <0.0025 to 3.5 μg g−1. Congener distributions were, in general, dominated by 2-exo, 3-endo, 6-exo,8,9,10-hexachlorobornane (Hx-Sed) and 2-endo,3-exo,5-endo,6-exo,8,9,10-heptachlorobornane (Hp-Sed), breakdown products of Cl8−Cl10 toxaphene homologs. Other prominent congeners confirmed by GC-ECNI-MS included Parlar numbers 26, 40/41, 42, 44, 50, 62, and 63, as well as several unidentified Cl6−Cl9 homologs. Minor differences in congener distribution among species and sampling locations suggested that exposure regimes and/or intrinsic biotransformation capabilities were not uniform. These results indicate that toxaphene residues were detectable in all species surveyed and at concentrations higher than estimated previously.  相似文献   

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