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应用多模态图像的配准与融合技术,可以把不同状态的医学图像有机地结合起来,为临床诊断和治疗提供更丰富的信息。介绍了多模态医学图像配准与融合的概念、方法及意义。最后简单介绍了小波变换分析方法。  相似文献   

医学图像配准技术是目前医学图像处理技术的研究热点和难点,对临床诊断治疗具有重要意义。医学解剖图像与功能图像的配准技术是医学图像配准技术的难点和主要研究方向。本文对医学图像配准技术做了概括性介绍,重点介绍医学解剖图像与功能图像配准的主要方法,讨论解剖图像与功能图像配准存在的问题,对比分析不同配准方法在解剖图像与功能图像配准方面的适用性,提出今后的主要研究方向。  相似文献   

医学图像配准是指寻求两幅图像间一对一映射的过程,即将两幅图像中对应于空间同一位置的点联系起来.医学图像配准是进行医学图像处理的基础,在临床诊断和治疗中占有重要地位.本研究将对医学图像配准方法分类和应用进行概述,旨在为今后其方法的改进和临床的应用提供参考.  相似文献   

医学图像配准中的快速坐标变换方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在医学图像配准各种方法中,基于灰度的方法具有精度较高、稳健性强、不需要领处理等优点而被广泛使用.但是这类方法也存在看计算量大的缺点。文章在分析传统刚体坐标变换的基础上,提出了一种新的坐标变换的快速算法,可以较大地提高图像坐标变换速度而不影响计算精度.有利于图像配准的临床实时性。  相似文献   

眼底图像的配准   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
医学图像配准是人体可视化和医学图像分析的基础。配准技术的重要医学应用之一就是用手动、半自动或者自动技术进行眼底图像配准、频闪观察,便于眼底疾病的诊断和治疗。本文介绍了图像配准概念和分类,对眼底图像配准方法进行了介绍和对比分析,并且展望了眼底图像配准的发展。  相似文献   

医学图象配准技术是当前医学图象处理研究领域的一个重要方面,具有重要的临床价值。本文就3-D医学图象配准的分类,配准技术中常用的变换模型,配准技术中常用的方法及配准技术中所存在的问题进行了描述。文中首先对医学图象配准进行了分类,并介绍了常用的配准变换类型。  相似文献   

医学图像融合技术研究概述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
图像信息融合已广泛应用于军事、遥感、机器视觉和医学图像处理等领域。利用图像融合技术,可以把多种成像模式下所形成的医学图像信息融合成一个新的影像模式,从而可以改善图像的质量,增加病灶或感兴趣部位的可视性,有助于临床诊断、放射治疗计划的制定和评价。近年来,医学图像信息配准和融合技术的研究受到了医学界和工程界的高度重视,成为一大研究热点。1图像信息融合的概念信息融合(intelligence fusion,IF)即多源信息的协同运用技术,是把多源信息在空间或时间上冗余互补的数据根据需要进行处理,将数据协同应用,获得研究对象的一致性描…  相似文献   

医学图像配准方法及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
医学图像配准技术是医学图像处理技术的一个重要分支,已经广泛应用于临床实践中。本文首先介绍了图像配准原理,然后从图像特征空间的角度出发,对常用的医学图像配准方法及其应用进行了介绍,最后对医学图像配准方法的研究难点及发展前景进行了总结展望。  相似文献   

医学图像配准技术是医学图像处理技术的一个重要分支,已经广泛应用于临床实践中。本文首先介绍了图像配准原理,然后从图像特征空间的角度出发,对常用的医学图像配准方法及其应用进行了介绍,最后对医学图像配准方法的研究难点及发展前景进行了总结展望。  相似文献   

该文介绍了一种基于互信息和薄板样条变换的医学图像弹性自动配准方法。该方法首先利用互信息将图像进行全局配准,然后将图像分块进行配准,选取子块配准前后的中心点作为薄板样条变换的标记点.实现图像弹性自动配准。实验结果表明.该方法与单纯利用互信息进行刚体配准相比,能够明显提高图像配准精度,并在薄板样条变换中实现了标记点自动选取.降低了标记点选取的难度,能更好地满足临床需求。  相似文献   

Antibiotics represent one of the most important drug groups used in the management of bacterial infections in humans and animals. Due to the increasing problem of antibiotic resistance, assurance of the antibacterial effectiveness of these substances has moved into the focus of public health. The reduction in antibiotic residues in wastewater and the environment may play a decisive role in the development of increasing rates of antibiotic resistance. The present study examines the wastewater of 31 patient rooms of various German clinics for possible residues of antibiotics, as well as the wastewater of five private households as a reference.To the best of our knowledge, this study shows for the first time that in hospitals with high antibiotic consumption rates, residues of these drugs can be regularly detected in toilets, sink siphons and shower drains at concentrations ranging from 0.02?μg·L?1 to a maximum of 79?mg·L?1. After complete flushing of the wastewater siphons, antibiotics are no longer detectable, but after temporal stagnation, the concentration of the active substances in the water phases of respective siphons increases again, suggesting that antibiotics persist through the washing process in biofilms. This study demonstrates that clinical wastewater systems offer further possibilities for the optimization of antibiotic resistance surveillance.  相似文献   

Background Occupational fatigue is relatively common withinthe general population and has been linked to reduced performance,injury and longer term ill-health. Despite growing acknowledgementof this problem in the maritime sector, little research hasbeen conducted into the risk factors, prevalence and consequencesof seafarers' fatigue. Aims To examine the prevalence of fatigue among seafarers, identifypotential risk factors and assess possible links with poor performanceand ill-health. Methods Cross-sectional questionnaire survey of seafarers workingin the offshore oil support, short-sea and deep-sea shippingindustries. A number of tools were used including the fatiguesubscale of the profile of fatigue-related symptoms, the CognitiveFailures Questionnaire, the General Health Questionnaire andthe SF36 General Health scale. Results In all, 1855 questionnaires were completed giving anoverall response rate of 20%. Fatigue symptoms were associatedwith a range of occupational and environmental factors, manyunique to seafaring. Reporting a greater number of risk factorswas associated with greater fatigue [e.g. OR = 2.53 (1.90–3.35)for those with three or four risk factors and OR = 9.54 (6.95–13.09)for those with five or more risk factors]. There was also astrong link between fatigue and poorer cognitive and healthoutcomes, with fatigue the most important of a number of riskfactors, accounting for 10–14% of the variance. Conclusions Seafarers' fatigue could impact on safety withinthe industry and may be linked to longer term individual ill-health.It can only be addressed by considering how multiple factorscombine to contribute to fatigue.  相似文献   

Abstract Hydrazine is a hazardous chemical commonly used as a reactant in rocket and jet fuel cells. Animal studies have demonstrated hepatic changes after hydrazine inhalation. Human case reports of hydrazine inhalation hepatotoxicity are rare. We report a case of mild hepatotoxicity following brief hydrazine vapour inhalation in a healthy young man, which resolved completely on expectant management.  相似文献   

Influenza is common, causing considerable morbidity and sickness absence from work in most winters. Influenza vaccines have been available for >40 years, but are not extensively used in the workforce (in the UK). Amantadine has been available for 25 years as a treatment and prophylactic against influenza A infection, but has scarcely been used. In the last 3 years, two neuraminidase inhibitor antivirals, zanamivir and oseltamivir, have been introduced to the market for the treatment and prophylaxis of influenza A and B infections. This review focuses on aspects of prevention and treatment of influenza appropriate to people of working age. Decisions based on the cost-effectiveness of prevention and treatment options differ when viewed from the perspective of the healthcare provider, the employer or the employee. Options currently available need to be directed to a wider range of people than those conventionally regarded as the target risk group.  相似文献   

Employers have a legal duty to manage safety and to meet this duty it is necessary to control risks arising from pre-existing medical conditions. Such conditions can be identified at the time of job placement, but there is little published information about the approach to fitness standards by most airlines. This review is therefore limited to the practice of one major airline. It is illustrated by reference to various occupations within the airline, with the associated rationale.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Older women have been observed to have more serious injury particularly fractures after slips, trips or falls at the workplace. It is unclear whether this excess reflects a greater likelihood of falling or a greater proportion presenting with fractures once the fall has occurred. METHODS: Two studies were carried out: Study A, of 130 women who fell at work and matched referents, and Study B, of 120 women who fell at work and sustained a major fracture and 314 matched referents who fell but for whom no fracture was recorded. In Study A, the workplace of the case and referent was observed, questionnaires completed and objective health measures carried out. Study B relied on information obtained from the subject by postal questionnaire. RESULTS: Women who fell were older than referents matched on workplace and occupation, but age did not continue to be a significant factor after allowing for bodyweight and use of spectacles. Fractures were more common in older women who fell, particularly post-menopausal women with low body mass. The risk of fracture increased steadily with age without an obvious discontinuity around the likely age of menopause. CONCLUSIONS: The observed excess of fractures in older women falling at work appeared to be explained by the greater risk of fracture among those who fell.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare morbidity betweenambulance staff and other groups of health service workers,to facilitate planning of occupational health (OH) services.A retrospective study of employees of The Eastern Health andSocial Services Board, Northern Ireland was conducted. Subjectswere 181 men and 353 women assessed at OH between 1988–92and found eligible (on the basis of permanent incapacity) toapply for early retirement on medical grounds (EROMG). Ambulancepersonnel showed a high rate of EROMG (55.9/1,000 per annum)both compared with previous ambulance studies (5.7–22.5/1,000),and with other groups in the present study (manual 24.8/1,000,nursing 5.9/1,000 and non-manual 2.6/1,000). Indirect standardizationwas used to correct for age-sex differences between groups,by deriving standardized early retirement ratios (SERR). Ambulanceand manual staff showed high SERRs (636, Cl=558–714 and164, Cl=149–179), whereas nursing and non-manual staffshowed low SERRs (91, Cl=75–107 and 38, Cl=25–52),(all results except that for nursing staff being significantat <0.001). There is evidence that ambulance staff are agroup with high morbidity, and thus deserving of particularattention in terms of preventative and health promotional activities.Other issues requiring consideration in relation to ambulancestaff are redeployment and lowering of the retirement age.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Silicosis is the second commonest notified occupational disease in Hong Kong. AIM: To characterize the determinants of spirometric abnormalities in silicosis. METHOD: The spirometric patterns of consecutive silicotic patients on confirmation by the Pneumoconiosis Medical Board from 1991 to 2002 were correlated with demographic characteristics, occupational history, smoking history, tuberculosis (TB) history and radiographic features by univariate and multiple regression analyses. RESULTS: Of 1576 silicotic patients included, 55.6% showed normal spirometry, 28.5% normal forced vital capacity (FVC>or=80% predicted) but reduced forced expiratory ratio (FER<70%), 7.6% reduced FVC but normal FER, and 8.4% reduced both FVC and FER. Age, ever-smoking, cigarette pack-years, industry, job type, history of TB, size of lung nodules and progressive massive fibrosis (PMF) were all significantly associated with airflow limitation on univariate analysis (all P<0.05), while sex and profusion of nodules were not. Only age, cigarette pack-years, history of TB, size of lung nodules and PMF remained as significant independent predictors of airflow obstruction in multiple logistic regression analysis. After controlling for airflow obstruction, only shorter exposure duration, history of TB and profusion of nodules were significant independent predictors of reduced FVC. As well as age, history of TB, cigarette pack-years, PMF and nodule size contributed comparable effects to airflow obstruction in multiple linear regression analyses, while profusion of nodules was the strongest factor for reduced vital capacity. CONCLUSIONS: In an occupational compensation setting, disease indices and history of tuberculosis are independent predictors of both airflow obstruction and reduced vital capacity for silicotic patients.  相似文献   

A xanthate reagent mixer at a gold mine concentrator was exposed to carbon disulphide by extensive skin contamination with xanthate powder and solution during the reagent mixing process. Absorption of carbon disulphide was confirmed by the detection of urinary 2-thiothiazolidine-4-carboxylic acid (TTCA). Drager colorimetric tube testing during subsequent mixing recorded a maximum concentration of at least 60 ppm carbon disulphide. An illness consisting of predominantly gastrointestinal symptoms began 20 h after the exposure. Although this may have been due to carbon disulphide toxicity this is by no means certain. The need for engineering controls, impervious protective clothing and full-face respirators with particulate and organic vapour cartridges is discussed. This episode occurred at another mine site, unrelated to Mount Isa Mines Limited.  相似文献   

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