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Recent pharmacological and biochemical studies have suggested that there may be more than one molecular form of the neurokinin-1 receptor (NK-1), a long and short isoform differing in the length of their cytoplasmic carboxyl-terminal tails, but no definitive evidence of the existence of such NK-1 receptor isoforms in tissue has been presented. To examine whether these different isoforms are expressed in vivo we have compared the distribution of high affinity substance P (SP) binding sites (visualized by autoradiography with [125I]SP), with the distribution of the C-terminal epitope of the full length receptor (visualized with a specific antibody against the extreme C-terminal sequence). The former method labels both long and short forms of the NK-1 receptor, while the latter labels only the long form of the protein. In the rat there is a close correspondence of [125I]SP binding and NK-1 immunoreactivity in the striatum, suggesting that the long isoform predominates in this tissue. In the parotid and submaxillary gland, there are very high levels of [125I]SP binding but only low levels of NK-1 immunoreactivity, suggesting that expression of the short form predominates in these tissues. These results imply that different tissues express different ratios of the two isoforms of the NK-1 receptor. This differential expression provides the theoretical basis for tissue specific pharmacological targeting of NK-1 receptors.  相似文献   

The relationship between substance P-containing axons and sympathetic preganglionic neurons possessing the neurokinin-1 receptor was investigated in the lateral horn of the rat thoracic spinal cord. Sympathetic preganglionic neurons were labelled retrogradely with Fluorogold. Sections containing labelled cells were reacted with antibodies against choline acetyltransferase, substance P and the neurokinin-1 receptor and examined with three-colour confocal laser scanning microscopy. In all, 95 sympathetic preganglionic neurons were examined and 79% of these were immunoreactive for the neurokinin-1 receptor. Substance P-immunoreactive axons not only made contacts with preganglionic neurons which were immunoreactive for the receptor but also made contacts with cells which did not express the receptor. Dendrites, labelled with immunoreactivity for choline actyltransferase, also received contacts from substance P-immunoreactive varicosities but this was not related to the presence or the absence of receptor. An electron microscopic analysis was performed to investigate the relationship between substance P-containing boutons and dendrites possessing the neurokinin-1 receptor. Immunoreactivity for substance P was detected with peroxidase immunocytochemistry and immunoreactivity for the receptor was detected with the silver-intensified gold method. Substance P-containing boutons made synapses with dendrites which were positively and negatively labelled for the receptor. Receptor immunoreactivity was not usually present at synapses formed by substance P boutons with neurokinin-1-immunoreactive dendrites. It is concluded that substance P may modulate much of the activity of sympathetic preganglionic neurons through an indirect non-synaptic mechanism.  相似文献   

We used isolated IgG antibodies selective for P2X3 receptors to study the ultrastructural distribution of these receptors in rat sensory neurons. In trigeminal ganglia, P2X3 receptor immunoreactivity occurred in small and large nerve cell bodies and their processes. Endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus were heavily stained; cytoplasmic matrix was faintly to moderately stained. In synaptic glomeruli in lamina II of cervical dorsal horn, P2X3 receptor-immunoreactive core terminals were postsynaptic to unlabelled vesicle-containing dendrites and axons. In the nucleus of the solitary tract, receptor-positive boutons synapsed on dendrites and cell bodies and had complex synaptic relationships with other axon terminals and vesiculated dendrites. These observations identify sites from which ATP could be released to influence sensory signalling within the central nervous system.  相似文献   

1. The mechanism of action of P2 nucleotide receptor agonists that produce endothelium-independent relaxation and the influence of ecto-ATPase activity on this relaxing effect have been investigated in rat portal vein smooth muscle. 2. At 25 degrees C, ATP, 2-methylthioATP (2-MeSATP) and 2-chloroATP (2-ClATP), dose-dependently inhibited spontaneous contractile activity of endothelium-denuded muscular strips from rat portal vein. The rank order of agonist potency defined from the half-inhibitory concentrations was 2-CIATP (2.7+/-0.5 microM, n=7) >ATP (12.9+/-1.1 microM, n=9) > or =2-MeSATP (21.9+/-4.8 M, n=4). In the presence of alphabeta-methylene ATP (alphabeta-MeATP, 200 microM) which itself produced a transient contractile effect, the relaxing action of ATP and 2-MeSATP was completely abolished and that of 2-ClATP strongly inhibited. 3. The non-selective P2-receptor antagonist pyridoxalphosphate-6-azophenyl-2',4'-disulphonic acid (PPADS, 100 microM) did not affect the relaxation induced by ATP, 2-MeSATP, and 2-ClATP. 4. The A2A-adenosine receptor antagonist ZM 241385 inhibited the ATP-induced relaxation in a concentration-dependent manner (1-100 nM). In the presence of 100 nM ZM 241385, the relaxing effects of 2-MeSATP and 2-ClATP were also inhibited. 5. ADP, AMP and adenosine also produced concentration-dependent inhibition of spontaneous contractions. The relaxing effects of AMP and adenosine were insensitive to alphabeta-MeATP (200 microM) but were inhibited by ZM 241385 (100 nM). 6. Simultaneous measurements of contraction and ecto-ATPase activity estimated by the degradation of [gamma-32P]-ATP showed that muscular strips rapidly (10-60 s) hydrolyzed ATP. This ecto-ATPase activity was abolished in the presence of EDTA and was inhibited by 57+/-11% (n=3) by 200 microM alphabeta-MeATP. 7. These results suggest that ATP and other P2-receptor agonists are relaxant in rat portal vein smooth muscle, because ectonucleotidase activity leads to the formation of adenosine which activates A2A-receptors.  相似文献   

The development of angiogenesis within a tumor brings on a sequence of extremely complex molecular events. We have developed a methodology which enables a wide set of biological parameters to be quantitatively determined in the field of anti-angiogenesis pharmacology. This methodology which includes a video cell tracking device, is unique because it offers the possibility of evaluating the specific influence of a given compound with potential anti-angiogenic properties on cell cycle kinetics, cell death, global cell line growth, and cell motility. We chose TNP-470, a synthetic analogue of fumagilin, to test our methodology on HUVEC cell lines taken from various human umbilical cord veins. The experiments carried out with TNP-470 did not confirm all the data reported in the literature. Our results show that i) TNP-470 could be considered as a cytotoxic agent; ii) this compound had an apparently marginal cytostatic effect; and iii) it did not increase the apoptosis level. Our methodology also revealed that the HUVEC cell lines are very heterogeneous in terms of different biological parameters. This highlights the problem of the reproductibility of the result.  相似文献   

The effects of 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) on the isolated portal vein and caudal artery of the rat were studied to investigate the possibility of producing in vitro adrenergic denervation of these blood vessels. Loss of nerve function was determined by field stimulation of the nerves, using short pulses, and by 3H-norepinephrine (NE) uptake. Addition of 6-OHDA produced contractions of both veins and arteries. Two hours after treatment with 6-OHDA, the contractile responses of the caudal arteries and portal veins to field stimulation were reduced to undetectable levels. At this point, the vessels were unable to take up 3H-NE and incubation of the preparations with l-NE failed to restore the contractile responses to nerve stimulation. Prejunctional supersensitivity to l-NE was observed in the portal vein after 6-OHDA but hot in helically cut strips of caudal artery. Prejunctional supersensitivity of the caudal artery to NE was seen, however, if the vessel geometry was kept intact, suggesting that the uptake mechanism for catecholamines only plays a major role in the termination of action of exgenous NE when norepinephrine is applied through the nerve plexus. We conclude that in vitro treatment with 6-OHDA rapidly produces functional adrenergic denervation of both portal vein and caudal artery of the rat and provides an accurate assessment of the importance of the neuronal uptake mechanism to NE sensitivity.  相似文献   

Using a sensitive radioimmunoassay we have studied the regional distribution of substance P. The level of substance P is higher in the mesencephalon, hypothalamus and preoptic area than in other regions of the brain. Substance P is found in especially high concentrations in the reticular part of the substantia nigra and the interpeduncular nucleus. It is present in large amounts in several septal, preoptic and hypothalamic nuclei as well.  相似文献   

Anastomotic leakage is the main reason of high mortality in colorectal surgery. The healing of anastomosis is predominantly derived from collagen fibrils. Substance P causes the proliferation of fibroblasts and connective tissue. The effect of SP on postoperative changes of collagen concentration was measured around the anastomotic side in rats. The studies shows, that SP induces a significant decrease in collagen synthesis in colon.  相似文献   

The unc-51 gene, isolated from mutants of Caenorhabditis elegans exhibiting abnormal axonal extension and growth, encodes a novel serine/threonine kinase (K. Ogura, et al., 1994, Genes Dev. 8: 2389-2400). Here we report the molecular cloning and characterization of the human homologue of UNC-51, designated ULK1, for UNC-51 (C. elegans)-like kinase 1. Sequence analysis of the human ULK1 cDNA showed that an open reading frame is composed of 1050 amino acids with a calculated MW of 112.6 kDa and a pI of 8.80. Homology search analysis showed that ULK1 has 41% overall similarity to UNC-51 and 29% similarity to Apg1p of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Phylogenetic analysis of ULK1, UNC-51, and Apglp suggested that they constitute a novel subfamily of serine/threonine kinases. Southern blot analyses suggested that the ULK1 gene spans 30-40 kb in the human genome as a single-copy gene. Zoo blot analysis indicated that ULK1 kinase is conserved among vertebrates including mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish. Northern blot analysis revealed that ULK1 is ubiquitously expressed in adult human tissues such as skeletal muscle, heart, pancreas, brain, placenta, liver, kidney, and lung, whereas UNC-51 is specifically detected in the nervous system of C. elegans. Both FISH and RH mapping confirmed the regional localization of ULK1 to human chromosome 12q24.3.  相似文献   

Micropuncture and clearance techniques were used simultaneously to determine the effect of substance P on proximal tubular and overall renal function in anesthetized rats. This polypeptide, infused in saline at 50 pg/min into the abdominal aorta above the renal arteries, produced increases in urine flow, 2.7-3.7 mul/min.g kidney wt (P is less than 0.005); urinary sodium concentration, 32-61 meq/liter (P is less than 0.01); and sodium excretion, 89-223 neq/min (P is less than 0.005). Tubular fluid to plasma inulin concentration ratio measured in the last accessible proximal convolution fell from 2.21 to 1.80 (P is less than 0.001), and thus fractional reabsorption was reduced from 54 to 44% (P is less than 0.001). Absolute reabsorption by the proximal convoluted tubule was also reduced 15.5-12.5 nl/min (P is less than 0.025). In a control series of animals, saline alone infused at the same rate did not produce any statistically significant changes in the measured parameters over the same time period. The intrerenal mechanism responsible for the reduction in proximal reabsorption appears to be a tubular one since no consistent or significant changes were observed in kidney or single nephron glomerular filtration rate, renal plasma flow, or intrarenal hydrostatic pressures. No evidence was found to indicate redistribution of filtration rate, or plasma flow, or a reduction in filtration fraction.  相似文献   

The myelin sheath and axon areas in the sciatic nerve of 20 adult rats were studied using the video-point-counting method (Quantimet). This automatic measurement procedure allows an exact and rapid determination of the above mentioned areas as a result of the differing intensities of the structures. The electron-microscopic pictures are projected at a magnification of 3500 onto the monitor through a lens system from a Vidikon-TV-tube, objective 32 mm. The areas of single nerve cross-sections, myelin sheath areas and total area are then measured. These area values are stated in picture points which can be calculated to absolute values. The statistical evaluation of both parameters shows a linear regression with a correlation coefficient of 0.94. These values are compared with the results obtained using the conventional manual methods of other authors, e.g. determination of lamellae number or myelin sheath thickness as well as axon circumference or axon diameter. The special advantages of this procedure are thereby pointed out.  相似文献   

Blunt trauma to the abdomen is an exceptional cause of portal vein thrombosis. To our knowledge, 8 cases have been reported in the literature. When thrombosis of the portal vein occurs, a complete search for all the known main causes must be carried out before entertaining this diagnosis. Other causes may be cirrhosis, tumors and inflammation of the abdomen, coagulation disorders and hematologic diseases including latent myeloproliferative syndrome. We report a case in a 25-year-old man with an uneventful past history who presented with thrombosis of the portal vein after a violent blunt trauma which occurred during a rugby play. In this young man, none of the other potential causes was found, in particular bone marrow culture on medium with low growth-factor concentration allowed us to eliminate a latent myeloproliferative syndrome. The only triggering factor remaining was the recent abdominal trauma. After an 18-month follow-up, no other element has been observed which could have caused thrombosis of the portal vein.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the signal processing and analysis methods currently in use for the P wave signal-averaged electrocardiogram and to define optimal parameters for its use. P wave signal-averaged electrocardiograms using the QRS as a trigger for alignment of the analysis window were obtained in 15 subjects with prior atrial fibrillation and 15 controls. Five methods of signal filtering (unidirectional, bidirectional, finite impulse response, least squares fit, and spectral fast-Fourier transform) and three filter frequencies (14, 29, and 60 Hz) were compared with logistic regression analysis. Analysis techniques, including P wave vector duration, individual orthogonal lead duration, and terminal root mean square voltage were also evaluated for the strength of their association with the occurrence of atrial fibrillation. The least-squares fit filter with bandwidth filtering of 29 to 250 Hz produced the strongest association with atrial fibrillation (odds ratio 26). A high correlation (r > 0.92) was noted among the individual orthogonal leads; however, neither individual leads nor total atrial activation determined from individual leads demonstrated a superior association with atrial fibrillation when compared with total vector P wave duration. Terminal P wave RMS volt ages were not significantly different between patients with prior AF and controls.  相似文献   

Patients with familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy (FAP) showed extremely low plasma apolipoprotein AII (apoAII) levels and apolipoprotein AII/AI (apoAII/AI) ratio while plasma levels of AI, B, CII, CIII, and E were all within normal ranges. To elucidate the reason for these phenomena, we investigated the percent of these proteins contained in high density lipoprotein (HDL) extracted from plasma of FAP patients by ultracentrifugation. The apoAII/AI ratio in extracted HDL was much lower in asymptomatic carriers of FAP as well as FAP patients than that in control subjects. Since a significant amount of apoAII as well as apoAI was recognized in the fraction of the density > 1.21 g/ml in the samples from asymptomatic carriers of FAP and FAP patients, decreased apoAII/AI ratio may result from the increased dissociation of apoAII from HDL during the process of the ultracentrifugation. Electrophoresis of HDL extracted by agarose gel revealed that HDL from asymptomatic carriers of FAP as well as FAP patients increased negative charge, suggesting that nature of HDL itself may change in these subjects. Although urinary excretion of apoAII was increased in carriers of FAP and FAP patients, there was no correlation between plasma and urinary apoAII levels and also no relationship between urinary total protein and apoAII levels. These results suggest that changed affinity of apoAII to HDL may cause the increased secretion of apoAII to the urine and the decreased plasma apoAII level in carriers of FAP and FAP patients.  相似文献   

Progesterone (P) acts in the central nervous system to increase prolactin secretion in estrogen (E)-primed female monkeys. beta-Endorphin (BE) and Substance P (SP) are two hypothalamic peptides which increase prolactin secretion when administered to rats and monkeys. Studies were performed to determine if P acts on these two potential prolactin-releasing systems. The presence of a nuclear steroid receptor defines the cell as a target for the cognate hormone. Therefore, the hypothalamic populations of BE and SP neurons were examined for the presence and regulation of nuclear progestin receptors (PR) in spayed, E-treated (28 days) and E + P-treated monkeys (14 days E + 14 days E + P). Hypothalamic blocks were prepared after perfusion fixation with 4% paraformaldehyde. Cryosectioning (10 mu m) was followed by double immunocytochemistry (ICC) for PR (black nuclear stain) and either BE or SP (brown cytoplasmic stain). Sections were processed for ICC at 100- or 200-mu m intervals through the hypothalamic block. Peptidergic neurons with and without PR were counted in each section. The E + P-treated monkeys exhibited a significant increase in serum prolactin. BE neurons were found only in the arcuate nucleus (ARC) and median eminence (ME). The colocalization of BE and PR equaled 2% in spayed controls, 21% in the E-treated group and 25% in the E + P-treated group. SP neurons were located in a dorsomedial hypothalamic (DMH) subpopulation which extended caudally under the mamillary nuclei and in a subpopulation located in the ARC and ME. Neither the DMH or submamillary SP neurons contained PR. The percent colocalization of SP and PR in the ARC/ME equaled 5, 26 and 10% in the spayed, E- and E + P-treated groups, respectively. The decrease in PR + SP colocalization with P treatment is probably due to a decrease in SP and not to a decrease in PR immunoreactivity. In summary, E treatment induced PR in BE and SP neurons. Addition of P to the E treatment did not alter the expression of PR in BE neurons, but PR colocalization decreased in SP neurons. Therefore, it is unlikely that SP neurons could transduce the action of P on prolactin secretion in primates, but BE neurons may play an intermediary role.  相似文献   

The possible modulation exerted by glutamate on substance P (SP) release from the rat spinal cord has been investigated. The N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor agonist, NMDA (1 microM), increased SP basal outflow by 46.5+/-10.9% (n = 3, P<0.01) without changing the evoked release of the peptide. Conversely, NMDA antagonists but not 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione (CNQX) inhibited both electrically-evoked and capsaicin-induced release of SP. In particular, D-2-amino-5-phosphonopentanoate (D-AP5; 50 microM) inhibited electrically-evoked and capsaicin-induced release of SP by 93+/-2.4% and 93.2+/-3.8% (n = 12, P<0.01), respectively. Functional pharmacological evidence is provided for glutamate exerting a positive feedback on SP release evoked by C fibre stimulation via NMDA receptor activation.  相似文献   

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