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Ten years ago, environmental problems were easy to define: The Hudson and Potomac were polluted; Los Angeles had lousy air; some waste dumps were highly toxic. Solutions were also relatively straightforward: the Clean Air Act for dirty airsheds; the Clean Water Act for dirty rivers; the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA, better known as Superfund) for hazardous waste sites. Unfortunately, reality is not quite so neat. We now know that we were seeing—and treating—symptoms, not the disease itself.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a hydrological modeling framework to define achievable performance standards (APSs) for pesticides that could be attained after implementation of recommended management actions, agricultural practices, and available technologies (i.e., beneficial management practices [BMPs]). An integrated hydrological modeling system, Gestion Intégrée des Bassins versants à l'aide d'un Système Informatisé, was used to quantify APSs for six Canadian watersheds for eight pesticides: atrazine, carbofuran, dicamba, glyphosate, MCPB, MCPA, metolachlor, and 2,4-D. Outputs from simulation runs to predict pesticide concentration under current conditions and in response to implementation of two types of beneficial management practices (reduced pesticide application rate and 1- to 10-m-wide edge-of-field and/or riparian buffer strips, implemented singly or in combination) showed that APS values for scenarios with BMPs were less than those for current conditions. Moreover, APS values at the outlet of watersheds were usually less than ecological thresholds of good condition, when available. Upstream river reaches were at greater risk of having concentrations above a given ecological thresholds because of limited stream flows and overland loads of pesticides. Our integrated approach of "hydrological modeling-APS estimation-ecotoxicological significance" provides the most effective interpretation possible, for management and education purposes, of the potential biological impact of predicted pesticide concentrations in rivers.  相似文献   

To date, many water quality monitoring networks for surface freshwaters have been rather haphazardly designed without a consistent or logical design strategy. Moreover, design practices in recent years indicate a need for cost-effective and logistically adaptable network design approaches. There are many variables that need to be included in a comprehensive yet practical monitoring network: a holistic appraisal of the monitoring objectives, representative sampling locations, suitable sampling frequencies, water quality variable selection, and budgetary and logistical constraints are examples. In order to investigate the factors which affect the development of an effective water quality monitoring network design methodology, a review of past and current approaches is presented.  相似文献   

中国是造纸大国,制浆造纸在中国属于重污染行业。2008年国家发布的《制浆造纸工业水污染物排放标准》对整个行业可能排放的污染物提出了要求。本文通过将该标准与国外造纸行业相关的水污染物排放标准进行比较研究,找出我国标准与国外的差别,并为完善我国造纸行业水污染物排放标准提出建议。  相似文献   

This paper describes the primary energy resources of New Zealand and their relative importance. It describes the principal legislation that provides environmental protection and public participation with which State and private agencies are bound to comply. The paper then discusses air pollution in further detail and cites three examples where there is cause for concern. By international standards, air pollution is not a serious problem in New Zealand and so the economic consequences have received little attention Two simple examples are cited. A map showing the main centers and the location of facilities referred to in the text is included  相似文献   

Developing a collaborative model for environmental planning and management   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Methods for involving the public in natural resource management are changing as agencies adjust to an increasingly turbulent social and political environment. There is growing interest among managers and scholars in collaborative approaches to public involvement. Collaboration is conceptually defined and elaborated using examples from the natural resource management field. This paper then examines how collaboration theory from the organizational behavior field can help environmental managers to better understand those factors that facilitate and inhibit collaborative solutions to resource problems. A process-oriented model is presented that proposes that collaboration emerges out of an environmental context and then proceeds sequentially through a problem-setting, direction-setting, and structuring phase. Factors constraining collaboration are also specified, including organizational culture and power differentials. Designs for managing collaboration are identified, which include appreciative planning, joint agreements, dialogues, and negotiated settlements. Environmental managers need new skills to manage collaboration within a dynamic social and political environment. Further research is needed to test the propositions outlined here.  相似文献   

Businesses outside the European Community (EC) will soon discover that pressure is mounting for their products to meet minimum environmental standards now being drafted by the EC. Companies will be pressed to demonstrate that their products and production facilities and operations (1) help preserve, protect, and improve the environment, (2) contribute toward protecting human health, and (3) ensure a prudent and rational use of natural resources. The EC is offering two avenues to companies: the Ecolabel to provide evidence that a product complies with the EC environmental standards and the Audit Scheme to assure potential consumers that a company's operations and facilities do likewise. This article presents an overview of the EC Ecolabel and Audit Scheme processes and requirements in order to help prepare foreign businesses for commerce with the EC.  相似文献   

There is growing interest in including measures of external reality in models of person-environment transactions. That step is necessary to avoid circularity in reasoning and to change environments in desired ways. This study tests the utility of technical assessments of environmental quality, derived independently of the judgements of respondents or observers. Nine components based on objective facts about the residential environment, nine components based on person charactertistics, plus age and sex were used to predict 13 criteria which reflect the residents' perceptions of various aspects of their environment and of its impact on their well-being. The technical environmental assessment indices made statistically significant independent contributions which cross-validated with all of the 13 criteria. The person components plus age and sex also made independent contributions which cross-validated with 12 of the 13 criteria. The results support the idea that technical environmental assessments can play a constructive role in clarifying person-environment transactions, and that they are complementary to rather than redundant with personal characteristics of respondents in affecting environmental perceptions.  相似文献   

The Environmental Auditing Roundtable recently promulgated the Standards for the Performance of Environmental, Health, and Safety Audits that are featured in this article. With many global initiatives converging in the development of environmental auditing and management standards, this document represents a vital building block, unique from many others in that it was built by a broad-based consensus effort of actual practitioners. Over 95 percent of the Roundtable members who voted on the standard endorsed it.  相似文献   

Pesticides can volatilize into the atmosphere, which affects the air quality. The ability to predict pesticide volatilization is an essential tool for human risk and environmental assessment. Even though there are several mathematical models to assess and predict the fate of pesticides in different compartments of the environment, there is no reliable model to predict volatilization. The objectives of this study were to evaluate pesticide volatilization under agricultural conditions using malathion [ O,O-dimethyl-S-(1,2-dicarbethoxyethyl)-dithiophosphate], ethoprophos (O-ethyl S,S-dipropylphosphorodithioate), and procymidone [N-(3,5-dichlorophenyl)-1,2-dimethylcyclopropane-1,2-dicarboximide] as test compounds and to evaluate the ability of the Pesticide Leaching Model (PELMO) to calculate the predicted environmental concentrations of pesticides in air under field conditions. The volatilization rate of procymidone, malathion, and ethoprophos was determined in a field study during two different periods (December 1998 and September 1999) using the Theoretical Profile Shape (TPS) method. The experiments were performed on bare silty soil in the Bologna province, Italy. Residues in the air were continuously monitored for 2 to 3 wk after the pesticide applications. The amount of pesticide volatilized was 16, 5, and 11% in December 1998 and 41, 23, and 19% in September 1999 for procymidone, malathion, and ethoprophos, respectively. In both these experiments, the PELMO simulations of the concentration of ethoprophos and procymidone were in good agreement with the measured data (factor +/- 1.1 on average). The volatilization of malathion was underestimated by a factor of 30 on average. These results suggest that volatilization described by PELMO may be reliable for volatile substances, but PELMO may underpredict volatilization for less-volatile substances.  相似文献   

Environmental conditions in the Mid-Atlantic region of United States are presently being documented in a series of reports that use 'environmental report cards' to summarize the condition of individual natural resources (e.g. estuaries, streams, forests, and landscapes) over the entire region and within major subregions. An 'index of environmental integrity' (IEI) approach has been developed and is illustrated using the information content of these report cards to evaluate the overall condition throughout the region. The IEI approach is a four-step process: (1) select individual components for the index, (2) calculate subindex values for each of the individual components, (3) aggregate the subindex values into the overall index, and (4) interpretation of index values. The IEI approach was illustrated by applying to the Mid-Atlantic estuaries and wadable streams in the Mid-Atlantic Highlands. Because the IEI approach is new, application should not be made without considering issues such as evaluation of the selection of the indicators, weighting scheme, uncertainties, and appropriate way to interpret the values.  相似文献   

In 1995 the authors spent a considerable amount of time conducting audits and audit training classes all over the world. In rolling out Colgate-Palmolive's reengineered environmental audit program, they coupled a two-day training program with a three-day audit. Whether in Asia-Pacific, South America, Europe, or the United States, auditors, especially those newly trained, always seemed to fall into the same traps time and again. In order to facilitate the learning process, the authors prepared a list of 20 tips to use at the beginning and end of all training programs and audits. In this article, the authors share the 20 “golden rules” to help all auditors improve the quality of their audits.  相似文献   

Agroforestry systems and environmental quality: introduction   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Investments in agroforestry research during the past three decades-albeit modest-have yielded significant gains in understanding the role of trees on farmlands, and the ecological and economic advantages of integrated farming systems. While early research focused mostly on farm or local levels, broader-level ecosystem services of agroforestry systems (AFS) have raised high expectations in recent years. The nine papers included in this special collection deal with three of such environmental benefits of AFS: water-quality enhancement, carbon sequestration, and soil improvement. These benefits are based on the perceived ability of (i) vegetative buffer strips (VBS) to reduce surface transport of agrochemical pollutants, (ii) large volumes of aboveground and belowground biomass of trees to store high amounts of C deeper in the soil profile, and (iii) trees to enhance soil productivity through biological nitrogen fixation, efficient nutrient cycling, and deep capture of nutrients. The papers included have, in general, substantiated these premises and provided new insights. For example, the riparian VBS are reported to increase the reservoir life, in addition to reducing transport of agrochemicals; the variations in C storage in different soil-fraction sizes suggest that microaggregate (250-53 μm) dynamics in the soil could be a good indicator of its C-storage potential; and the use of vector analysis technique is recommended in AFS to avoid consequences of inaccurate and overuse of fertilizers. The papers also identified significant knowledge gaps in these areas. A common theme across all three environmental quality issues covered is that more and varied research datasets across a broad spectrum of conditions need to be generated and integrated with powerful statistical tools to ensure wide applicability of the results. Furthermore, appropriate management practices that are acceptable to the targeted land users and agroforestry practitioners need to be designed to exploit these environmental benefits. The relative newness of research in environmental quality of AFS will pose some additional challenges as well. These include the lack of allometric equations for tree-biomass determination, absence of standardized norms on soil sampling depth, and limitations of fixed-effect models arising from issues such as pseudo-replication and repeated measures that are common in studies on preexisting field plots. Overall, this special collection is a timely effort in highlighting the promise of AFS in addressing some of the environmental quality issues, and the challenges in realizing that potential.  相似文献   

Because management is driven largely by financial concerns, determining the cost of environmental quality is a critical step in developing an environmental TQM program for which management will actively demonstrate commitment and support. Costs of environmental quality can be grouped into three categories: failure, prevention, and appraisal. The total cost of environmental quality can be used as a benchmark to monitor the level of environmental quality and to justify the redirection of resources.  相似文献   

An extensive data survey and study of the Greek market for composts or products marketed as such was carried out in order to acquire a comprehensive image of the local situation, in view of the proposed operation of large municipal solid waste (MSW) composting facilities and EU legislation changes. Physical and chemical parameters (moisture, organic matter, electrical conductivity, pH and heavy metals), stability indicators (self-heating potential, germination index) and biological indicators (microbial population, pathogen indicators and selected pathogens) were analyzed for the assessment of product quality. Results revealed wide variations even within the same group of products, which is particularly significant for parameters directly related to environmental protection and public health. The heavy metal content ranged from levels exceeding the fairly lenient Greek standards to below the stringent limits for A+ class compost in Austria. About 25% of the composts examined met the heavy metal limits for the EU eco-label award. Salmonella spp. was not detected in any of the composts but Staphylococcus aureus and Clostridium perfringens were found in 17 and 96% of the composts respectively. Pathogen indicator microorganisms were present at levels above suggested limits in all the composts. The high variability of such important parameters in composts available on the Greek market suggests an urgent need for establishing quality assurance procedures and mechanisms in the country. Moreover, the wide range of limit values within EU member states suggests the need for developing EU compost quality standards, in order to harmonize the compost markets.  相似文献   

Recent years have seen the environment emerge as one of the most pressing issues facing American business. Eventually, environmental costs will affect the bottom line of every American company. A recent study in the National Law Journal estimates that cleanup of the nation's known hazardous wastes sites will cost $752 billion over thirty years under current environmental policies. Environmental legislation and regulations impose annual compliance costs estimated by the Environmental Protection Agency at more than $30 billion. In the near future, environmental expenses for cleanup, regulatory compliance, and management are anticipated to grow to between 2.5 and 3 percent of GNP. Corporations that wish to be competitive must successfully manage these costs while maintaining or improving their role as responsible corporate citizens. Implementing a comprehensive system for identifying and managing environmental costs requires a multidisciplinary team effort. Environmental costs impact product selection, design and pricing, capital budgeting, and future strategic direction. In order to make informed and meaningful managerial decisions on environmental programs, real cost data are vital. An environmental management systems (EMS) requires information to set goals and then monitor progress towards those goals over time. This article will discuss the current cost accounting systems (CASs) available to support the myriad goals of environmental management systems. In addition, the article will outline a framework for plotting the location of your current EMS on a matrix of regulatory and information requirements and evaluating whether your corporation's CAS is adequate to support the goals and objectives set by your environmental management program. By anticipating future regulatory and information requirements, flexible systems can be developed to adapt to new and more stringent regulations and more complex information requirements.  相似文献   

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