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A 12 day growth trial was conducted to compare the effect of the variation in microcystins (MC) composition of two bloom samples of Microcystis aeruginosa on the growth performance and microcystin accumulation in common carp Cyprinus carpio larvae. Two M. aeruginosa natural bloom samples with different MC profiles were collected and larvae were exposed to cyanobacterial cells through their diet. Three diets, a basal control diet and two diets prepared from the basal diet plus the same toxins content (60 ng MC g?1 diet) of each cyanobacterial bloom, were given at the same ration level to three groups of larvae during the experimental period. Larval mass and standard length from day 9 were significantly different between cyanobacterial treatments and in both cases lower than that of the control. The MC accumulation by larvae, inversely correlated with the growth performance, was also significantly different between cyanobacterial treatments (26·96 v. 17·32 ng g?1 at the end of the experimental period). These results indicate that MC variants profile may have effects on the toxin uptake and toxicity. To date, this is the first laboratory study to show that fish accumulate MC depending on the toxin profile of the cyanobacterial bloom.  相似文献   

This review provides a meta‐analytical assessment of the global patterns and clines in the growth of Cyprinus carpio as measured by length‐at‐age (Lt) or von Bertalanffy growth function (VBGF) parameters, mass–length relationship (W–Lt) and condition factor, based on literature data. In total, 284 studies were retrieved spanning 91 years of research and carried out on 381 waterbodies–locations in 50 countries in all five continents. Although native C. carpio achieved larger (asymptotic) size relative to its non‐native counterpart, the latter grew faster during the first 7 years of life. Lentic populations (especially in natural lakes) also achieved larger sizes relative to lotic ones and the same was true for populations in cold and temperate v. arid climates. Unlike previous studies (on much more restricted datasets), only weak latitudinal clines in instantaneous growth rate, Lt at age 3 and mortality were observed globally and this was probably due to the presence of counter‐gradient growth variation at all representative age classes (i.e. 1–10 years). Slightly negative allometry was revealed by the W–Lt and the related form factor tended to distinguish the more elongated and torpedo‐shaped body typical of the wild form from the deeper body of feral‐domesticated C. carpio. Existing population dynamics models for C. carpio will benefit from the comprehensive range of waterbody type × climate class‐specific VBGF parameters provided in the present study; whereas, more studies are needed on the species' growth in tropical regions and to unravel the possibility of confounding effects on age estimation due to both historical and methodological reasons.  相似文献   

1. Aquatic predators may influence drift periodicity either directly or indirectly (by non‐consumptive effects involving chemical cues). We took drift samples (eight successive 3‐h sampling intervals over a 24‐h period) on five dates (September 2007, March, April, June and August 2008). Samples were taken at three sites (one site with trout throughout the year, two sites without trout but with fire salamander larvae as top predators from April to August, but without vertebrate predators during the rest of the year) in a stream near Vienna, Austria, to examine the effects of predators on drift periodicity. 2. Of 45 331 specimens caught, the most abundant taxa were Ephemeroptera (32.3%; mainly Baetidae), Diptera (21.5%; mainly Chironomidae), Amphipoda (17.4%; all Gammarus fossarum), Plecoptera (5.4%), Coleoptera (3.5%) and Trichoptera (1.2%). For more detailed analyses, we chose Ephemeroptera (Baetidae; n = 13 457) and Amphipoda (G. fossarum; n = 7888), which were numerous on all sampling dates. 3. The number of drifting baetids and amphipods, as well as total drift density, was generally higher at night than by day, although without predators these differences were significant for Gammaridae but not for Baetidae. 4. When broken down to size classes, night–day drift ratios generally were not significantly different from equality in all size classes of baetids when larval fire salamanders and trout were absent. When predators were present, however, baetid drift density was usually higher at night, except in the smallest and largest size classes. In all size classes of G. fossarum, drift density was usually higher at night, whether with or without the top predators. 5. Although we could study predator effects on drift periodicity at three sites on only a single stream, it seems that non‐consumptive effects may affect Baetidae. Salamander larvae, most probably via kairomones, induced a shift towards mainly nocturnal drift, which could be interpreted as predator avoidance.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments investigated changes in the vulnerability of herring to predation by whiting during growth from <34 to >80mm in length, Premetamorphic herring (<50mm) failed to react to c . 50% of attacks by the predator, but this was reduced to c . 20% in postmetamorphic fish. Premetamorphic herring failing to react had c. 30% probability of survival due to unforced errors by the predator (unsuccessful attacks that did not elicit a reaction by the prey), but these errors did not occur after herring metamorphosis. The loss of the advantage of lower conspicuousness following metamorphosis was counterbalanced by increased reactivity. Antipredator benefits should increase with schooling behaviour (first evident in experiments at c . 50 mm), so predation mortality should decrease in postmetamorphic herring in the sea. Metamorphosis itself would be associated with high predation risk since conspicuousness is enhanced but reactivity and schooling behaviour are still not fully developed.  相似文献   

Ontogenetic growth and development in the anemonefish Amphiprion melanopus (Pomacentridae) is very rapid when compared to other tropical and temperate fish species. A. melanopus hatched with a highly differentiated digestive tract and the ability to capture and ingest prey items. Their alimentary tract changes rapidly throughout the larval period. Concurrent with yolksac absorption at three days after hatching was the development of the stomach followed by calcification of the jaw structures. This period of acute structural change may be a critical period in their development. Metamorphosis coincided with settlement at 8 days after hatching and was marked by calcification of fins and acquirement of adult coloration. The rapid development found in this species may be a specialisation to enhance the return of larvae to a patchy and highly specific settlement habitat.  相似文献   

Short periods of light or no light (18D : 06L and 24D : 00L) resulted in an increased growth compared to extended periods of light (06D : 18L and 12D : 12L) in African catfish Clarias gariepinus . Fish under longer periods of light (12D : 12L and 18D : 06L) showed higher swimming activity, more aggression (injuries on the body) and higher lactate, free fatty acids and cortisol levels compared to those who were reared at shorter periods of light (24D : 00L and 18D : 06L). Feeding activity during light and dark periods in this experiment showed that C. gariepinus had both night and day feeding activities, with a preference to diurnal feeding in the 12D : 12L photoperiod. The results showed that light plays an important role in the African catfish behaviour and its well‐being. As the hours of light increased during the 24 h cycle, data suggests that the fish were more stressed and aggressive, compared to those under a reduced number of light hours.  相似文献   

Temperature influences both the physiology offish larvae and the physics of the flow conditions under which they swim. For small larvae in low Reynolds number (Re) hydrodynamic environments dominated by frictional drag, temperature‐induced changes in the physics of water flow have the greatest effect on swimming performance. For larger larvae, in higher Re environments, temperature‐induced changes in physiology become more important as larvae swim faster and changes in swimming patterns and mechanics occur. Physiological rates at different temperatures have been quantified using Q10s with the assumption that temperature only affected physiological variables. Consequently, Q10s that did not consider temperature‐induced changes in viscosity overestimated the effect of temperature on physiology by 58% and 56% in cold‐water herring and cod larvae respectively. In contrast, in warm‐water Danube bleak larvae, Q10s overestimated temperature‐induced effects on physiology by only 5–7%. This may be because in warm water, temperature‐induced changes affect viscosity to a smaller degree than in cold water. Temperature also affects muscle contractility and efficiency and at high swimming velocities, efficiency decreases more rapidly in cold‐exposed than in warm‐exposed muscle fibres. Further experiments are needed to determine whether temperature acts differently on swimming metabolism in different thermal environments. While hydrodynamic factors appear to be very important to larval fish swimming performance in cold water, they appear to lose importance in warm water where temperature effects on physiology dominate. This may suggest that major differences exist among locomotory capacities of larval fish that inhabit cold, temperate waters compared to those that live in warm tropical waters. It is possible that fish larvae may have developed strategies that affect dispersal and recruitment in different aquatic habitats in order to cope not only with temperature‐induced physiological challenges, but physical challenges as well.  相似文献   

D. Li    W. Hu    Y. Wang    Z. Zhu  † C. Fu  †‡ 《Journal of fish biology》2009,74(1):186-197
Critical swimming speeds ( U crit) and morphological characters were compared between the F4 generation of GH-transgenic common carp Cyprinus carpio and the non-transgenic controls. Transgenic fish displayed a mean absolute U crit value 22·3% lower than the controls. Principal component analysis identified variations in body shape, with transgenic fish having significantly deeper head, longer caudal length of the dorsal region, longer standard length ( L S) and shallower body and caudal region, and shorter caudal length of the ventral region. Swimming speeds were related to the combination of deeper body and caudal region, longer caudal length of the ventral region, shallower head depth, shorter caudal length of dorsal region and L S. These findings suggest that morphological variations which are poorly suited to produce maximum thrust and minimum drag in GH-transgenic C. carpio may be responsible for their lower swimming abilities in comparison with non-transgenic controls.  相似文献   

By adopting a longitudinal study design and through geometric morphometrics methods, we investigated individual and ontogenetic variation in size, shape and timing during larval development of the cabbage butterfly Pieris brassicae under laboratory conditions. We found that ontogenetic size progression departs modestly, but significantly, from growth at a constant rate and that size at hatching contributes considerably to determine the size of the individual at all subsequent stages. As for the shape, ontogenetic allometry is much more conspicuous than static allometry, the latter in many cases being close to isometry. Analysis of developmental timing revealed a stage of apparently more effective developmental control at stage 3, supported by both the relatively small variance in cumulative developmental time up to stage 3 and by the pattern of correlation between duration of single stages. While presenting detailed quantitative aspects of growth in P. brassicae, in particular with respect to individual variation, this study and the associated dataset can provide a basis for further explorations of the post‐embryonic development in this insect and contribute to the ongoing investigations on growth regulation and control in insects.  相似文献   

为了研究鲤(Cyprinus carpio)幼鱼快速启动游泳能力并揭示电刺激参数的影响,将90尾鲤幼鱼(体长6.47 cm ±0.09 cm;体重6.36 g±0.03 g)在水温25.0℃±0.5℃的条件下分别采用4个不同的刺激场强(0.25、0.40、0.55和0.70 v·cm-1)和5个不同的刺激历时(10、50、90、130和170 ms)测定实验鱼的快速启动游泳能力.结果表明:电刺激场强由0.25 v·cm-1分别上升至0.40、0.55 v·cm-1时,第一阶段偏转角度(θs1)、第二阶段最大线性加速度(αmax)和速度(Vmax)随刺激场强的升高而显著增大(P<0.05);而当刺激场强高于0.55 v·cm-1,上述3个参数却无显著差异(P>0.05);刺激历时在10 ~50 ms范围内,αmax 和Vmax随刺激历时的延长而显著增大(P<0.05),当刺激历时长于50 ms时上述2个参数均无显著差异(P>0.05);在场强和历时分别为0.55 v·cm-1和50 ms条件下,鲤幼鱼的θs1、αmax和Vmax分别是(56.51±4.11) deg、(31.60±3.62)m·s-2和(1.34±0.07)m·s-1;鲤幼鱼采取“快速直线”的逃逸策略,具有较强的快速启动游泳能力,鱼类的电刺激反应受刺激参数的影响并且存在阈值.  相似文献   

The relationship between rate of larval development and the potential to prolong larval life was examined for larvae of the marine prosobranch gastropod Crepidula plana Say. Larvae were maintained in clean glass dishes at constant temperatures ranging from 12–29°C and fed either Isochrysis galbana Parke (ISO) or a Tahitian strain of Isochrysis species (T-ISO). Under all conditions, larvae grew at constant rates, as determined by measurements of shell length and tissue biomass. Most larvae eventually underwent spontaneous metamorphosis. Regardless of temperature, faster growth was associated with a shorter planktonic stage prior to spontaneous metamorphosis. Within an experiment, higher temperatures generally accelerated growth rates and reduced the number of days from hatching to spontaneous metamorphosis. However, growth rates were independent of temperature for larvae fed ISO at 25 and 29°C and for larvae fed T-ISO at 20 and 25°C. Where growth rates were unaffected by temperature, time to spontaneous metamorphosis was similarly unaffected. Maximum durations of larval life at a given temperature were shorter for larvae of Crepidula plana than for those of the congener C. fornicata (L.), although both species grew at comparable rates. Interpretations of the ecological significance of these interspecific differences in delay capabilities will require additional data on adult distributions and larval dispersal patterns in the field.  相似文献   

Abstract. Certain stresses experienced by marine larvae from many groups can dramatically reduce aspects of juvenile performance. This study reports the effects of delayed metamorphosis and nutritional stress on survival and growth of the deposit-feeding sipunculan Apionsoma (= Golfingia ) misakianum . Approximately 600 larvae collected from the Florida Current plankton were distributed among 3 treatment groups. Ninety larvae (controls) were offered sediment and adult-conditioned seawater 4 d after collection, to induce metamorphosis; larvae of this species could not be induced to metamorphose by increasing the K+ concentration of seawater. The remaining 500 larvae were kept swimming for either 2 or 4 weeks, with or without phyto-plankton (clone T-ISO). At the end of the periods of prolonged larval swimming, subsampled larvae (360) were induced to metamorphose as in the controls. Surviving individuals were retrieved 6 weeks after the addition of excess sediment in all treatments, and weighed to document growth. Neither delayed metamorphosis nor starvation influenced juvenile survival. However, starving larvae for 2 weeks significantly reduced mean juvenile growth rates relative to the mean growth rate of control individuals (p<0.0001), while prolonging larval life by 4 weeks significantly reduced mean juvenile growth rates (p<0.05) whether or not larvae were fed. Reduced juvenile growth rates may have been caused by nutritional stress experienced by larvae in both the starved and fed treatments. The rapid response of freshly collected larvae to sediment indicates that competent larvae of this species routinely delay metamorphosis in the field. The extent to which they also experience food limitation is not yet clear. If competent larvae are food limited while delaying metamorphosis in the field, our results suggest that juveniles will grow more slowly and may thus exhibit reduced fitness.  相似文献   


The variability of the mild Irish climate is described. The effect of a slight rise in temperature is discussed as far as aquatic organisms are concerned. The effect is likely to be most marked on pelagic populations of marine organisms such as squid and also on intertidal animals. A rise in mean sea level is an indirect result of global warming, and this is likely to have an effect on estuarine organisms and mud flat dwellers. It is suggested that those organisms which are close to the southern limits of their distribution in Ireland may disappear from our fauna. Examples are given from earlier periods and from the present-day fauna. There is likely to be an expansion of the distribution of southern forms which at the moment are near the northern limit of their range. As far as terrestrial animals are concerned, the problem of whether the rainfall pattern will also change is discussed. The likely effects of this on parasite and free-living populations (including the fauna of temporary water bodies, common in West Ireland) are discussed. The complications introduced by diapause and related factors are considered. The fauna of peat bogs may be seriously affected and also those organisms dependent on certain food plants. The peculiar problems of Ireland in having so many empty niches is considered in relation to the increased dangers of accidental introductions.  相似文献   

Feeding pattern and the visual light environment in myctophid fish larvae   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The trophic spectrum and feeding pattern of two myctophid larvae, Benthosema glaciale and Myctophum punctatum , were analysed in relation to changes in daily light intensity. The larvae of both species live relatively deep, occurring in the first 100 m, though distribution of M. punctatum extends to 150 m depth. The present study, carried out in the western Mediterranean (Alboran Sea), indicated that the larvae of the two species exhibit different foraging strategies. Both started to feed at dawn, but while feeding of M. punctatum was high at dawn and dusk, the feeding of B. glaciale remained high throughout the day. The light intensity profiles taken during the day indicated that at the depths where the species dwelt, light intensity was enough to provoke a feeding response. The larvae of these species, in contrast to the majority of fish larvae, had an enhanced sensitivity due to their pure rod‐like retina, an adaptation for foraging at low light intensities. Both species showed an ontogenetic change in their diet: B. glaciale preflexion larvae fed mainly on copepod eggs and nauplii, while postflexion larvae consumed calanoid copepodites; M. punctatum larvae showed a more diversified diet, composed of larger prey items. The stalked and elongated eye of M. punctatum larvae would enable the detection of a greater range of prey in terms of shape and size. In addition, the retina of this species was characterized by a higher summation ratio and longer photoreceptors, indicating a preference for dimmer environments. This could explain the decreasing feeding activity of M. punctatum during the high light intensity of the middle daylight hours. As a clear relationship existed between feeding pattern and light intensity in these myctophid larvae, the visual characteristics of each species could help to explain the different strategies of foraging behaviour, therefore avoiding a possible overlap in their trophic niche.  相似文献   

Many fish species transform in body shape during growth, but it remains unclear how this influences the mechanics of locomotion. Therefore, the present study focused on understanding how drag generation during coasting is affected by ontogenetic changes in the morphology of zebrafish (Danio rerio). The shapes of the body and fins were measured from photographs of fish ranging in size from small larvae to mature adults and these morphometrics were compared to drag coefficients calculated from high-speed video recordings of routine swimming. We found that the viscous drag coefficient of larval and juvenile fish increased by more than an order of magnitude during growth and the inertial drag coefficient decreased at a comparable rate in adults. These hydrodynamic changes occurred as zebrafish disproportionately increased the span of their fins and their body changed shape from elongated to streamlined, as reflected by the logistic growth of a newly defined streamlining index, SL. These results suggest that morphological changes incur a performance cost by generating greater drag when larvae and juveniles operate in the viscous regime, but later provide a performance benefit by reducing pressure drag in the inertial regime of the adult stage.  相似文献   

We determined the percentages of muscle fibie nuclei and satellite nuclei over a growth range of carp ( Cyprinus carpio ), as the increase in the number of muscle fibre nuclei is an important aspect of the increase in muscle mass, and myosatellite cells are believed to be the source of new muscle fibre nuclei. In white as well as in red axial muscle the percentage of the nuclei present in muscle that are muscle nuclei (muscle fibre nuclei+myosatellite nuclei) remained constant during growth (54 and 32% respectively). The difference in the percentage of non-muscle nuclei between white and red axial muscle is mainly caused by the higher content of endothelial nuclei in red axial muscle.
In white axial muscle the DNA/protein ratio (nucleus/sarcoplasm ratio) decreased between 3 and 15 cm S.l. In red axial muscle we found a continuous decrease in DNA/protein ratio over the entire investigated size range (3–50 cm s.l.). This may be related to a longer occurrence of hyperplasia in red than in white axial muscle.
In both fibre types the percentage of muscle nuclei being myosatellite nuclei decreased with increasing length, In white axial muscle it decreased from about 5% in carp of 5 cm s.l. to less than 1% in carp of 20 cm S.L.; for red muscle these values were 11 and 3% respectively.
For white axial muscle we calculated that, especially in larger fish, the myosatellite ceils alone cannot account for the increase in the number of muscle fibre nuclei during growth. The percentage of proliferating nuclei in muscle tissue, measured by the uptake of 5-bromo-2'-deoxy-uridine, is high enough to account for the total increase in nuclei. So indirect evidence is available that another cell type present in the muscle tissue may also be involved in the formation of additional muscle fibre nuclei.  相似文献   

Moderate hypoxia (Pio2, = 50 mmHg) caused tachycardia in carp, Cyprinus curpio Linnaeus, whereas severe hypoxia (Pio2, from 30 to 5 mmHg) coincided with bradycardia accompanied by alterations of the waveforms of the electrocardiogram. A cardio respiratory synchronization developed during hypoxia and was maintained during bradycardia. The data raised the question: Does hypoxic bradycardia in part result from myocardial dysfunction or only from regulatory adjustments?  相似文献   

Abstract. It is well known that the competent larvae of many marine invertebrate species can be stimulated to metamorphose by exposing them to elevated concentrations of certain ions, neuroactive substances, and pharmacological agents. In this study we report that larvae of the euryhaline polychaete Capitella sp. I are induced to metamorphose within 24–48 h by reducing salinity from 30%‰ to 12–15%‰. At 10%‰, however, fewer larvae metamorphosed and the normal metamorphic response to sediment was inhibited; competence was restored within 3 h of transferring the larvae back to full strength seawater (30%‰). Larvae also metamorphosed within 24 h in response to increased external cadmium concentrations of 1000–2000 μg 1–1. Further understanding of how reduced salinity and elevated cadmium stimulate (or inhibit) metamorphosis may lead to a better understanding of signal perception and transduction in this and other species.  相似文献   

Summary Physiological compartmentation in carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) gonads was investigated after intracardial injection of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and two mouse anti-carp-sperm monoclonal antibodies.Immunohistochemistry revealed that a physiological barrier exists in carp testis for HRP and mouse IgG monoclonal antibody around the central lumina of the tubules in which the spermatozoa are located, but not around the cysts containing the precursor germ cells. The results with HRP were confirmed by electron microscopy. Mouse IgM monoclonal antibody did not penetrate the spermatogenic cysts. Probably because of its large size, it was almost exclusively located inside blood capillaries and only sparsely in the interstitial tissue.In the ovary, HRP was regularly distributed in the gonadal tissue, whereas the IgG antibody was predominantly localised on oogonia and early prophase oocytes. The results indicate that in contrast with the testis, no barrier around germ cells exists in the carp ovary.  相似文献   

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