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对剪切弹性模量沿深度以指数函数变化的非均质半空间,本文用摄动法得到了Rayleigh面波的波函数解答及相速度方程。以不同金属与陶瓷复合而成的几种梯度材料为例,用数值方法求解了相速度方程,给出了相应的波的弥散曲线,结果表明,梯度介质半空间自由表面附近的Rayleigh波通常有两种不同的弥散形式,即正常弥散和非正常弥散。  相似文献   

高速荷载下多孔饱和地基的动力响应   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
金波 《力学季刊》2004,25(2):168-174
研究高速荷载作用下梁与多孔饱和半空间的动力响应。由Fourier变换求解多孔饱和固体的动力基本方程,根据梁与半空间的接触条件得出多孔饱和半空间上梁的垂直位移的表达式。文中的数值算例考虑了荷载移动速度对梁的动力位移的影响,并与相应的弹性半空间问题作了对比。从算例中可以发现荷载移动速度对动力位移有很大的影响,当移动速度与半空间的表面波速相近时,地面会当产生很大的振动,同时还发现当速度大于介质的剪切波速时,多孔饱和半空间上梁的动力响应与弹性半空间上梁的动力响应有很大的差别。  相似文献   

求解饱和半空间上弹性圆板固结沉降的积分方程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘琦  金波 《力学季刊》2000,21(1):124-128
本文采用解析方法分析了弹性圆板在饮和半空间上的固结沉降。考虑弹性圆板与饮和半空间的接触面上无摩擦力,且饱和半空间表面为全部透水的。运用Biot固结理论和积分方程技术,在Laplace变换域上建立了弹性圆板固结沉降的对偶积分方程,并化此对偶积分方程为第二类Fredholm积分方程。通过对其核函数的有效数值发得到第二类Fredholm积分方程的解,再利用Lapace反演技术获得弹性板在时间域中的固结沉  相似文献   

The Stroh formalism is a powerful and elegant mathematical method developed for the analysis of the equations of anisotropic elasticity. The purpose of this exposition is to introduce the essence of this formalism and demonstrate its effectiveness in both static and dynamic elasticity. The equations of elasticity are complicated, because they constitute a system and, particularly for the anisotropic cases, inherit many parameters from the elasticity tensor. The Stroh formalism reveals simple structures hidden in the equations of anisotropic elasticity and provides a systematic approach to these equations. This exposition is divided into three chapters. Chapter 1 gives a succinct introduction to the Stroh formalism so that the reader could grasp the essentials as quickly as possible. In Chapter 2 several important topics in static elasticity, which include fundamental solutions, piezoelectricity, and inverse boundary value problems, are studied on the basis of the Stroh formalism. Chapter 3 is devoted to Rayleigh waves, for long a topic of utmost importance in nondestructive evaluation, seismology, and materials science. There we discuss existence, uniqueness, phase velocity, polarization, and perturbation of Rayleigh waves through the Stroh formalism.

The Table of Contents and Index are also provided as Electronic Supplementary Material for online readers at doi:   相似文献   

In this paper we consider the propagation of Rayleigh surface waves in an exponentially graded half-space made of an isotropic Kelvin-Voigt viscoelastic material. Here we take into account the effect of the viscoelastic dissipation energy upon the corresponding wave solutions. As a consequence we introduce the damped in time wave solutions and then we treat the Rayleigh surface wave problem in terms of such solutions. The explicit form of the secular equation is obtained in terms of the wave speed and the viscoelastic inhomogeneous profile. Furthermore, we use numerical methods and computations to solve the secular equation for some special homogeneous materials. The results sustain the idea, existent in literature on the argument, that there is possible to have more than one surface wave for the Rayleigh wave problem.  相似文献   

广义Rayleigh波的频谱特性分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
本文导出了在加层半空间中广义Rayleigh波的谱函数方程,研究了不同的材料组合对其频率特性的影响,并给出了广义Rayleigh波的相速度随频率变化的计算曲线。  相似文献   

The present investigation is aimed at studying the effect of rotation on propagation of Rayleigh—Lamb waves in a homogeneous isotropic thermoelastic diffusive plate of finite width in the framework of different theories of thermoelasticity, including the Coriolis and centrifugal forces. The medium is subjected to stress-free, thermally insulated, isothermal, and chemical potential boundary conditions and is rotating about an axis perpendicular to its plane. Secular equations corresponding to the symmetric and skew-symmetric modes of the plate are derived. Phase velocities and attenuation coefficients of various possible modes of wave propagation are computed from the secular equations. Amplitudes of displacements, temperature, and concentration for symmetric and skew-symmetric modes of plate vibrations are computed numerically. The computed results are presented graphically.  相似文献   

The contact problem concerning oscillation of a circular rigid punch, moving uniformly at sub-Rayleigh speed along the surface of an elastic half space, is investigated using a three-dimensional formulation. Slow motion of the punch is considered, which implies that the characteristic time for the external loading is much larger than the time interval necessary for shear waves to propagate across the punch. An asymptotic solution for the vertical oscillation of the punch is given. It is shown that the vertical displacement of the punch can approximately be described by the equation of dynamics for a system of one degree of freedom with viscous friction. The dependence of the coefficients for effective viscosity and stiffness, occurring in this equation, on the speed of the punch and Poisson ratio of the half space, is investigated. The solution for the non-stationary problem concerning a suddenly applied moving point load is also obtained, correcting and extending the result known so far. Mathematics Subject Classifications (2000) 74H10, 74J05, 74M15.  相似文献   

The problem of reflection and refraction of antiplane shear (or magneto-elastic) waves at the interface between two ferromagnetic half-spaces with slipping contact (vacuum gap) is studied for waves propagating normal to the direction of the applied external magnetic field which is assumed to be parallel to the interface. We show the existence of new waves that are localized near the interface between the two ferromagnetic media and accompany the reflected and the transmitted waves. We call the new waves as accompanying surface magneto-elastic (ASME) waves; their amplitudes depend upon values of magnetoelastic parameters of the two media and the intensity of the applied magnetic field. We derive closed-form expressions for magnitudes (coefficients) of the reflected, the refracted (transmitted) and the ASME waves. We show that for a range of values of the applied magnetic field the coefficient of the reflected wave increases and that of the transmitted wave decreases with an increase in the magnitude of the applied magnetic field; these coefficients eventually approach 1 and 0, respectively. That is, the applied external magnetic field can totally eliminate the transmitted wave, and can control energies of the reflected, the refracted and the ASME waves.  相似文献   

利用Mindlin给出的、半无限空间重力隧洞初始应力场下的完整应力解分析了洞室周边的应力分布规律,用数值方法计算出了最大压应力的位置;结合Mohr-Coulomb屈服条件,研究了洞室周边出现塑性点时洞室直径、围岩粘聚力、内摩擦角与相对埋深的关系,以便工程设计应用。  相似文献   

Propagation of attenuated waves is studied in a squirt-flow model of porous solid permeated by two different pore regimes saturated with same viscous fluid. Presence of soft compliant microcracks embedded in the grains of stiff porous rock defines the double-porosity formation. Microcracks and pores respond differently to the compressional effect of a propagating wave, which induces the squirt-flow from microcracks to pores. Elastodynamics of constituent particles in porous aggregate is represented through a single-porosity formulation, which involves the frequency-dependent complex moduli. This formulation is deduced as a special case of double-porosity formation allowing the wave-induced flow of pore-fluid. This squirt-flow model of porous solid supports the attenuated propagation of two compressional waves and one shear wave. Superposition of these body waves, subject to stress-free surface, defines the propagation of Rayleigh wave. This wave is governed by a complex irrational dispersion equation, which is solved numerically after rationalising into an algebraic equation. For existence of Rayleigh wave, a complex solution of the dispersion equation should represent a leaky wave, which decays for propagation along any direction in the semi-infinite medium. A numerical example is solved to analyse the effects of squirt-flow on phase velocity, attenuation and polarisation of the Rayleigh waves, for different combinations of parameters. Numerical results suggest the existence of an additional (second) Rayleigh wave in the squirt-flow model of dissipative porous solids.  相似文献   

This article presents solutions for the transient heat and moisture transport due to both disk heat source and cylindrical heat source buried in an unsaturated half space. The solutions are presented in Hankel–Laplace transform domain and in dimensionless style. Coupled effect of thermally driven moisture transport is especially investigated because of its importance to alter the flow field in low-permeability medium. Parametric study has been performed to assess the effects of five independent dimensionless parameters on flow field. The stability and accuracy of the present solutions are demonstrated from the comparison between the results obtained from these solutions and those by using a well-established finite element code CODE_BRIGHT. Despite the simplified assumptions required in order to obtain analytical solutions in Hankel–Laplace transform domain, the results incorporate the main mechanisms involved in the coupled thermo-hydraulic (T-H) problem, and they may be eventually used for validation purposes.  相似文献   

We consider the propagation of elastic waves in gas-filled porous media at small but non-zero values of Knudsen numbers \( {\text{Kn}} \), where \( {\text{Kn}} = \lambda /l \), \( \lambda \) is the mean free path of gas molecules; \( l \) is the characteristic size of inclusion (the so-called slip regime). In this case, it is possible to apply the classic equations of hydrodynamics with modified boundary conditions at solid walls. We have assumed that the gas molecules distribution function is satisfied at the modified Maxwell boundary conditions (Struchtrup 2013; Mohammadzadeh and Struchtrup 2015). We have obtained the expressions for drag and added mass coefficients for the Biot equations of poroelasticity for a system of randomly oriented gas-filled cylindrical capillaries. Our calculations have shown that the drag and added mass coefficients depend considerably on the Knudsen number and the properties of the surface. The influence of the interfacial slip effect on the velocities of the compressional wave of the first kind and shear wave is small, but the velocity and attenuation of the compressional wave of the second kind are considerably influenced by this effect. The results obtained show the fundamental possibility of the determination of the accommodation coefficient by measuring the velocity of the compressional wave of the second kind for different values of the Knudsen number.  相似文献   

范元杰  徐凯宇 《力学季刊》2015,36(3):474-484
针对边界处自由和绝缘以及固定和绝缘两种不同的条件,分别计算分析了均匀和梯度特征应变下梯形夹杂内部和外部诱发产生的弹性场和电场,并且讨论了梯形夹杂角点处的奇异性.最后,计算了平均梯度特征应变为零时梯形夹杂内部产生的平均弹性场和电场.所得结果揭示了基体不同边界条件对诱导场的影响.  相似文献   

Herein we consider Rayleigh waves propagating along the free surface of a macroscopically homogeneous, anisotropic, prestressed half-space. We adopt the formulation of linear elasticity with initial stress and assume that the deviation of the prestressed anisotropic medium from a comparative ‘unperturbed’, unstressed and isotropic state, as formally caused by the initial stress and by the anisotropic part of the incremental elasticity tensor, be small. No assumption, however, is made on the material anisotropy of the incremental elasticity tensor. With the help of the Stroh formalism, we derive a first-order perturbation formula for the shift of phase velocity of Rayleigh waves from its comparative isotropic value. Our perturbation formula does not agree totally with that which was derived some years ago by Delsanto and Clark, and we provide another argument as further support for our version of the formula. According to our first-order formula, the anisotropy-induced velocity shifts of Rayleigh waves, taken in totality of all propagation directions on the free surface, carry information only on 13 elastic constants of the anisotropic part of the incremental elasticity tensor. The remaining eight elastic constants are those which would become zero if were monoclinic with the two-fold symmetry axis normal to the free surface of the material half-space in question.  相似文献   

A supersonic nondestructive method for determining stresses in near-surface layers of solids is stated on the basis of the acoustoelastic theory of surface Raylegh waves. Examples are presented of how this method is used to determine the operating and residual stresses in materials and structural elements. Features of the mutual use of surface and volume waves to obtain additional information on the stress distribution over the cross section of a specimen are indicated  相似文献   

横观各向同性饱和弹性半空间地基上圆环板的简谐振动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文基于在L~2[a,b]上的完备正交函数组,通过将板的挠度、荷载、地基反力及板下地基表面的沉降展开为Fourier-Bessel级数,利用解析法对横观各向同性饱和弹性半空间地基上圆环板的简谐振动进行了系统分析.这些级数中的待定系数由板的边界条件、板的控制方程及板.地基的相容条件加以确定,从而将饱和弹性半空间地基与圆环板的动力相互作用问题转化为代数方程组的求解问题.数值计算表明,该级数解答具有较快的收敛速度.  相似文献   

In this paper, the propagation of sound waves in partially saturated soils is investigated. A macroscopic linear model that is based on the two-component model of Biot and on the Simple Mixture Model by Wilmanski is used. For the construction of the model by a micro-macro transition, see Albers, Géotechnique, 2007. We investigate a porous medium consisting of a deformable skeleton and two compressible, chemically non-reacting, pore fluids (liquid and gas). The wave analysis of the poroelastic model reveals the number of acoustic waves and the dependence of velocities and attenuations of these waves on the initial saturation and frequency. There appear four body waves: three longitudinal waves, P1, P2, P3, and one shear wave, S. The P2-wave shows a similar feature as in air–water mixtures: from the theory of suspensions, it is well known that the existence of air bubbles in water reveals a minimum in the sonic velocity. This is also the case for the P2 -speed in the unsaturated porous medium. The P1-velocity increases very abruptly for a certain degree of saturation. This provides the hope for the development of a nondestructive testing method.  相似文献   

In this paper a class of reversible analytic vector fields is investigated near an equilibrium. For these vector fields, the part of the spectrum of the differential at the equilibrium which lies near the imaginary axis comes from the perturbation of a double eigenvalue 0 and two simple eigenvalues , . In the first part of this paper, we study the 4-dimensional problem. The existence of a family of solutions homoclinic to periodic orbits of size less than μN for any fixed N, where μ is the bifurcation parameter, is known for vector fields. Using the analyticity of the vector field, we prove here the existence of solutions homoclinic to a periodic orbit the size of which is exponentially small ( of order . This result receives its significance from the still unsolved question of whether there exist solutions that are homoclinic to the equilibrium or whether the amplitudes of the oscillations at infinity have a positive infimum. In the second part of this paper we prove that the exponential estimates still hold in infinite dimensions. This result cannot be simply obtained from the study of the 4-dimensional analysis by a center-manifold reduction since this result is based on analyticity of the vector field. One example of such a vector field in infinite dimensions occurs when describing the irrotational flow of an inviscid fluid layer under the influence of gravity and small surface tension (Bond number ) for a Froude number F close to 1. In this context a homoclinic solution to a periodic orbit is called a generalized solitary wave. Our work shows that there exist generalized solitary waves with exponentially small oscillations at infinity. More precisely, we prove that for each F close enough to 1, there exist two reversible solutions homoclinic to a periodic orbit, the size of which is less than , l being any number between 0 and π and satisfying . (Accepted October 2, 1995)  相似文献   

李萍  沈惠申 《力学季刊》2006,27(3):371-376
基于Reissner-Mindlin一阶剪切变形理论,讨论在预加面内机械荷载作用下,弹性半空间地基上四边自由中厚矩形板的横向振动问题。把地基看作三维弹性半空间体,考虑地基变形的衰减。用一组数学上完备的二元多项式作为位形函数,采用pb-2 Rayleigh-Ritz法求得四边自由中厚矩形板的自振频率和在横向简谐荷载作用下的动力响应。讨论了板的长宽比、宽厚比及弹性地基和板的相对刚度对板的自振频率的影响。  相似文献   

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