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Oxygen consumption (VO2) was measured during hypoventilation induced by moderate-sized flow-resistive loading in 12 preterm infants, and the results were compared with those obtained under basal conditions immediately before and after the loaded run, each of which lasted for 7-10 min. Loading was performed with a continuous flow-resistive load (inspiratory and expiratory), which was approximately threefold greater in magnitude than the intrinsic resistance of preterm infants. VO2, minute ventilation (VE), transcutaneous oxygen tension (PtCO2), and transcutaneous carbon dioxide tension (PtcCO2) were continuously monitored. Results revealed that VE decreased significantly with loading, from 336 +/- 103 to 231 +/- 58 (SD) ml.min-1.kg-1 (P less than 0.001), while returning to basal levels of 342 +/- 59 ml.min-1.kg-1 after discontinuation of the load. VO2 decreased from 7.2 +/- 1.2 to 5.9 +/- 0.9 ml.min-1.kg-1 with loading (P less than 0.001) and returned to 7.2 +/- 1.2 ml.min-1.kg-1 at the second basal measurement. PtcCO2 remained unchanged with loading, and PtcCO2 only increased from 39 +/- 8 to 41 +/- 9 Torr (P less than 0.05) with loading, while returning to 40 +/- 9 Torr at the second basal measurement. Results indicate a decrease in the metabolic rate and ventilation with loading, with relatively little increase in PtcCO2. These data can explain prior observations that minimal disturbances in oxygen and carbon dioxide tensions occur with hypoventilation during flow-resistive loading in neonates, although the precise mechanism for this reduction remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Inspiratory flow-resistive loading (IRL) in unanesthetized goats causes central elaboration of endogenous opioids, which is accompanied by inhibition of several respiratory muscles. The peripheral stimulus responsible for mediating this phenomenon is unknown. We hypothesized that lactic acid mediates release of endogenous opioids during IRL. Unanesthetized goats were pretreated with either saline or dichloroacetate (DCA; 50 mg/kg iv), a blocker of lactic acid formation, and subjected to IRL (50 cmH2O.l-1.s) for 120 min followed by naloxone (NLX; 0.3 mg/kg iv). Electromyographic activities of the diaphragm (EMGdi), external oblique (EMGeo), and external intercostal (EMGei) were measured and expressed as a percentage of activity at an end-tidal CO2 of 8%. DCA blocked the NLX-induced augmentation of all EMGs observed after 120 min of IRL as follows (means +/- SE): delta EMGdi from 20.8 +/- 5.6% (saline) to 1.2 +/- 2.7% (DCA), delta EMGeo from 116.6 +/- 30.9% (saline) to 5.3 +/- 11.4% (DCA), and delta EMGei from 43.8 +/- 11.3% (saline) to -4.5 +/- 5.6% (DCA) (all P less than 0.05, DCA vs. saline). We conclude that lactic acid produced by the contracting respiratory muscles is the stimulus responsible for endogenous opioid pathway activation during IRL.  相似文献   

Extrathoracic airway (ETA) stability was tested in 10 preterm infants during sleep with a drop in intraluminal pressure produced by the application of an external inspiratory flow-resistive load (IRL, 125 cmH2O.1-1.s at 1 l/min). An increase in total pulmonary resistance was sought as the measure of airway narrowing. The role of the ETA in the increased pulmonary resistance with loading was examined by testing the same infants while endotracheally intubated and after extubation. Total pulmonary resistance decreased with loading during the intubated studies (102.5 +/- 41.2 to 82.4 +/- 33.3 cmH2O.1-1.s, P less than 0.05), whereas a significant increase in pulmonary resistance was seen with loading in the extubated studies (101 +/- 58.1 to 128 +/- 68.6 cmH2O.1-1.s, P less than 0.01). Intraluminal pressure in the ETA, measured by the lowest proximal airway pressure, fell significantly with loading in both conditions, with values changing from -0.7 +/- 0.3 to -4.7 +/- 2.7 cmH2O in the intubated infants and from -0.9 +/- 0.3 to -4.6 +/- 0.9 cmH2O) in the extubated infants (P less than 0.01). The results suggest ETA narrowing with loading in extubated infants despite the absence of overt obstructive apnea. Measurements of total pulmonary resistance with IRL can be used as a simple test of ETA stability.  相似文献   

We investigated the respiratory muscle contribution to inspiratory load compensation by measuring diaphragmatic and intercostal electromyograms (EMGdi and EMGic), transdiaphragmatic pressure (Pdi), and thoracoabdominal motion during CO2 rebreathing with and without 15 cmH2O X l-1 X s inspiratory flow resistance (IRL) in normal sitting volunteers. During IRL compared with control, Pdi measured during airflow and during airway occlusion increased for a given change in CO2 partial pressure and EMGdi, and there was a greater decrease in abdominal (AB) end expiratory anteroposterior dimensions with increased expiratory gastric pressure (Pga), this leading to an inspiratory decline in Pga with outward AB movement, indicating a passive component to the descent of the abdomen-diaphragm. The response of EMGic to IRL was similar to that of EMGdi, though rib cage (RC)-Pga plots did infer intercostal muscle contribution. We conclude that during CO2 rebreathing with IRL there is improved diaphragmatic neuromuscular coupling, the prolongation of inspiration promoting a force-velocity advantage, and increased AB action serving to optimize diaphragm length and configuration, as well as to provide its own passive inspiratory action. Intercostal action provides increased assistance also. Therefore, compensation for inspiratory resistive loads results from the combined and integrated effort of all respiratory muscle groups.  相似文献   

Conscious animals subjected to inspiratory flow-resistive loading augment respiratory drive [as measured by airway occlusion pressure (P100)] independently of changes in chemical drive. Past studies of anesthetized subjects, however, have failed to demonstrate this response, and investigators have concluded that its presence depends on a state of consciousness. We tested the hypothesis that respiratory depression due to anesthesia or endogenous opioids rather than unconsciousness per se was responsible for this observation. Miniature piglets were anesthetized with ketamine and xylazine and subjected to hyperoxic CO2 rebreathing trials with and without added inspiratory resistance, before and after treatment with the opioid antagonist naltrexone. Before naltrexone there was a parallel leftward shift in the occlusion pressure vs. PCO2 relationship without a change in slope (delta P100/delta PCO2). After naltrexone there was a 45.5 +/- 15% increase in slope with loading. Addition of incremental doses of pentobarbital markedly reduced this increase in slope. We conclude that anesthetized animals can demonstrate flow-resistive load compensation in the form of augmented neuromuscular output not due to increased chemical drive. Failure to observe this response in past studies may reflect respiratory depression due to the anesthetic agents employed.  相似文献   

The electromyographic (EMG) activity of human upper airway muscles, particularly the genioglossus, has been widely measured, but the relationship between EMG activity and physical movement of the airway muscles remains unclear. We aimed to measure the motion of the soft tissues surrounding the airway during normal and loaded inspiration on the basis of the hypothesis that this motion would be affected by the addition of resistance to breathing during inspiration. Tagged MR imaging of seven healthy subjects was performed in a 3-T scanner. Tagged 8.6-mm-spaced grids were used, and complementary spatial modulation of magnetization images were acquired beginning ~200 ms before inspiratory airflow. Deformation of tag line intersections was measured. The genioglossus moved anteriorly during normal and loaded inspiration, with less movement during loaded inspiration. The motion of tissues at the anterior border of the upper airway was nonuniform, with larger motions inferiorly. At the level of the soft palate, the lateral dimension of the airway decreased significantly during loaded inspiration (-0.15 ± 0.09 and -0.48 ± 0.09 mm during unloaded and loaded inspiration, respectively, P < 0.05). When resistance to inspiratory flow was added, genioglossus motion and lateral dimensions of the airway at the level of the soft palate decreased. Our results suggest that genioglossus motion begins early to dilate the airway prior to airflow and that inspiratory loading reduces the anterior motion of the genioglossus and increases the collapse of the lateral airway walls at the level of the soft palate.  相似文献   

Closure of the jaw exerts traction on muscles that insert on the hyoid bone and that may stabilize or expand the pharyngeal airway. We postulated that the masseter muscles, which close the jaw, would be activated when the patency of the pharyngeal airway is threatened. We therefore measured electromyographic activation of the masseters during inspiratory resistance loading and compared it with activation of chin muscles and alae nasi in 10 normal subjects. We observed no masseter activation during quiet unloaded breathing, but as pharyngeal pressure became lower there was a significant increase in masseter activation in all subjects. The change in masseter activation relative to pharyngeal pressure was similar to that of chin muscles and alae nasi. Activation of the masseter preceded the fall in pharyngeal pressure as also occurred in the chin muscles and alae nasi. We conclude that the masseters are activated by inspiratory resistance loading and have respiratory activity similar to pharyngeal airway muscles.  相似文献   

Effect of inspiratory nasal loading on pharyngeal resistance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nasal obstruction has been shown to increase the number of apneas during sleep in normal subjects and in some may actually cause the sleep apnea syndrome. We postulated that the pharynx may act as a Starling resistor, where increases in negative inspiratory pressure result in elevated resistance across a collapsible pharyngeal segment. To test this theory in normal subjects we studied 10 men and 10 women during wakefulness. Pharyngeal resistance (the resistance across the airway segment between the choanae and the epiglottis) was determined in the normal state and with three inspiratory loads added externally. Flow was measured using a pneumotachometer and a sealed face mask; epiglottic pressure by a latex balloon placed just above the epiglottis and choanal pressure by anterior rhinometry. Pharyngeal resistance (measured at 300 ml/s) could thus be determined. Base-line inspiratory pharnygeal resistance was 1.6 +/- 0.2 cmH2O . l-1 . s. This increased to 2.3 +/- 0.3, 2.8 +/- 0.4, and 2.9 +/- 0.4 cmH2O . l-1 . s, respectively, with the addition of 1.3, 2.7, and 6.7 cmH2O . l-1 . s inspiratory load. The resistance at each level of load was significantly different from the base-line resistance determination (P less than 0.05) but not different from each other. We conclude that added nasal resistive loads during inspiration cause an increase in pharyngeal resistance during wakefulness but that this resistance does not increase further with additional increments of load.  相似文献   

We studied six (1 naive and 5 experienced) subjects breathing with added inspiratory resistive loads while we recorded chest wall motion (anteroposterior rib cage, anteroposterior abdomen, and lateral rib cage) and tidal volumes. In the five experienced subjects, transdiaphragmatic and pleural pressures, and electromyographs of the sternocleidomastoid and abdominal muscles were also measured. Subjects inspired against the resistor spontaneously and then with specific instructions to reach a target pleural or transdiaphragmatic pressure or to maximize selected electromyographic activities. Depending on the instructions, a wide variety of patterns of inspiratory motion resulted. Although the forces leading to a more elliptical or circular configuration of the chest wall can be identified, it is difficult to analyze or predict the configurational results based on insertional and pressure-related contributions of a few individual respiratory muscles. Although overall chest wall respiratory motion cannot be readily inferred from the electromyographic and pressure data we recorded, it is clear that responses to loading can vary substantially within and between individuals. Undoubtedly, the underlying mechanism for the distortional changes with loading are complex and perhaps many are behavioral rather than automatic and/or compensatory.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether induction of either inspiratory muscle fatigue (expt 1) or diaphragmatic fatigue (expt 2) would alter the breathing pattern response to large inspiratory resistive loads. In particular, we wondered whether induction of fatigue would result in rapid shallow breathing during inspiratory resistive loading. The breathing pattern during inspiratory resistive loading was measured for 5 min in the absence of fatigue (control) and immediately after induction of either inspiratory muscle fatigue or diaphragmatic fatigue. Data were separately analyzed for the 1st and 5th min of resistive loading to distinguish between immediate and sustained effects. Fatigue was achieved by having the subjects breathe against an inspiratory threshold load while generating a predetermined fraction of either the maximal mouth pressure or maximal transdiaphragmatic pressure until they could no longer reach the target pressure. Compared with control, there were no significant alterations in breathing pattern after induction of fatigue during either the 1st or 5th min of resistive loading, regardless of whether fatigue was induced in the majority of the inspiratory muscles or just in the diaphragm. We conclude that the development of inspiratory muscle fatigue does not alter the breathing pattern response to large inspiratory resistive loads.  相似文献   

Phrenic motoneuron discharge during sustained inspiratory resistive loading   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Iscoe, Steve. Phrenic motoneuron discharge duringsustained inspiratory resistive loading. J. Appl.Physiol. 81(5): 2260-2266, 1996.I determinedwhether prolonged inspiratory resistive loading (IRL) affects phrenicmotoneuron discharge, independent of changes in chemical drive. Inseven decerebrate spontaneously breathing cats, the discharge patternsof eight phrenic motoneurons from filaments of one phrenic nerve weremonitored, along with the global activity of the contralateral phrenicnerve, transdiaphragmatic pressure, and fractional end-tidalCO2 levels. Discharge patterns during hyperoxic CO2 rebreathingand breathing against an IRL (2,500-4,000cmH2O · l1 · s)were compared. During IRL, transdiaphragmatic pressure increased andthen either plateaued or decreased. At the highest fractional end-tidalCO2 common to both runs,instantaneous discharge frequencies in six motoneurons were greaterduring sustained IRL than during rebreathing, when compared at the sametime after the onset of inspiration. These increased dischargefrequencies suggest the presence of a load-induced nonchemical drive tophrenic motoneurons from unidentified source(s).


Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) production in exhaled air was measured in ventilated preterm newborns at 5, 24 and 48 hours after delivery, using originally designed method of exhaled breath condensate (EBC) collection. H2O2 production in expired gas was 812+/-34 pmol/20 min during the first measurement and then declined to 389+/-21 at 24 hours and 259+/-26 pmol/20 min at 48 hours.  相似文献   

Because pulmonary edema has been associated clinically with airway obstruction, we sought to determine whether decreased intrathoracic pressure, created by selective inspiratory obstruction, would affect lung fluid balance. We reasoned that if decreased intrathoracic pressure caused an increase in the transvascular hydrostatic pressure gradient, then lung lymph flow would increase and the lymph-to-plasma protein concentration ratio (L/P) would decrease. We performed experiments in six awake sheep with chronic lung lymph cannulas. After a base-line period, we added an inspiratory load (20 cmH2O) and allowed normal expiration at atmospheric pressure. Inspiratory loading was associated with a 12-cmH2O decrease in mean central airway pressure. Mean left atrial pressure fell 11 cmH2O, and mean pulmonary arterial pressure was unchanged; calculated microvascular pressure decreased 8 cmH2O. The changes that occurred in lung lymph were characteristic of those seen after other causes of increased transvascular hydrostatic gradient, such as increased intravascular pressure. Lung lymph flow increased twice base line, and L/P decreased. We conclude that inspiratory loading is associated with an increase in the pulmonary transvascular hydrostatic gradient, possibly by causing a greater fall in interstitial perimicrovascular pressure than in microvascular pressure.  相似文献   

Laryngeal chemoreflex (LCR) responses elicited by fluid irrigation of the larynx have been described repeatedly in animals, whereas evidence for a similar reflex in human infants is extremely limited. Using nasopharyngeal catheters to instill small volumes of warm saline or water into the pharynx, we examined the incidence and characteristics of such a reflex in nine premature infants. Saline and water elicited the same pattern of responses, which frequently included swallows, central apnea, and airway obstruction and less commonly featured coughs, prolonged apnea, and arousal. With the exception of arousal, the incidence of these responses was significantly greater after delivery of water stimuli than after saline bolus administration. We therefore deduce chemoreceptor involvement in generation of these reflex responses and propose a laryngeal site for this sensory system, as in animals. Since greater potency of water compared with saline was demonstrable in all the infants studied, we further conclude that most preterm infants possess an upper airway chemoreflex.  相似文献   

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