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跨学科性与团队合作对大科学装置科学效益的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张玲玲  王蝶  张利斌 《管理世界》2019,35(12):199-212
大科学装置对解释、解决关键科学问题,推进基础科学研究,促进一流学科建设,增强原始创新能力具有重要意义。如何通过符合科学逻辑的学科布局与团队建设提升大科学装置的科学效益,不仅对已经建成的大科学装置具有实践指导意义,也为大科学装置以及依托大科学装置建设的综合科学中心的未来规划提供了理论支持。本文探究了跨学科性(学科均衡性)与团队合作特性(团队异质性)对大科学装置科学效益的影响,并基于中国科学院重大科技基础设施共享服务平台的成果展示数据进行了验证。结果表明:学科布局的均衡性与多样性,对挖掘公共实验平台型大科学装置的科研潜力具有积极作用,对专用研究型大科学装置的积极作用弱于公共实验平台型装置;依托大科学装置开展科研活动的团队,科学家及其组织背景的异质性越强,科研产出的影响力越大。此外,基于实证结论,本文从学科布局、资源利用、人才集聚、数据管理等方面提出相应的政策建议,以期促进大科学装置科学效益的良好发挥。  相似文献   

随着中国综合国力跃居世界前列和继续快速发展,无论发达国家还是发展中国家都对中国发挥全球领导力充满期待。在发达国家纷纷削减科研经费和开支之际,国外同行希望提升与中国合作的规格、规模和范围,通过对华合作寻找新出路。在新形势下,国内医学界的对外合作机制亟待与时俱进,消除缺乏沟通机制造成的资源和机会浪费,实现资源共享以提升中国医学界的综合实力和国际地位,造福中国和各国人民。本文结合作者在国家级医学机构从事外事和国际合作的经验和独特视角,提出了打造和优化统一的国家级医学国际合作平台的设想。  相似文献   

李德昌 《管理学报》2011,8(5):640-647
评价的本质是选择,选择的基础是"势",即信息量或信息势。所以,有效评价的基本机制和原则就是"生产最大的评价信息量、营造最大的评价信息势"。由于构成数学群的对称性结构具有最大的信息量及最大的信息势,因而,直面中国管理实践研究评价体系设计的基本原则,就是根据不同的管理环境和时代,寻找一组多元对称的指标,使这些指标构成具有数学群结构的指标体系,才能使复杂管理实践的理论评价成为有效的和科学的。由于中国管理情景下的"文化纠结"的复杂性超过了西方"线性独立"文化的复杂性,所以直面中国管理实践的评价研究,将具有包容西方管理实践的普适性。  相似文献   

问题式教学与探究性学习是中学数学(科学)新课程教学主要特征,就问题解决而言,问题是培养问题意识的起点,也是问题解决的归宿。通过以问题为载体的新课程如何实施教学过程,构建个性化教学模式是中学教师新课程教学的热点,难点和疑点。"自主合作、回授提炼与反思重构"教学模式,简称"自主合作学习"。经过几年实验研究表明:借助问题能调动学生学习的主动性,提高学习兴趣;学会学习;增强学生的动手实践能力;有利于培养学生独立思考能力;反思构建牢固的认知结构,能增强学生分析问题和解决问题的能力,形成富有个性化,创造性的学习.  相似文献   

唐街平  彭厚芳 《科学咨询》2007,15(22):35-36
问题式教学与探究性学习是中学数学(科学)新课程教学主要特征,就问题解决而言,问题是培养问题意识的起点,也是问题解决的归宿,通过以问题为载体的新课程如何实施教学过程,构建个性化教学模式是中学教师新课程教学的热点,难点和疑点."自主合作、回授提炼与反思重构"教学模式,简称"自主合作学习".经过几年实验研究表明借助问题能调动学生学习的主动性,提高学习兴趣;学会学习;增强学生的动手实践能力;有利于培养学生独立思考能力;反思构建牢固的认知结构,能增强学生分析问题和解决问题的能力,形成富有个性化,创造性的学习.  相似文献   

环境问题已经成为国际社会倍受关注的焦点,越来越严峻的环境现状使得各国加强了在这一领域的量合作。国际环境合作对全球环境危机的化解具有特别唯一出早已被学界认可国际环境合作有冲突,有障碍,但面对前景,我们仍然充满信心。  相似文献   

蔡虹  刘岩  向希尧 《管理学报》2013,10(6):875-881,889
从企业知识基础的广度、一致性和分解性3个维度探讨了企业知识基础结构特征对其技术合作关系形成的影响。基于2001~2008年31家中国电子信息企业的发明专利数据样本,通过实证分析发现知识基础广度对企业技术合作关系的形成有显著的正向影响,知识基础的分解性与企业技术合作关系的形成之间存在倒U型关系,而知识基础一致性对企业技术合作关系建立不存在显著影响关系。  相似文献   

中国信息系统(IS)研究现状和国际比较   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
系统分析了中国信息系统(IS)研究的现状,从参考学科、研究题目、研究方法和分析层次4个方面,分析了1999-2003年间发表在18种中国代表性学术期刊上的IS论文,并与西方IS研究进行了比较.研究发现中国IS研究:1)从多个学科中获得理论基础,没有单一的参考学科;2)研究题目集中在组织类问题和系统/软件类问题;3)研究方法以非实证方法为主,实证方法应用很少;4)分析层次集中在组织层和系统层,对小组/团队层和个体层问题少有研究.与西方相比,中国的IS研究在理论基础、研究重点和研究方法上具有自己的特点,也有需要进一步完善的地方.  相似文献   

随着经济全球化的深入和中国经济进入新常态,"中企西进"态势日趋明显,海外市场多元化战略(diversifivation,DIV)成为众多中国出口企业的战略选择.那么,DIV是如何影响企业出口绩效的呢?基于制度理论视角构建了海外市场多元化战略影响出口绩效作用机制的理论模型.研究发现DIV抑制而非促进了企业出口绩效,异质性资源加剧了这种负面影响,而完善的制度环境缓解了这种负面影响.由此说明,完善的制度环境是DIV促进企业出口绩效的必要条件.如果制度环境不完善,企业异质性资源越强,DIV对出口绩效的负面影响反而更大.  相似文献   

The epistemic (knowledge creation) benefits of big science centres are obvious to everyone. During an era of tight budgetary constraints, however, it is difficult to justify the existence of these centres on the basis of their epistemic contributions alone. Although it is recognized that the contributions are not limited to epistemic types only, the picture of other types of contribution (e.g., spin-off benefits) remains blurred. The present paper proposes a framework for depicting and discussing the various contributions of big science centres in a systematic manner.The main objective of the paper is to provide policy-makers, industrialists, and academics with a framework to justify, motivate and establish systematic technological interaction between big science centres and industry. The framework comprises six basic dimensions. These dimensions are viewed both from the industrial and from the scientific perspective, and partly from the public perspective. It is argued that direct and measurable incentives constitute only a fraction of the overall benefits stemming from the industrial-scientific collaboration. The paper concludes with a framework of motivations and actions to materialize them.  相似文献   

This paper addresses a need for greater insight into the theory and practice of performance measurement (PM) in the Third Sector (TS). Effective PM is crucial to the long-term viability of Third Sector organisations (TSOs), since it provides funders with the requisite evidence to demonstrate value for money and to convince them to provide further funding. It also serves to ensure that vulnerable societal groups receive the social care they need and that the internal management processes of TSOs continuously improve their effectiveness and sustainability. PM research has been scant in this sector and our literature review suggests that no extant models or frameworks are particularly suitable in this context, due in part to the wide range of stakeholders and the distinctive characteristics of TSOs. Drawing on a comprehensive review of the literature, we develop the conceptual foundation of PM in the Third Sector and derive a research agenda that provides a platform for future work. This draws in part on the notions embedded in Stakeholder Theory.  相似文献   

This study examines how a research intermediary can successfully manage collaboration among research partners, while mitigating resource dependence in multi-partner programs. For that purpose, two fundamentally different strategies are explored: tertius gaudens and tertius iungens. Previous literature has not addressed the possibility that the effective deployment of tertius broker strategies may be contingent on multiple factors. Using a qualitative in-depth case study, we contribute to the literature by showing that the effective development of the tertius broker strategies in our study context is contingent on partner type, business integration and product readiness.  相似文献   

基于向量自回归经济计量模型,分析中日贸易与日本经济发展的长期关系和因果关系等 问题. 将多变量时间序列间的单方向因果测度理论应用于中日两国宏观经济的实证分析,从因 果关系角度揭示了7 个主要宏观经济指标间长短期关系及相互作用机制,并从经济计量学的 角度阐明了在过去20 年中日经济发展的互补关系.  相似文献   

This article provides an overview of the history and current status of graduate and undergraduate Human Resource Development (HRD) programs at the University of Minnesota. The HRD program at the UMN is situated within the Department of Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development of the College of Education and Human Development. The program offers undergraduate, master’s, and PhD degrees, and is characterized by healthy enrollment numbers and a strong alumni base, both nationally and internationally. The UMN HRD program has a long history of significant contributions to the development of HRD with research and strong education programs which continue to influence the academic field and professional field of practice in the U.S. and internationally.  相似文献   

This study examines whether and to what extent the presence and intensity of knowledge collaboration across different partners affects business model reconfiguration (BMR). We build on the business model (BM) literature and operationalize BMR by introducing the presence and intensity of collaboration and firm size effects as main explanatory factors in affecting the propensity of incremental and radical BMR. We analyze a large sample of UK firms during 2002–2014 to capture the effect of knowledge collaboration and firm size on BMR. Positively incremental forms of BMR will be influenced by the presence and intensity of knowledge collaboration, while radical forms of BMR are affected by the intensity of collaboration with customers and the collaboration with suppliers by large firms. Furthermore, firms of different sizes do not equally benefit from knowledge collaboration with suppliers for both incremental and radical BMR, while they do equally benefit from collaboration with other partner types.  相似文献   

This article investigates whether (1) cross-functional integration within a firm and the use of information systems (IS) that support information sharing with external parties can enhance integration across the supply chain and wider networks and (2) whether collaboration with customers, suppliers and other external parties leads to increased supply chain performance in terms of new product development and introduction of new processes. Data from a high-quality survey carried out in Taiwan in 2009 were used, and appropriate econometric models were applied. Results show that the adoption of IS that enhance information sharing is vital not only for the effective communication with suppliers and with wider network members, but their adoption also has a direct effect across a firm's innovative effort. Cross-functional integration appears to matter only for the introduction of an innovative process. Collaboration with customers and suppliers affected a product's design and its overall features and functionality, respectively.  相似文献   

A case study is used to obtain the experiences from a contractor and their subcontractors involved with constructing the landmark Perth Stadium, which required a building information model (BIM) to be delivered for the purpose of asset management. Insights about ‘how’ the adoption of a BIM influenced the practice of collaboration and change management within the project are obtained. It was revealed that having limited experience and knowledge to deliver a model for asset management often resulted the project team ‘muddling through a problem’. This was not necessarily due to a shortage of training, but a lack of BIM knowledge, which inadvertently influenced every day practice. The research presented builds on the extant body of works that have examined how the construction industry can effectively acquire the benefits of BIM for asset management. It also highlights the need to incorporate education and learning into a project’s BIM implementation strategy.  相似文献   

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