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This second part of the study reports the development of a model to describe the vertical migration of the artificial radioisotope (137)Cs in the sediment column on the seabed of the Bay of Cadiz. The application of the model provides an overall picture of the process of sedimentation in the Inner Bay of Cadiz. The spatial distribution of the rate of sedimentation enables us to study the sources of sediments and the means by which the sediments have been transported. A method has been derived from the rate of sedimentation to perform the dating of the layers of sediment. The model describes the behaviour of (137)Cs in the area under study, taking into account the time of residence in the zones that are the source of accumulation, the origin of the sedimentary material, together with the diffusion of the radionuclide in the sediment of the seabed.  相似文献   

Careful measurements of activity concentrations of 137Cs in soil samples taken layer by layer in autumn of 1999 in Slovenia are confronted with a prediction based on the diffusion-convection equation with a boundary condition which--unlike the boundary conditions applied in the literature so far--conserves the deposited activity over time, except for the natural decay. It is shown that it is essential to consider the deposits from atmospheric nuclear weapons tests and the Chernobyl accident to arrive at a good fit to the measured data. The corresponding Green's function as well as the diffusion constant and migration speed based on the analysis are given.  相似文献   

The vertical migration of (137)Cs originating from nuclear weapons fallout (NWF) and the Chernobyl accident has been studied at 33 sampling sites in western Sweden. An attempt to describe the present depth distribution with a solution to the convection-diffusion equation (CDE) with a pulse-like fallout event as the initial condition was made. A sum of two CDEs describing the NWF and Chernobyl debris was fitted to the actual depth profiles measured by soil sampling. The fitted depth profiles were used to correct in situ measurements for the actual depth distribution, showing good agreement with the accumulated activities in soil samples. As expected, the vertical migration was very slow and most caesium was still present in the upper soil layers. The ranges of the apparent convection velocity, v, and apparent diffusion coefficient, D, were between 0 and 0.35 cm/year and 0.06 and 2.63 cm(2)/year, respectively.  相似文献   

Global fallout 137Cs was used for dating sediment cores and estimation of recent sedimentation rates (up to 1 cm/y) in the Thane Creek, which lies in the southern part of the Deccan belt of India. The residence time of 210Pb in the Thane Creek water was calculated to be 0.7 years. Further, the concentrations of Pb (up to 70 microg/g) and Hg (up to 10 microg/g) in sediment profiles were measured to assess the anthropogenic input of contaminants due to large-scale industrialization, which has taken place in this area over the last two decades. The depth-wise concentration profile of Hg shows positive evidence of continued fresh input into the Creek.  相似文献   

Using a compartment model, the migration rates of 137Cs were calculated for two types of organic soils: a low peat-muck soil and a black earth. The migration rates of 137Cs in the tested soils turned out to be significantly higher than in mineral types examined earlier and ranged from 0.6 to 12.3 cm/year. The partition coefficients (Kd) were also determined for samples with varying organic matter content (OM) that were taken from different layers of the studied soils. The experimental results indicate that there is a clear relationship between Kd values and OM. The investigation was widened by microcalorimetric measurements which confirmed that the adsorption of 137Cs on the organic soils is low.  相似文献   

Following atmospheric nuclear weapons testing in the 1950s and 1960s significant quantities of (137)Cs and (239+240)Pu were deposited worldwide. In recent decades, (137)Cs has been commonly used as a tracer of soil erosion and sedimentation, particularly in the Northern Hemisphere where atomic deposition was three times as great as in the Southern Hemisphere. The relatively short 30-year half-life of this isotope means that its sensitivity as a tracer is rapidly decreasing. In contrast, with half-lives of 24,110 and 6561 years, the sensitivity of the two plutonium isotopes remains essentially the same as when it was deposited. Here we use the technique of Accelerator Mass Spectrometry to demonstrate the potential of anthropogenic Pu as an alternative to (137)Cs as a tracer of soil transport in Australia. We measure an average (137)Cs/(239+240)Pu activity ratio of 27.3+/-1.5 and an average (240)Pu/(239)Pu atom ratio of 0.149+/-0.003, both slightly lower than the global average.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution and vertical migration of global fallout (137)Cs were studied in soils from South Patagonia at the austral region of South America in semi-natural and natural environments located between 50-54 degrees S and 68-74 degrees W. The (137)Cs areal activity density varied from 222 to 858 Bq m(-2), and was found to be significantly positively correlated (p<0.001) with the mean annual precipitation rate. The fraction of the total activity density observed in steppe grass varied from <0.03% to 0.12% (median <0.07%) and is considerably lower than the results obtained at the South Shetland Islands (median 8%) and in other temperate environments in south-central Chile (median 0.2%). The median of the convection velocity v(s) of (137)Cs in the soil in such polar isotundra climate has been determined to be 0.056 cm y(-1). This value is higher than v(s) determined under polar climate (-0.012 cm y(-1)) and is near to the upper limit of v(s)-values determined in temperate environments from Chile (0.019 cm y(-1)). The median value of the diffusion coefficient D(s) (0.048 cm(2) y(-1)) is similar to D(s) observed in an Antarctic region (0.043 cm(2) y(-1)) and lower than D(s) in temperate regions of Chile (1.24 cm(2) y(-1)). About 35 years after the highest depositions, (137)Cs had penetrated to a depth of 6-14 cm in the Patagonian soils and can be expected to remain in the rooting zone of grass for many decades. Nevertheless, because of its low transfer to steppe grass observed at this region, the radioecological sensitivity of this ecosystem with respect to fallout radiocesium seems to be lower than in other polar regions.  相似文献   

Large-volume seawater samples were collected in the Sulu and South China Seas and their (137)Cs activities were determined by gamma-ray spectrometry using a low background type high-purity Ge detector. Vertical distributions of (137)Cs activity showed an exponential decrease in the South China Sea, whereas a subsurface maximum at 200m depth and monotonic decrease below 300m were observed in the Sulu Sea. A significant difference in intermediate water (137)Cs activities in the 500-2000m depth was observed between the Sulu and South China Seas, i.e., the (137)Cs activities in the Sulu Sea were remarkably higher than those in the South China Sea. The difference in the (137)Cs inventory below 500m was approximately 1200Bqm(-2) between the Sulu and South China Seas. The (137)Cs total inventory of 3200Bqm(-2) in the Sulu Sea was 5.7 times higher than that expected from global fallout. A possible mechanism controlling this extremely high (137)Cs total inventory may be inflows of the (137)Cs rich water masses through the Luzon Strait, lateral transport across the Mindoro Strait into the Sulu Sea, and then subduction into the deep layer in the basin.  相似文献   

In this paper the inventory of 90Sr in 34 points distributed along the Spanish peninsular territory is presented. Obtained values range between 173 Bq/m2 and 2047 Bq/m2. From these data set and those 137Cs data obtained in a previous work the 137Cs/90Sr activity ratio has been established, laying this value between 0.9 and 3.6. Also the migration depth of both radionuclides has been analysed obtaining for 137Cs an average value 57% lower than that obtained for 90Sr.Additionally, this paper presents the results obtained in 11 sampling points in which the activity vertical profile has been measured. These profiles have been analysed to state the behaviour of strontium in soils and after, by using a convective-diffusive model, the parameters of the model which governs the vertical migration of 90Sr in the soil, v (apparent convection velocity) and D (apparent diffusion coefficient) have been evaluated. Mean values obtained are 0.20 cm/year and 3.67 cm2/year, respectively.  相似文献   

The alpine regions of Austria were among the most contaminated territories outside of the former USSR after the Chernobyl accident. In the investigated province of Salzburg the median (137)Cs surface deposition was 31.4 kBq m(-2) with maximum values exceeding 90 kBq m(-2) (May 1986). To quantify the transfer of (137)Cs and (90)Sr from vegetation to milk in these seminatural conditions nine seasonally grazed alps were identified and vegetation and milk sampled during summer 2002 and summer 2003. Mean+/-SD milk transfer coefficients (fm) for (137)Cs and (90)Sr were 0.0071+/-0.0009 d l(-1), and 0.0011+/-0.0004 d l(-1), respectively; which for (137)Cs is markedly higher than those fm values found in intensive agricultural systems. Transfer kinetics for (137)Cs into cow milk were approximated using a 2-compartment model with a short and a long-term component. Fitting the model to empirical data results in reliable estimates of the time constant of the short-term component, biological half-life 1.06+/-0.28 d, whereas the estimates of the long-term component are subject to high uncertainties.  相似文献   

A numerical three dimensional model to simulate the transport of Cs and Pu by the Rhone River plume has been developed. The model solves the hydrodynamic equations, including baroclinic terms (that account for density variations) and a turbulence model, the suspended matter equations, including several particle classes simultaneously, settling, deposition and erosion of the sediment, and the radionuclide dispersion equations. Exchanges of radionuclides between the liquid and solid phases are described in terms of kinetic transfer coefficients. The dependence of these coefficients with water salinity is explicitly included in the model since it changes from freshwater to seawater values in the model domain. Computed activity levels in water, suspended matter and bed sediments are, in general, in agreement with measurements in the area. The model can also give a wide amount of information, as distribution coefficients for total suspended matter and sediments and for each particle class, fractions of radionuclides fixed to solid particles, and vertical profiles of radionuclides and distribution coefficients.  相似文献   

Analyses of Umbilicaria species collected from southwest Poland in August 1986 have shown there to be significant increases in levels of various radionuclides since previous analyses based on fieldwork in 1978–1979. The composition and ratio of the various radionuclides, particularly in respect of 134Cs and 137Cs, exhibit a characteristics signature consistent with contamination derived from the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear reactor in April 1986. Intraspecific variation in levels of 137Cs in Umbilicaria is related to such factors as location, altitude and, to a lesser degree, aspect; interspecific variation in levels is related to ecological requirements and geographical pattern, and hence the same factors, although morphological differences in thalli may be implicated.  相似文献   

An experiment has been performed at the nuclear power plant of Garigliano (Caserta, Italy), aiming at the measurement of transfer factors of 137Cs and 60Co radionuclides from the irrigation water to a soil-plant system, with particular attention to the influence on such transfers of the irrigation technique (ground or aerial). Tomato plants were irrigated weekly with water contaminated with 137Cs and 60Co (about 375 Bq/m2 week), using both irrigation techniques. After 13 weeks, fruits, leaves, stems, roots and soil were sampled, and radionuclide concentrations were measured by high-resolution gamma spectroscopy. It was found that the activity allocated to the plant organs is significantly dependent upon the irrigation technique, amounting to 2.1% and 1.6% of the activity given in the cultivation for aerial treatment and 0.4% and 0.3% for the ground treatment, for 137Cs and 60Co respectively. The activity absorbed by plants is allocated mainly in leaves (> 55%), while less then 10% is stored in the fruits, for both irrigation techniques. Transfer factors (soil-plant and irrigation water-plant) of tomato plants and of weeds have been determined for 137Cs and 60Co, as well as for natural 40K in the soil.  相似文献   

Currently, there is no established methodology to estimate radiation doses to non-human biota. Therefore, in this study, various dose models were used to estimate radiation doses to moor frogs (Rana arvalis) in a wetland ecosystem contaminated with (137)Cs. External dose estimations were based on activity concentrations of (137)Cs in soil and water, considering changes in habitat over a life-cycle. Internal doses were calculated from the activity concentrations of (137)Cs measured in moor frogs. Depending on the dose model used, the results varied substantially. External dose rates ranged from 21 to 160 mGy/y, and internal dose rates varied between 1 and 14 mGy/y. Maximum total dose rates to frogs were below the expected safe level for terrestrial populations, but close to the suggested critical dose rate for amphibians. The results show that realistic assumptions in dose models are particularly important at high levels of contamination.  相似文献   

Radiological assessment of the impact of nuclear weapons testing on the local population in the Semipalatinsk Test Site (STS) requires comprehensive site-specific information on radionuclide behaviour in the environment. However, information on radionuclide behaviour in the conditions of the STS is rather sparse and, in particular, there are no data in the literature on parameters of radionuclide transfer from feed to rabbit products which have been identified as contributors to internal dose to the inhabitants. The transfer of (137)Cs and (90)Sr to rabbit meat was studied under laboratory conditions in a controlled experiment with 32 locally bred rabbits maintained in the Kazakh Agricultural Research Institute. The equilibrium transfer coefficients for (137)Cs and (90)Sr from feed to rabbit meat were estimated to be 0.4 d kg(-1) and 0.15 d kg(-1), respectively. The biological half-lives were estimated to be 0.1 d for (137)Cs and 0.14 d for (90)Sr. Whereas for (137)Cs the distribution in the body is relatively homogeneous, there are large differences between the organs and tissues for (90)Sr for which, as expected, the highest concentrations were found in bone.  相似文献   

The transfer of 137Cs and 60Co from fodder to meat and other organs was studied in growing pigs. The influence of two different feeding methods (potato and grain) commonly used in Germany was investigated. The radionuclides were transferred into plants by root uptake and these were fed once a day, all at once, to young pigs until they reached maturity. In this manner, the radioactivity was administered to the pigs in a similar chemical form as would occur after radioactive contamination of soil. It is demonstrated that the two feeding practices have only a minor influence on transfer coefficients, which were determined to be ≤0·002 days/kg for 60Co in meat and in the ranges 0·18–0·26 (potato-feeding) and 0·17–0·33 days/kg (grain-feeding), respectively, for 137Cs in different components of the meat: the transfer coefficients for 137Cs into different organs range from 0·06 to 0·24 days/kg after potato-feeding and from 0·12 to 0·29 after grain-feeding.  相似文献   

During a 10-year period, 1988-1998, surface soil samples have been collected at Blentarp in southern Sweden and analysed for 137Cs from the Chernobyl accident and from the nuclear weapons tests. The distance between the sampling plots on the different sampling occasions has been no more than 3 m. The results show that the depth distribution of 137Cs is very similar for each of the sampling occasions, indicating that the caesium migration at this site is very small. The total activity measured in the soil cores is in agreement with the calculated activity of 137Cs deposited at the site after nuclear weapons tests and the Chernobyl accident, based on air activity concentration and the amount of precipitation. The calculated deposition of 137Cs originating from the bomb tests amounts to 1.41 kBq m-2 for the period 1962-1986, which is in agreement with the activity of nuclear weapons fallout measured in the soil samples (1.60 kBq m-2 as a mean value of the first four years of sampling). The calculated activity of 137Cs of Chernobyl origin was 0.79 kBq m-2, which agrees well with the value of 0.79 kBq m-2 measured in the soil samples in 1988.  相似文献   

We collected fish and mammals in several radioactively contaminated locations in the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone and analyzed them for 137Cs content. Frequency distributions were built for populations of channel catfish, yellow-necked mice and bank voles. We combined our data with similar data from several other studies to demonstrate the relationship between the standard deviations and means of 137Cs of fish and mammal populations. The frequency distributions of 137Cs in populations of fish and mammals are not normal, as indicated by the strong relationship between standard deviation and mean. Distributions for mammals are more skewed than those for fish. Fish and mammals probably use their environments in fundamentally different ways. The highest concentrations and thus greatest risks are therefore confined to relatively few individuals in each population.  相似文献   

Ecological half-life (Te) is a useful measure for studying the long-term decline of contaminants, such as radionuclides, in natural systems. The current investigation determined levels of radiocesium (137Cs) in two aquatic (Polygonum punctatum, Sagittaria latifolia) and three terrestrial (Alnus serrulata, Myrica cerifera, Salix nigra) plant species from a contaminated stream and floodplain on the U.S. Department of Energy's Savannah River Site. Current 137Cs levels in plants were used in conjunction with historical data to determine Te of 137Cs in each species. Median concentrations of 137Cs were highest in S. latifolia (0.84 Bq g(-1)) and lowest in M. cerifera (0.10 Bq g(-1)). Te's ranged from 4.85 yr in M. cerifera to 8.35 yr in S. nigra, both terrestrial species. Te's for all aquatic (6.30 yr) and all terrestrial (5.87) species combined were very similar. The Te's of the two aquatic primary producers (P. punctatum and S. latifolia) in the Steel Creek ecosystem were somewhat longer than Te values previously reported for some consumers from this ecosystem.  相似文献   

The contamination and depth distribution of 137Cs in soil due to the fallout from atmospheric weapons' tests were measured at 29 sites in the 9th and 10th administrative regions in Chile located in the 40 degrees latitude in the southern hemisphere. The depth distribution in most of the sites follows no systematic pattern in the upper few centimetres, but below this depth an exponential decline could be deduced. The calculated relaxation depth appears to be a good indicator for estimating the long-term 137Cs distribution in these soil profiles. It ranges from 4.4 +/- 1.9 cm in Palehumults to 8.4 +/- 4.4 and 9.7 +/- 5.1 cm in Hapludands and Psamments, respectively. For these soil types the value for the relaxation depth tends to increase with decreasing clay content and increasing volume of coarse pores. 137Cs activity densities at the selected sites ranged from 450 to 5410 Bq m(-2) and correlate significantly (r = 0.791) with the mean annual rainfall rate of the sampling sites. 137Cs concentration ratios of prairie plants/soil were found to be in the range 0.008-2.3 and could be related to relaxation depths in undisturbed soils.  相似文献   

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