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A series of batch experiments were performed to study the combination of zero-valent iron (ZVI) with perchlorate-reducing microorganisms (PRMs) to remove perchlorate from groundwater. In this method, H2 produced during the process of iron corrosion by water is used by PRMs as an electron donor to reduce perchlorate to chloride. Perchlorate degradation rates followed Monod kinetics, with a normalized maximum utilization rate (rmax) of 9200 microg g(-1) (dry wt) h(-1) and a half-velocity constant (Ks) of 8900 microg L(-1). The overall rate of perchlorate reduction was affected by the biomass density within the system. An increase in the OD600 from 0.025 to 0.08 led to a corresponding 4-fold increase of perchlorate reduction rate. PRM adaptation to the local environment and initiation of perchlorate reduction was rapid under neutral pH conditions. At the initial OD600 of 0.015, perchlorate reduction followed pseudo-first-order reaction rates with constants of 0.059 and 0.033 h(-1) at initial pH 7 and 8, respectively. Once perchlorate reduction was established, the bioreductive process was insensitive to the increases of pH from near neutral to 9.0. In the presence of nitrate, perchlorate reduction rate was reduced, but not inhibited completely.  相似文献   

Nanoscale zerovalent iron (nZVI) has increasingly been used for environmental remediation and in toxic waste treatment. Most applications exploit its large surface area and high reactivity, the latter being a function of zerovalent iron content. In this work, temperature programmed reduction was applied to measure oxygen in nZVI. Iron oxides in nZVI were reduced by hydrogen to form metallic iron and water, which was then measured with an online mass spectrometer to determine oxygen content of the sample. For fresh nZVI prepared by sodium borohydride reduction of iron salts, average oxygen content was 8.21%. Total iron content was approximately 90.35% by the method of acid digestion; Fe(III) content was estimated at 14.37%, and that of zerovalent iron [Fe(0)] at 75.98%. The oxygen content quickly increased to 26.14% after purging with oxygen for four hours. Several other techniques were also used to characterize the iron nanoparticles. High resolution TEM provided direct evidence of the oxide shell structure and indicated that the shell thickness was predominantly in the range of 2-4 nm. The surface elemental composition was determined from high-resolution X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The nZVI oxygen content results fill a knowledge gap on nZVI composition.  相似文献   

This paper describes the results of the first field-scale demonstration conducted to evaluate the performance of nanoscale emulsified zero-valent iron (EZVI) injected into the saturated zone to enhance in situ dehalogenation of dense, nonaqueous phase liquids (DNAPLs) containing trichloroethene (TCE). EZVI is an innovative and emerging remediation technology. EZVI is a surfactant-stabilized, biodegradable emulsion that forms emulsion droplets consisting of an oil-liquid membrane surrounding zero-valent iron (ZVI) particles in water. EZVI was injected over a five day period into eight wells in a demonstration test area within a larger DNAPL source area at NASA's Launch Complex 34 (LC34) using a pressure pulse injection method. Soil and groundwater samples were collected before and after treatment and analyzed for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) to evaluate the changes in VOC mass, concentration and mass flux. Significant reductions in TCE soil concentrations (>80%) were observed at four of the six soil sampling locations within 90 days of EZVI injection. Somewhat lower reductions were observed at the other two soil sampling locations where visual observations suggest that most of the EZVI migrated up above the target treatment depth. Significant reductions in TCE groundwater concentrations (57 to 100%) were observed at all depths targeted with EZVI. Groundwater samples from the treatment area also showed significant increases in the concentrations of cis-1,2-dichloroethene (cDCE), vinyl chloride (VC) and ethene. The decrease in concentrations of TCE in soil and groundwater samples following treatment with EZVI is believed to be due to abiotic degradation associated with the ZVI as well as biodegradation enhanced by the presence of the oil and surfactant in the EZVI emulsion.  相似文献   

The sorption and degradation of the chlorinated ethenes tetrachloroethene (PCE, 5 mg L(-1)) and trichloroethene (TCE, 10 mg L(-1)) were investigated in zero-valent iron systems (ZVI, 100 g L(-1)) in the presence of compounds common to contaminated groundwater with varying physicochemical properties. The potential competitors were chlorinated ethenes, monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and humic acids. The effect of a complex matrix was tested with landfill contaminated groundwater. Nonlinear Freundlich isotherms adequately described chloroethene sorption to ZVI. In the presence of the more hydrophobic PCE (5 mg L(-1)), TCE sorption and degradation decreased by 33% and 30%, respectively, while TCE (10 mg L(-1)) decreased PCE degradation by 30%. In the presence of nonreactive hydrophobic hydrocarbons (i.e., benzene, toluene, and m-xylene at 100 mg L(-1)), TCE and PCE sorption decreased by 73% and 55%, respectively. The presence of the hydrocarbons had no effect on TCE degradation and increased PCE reduction rates by 50%, suggesting that the displacement of the chloroethenes from the sorption sites by the aromatic hydrocarbons enhanced the degradation rates. Humic acids did not interfere significantly with chloroethene sorption or with TCE degradation but lowered PCE degradation kinetics by 36% when present at high concentrations (100 mg L(-1)). The landfill groundwater with an organic carbon content of 109 mg L(-1) C had no effect on chloroethene sorption but inhibited TCE and PCE degradation by 60% and 70%, respectively.  相似文献   

Nanoscale zero-valent iron (NZVI) represents a promising approach for source zone control, but concerns over its reactive lifetime might limit application. Here, we demonstrate that dithionite (S?O?2?), a reducing agent for in situ redox manipulation, can restore the reducing capacity of passivated NZVI. Slurries of NZVI were aged in the presence (3 days) and absence (60 days) of dissolved oxygen over a range of pH values (6-8). Upon loss of reactivity toward model pollutants{1,1,1,2-tetrachloroethane, hexavalent chromium [Cr(VI)], nitrobenzene}, aged suspensions were reacted with dithionite, and the composition and reactivity of the dithionite-treated materials were determined. NZVI aging products generally depended on pH and the presence of oxygen, whereas the amount of dithionite influenced the nature and reducing capacity of products generated from reaction with aged NZVI suspensions. Notably, air oxidation at pH ≥ 8 quickly exhausted NZVI reactivity despite preservation of significant Fe(0) in the particle core. Under these conditions, formation of a passive surface layer hindered the complete transformation of NZVI particles into iron(III) oxides, which occurred at lower pH. Reduction of this passive layer by low dithionite concentrations( 1 g/g of NZVI) restored suspension reactivity to levels equal to, and occasionally greater than, that of unaged NZVI. Multiple dithionite additions further improved pollutant removal, allowing at least a 15-fold increase in Cr(VI) removal [~300 mg of Cr(VI)/g of NZVI] relative to that of as-received NZVI [~20 mg of Cr(VI)/g of NZVI].  相似文献   

Degradation of the carbothiolate herbicide, molinate, has been investigated in oxic solutions containing nanoscale zero-valent iron particles and found to be effectively degraded by an oxidative pathway. Both ferrous iron and superoxide (or, at pH < 4.8, hydroperoxy) radicals appearto be generated on corrosion of the zero-valent iron with resultant production of strongly oxidizing entities capable of degrading the trace contaminant.  相似文献   

This study investigated the mechanisms involved in removing arsenate from drinking water supplies using zero-valent iron media. Batch experiments utilizing iron wires suspended in anaerobic arsenate solutions were performed to determine arsenate removal rates as a function of the arsenate solution concentration. Corrosion rates of the iron wires were determined as a function of elapsed time using Tafel analysis. The removal kinetics in the batch reactors were best described by a dual-rate model in which arsenate removal was pseudo-first-order at low concentrations and approached zero-order in the limit of high arsenate concentrations. The presence of arsenate decreased iron corrosion rates as compared to those in blank 3 mM CaSO4 background electrolyte solutions. However, constant corrosion rates were attained after approximately 10 days elapsed, indicating that the passivation processes had reached steady state. The cathodic Tafel slopes were the same in the arsenate and the blank electrolyte solutions. This indicates that water was the primary oxidant for iron corrosion and that arsenate did not directly oxidize the iron wires. The anodic Tafel slopes were greater in the arsenate solutions, indicating that arsenate formed complexes with iron corrosion products released at anodic sites on the iron surfaces. Ion chromatography analyses indicated that there was no measurable reduction of As(V) to As(III). X-ray absorption spectroscopy analyses indicated that all arsenic associated with the zero-valent iron surfaces was in the oxidation state. Interatomic arsenic-iron distances determined from EXAFS analyses were consistent with bidentate corner-sharing among arsenate tetrahedra and iron octahedra. Results from this study show that under conditions applicable to drinking water treatment, arsenate removal by zero-valent iron media involves surface complexation only and does not involve reduction to metallic arsenic.  相似文献   

In zerovalent iron treatment systems, the presence of multiple solution components may impose combined effects that differ from corresponding individual effects. The copresence of humic acid and hardness (Ca2+/Mg2+) was found to influence Cr(VI) reduction by Feo and iron dissolution in a way different from their respective presence in batch kinetics experiments with synthetic groundwater at initial pH 6 and 9.5. Cr(VI) reduction rate constants (k(obs)) were slightly inhibited by humic acid adsorption on iron filings (decreases of 7-9% and 10-12% in the presence of humic acid alone and together with hardness, respectively). The total amount of dissolved Fe steadily increased to 25 mg L(-1) in the presence of humic acid alone because the formation of soluble Fe-humate complexes appeared to suppress iron precipitation. Substantial amounts of soluble and colloidal Fe-humate complexes in groundwater may arouse aesthetic and safety concerns in groundwater use. In contrast, the coexistence of humic acid and Ca2+/Mg2+ significantly promoted aggregation of humic acid and metal hydrolyzed species, as indicated by XPS and TEM analyses, which remained nondissolved (>0.45 microm) in solution. These metal-humate aggregates may impose long-term impacts on PRBs in subsurface settings.  相似文献   

Data collected from a field study of in situ zero-valent iron treatment for TCE were analyzed in the context of coupled transport and reaction processes. The focus of this analysis was to understand the behavior of chemical components, including contaminants, in groundwater transported through the iron cell of a pilot-scale funnel and gate treatment system. A multicomponent reactive transport simulator was used to simultaneously model mobile and nonmobile components undergoing equilibrium and kinetic reactions including TCE degradation, parallel iron dissolution reactions, precipitation of secondary minerals, and complexation reactions. The resulting mechanistic model of coupled processes reproduced solution chemistry behavior observed in the iron cell with a minimum of calibration. These observations included the destruction of TCE and cis-1,2-DCE; increases in pH and hydrocarbons; and decreases in EH, alkalinity, dissolved O2 and CO2, and major ions (i.e., Ca, Mg, Cl, sulfate, nitrate). Mineral precipitation in the iron zone was critical to correctly predicting these behaviors. The dominant precipitation products were ferrous hydroxide, siderite, aragonite, brucite, and iron sulfide. In the first few centimeters of the reactive iron cell, these precipitation products are predicted to account for a 3% increase in mineral volume per year, which could have implications for the longevity of favorable barrier hydraulics and reactivity. The inclusion of transport was key to understanding the interplay between rates of transport and rates of reaction in the field.  相似文献   

针对目前酸性染料染色废水中染料和重金属Cr(Ⅵ)引起的严重环境污染问题,以零价铁(Fe0)/氧化石墨烯(GO)复合物作为吸附剂,以分别含有弱酸性蓝AS和Cr(Ⅵ)的水溶液模拟染色废水,探究Fe0与GO的质量比、溶液pH值及染料与Cr(Ⅵ)的初始质量浓度对吸附性能的影响,考察Fe0/GO吸附剂对酸性染料与Cr(Ⅵ)的吸附机制,研究其吸附热力学与动力学。结果表明:Fe0与GO吸附剂在质量比为4∶1时具有最佳吸附效果,弱酸性蓝AS染液初始质量浓度为75 mg/L,温度为30℃,pH值为4.0时,12 h后去除率为85.6%,最大吸附量达到85.6 mg/g; Cr(Ⅵ)溶液初始质量浓度为75 mg/L,温度为30℃,pH值为3.0时,12 h后去除率为95.8%,最大吸附量达到95.8 mg/g; Fe0/GO对2种污染物的吸附过程均符合Langmuir模型和准二级动力学模型。  相似文献   

Ferrihydrite, which is known to form in the presence of oxygen and to be stabilized by the adsorption of Si, PO4 and SO4, is ubiquitous in the fine-grained fractions of permeable reactive barrier (PRB) samples from the U.S. Coast Guard Support Center (Elizabeth City, NC) and the Denver Federal Center (Lakewood, CO) studied by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy and selected area electron diffraction. The concurrent energy-dispersive X-ray data indicate a strong association between ferrihydrite and metals such as Si, Ca, and Cr. Magnetite, green rust 1, aragonite, calcite, mackinawite, greigite and lepidocrocite were also present, indicative of a geochemical environment that is temporally and spatially heterogeneous. Whereas magnetite, which is known to form due to anaerobic Fe0 corrosion, passivates the Fe0 surface, ferrihydrite precipitation occurs away from the immediate Fe0 surface, forming small (<0.1 microm) discrete clusters. Consequently, Fe0-PRBs may remain effective for a longer period of time in slightly oxidized groundwater systems where ferrihydrite formation occurs compared to oxygen-depleted systems where magnetite passivation occurs. The ubiquitous presence of ferrihydrite suggests that the use of Fe0-PRBs may be extended to applications that require contaminant adsorption rather than, or in addition to, redox-promoted contaminant degradation.  相似文献   

Passive in situ remediation technologies, for example, permeable reactive barriers, PRBs, are an attractive and less expensive alternative compared to conventional pump and treat systems for groundwater remediation. Field column experiments were conducted to evaluate the removal of dissolved mercury from groundwater using zerovalent iron as the reactive media. Two column tests were conducted over a 6-week period, which simulated 2 and 10 years of groundwater flow through a potential full-scale treatment system. The influent groundwater pH was 7.8-9.5. The groundwater was reduced with an Eh, corrected to the standard hydrogen electrode, ranging from 0 to 120 mV over the trial period. Prior to treatment the total mercury concentration of the groundwater was approximately 40 microg L(-1). Effluent from the 10-year simulation contained approximately 0.5 microg/L of mercury during the first 3 weeks and increased to as much as 4 microg L(-1) by the end of the testing period. Effluent from the 2-year simulation was generally < 0.1 microg L(-1). Profile sampling of the 2-year simulation suggests that most of the mercury removal occurred in the initial 50% of the 20 cm column. Mineralogical studies, conducted using SEM/EDS and X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), confirm the accumulation of mercury onto a zerovalent iron surface in this 20-cm zone. These analyses indicate that mercury accumulated as a mercury sulfide with a stoichiometery similar to those of cinnabar and metacinnabar (HgS).  相似文献   

The removal of As(V), one of the most poisonous groundwater pollutants, by synthetic nanoscale zero-valent iron (NZVI) was studied. Batch experiments were performed to investigate the influence of pH, adsorption kinetics, sorption mechanism, and anionic effects. Field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HR-TEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and Mossbauer spectroscopy were used to characterize the particle size, surface morphology, and corrosion layer formation on pristine NZVI and As(V)-treated NZVI. The HR-TEM study of pristine NZVI showed a core-shell-like structure, where more than 90% of the nanoparticles were under 30 nm in diameter. M?ssbauer spectroscopy further confirmed its structure in which 19% were in zero-valent state with a coat of 81% iron oxides. The XRD results showed that As(V)-treated NZVI was gradually converted into magnetite/maghemite corrosion products over 90 days. The XPS study confirmed that 25% As(V) was reduced to As(III) by NZVI after 90 days. As(V) adsorption kinetics were rapid and occurred within minutes following a pseudo-first-order rate expression with observed reaction rate constants (Kobs) of 0.02-0.71 min(-1) at various NZVI concentrations. Laser light scattering analysis confirmed that NZVI-As(V) forms an inner-sphere surface complexation. The effects of competing anions revealed that HCO3-, H4SiO4(0), and H2PO4(2-) are potential interfering agents in the As(V) adsorption reaction. Our results suggest that NZVI is a suitable candidate for As(V) remediation.  相似文献   

We examined the corrosion products of zerovalent iron used in three column tests for removing arsenic from water under dynamic flow conditions. Each column test lasted 3-4 months using columns consisting of a 10.3-cm depth of 50:50 (w:w, Peerless iron:sand) in the middle and a 10.3cm depth of a sediment from Elizabeth City, NC, in both upper and lower portions of the 31-cm-long glass column (2.5 cm in diameter). The feeding solutions were 1 mg of As(V) L(-1) + 1 mg of As(III) L(-1) in 7 mM NaCl + 0.86 mM CaSO4 with or without added phosphate (0.5 or 1 mg of P L(-1)) and silicate (10 or 20 mg of Si L(-1)) at pH 6.5. Iron(II,III) hydroxycarbonate green rust (or simply, carbonate green rust) and magnetite were the major iron corrosion products identified with X-ray diffraction for the separated fractions (5 and 1 min sedimentation and residual). The presence of carbonate green rust was confirmed by scanning electron microscopy (hexagonal morphology) and FTIR-photoacoustic spectroscopy (interlayer carbonate stretching mode at 1352-1365 cm(-1)). X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy investigation revealed the presence of predominantly As(V) at the surface of corroded iron particles despite the fact that the feeding solution in contact with Peerless iron contained more As(III) than As(V) as a result of a preferential uptake of As(V) over As(III) by the Elizabeth City sediment. Extraction of separated corrosion products with 1.0 M HCI showed that from 86 to 96% of the total extractable As (6.9-14.6 g kg(-1)) was in the form of As(V) in agreement with the XPS results. Combined microscopic and macroscopic wet chemistry results suggest that sorbed As(III) was partially oxidized by the carbonate green rust at the early stage of iron corrosion. The column experiments suggest that either carbonate green rust is kinetically favored or is thermodynamically more stable than sulfate green rust in the studied Peerless iron corrosion systems.  相似文献   

Zero-valent iron nanoparticles (INP) were synthesized and stabilized using poly acrylic acid (PAA) to yield stabilized INP (S-INP). A two-dimensional physical model was used to study the fate and transport of the INP and S-INP in porous media under saturated, steady-state flow conditions. Transport data for a nonreactive tracer, INP, and S-INP were collected under similar flow conditions. The results show that unstabilized INP cannot be transported into groundwater systems. On the other hand, the S-INP can be transported like a tracer without significant retardation. However, the S-INP plume migrated downward as it moved horizontally in the physical model, indicating that small density gradients have significant influence on two-dimensional transport. The variable-density groundwater flow model SEAWAT was used to model the observed density-driven transport patterns. This is the first time a two-dimensional transport data set is reported for demonstrating the multidimensional transport characteristics of nanoparticles. The data shows the importance of density effects, which cannot be fully discerned using one-dimensional, column experiments. Finally, we also demonstrate that the numerical model SEAWAT can be used to predict the density-driven transport characteristics of S-INP in groundwater aquifers.  相似文献   

The combined removal of chlorinated ethenes and heavy metals from a simulated groundwater matrix by zerovalent iron (ZVI) was investigated. In batch, Ni (5-100 mg L(-1)) enhanced trichloroethene (TCE, 10 mg L(-1)) reduction by ZVI (100 g L(-1)) due to catalytic hydrodechlorination by bimetallic Fe0/Ni0. Cr(VI) or Zn (5-100 mg L(-1)) lowered TCE degradation rates by a factor of 2 to 13. Cr(VI) (100 mg L(-1)) in combination with Zn or Ni (50-100 mg L(-1)) inhibited TCE degradation. Addition of 20% H2(g) in the headspace, or of Zn (50-100 mg L(-1)), enhanced TCE removal in the presence of Ni and Cr(VI). Sorption of Zn to ZVI alleviated the Cr(VI) induced inhibition of bimetallic Fe0/Ni0 apparently due to release of protons necessary for TCE hydrodechlorination. In continuous ZVI columns treating tetrachloroethene (PCE, 1-2 mg L(-1)) and TCE (10 mg L(-1)), and a mixture of the metals Cr(VI), Zn(II), and Ni(II) (5 mg (L-1)), the PCE removal efficiency decreased from 100% to 90% in columns operated without heavy metals. The PCE degradation efficiency remained above 99% in columns receiving heavy metals as long as Ni was present. The findings of this study indicate the feasibility and limitations of the combined treatment of mixtures of organic and inorganic pollutants by ZVI.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of in situ treatment using zero-valent iron (ZVI) for nonaqueous phase or significant sediment-associated contaminant mass can be limited by relatively low rates of mass transfer to bring contaminants in contact with the reactive media. For a field test in a trichloroethene (TCE) source area, combining moderate-temperature subsurface electrical resistance heating with in situ ZVI treatment was shown to accelerate TCE treatment by a factor of about 4 based on organic daughter products and a factor about 8 based on chloride concentrations. A mass-discharge-based analysis was used to evaluate reaction, dissolution, and volatilization processes at ambient groundwater temperature (~10 °C) and as temperature was increased up to about 50 °C. Increased reaction and contaminant dissolution were observed with increased temperature, but vapor- or aqueous-phase migration of TCE out of the treatment zone was minimal during the test because reactions maintained low aqueous-phase TCE concentrations.  相似文献   

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are toxic pollutants notorious for their aquatic and sedimentary prevalence and recalcitrant nature. Bimetallic systems like Pd/Fe have been widely studied for degrading them. Mg, with oxidation potential higher than Fe, has been reported to dechlorinate PCBs in conjunction with K2PdCl6-systems that are distinct from Pd/Mg bimetals. This study primarily aims to evaluate Pd/Mg bimetallic systems for dechlorinating 2-chlorobiphenyl (2-CIBP), a model PCB. Candidacy of Mg is based on its unique corrosion properties that afford synthesis and storage under ambient conditions and application-based advantages. A simple wet-chemistry procedure was developed to synthesize Pd/Mg particles with 0.11-1.62% Pd content and nanoscale Pd-islands as determined by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM). Aqueous 2-CIBP matrices were effectively degraded using these particles, the dechlorination kinetics showing linear dependence on the total Pd content. The pH profile obtained with varying bimetallic content led to useful insights into the unique behavior of Mg surface. A carbon mole balance showed 85-105% recoveries. Performance of the Pd/Mg particles in PCB spiked clays and sediment suggests that they may work well in such systems. Finally, a mechanism for PCB dechlorination in Pd/Mg systems was proposed.  相似文献   

Carbon isotope fractionation is of great interest in assessing chlorinated ethene transformation by nanoscale zero-valent iron at contaminated sites, particularly in distinguishing the effectiveness of an implemented abiotic degradation remediation scheme from intrinsic biotic degradation. Transformation of trichloroethylene (TCE), cis-dichloroethylene (cis-DCE), and vinyl chloride (VC) with two types of nanoscale iron materials showed different reactivity trends, but relatively consistent carbon isotope enrichment factors (epsilon) of -19.4 per thousand +/- 1.8 per thousand (VC), -21.7 per thousand +/- 1.8 per thousand (cis-DCE), and -23.5 per thousand +/- 2.8 per thousand (TCE) with one type of iron (FeBH), and from -20.9 per thousand +/- 1.1 per thousand to -26.5 per thousand +/- 1.5 per thousand (TCE) with the other (FeH2). Products of the dichloroelimination pathway (ethene, ethane, and acetylene) were consistently 10 per thousand more isotopically depleted than those of the hydrogenolysis pathway (cis-DCE from TCE, VC from cis-DCE), displaying a characteristic pattern that may serve as an indicator of abiotic dehalogenation reactions and as a diagnostic parameter for differentiating the effects of abiotic versus biotic degradation. In contrast, the product-related enrichment factors of each respective pathway varied significantly in different experiments. Because such variation would not be expected for independent pathways with constant kinetic isotope effects, our data give preliminary evidence that the two pathways may share an irreversible first reaction step with subsequent isotopically sensitive branching.  相似文献   

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