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The continued propagation of the yeast [PSI+] prion requires the molecular chaperone Hsp104 yet in cells engineered to overexpress Hsp104; prion propagation is impaired leading to the rapid appearance of prion‐free [psi?] cells. The underlying mechanism of prion loss in such cells is unknown but is assumed to be due to the complete dissolution of the prion aggregates by the ATP‐dependent disaggregase activity of this chaperone. To further explore the mechanism, we have sought to identify cellular factors required for prion loss in such cells. Sti1p and Cpr7p are co‐chaperones that modulate the activity of Hsp70/Ssa and Hsp90 chaperones and bind to the C‐terminus of Hsp104. Neither Sti1p nor Cpr7p is necessary for prion propagation but we show that deletion of the STI1 and CPR7 genes leads to a significant reduction in the generation of [psi?] cells by Hsp104 overexpression. Deletion of the STI1 and CPR7 genes does not modify the elimination of [PSI+] by guanidine hydrochloride, which inhibits the ATPase activity of Hsp104 but does block elimination of [PSI+] by overexpression of either an ATPase‐defective mutant of Hsp104 (hsp104K218T/K620T) or a ‘trap’ mutant Hsp104 (hsp104E285Q/E687Q) that can bind its substrate but can not release it. These results provide support for the hypothesis that [PSI+] elimination by Hsp104 overexpression is not simply a consequence of complete dissolution of the prion aggregates but rather is through a mechanism distinct from the remodelling activity of Hsp104. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The intensity of amyloid-bound thioflavine T fluorescence was studied in crude lysates of yeast strains carrying mutations in the ADE1 or ADE2 genes and accumulating the red pigment (a result of polymerization of aminoimidazoleribotide), and in white isogenic strains--either adenine prototrophs or carrying mutations at the first stages of purine biosynthesis. We found that the red pigment leads to a drop of amyloid content. This result, along with the data on separation of protein polymers of white and red strains in PAGE, suggests that the red pigment inhibits amyloid fibril formation. The differences in transmission of the thioflavine T fluorescence pattern by cytoduction and in blot-hybridization of pellet proteins of red and white [PSI(+) ] strains with Sup35p antibodies confirmed this conclusion. Purified red pigment treatment also led to a decrease of fluorescence intensity of thioflavine T bound to insulin fibrils and to yeast pellet protein aggregates from [PSI(+) ] strains. This suggests red pigment interaction with amyloid fibrils. Comparison of pellet proteins from red and white isogenic strains separated by 2D-electrophoresis followed by MALDI analysis has allowed us to identify 48 pigment-dependent proteins. These proteins mostly belong to functional classes of chaperones and proteins involved in glucose metabolism, closely corresponding to prion-dependent proteins that we characterized previously. Also present were some proteins involved in stress response and proteolysis. We suppose that the red pigment acts by blocking certain sites on amyloid fibrils that, in some cases, can lead in vivo to interfere with their contacts with chaperones and the generation of prion seeds.  相似文献   

The yeast deletion library is a collection of over 5100 single gene deletions that has been widely used by the yeast community. The presence of a non‐Mendelian element, such as a prion, within this library could affect the outcome of many large‐scale genomic studies. We previously showed that the deletion library parent strain contained the [PIN+] prion. [PIN+] is the misfolded infectious prion form of the Rnq1 protein that displays distinct fluorescent foci in the presence of RNQ1–GFP and exists in different physical conformations, called variants. Here, we show that over 97% of the library deletion strains are [PIN+]. Of the 141 remaining strains that have completely (58) or partially (83) lost [PIN+], 139 deletions were able to efficiently maintain three different [PIN+] variants despite extensive growth and storage at 4 °C. One strain, cue2Δ, displayed an alteration in the RNQ1–GFP fluorescent shape, but the Rnq1p prion aggregate shows no biochemical differences from the wild‐type. Only strains containing a deletion of either HSP104 or RNQ1 are unable to maintain [PIN+], indicating that 5153 non‐essential genes are not required for [PIN+] propagation. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Common methods to identify yeast cells containing the prion form of the Sup35 translation termination factor, [PSI+], involve a nonsense suppressor phenotype. Decreased function of Sup35p in [PSI+] cells leads to read-through of certain nonsense mutations in a few auxotrophic markers, e.g. ade1-14. This read-through results in growth on adenine-deficient media. While this powerful tool has dramatically facilitated the study of [PSI+], it is limited to a narrow range of laboratory strains and cannot easily be used to screen for cells that have lost the [PSI+] prion. Therefore we have engineered a nonsense mutation in the widely used URA3 gene, termed the ura3-14 allele. Introduction of the ura3-14 allele into an array of genetic backgrounds, carrying a loss-of-function URA3 mutation and [PSI+], allows for growth on media lacking uracil, indicative of decreased translational termination efficiency. This ura3-14 allele is able to distinguish various forms of the [PSI+] prion, called variants, and is able to detect the de novo appearance of [PSI+] in strains carrying the prion form of Rnq1p, [PIN+]. Furthermore, 5-fluoroorotic acid, which kills cells making functional Ura3p, provides a means to select for [psi-] derivatives in a population of [PSI+] cells marked with the ura3-14 allele, making this system much more versatile than previous methods.  相似文献   

In the traditional (kimoto) method of sake (Japanese rice wine) brewing, Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast cells are exposed to lactate, which is produced by lactic acid bacteria in the seed mash. Lactate promotes the appearance of glucose-repression-resistant [GAR+] cells. Herein, we compared the resistance to glucose repression among kimoto, industrial, and laboratory yeast strains. We observed that the frequencies of the spontaneous emergence of [GAR+] cells among the kimoto strains were higher than those among the industrial and laboratory strains. The fermentation ability of a kimoto yeast (strain U44) was lower than that of an industrial strain (K701), as [GAR+] cells generally showed slower ethanol production. The addition of lactate decreased the fermentation abilities of the K701 strain by increasing the number of [GAR+] cells, but it did not affect those of the U44 strain. These results suggest that lactate controlled fermentation by promoting the appearance of [GAR+] cells in the industrial sake strains but not in the kimoto strains.  相似文献   

The recently published sequence of yeast chromosome III (YCIII) provides the longest continuous stretch of a eukaryotic DNA molecule sequenced to date (315 kb). The sequence contains 116 distinct AUG-initiated open reading frames of at least 200 codons in length, more than 50 of which had not been described previously nor bear significant similarity to known proteins. We have analysed the YCIII known and putative-protein sequences with respect to significant statistical features which might reflect on structural and functional characteristics. The YCIII proteins have striking similarities and differences in their sequence attribute distributions compared to the corresponding distributions for all available yeast sequences and other protein collections. Nine examples of YCIII proteins with distinctive sequence features are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

Lipids are essential components of all living cells because they are obligate components of biological membranes, and serve as energy reserves and second messengers. Many but not all genes encoding enzymes involved in fatty acid, phospholipid, sterol or sphingolipid biosynthesis of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae have been cloned and gene products have been functionally characterized. Less information is available about genes and gene products governing the transport of lipids between organelles and within membranes or the turnover and degradation of complex lipids. To obtain more insight into lipid metabolism, regulation of lipid biosynthesis and the role of lipids in organellar membranes, a group of five European laboratories established methods suitable to screen for novel genes of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae involved in these processes. These investigations were performed within EUROFAN (European Function Analysis Network), a European initiative to identify the functions of unassigned open reading frames that had been detected during the Yeast Genome Sequencing Project. First, the methods required for the complete lipid analysis of yeast cells based on chromatographic techniques were established and standardized. The reliability of these methods was demonstrated using tester strains with established defects in lipid metabolism. During these investigations it was demonstrated that different wild‐type strains, among them FY1679, CEN.PK2‐1C and W303, exhibit marked differences in lipid content and lipid composition. Second, several candidate genes which were assumed to encode proteins involved in lipid metabolism were selected, based on their homology to genes of known function. Finally, lipid composition of mutant strains deleted of the respective open reading frames was determined. For some genes we found evidence suggesting a possible role in lipid metabolism. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Yeast strains isolated from the wild may show high rates of changes in their karyotypes during vegetative growth. We analysed over 500 karyotypes from mitotic and meiotic derivatives of strain DC5, which has a chromosome rearrangement rate of 8.2 x 10(-3) changes/generation. About 70% of the meiotic derivatives of DC5 had low rearrangement rates, with an average of 5.8 x 10(-4) changes/generation, suggesting that karyotype instability behaved as a dominant phenotype. Diploid derivatives with low karyotype variability in mitosis also had low rates of chromosomal rearrangement during meiosis, suggesting that the two phenotypes may be linked. DC5 and some of its meiotic derivatives (both with high and low karyotype variability) had chromosome XII hypervariable bands. Their distribution among the meiotic products indicates that they are not indicators for genetic instability. To our knowledge, data in this paper are the first to indicate that karyotypically unstable yeast strains may give stable progeny at high rates. Understanding of the relevant mechanism(s) may allow the design of genetic strategies to stabilize karyotypes from natural and/or industrial wine yeasts with unacceptable karyotype rearrangement rates.  相似文献   

Maltotriose is the second most abundant fermentable sugar in wort and, due to incomplete fermentation, residual maltotriose in beer causes both quality and economic problems in the brewing industry. To identify genes that might improve utilization of maltotriose, we developed a library containing genomic DNA from four lager strains and a laboratory Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain and isolated transformants that could grow on YP/2% maltotriose in the presence of 3 mg/l of the respiratory inhibitor antimycin A. In this way we found a gene which shared 74% similarity with MPH2 and MPH3, 62% similarity with AGT1 and 91% similarity with MAL61 and MAL31, all encoding known maltose transporters. Moreover, the gene shared an even higher similarity (98%) with the uncharacterized Saccharomyces pastorianus mty1 gene (M. Salema-Oom, unpublished; NCBI Accession No. AJ491328). Therefore, we named the gene MTT1 (mty1-like transporter). We showed that the gene was present in four different lager strains but was absent from the laboratory strain CEN.PK113-7D. The ORF in the plasmid isolated from the library lacks 66 base pairs from the 3'-end of MTT1 but instead contains 54 bp of the vector. We named this ORF MTT1alt (NCBI Accession No. DQ010174). 14C-Maltose and repurified 14C-maltotriose were used to show that MTT1 and, especially, MTT1alt, encode maltose transporters for which the ratio between activities to maltotriose and maltose is higher than for most known maltose transporters. Introduction of MTT1 or MTT1alt into lager strain A15 raised maltotriose uptake by about 17% or 105%, respectively.  相似文献   

The yeast cytoplasmically-inherited nonsense suppressor [PSI(+)] determinant is presumed to be a manifestation of the aggregated prion-like state of the Sup35 protein. Overexpression of the Sup35 protein induces generation of [PSI(+)] determinants with various suppressor efficiency and mitotic stabilities. Here, we demonstrate that the relative frequency of appearance of [PSI(+)] with different properties depends on the SUP35 allele used to induce their generation. The difference in properties of [PSI(+)] determinants was preserved after their transmission from one yeast strain to another. This difference correlated with variation in properties of the Sup35 protein. A novel type of prion instability was observed: some [PSI(+)] with weak suppressor efficiency could convert spontaneously into strong suppressor determinants.  相似文献   

The influence of salt (sodium chloride) on the cell physiology of wine yeast was investigated. Cellular viability and population growth of three wine‐making yeast strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and two non‐Saccharomyces yeast strains associated with wine must microflora (Kluyveromyces thermotolerans and K. marxianus) were evaluated following salt pre‐treatments. Yeast cells growing in glucose defined media exposed to different sodium chloride concentrations (4, 6 and 10% w/v) exhibited enhanced viabilities compared with nontreated cultures in subsequent trial fermentations. Salt ‘preconditioning’ of wine yeast seed cultures was also shown to alleviate stuck and sluggish fermentations at the winery scale, indicating potential benefits for industrial fermentation processes. It is hypothesized that salt induces specific osmostress response genes to enable yeast cells to better tolerate the rigours of fermentation, particularly in high sugar and alcohol concentrations. Copyright © 2014 The Institute of Brewing & Distilling  相似文献   

The aim of this study consisted to evaluate the impact of a pesticide (penconazole) on the growth kinetics and genotoxicity on two yeast strains (Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Metschnikowia pulcherrima). When the penconazole was added at different phases of the growth of M. pulcherrima, no effect was noticed on the kinetics of yeast growth but DNA adducts were observed when penconazole was added in the exponential phase. Increasing doses (1-15 maximum residue limit) of the pesticide added at the beginning of the fermentation did not induce DNA adducts while kinetics were affected.  相似文献   

Economic growth depends strongly on the availability and price of fuels. There are various reasons in different parts of the world for efforts to decrease the consumption of fossil fuels, but biofuels are one of the main solutions considered towards achieving this aim globally. As the major bioethanol producer, the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has a central position among biofuel‐producing organisms. However, unprecedented challenges for yeast biotechnology lie ahead, as future biofuels will have to be produced on a large scale from sustainable feedstocks that do not interfere with food production, and which are generally not the traditional carbon source for S. cerevisiae. Additionally, the current trend in the development of biofuels is to synthesize molecules that can be used as drop‐in fuels for existing engines. Their properties should therefore be more similar to those of oil‐derived fuels than those of ethanol. Recent developments and challenges lying ahead for cost‐effective production of such designed biofuels, using S. cerevisiae‐based cell factories, are presented in this review. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Increasing glycerol production in low-temperature wine fermentation is of concern for winemakers to improve the quality of wines. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of 10 different Saccharomyces cerevisiae on the kinetics of production of glycerol, ethanol and the activities of glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GPD) and alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) in low-temperature fermentation. Ethanol production was influenced by temperature, and it was slightly higher at 13 °C than at 25 °C. Glycerol yields were significantly affected by both temperature and strains. More glycerol was produced at 25 °C than at 13 °C because the activity of GPD was higher at 25 °C than at 13 °C. Glycerol production of the different yeast strains was up to 3.19 and 3.18 g L−1 at 25 and 13 °C, respectively. Therefore, isolating the yeast strains with high glycerol production and adaptation to low-temperature fermentation is still the best method in winemaking.  相似文献   

We have determined the nucleotide sequence of a fragment of chromosome XV of Saccharomyces cerevisiae cloned into cosmid pEOA048. The analysis of the 26 857 bp sequence reveals the presence of 19 open reading frames (ORFs), and of one RNA-coding gene (SNR17A). Six ORFs correspond to previously known genes (MKK1/SSP32, YGE1/GRPE/MGE1, KIN4/KIN31/KIN3, RPL37B, DFR1 and HES1, respectively), all others were discovered in this work. Only five of the new ORFs have significant homologs in public databases, the remaining eight correspond to orphans (two of them are questionable). O5248 is a probable folylpolyglutamate synthetase, having two structural homologs already sequenced in the yeast genome. O5273 shows homology with a yeast protein required for vanadate resistance. O5268 shows homology with putative oxidoreductases of different organisms. O5257 shows homology with the SAS2 protein and another hypothetical protein from yeast. The last one, O5245, shows homology with a putative protein of Caenorhabditis elegans of unknown function. The present sequence corresponds to coordinates 772 331 to 799 187 of the entire chromosome XV sequence which can be retrieved by anonymous ftp (ftp. mips. embnet. org).  相似文献   

Using nine primer pairs, amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis was conducted to characterize industrial, laboratory and type strains of Saccharomyces sensu stricto. S. cerevisiae, S. bayanus, S. carlsbergensis and S. paradoxus had species-specific AFLP profiles, with some variations among the strains. Nineteen wine, ale, bakery, whisky and laboratory strains of S. cerevisiae were differentiated by two primer pairs, while out of 19 strains of sake yeast, two groups consisting of two and eight strains were not differentiated using nine primer pairs. A phenogram of 41 strains of S. cerevisiae, two strains of S. bayanus, the type strain of S. pastorianus, three strains of S. carlsbergensis, one hybrid strain of S. cerevisiae and S. bayanus and the type strain of S. paradoxus was obtained by the unweighted pair group method, using arithmetic averages (UPGMA) based on the percentage of shared AFLP fragments of each sample pair. This phenogram demonstrated clear separations of S. cerevisiae, S. bayanus, S. carlsbergensis and S. paradoxus. However, S. pastorianus ATCC 12752(T) showed the highest percentages of shared fragments with the strains of S. bayanus, and formed a cluster with them. Except for the type strain of S. pastorianus, the percentages of shared fragments showed a similar tendency with reported data of DNA relatedness. The cluster of S. cerevisiae separated into three subclusters: one consisting of sake and shochu strains and a whisky strain; another consisting of bakery, wine, ale and whisky strains; and a third consisting of laboratory strains.  相似文献   

In this study we show that the previously described uvs112 (uvs12) mutation blocks one of the steps of the excision repair pathway. The properties of this mutation permit the assignment of the UVS112 gene to the RAD3 epistasis group. It was established that the uvs112 mutation caused a 2·5-fold reduction in the number of recombinants produced by conversion and also significantly increased the frequency of mitotic crossing-over in interplasmid recombination. Tetrad analysis placed the UVS112 gene on the left arm of chromosome IX, approximately 20 cM from HIS5. The analysis of mitotic recombination revealed that UVS112 lies between HIS6 and HIS5, and is an allele of the RAD25 gene.  相似文献   

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