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本文介绍了国际计量委员会(CIPM)组织国际关键比对的背景和已经开展的温度比对项目。对中国计量科学研究院参加的温度比对项目进行了系统介绍和结果分析。  相似文献   

近10年来.国际计量委员会(CIPM)推行的多边互认协议(MRA)顺利实施,其重要性被广泛接受。CIPM鼓励采取一切可能的方法.向其他政府间组织和国际组织宣传CIPM MRA产生的良好的经济和社会效益,同时提请成员国及其国家计量院向所在国家立法机构、认可机构和标准化机构开展宣传。国际计量局(BIPM)、国际法制计量组织(OIML)和国际实验室认可合作组织(ILAC)于2006年1月23日签署了“不同国际汁量协议与贸易、立法和标准化工作关联性”的联合声明.  相似文献   

一等标准水银温度计具有可直接测量被测对象的温度值,结构简单、使用方便、成本低廉等特点而成为检定二等标准水银温度计的标准器。近20多年来,我国从未进行过量值比对。更重要的是为了考察大区级国家计量测试中心量值传递工作的现状和温度计量标准的运行情况,客观、公正、科学地反映当前我国大区级温度实验室综合技术水平,确保国内相同等级计量标准之间量值的一致性,使其全国各大区计量机构检定结果准确度保持在规定的范围内,实现国内量值传递准确、可靠。  相似文献   

谢清 《中国计量》2014,(11):10-10
10月15日至16日,全国温度计量技术委员会2014年年会在渝召开。 会议审定了温度显示仪表、温湿度标准箱、连续热电偶等一批校准规范,讨论了新上项目以及2014年工作情况和2015年工作计划。会议由全国温度计量技术委员会主任、中国计量科学研究院副院长段宇宁主持,委员会委员及观察员共计40余人参加了会议。  相似文献   

刘旭红 《中国计量》2011,(12):17-17
本刊讯日前.经国际计量委员会(CIPM)推选.中国计量科学研究院副院长段宇宁当选国际计量委员会测温学咨询委员会主席。这是我国代表首次担任国际计量委员会咨询委员会主席一职。  相似文献   

王大珩先生是我国计量界的老前辈、老专家。1979年9月由原国家计量总局提名经中央批准,国际计量委员会投票通过,一致选举为该委员会委员,同时为原国家计量总局、中国计量科学研究院顾问。我有幸在1982年制定JJ1001—1982《常用计量名词术语及定义》时,与王老有过3次接触,这是我终生难忘的经万,至今历历在目.  相似文献   

计本刊讯(记者杨学功戴利明)8月30日,国家质检总局在北京举办了“国际单位制的历史、现状和未来”报告会。国家质检总局葛志荣副局长,计量司宣湘司长,中国计量科学研究院童光球院长,国际计量局(BIPM)荣誉局长Terry Quinn博士,国际计量委员会单位制咨询委员会(CIPM/CCU)主席Ian Mills教授,以及来自国家质检总局计量司、中国计量科学研究院、北京市计量检测科学研究院和其他相关科研院所的100余位专家参加了报告会。葛志荣副局长为报告会致词,他说:“国际单位制(SI)是计量学研究的基础和核心。七个基本单位的复现、保存和量值传递是计…  相似文献   

纪亮 《中国计量》2006,(7):80-80
本刊讯 “国际单位制的历史、现状和未来”研讨会将于9月4-9日在新疆乌鲁木齐市举行。此次研讨会由中国计量科学研究院主办,邀请了国际计量局(BIPM)荣誉局长Terry Quinn博士和国际计量委员会单位制咨询委员会(CIPM/CCU)主席Ian Mills教授两位国际知名专家.国内若干权威专家以及国家质检总局计量司有关领导。  相似文献   

沈乃激 《中国计量》2010,(2):62-64,71
<正>一、国际比对的背景回忆我在中国计量科学研究院工作过的36年,最难忘的事就是经历了氦氖激光波长标准的两次国际比对。我在北大物理系学习期间,并未学过激光的知识和理论,因为激光是20世纪60年代后才出现的新技术。  相似文献   

中国计量科学研究院始建于1955年,是国家最高的计量科学研究中心,现有13个专业处,61个实验室。  相似文献   

Results of the KC3 key international comparisons of temperature measurements, in which 15 national metrological institutes from Europe, America, Asia and Australia participated, are presented. The maximum differences between the results obtained by national metrological institutes amounted to 6, 3, 2, 3 and 1 mK, at the freezing points of Al, Zn, Sn and In and at the melting point of Ga respectively. It is shown that the results obtained at all the compared points at the D. I. Mendeleev All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Metrology are close to the results obtained at the NIST – the coordinator of the comparisons, and are near the mean values obtained by all the participants.  相似文献   

A statistical approach to link the results of interlaboratory comparisons with linear trends is proposed. This approach can be applied to the case that the comparison artifacts have the same nominal values or the measured quantities have the same magnitudes. The degrees of equivalence between the pairs of National Metrology Institutes that have not participated in the same comparisons, and their corresponding uncertainties are established. The approach is applied to link the CCEM-K2 and SIM.EM-K2 comparisons for resistance at 1 G Ω level.  相似文献   

During the last key comparison of local realizations of the International Temperature Scale of 1990 above the silver point, which used high stability tungsten strip lamps, it became clear that these artifacts can no longer be used to evaluate the real calibration and measuring capabilities (CMCs) of the participant laboratories. The intrinsic uncertainty of the lamps is actually larger than the claimed CMCs of most national laboratories. Ideally a set of driftless robust artifacts, preferably of unknown temperature, should be used for this purpose, as this would allow CMCs to be probed at the highest level. Currently such artifacts do not exist. High-temperature fixed points (HTFPs) have been the subject of intense study for more than 10 years. The research has come to an advanced state so much that the temperatures of some of them are well known to be within 1 K. This has rendered their use as comparison artifacts questionable as any comparison would not be blind. To address this issue, doped HTFPs have been developed which have had their transition temperature altered from that of the eutectic composition. Two Ni–C–Cu cells and two Ni–C–Sn were constructed by Inmetro with different quantities of Cu and Sn, respectively. These were compared to a reference Ni–C cell (nominal transition temperature of 1329  \(^{\circ }\) C) and the temperature differences from the pure state determined. In this paper the design, construction, and results of long-term stability are described. These promising results indicate that it is possible to make HTFPs with altered temperatures which are stable enough to serve as comparison artifacts.  相似文献   

A summary of the first CCQM-K9 key international comparisons of pH measurements to assess the level of the national standards of ten countries is presented. It is shown that there is good agreement between the results obtained within the limits of the measurement uncertainty declared by the participants.  相似文献   

高占科  袁玲玲  江帆 《计量学报》2022,43(2):268-273
海洋测温仪是海洋调查、观测、监测业务中最重要的仪器设备,需要定期或在航前航后开展计量校准,确保测量结果准确可靠,消除漂移带来的系统误差.为了评价各国实验室间海洋测温仪计量校准结果的一致性,3个亚太区域国家的海洋计量校准实验室进行了海洋温度计量比对,开展3台海洋测温仪的计量校准比对试验,比对结果一致性良好,各参比实验室测...  相似文献   

Measurement Techniques - The most challenging problems in the field of chemico- and bioanalytical measurements are described. These problems are being solved, in particular, by participating in new...  相似文献   

Nielsen  L. 《Measurement Techniques》2003,46(5):513-522
In a key comparison one or several measurement objects are circulated among a number of laboratories, each of which measures the quantities represented by the objects. In order to compare the measurement results obtained by the participating laboratories, the values represented by the circulated objects have to be established. These values, known as the key comparison reference values, and their associated uncertainties can easily be calculated by the method of least squares from the measurement results provided by the participating laboratories. Since this method requires that the measurement results be mutually consistent, a hypothesis that sometimes has to be rejected at a reasonable level of significance, a procedure for identification and handling of discrepant measurements is needed. In this paper such a procedure is suggested. It is demonstrated that although a key comparison reference value is attracted to a discrepant measurement result that has an uncertainty much smaller than the remaining results, the suggested procedure is able to identify this discrepant result. It is also demonstrated that the exclusion of a discrepant measurement result from the calculation of the reference values does not amplify the discrepancy of that result. As the discrepant result is not excluded from the comparison itself, the exclusion of the result in the calculation of the reference values should therefore be uncontroversial.  相似文献   

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