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Dresden G protein-coupled receptor (D-GPCR) is one of orphan G protein-coupled receptors (GPCR). Here we report the identification of the ligands and the characterization of D-GPCR. We investigated over 5000 compounds to evoke the response mediated by D-GPCR and identified 3-methyl-valeric acid and 4-methyl-valeric acid as agonists using a cAMP assay. It is of interest that they dramatically enhanced the intracellular cAMP accumulation and the CRE-luciferase activity in CHO-K1 cells and HEK293 cells expressing the chimeric protein of D-GPCR with a rhodopsin-tag at its N-terminus. Our results established new characteristics of D-GPCR as an olfactory receptor. First, agonists of D-GPCR belong to odorants. Second, D-GPCR mRNA is expressed in the olfactory bulb. In addition, D-GPCR was reported to have similar sequences and its genome locus nearby other olfactory receptors. These results suggest D-GPCR is an olfactory receptor.  相似文献   

Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) is a bioactive lipid that enhances ovarian cancer cell proliferation, migration and invasion in vitro and stimulates peritoneal metastasis in vivo. LPA is generated through the action of autotaxin or phospholipases, and degradation begins with lipid phosphate phosphohydrolase (LPP)-dependent removal of the phosphate. While the effects of LPA on ovarian cancer progression are clear, the effects of LPA metabolism within the tumor microenvironment on peritoneal metastasis have not been reported. We examined the contribution of lipid phosphatase activity to ovarian cancer peritoneal metastasis using mice deficient in LPP1 expression. Homozygous deletion of LPP1 (LPP1 KO) results in elevated levels and decreased turnover of LPA in vivo. Within 2 weeks of intraperitoneal injection of syngeneic mouse ovarian cancer cells, we observed enhanced tumor seeding in the LPP1 KO mice compared to wild type. However, tumor growth plateaued in the LPP1 KO mice by 3 weeks while tumors continued to grow in wild type mice. The decreased tumor burden was accompanied by increased apoptosis and no change in proliferation or angiogenesis. Tumor growth was restored and apoptosis reversed with exogenous administration of LPA. Together, these observations demonstrate that the elevated levels of LPA per se in LPP1 KO mice do not inhibit tumor growth. Rather, the data support the notion that either elevated LPA concentration or altered LPA metabolism affects other growth-promoting contributions of the tumor microenvironment.  相似文献   

The etiology of ovarian epithelial cancer is poorly understood, mainly due to the lack of an appropriate experimental model for studying the onset and progression of this disease. We have created a mutant mouse model in which aberrant estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) signaling in the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis leads to ovarian epithelial tumorigenesis. In these mice, termed ERαd/d, the ERα gene was conditionally deleted in the anterior pituitary, but remained intact in the hypothalamus and the ovary. The loss of negative-feedback regulation by estrogen (E) at the level of the pituitary led to increased production of luteinizing hormone (LH) by this tissue. Hyperstimulation of the ovarian cells by LH resulted in elevated steroidogenesis, producing high circulating levels of steroid hormones, including E. The ERαd/d mice exhibited formation of palpable ovarian epithelial tumors starting at 5 months of age with 100% penetrance. By 15 months of age, 80% of ERαd/d mice die. Besides proliferating epithelial cells, these tumors also contained an expanded population of luteinized stromal cells, which acquire the ability to express P450 aromatase and synthesize E locally. In response to the elevated levels of E, the ERα signaling was accentuated in the ovarian epithelial cells of ERαd/d mice, triggering increased ERα-dependent gene expression, abnormal cell proliferation, and tumorigenesis. Consistent with these findings, treatment of ERαd/d mice with letrozole, an aromatase inhibitor, markedly reduced circulating E and ovarian tumor volume. We have, therefore, developed a unique animal model, which serves as a useful tool for exploring the involvement of E-dependent signaling pathways in ovarian epithelial tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease characterized by loss of neurons in the substantia nigra that project to the striatum and release dopamine. The cause of PD remains uncertain, however, evidence implicates mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress. Although most cases of PD are sporadic, 5-10% of cases are caused by inherited mutations. Loss-of-function mutations in Parkin and DJ-1 were the first to be linked to recessively inherited Parkinsonism. Surprisingly, mice bearing similar loss-of-function mutations in Parkin and DJ-1 do not show age-dependent loss of nigral dopaminergic neurons or depletion of dopamine in the striatum. Although the normal cellular functions of Parkin and DJ-1 are not fully understood, we hypothesized that loss-of-function mutations in Parkin and DJ-1 render cells more sensitive to mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress. To test this hypothesis, we crossed mice deficient for Parkin and DJ-1 with mice deficient for the mitochondrial antioxidant protein Mn-superoxide dismutase (SOD2) or the cytosolic antioxidant protein Cu-Zn-superoxide dismutase (SOD1). Aged Parkin -/- DJ-1 -/- and Mn-superoxide dismutase triple deficient mice have enhanced performance on the rotorod behavior test. Cu/Zn-superoxide dismutase triple deficient mice have elevated levels of dopamine in the striatum in the absence of nigral cell loss. Our studies demonstrate that on a Parkin/DJ-1 null background, mice that are also deficient for major antioxidant proteins do not have progressive loss of dopaminergic neurons but have behavioral and striatal dopamine abnormalities.  相似文献   

Human gamma herpesviruses, including Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), are capable of inducing tumors, particularly in in immune-compromised individuals. Due to the stringent host tropism, rodents are resistant to infection by human gamma herpesviruses, creating a significant barrier for the in vivo study of viral genes that contribute to tumorigenesis. The closely-related murine gamma herpesvirus 68 (γHV68) efficiently infects laboratory mouse strains and establishes robust persistent infection without causing apparent disease. Here, we report that a recombinant γHV68 carrying the KSHV G protein-coupled receptor (kGPCR) in place of its murine counterpart induces angiogenic tumors in infected mice. Although viral GPCRs are conserved in all gamma herpesviruses, kGPCR potently activated downstream signaling and induced tumor formation in nude mouse, whereas γHV68 GPCR failed to do so. Recombinant γHV68 carrying kGPCR demonstrated more robust lytic replication ex vivo than wild-type γHV68, although both viruses underwent similar acute and latent infection in vivo. Infection of immunosuppressed mice with γHV68 carrying kGPCR, but not wild-type γHV68, induced tumors in mice that exhibited angiogenic and inflammatory features shared with human Kaposi’s sarcoma. Immunohistochemistry staining identified abundant latently-infected cells and a small number of cells supporting lytic replication in tumor tissue. Thus, mouse infection with a recombinant γHV68 carrying kGPCR provides a useful small animal model for tumorigenesis induced by a human gamma herpesvirus gene in the setting of a natural course of infection.  相似文献   

Abstract : Desensitization of many G protein-coupled receptors after ligand binding generally involves phosphorylation of the receptors and internalization of the ligandbound, phosphorylated receptors by a clathrin-mediated endocytic pathway. Olfactory receptor neurons from the channel catfish ( Ictalurus punctatus ) express the G protein-coupled odorant receptors and metabotropic glutamate receptors. To determine whether a clathrin-dependent receptor internalization pathway exists in olfactory receptor neurons, western blotting and immunocytochemistry were used to identify and localize clathrin and dynamin in isolated olfactory neurons. Clathrin and dynamin immunoreactivity was found in the cell bodies, dendrites, and dendritic knobs of the neurons. Using the activity-dependent fluorescent dye FM1-43 to monitor receptor internalization, we show that single olfactory neurons stimulated with the odorant amino acid l -glumate internalized the dye. Odorant-stimulated neurons showed a consistent pattern of internalized FM1-43 fluorescence localized in the cell bodies and dendritic knobs. Odorant-stimulated internalization was unaffected by the caveolae activator okadaic acid and was significantly decreased by a metabotropic glutamate receptor antagonist, suggesting that a functional, clathrindependent, receptor-mediated internalization pathway exists in olfactory receptor neurons.  相似文献   

Flaviviruses cause a wide range of severe diseases ranging from encephalitis to hemorrhagic fever. Discovery of host factors that regulate the fate of flaviviruses in infected cells could provide insight into the molecular mechanisms of infection and therefore facilitate the development of anti-flaviviral drugs. We performed genome-scale siRNA screens to discover human host factors required for yellow fever virus (YFV) propagation. Using a 2×2 siRNA pool screening format and a duplicate of the screen, we identified a high confidence list of YFV host factors. To find commonalities between flaviviruses, these candidates were compared to host factors previously identified for West Nile virus (WNV) and dengue virus (DENV). This comparison highlighted a potential requirement for the G protein-coupled receptor kinase family, GRKs, for flaviviral infection. The YFV host candidate GRK2 (also known as ADRBK1) was validated both in siRNA-mediated knockdown HuH-7 cells and in GRK−/− mouse embryonic fibroblasts. Additionally, we showed that GRK2 was required for efficient propagation of DENV and Hepatitis C virus (HCV) indicating that GRK2 requirement is conserved throughout the Flaviviridae. Finally, we found that GRK2 participates in multiple distinct steps of the flavivirus life cycle by promoting both entry and RNA synthesis. Together, our findings identified GRK2 as a novel regulator of flavivirus infection and suggest that inhibition of GRK2 function may constitute a new approach for treatment of flavivirus associated diseases.  相似文献   

YAP is a key component of the Hippo signaling pathway and plays a critical role in the development and progression of multiple cancer types, including ovarian cancer. However, the effects of YAP on ovarian cancer development in vivo and its downstream effectors remain uncertain. In this study we found that strong YAP expression was associated with poor ovarian cancer patient survival. Specifically, we showed for the first time that high YAP expression levels were positively correlated with TEAD4 gene expression, and their co-expression was a prognostic marker for poor ovarian cancer survival. Hyperactivation of YAP by mutating its five inhibitory phosphorylation sites (YAP-5SA) increased ovarian cancer cell proliferation, resistance to chemotherapeutic drugs, cell migration, and anchorage-independent growth. In contrast, expression of a dominant negative YAP mutant reversed these phenotypes in ovarian cancer cells both in vitro and in vivo. Our results suggested that YAP caused these effects by promoting an epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition. Thus, YAP promotes ovarian cancer cell growth and tumorigenesis both in vitro and in vivo. Further, high YAP and TEAD4 expression is a prognostic marker for ovarian cancer progression and a potential target for ovarian cancer treatment.  相似文献   

目的:探讨G蛋白偶联胆汁酸受体1(G-protein coupled bile acid receptor 1,GPBAR1/TGR5)对胃癌细胞增殖、迁移和侵袭的影响。方法:免疫组织化学染色方法(Immunohistochemistry,IHC)检测胃癌及癌旁组织芯片中TGR5表达情况;qRT-PCR及Western blot检测胃癌细胞系中TGR5表达水平;小干扰RNA处理AGS、MKN-45胃癌细胞后构建TGR5敲减细胞系,慢病毒载体转染胃癌SGC-7901细胞构建TGR5过表达细胞系;CCK-8实验、平板克隆形成实验、裸鼠皮下移植瘤实验检测TGR5对细胞增殖的影响;流式细胞仪检测TGR5对细胞周期及凋亡的影响;Tanswell实验检测TGR5对胃癌细胞迁移及侵袭的影响;Western blot检测上皮间充质转化(Epithelial-mesenchymal transition,EMT)相关分子β-连环蛋白(β-catenin)、锌脂蛋白转录因子(Snail)、E盒结合锌指蛋白(Zinc finger E-box binding homeobox 1,ZEB)1在AGS、MKN-45及SGC-7901胃癌细胞中的表达。结果:TGR5在胃癌及癌旁组织中均有表达,胃癌组织TGR5高表达率(41.0%)显著高于癌旁组织(9.5%),伴肠化生癌旁组织TGR5高表达率(50%)显著高于不伴肠化生的癌旁组织(0%),胃癌组织TGR5表达与肿瘤大小相关。TGR5在正常人胃上皮永生化细胞株GES-1及各胃癌细胞系中均有表达。TGR5表达敲低的AGS和MKN-45细胞增殖能力减弱、凋亡率显著升高、侵袭和迁移能力显著降低。过表达TGR5的SGC-7901细胞增殖能力增强、克隆形成能力提高、凋亡率明显减低、侵袭和迁移能力显著升高。此外,TGR5过表达显著上调了间质细胞标志物β-catenin、Snail、ZEB1的表达水平。结论:TGR5能够增强胃癌细胞增殖及迁移能力,并抑制细胞凋亡。TGR5可能通过EMT途径介导胃癌细胞转移。  相似文献   


Opioid receptors mediate multiple biological functions through their interaction with endogenous opioid peptides as well as opioid alkaloids including morphine and etorphine. Previously we have reported that the ability of distinct opioid agonists to differentially regulate μ-opioid receptor (μOR) responsiveness is related to their ability to promote G protein-coupled receptor kinase (GRK)-dependent phosphorylation of the receptor (1). In the present study, we further examined the role of GRK and β-arrestin in agonist-specific regulation of the δ-opioid receptor (δOR). While both etorphine and morphine effectively activate the δOR, only etorphine triggers robust δOR phosphorylation followed by plasma membrane translocation of β-arrestin and receptor internalization. In contrast, morphine is unable to either elicit δOR phosphorylation or stimulate β-arrestin translocation, correlating with its inability to cause δOR internalization. Unlike for the μOR, overexpression of GRK2 results in neither the enhancement of δOR sequestration nor the rescue of δOR-mediated β-arrestin translocation. Therefore, our findings not only point to the existence of marked differences in the ability of different opioid agonists to promote δOR phosphorylation by GRK and binding to β-arrestin, but also demonstrate differences in the regulation of two opioid receptor subtypes. These observations may have important implications for our understanding of the distinct ability of various opioids in inducing opioid tolerance and addiction.  相似文献   

Identifying novel allosteric inhibitors of G protein-coupled receptor kinases (GRKs) would be of considerable use in limiting both the extent of desensitization of GPCRs as well as downstream positive regulation through GRKs. Several peptides have previously been identified as inhibitors of specific GRKs, but to date there have been few comparisons of the selectivities of these materials on the seven GRKs, modifications to allow cell penetration, or off-target activities. The goal of this study was to determine if a panel of peptides mimicking domains on either GPCRs or GRKs would exhibit selective inhibition of GRKs 2, 5, 6 and 7 phosphorylation of rhodopsin. Peptides included sequences from GRK5; helices 3, 9, and 10 (α3, α9, and α10) in the RH domain, and the N-terminal peptide (N-Ter), as well as the intracellular loop 1 (iL1) of the β2-adrenergic receptor (β2AR), and the Gα transducin C-tail (TCT). While some selectivity for individual GRKs was found, overall selectivity was limited and often not reflective of structural predictions. Off-target effects were probed by determining peptide inhibition of adenylyl cyclase (AC) and PKA, and while peptides had no effect on AC activity, N-Ter, iL1, and α10 were potent inhibitors of PKA. To probe inhibition of GRK activity in intact cells, we synthesized TAT-tagged peptides, and found that TAT-α9-R169A and TAT–TCT inhibited isoproterenol-stimulated GRK phosphorylation of the β2AR; however, the TAT peptides also inhibited isoproterenol and forskolin stimulation of AC activity. Our findings demonstrate potent peptide inhibition of GRK activities in vitro, highlight the differences in the environments of biochemical and cell-based assays, and illustrate the care that must be exercised in interpreting results of either assay alone.  相似文献   

During mammalian development, androgens produced by the fetal testis are the most important hormones controlling the masculinization of the reproductive tract and the genitalia. New findings show that the male germ line is the most sensitive to anti-androgenic endocrine disruptors during the embryonic period. In a recent study, we reported that endogenous androgens physiologically control germ cell growth in the male mouse fetus during early fetal life. In the present study, we extended this result by showing the presence of a functional androgen receptor in the gonocytes in the latter part of the fetal life. We also studied the effect of androgens on the development of the somatic testicular cells using the Tfm mice which carry a naturally inactivating mutation of the androgen receptor. Fetal Leydig cell are largely independent of endogenous androgens during fetal development whereas fetal Sertoli cell number is decreased following a default of peritubular myoid cells differenciation. They also point to the gonocyte as a special target for androgens during the embryonic period and indicate a novel mechanism of androgen action on gonocytes. Elucidation of this new pathway in the fetal testis will clarify not only fetal testis physiology but also the effects of environmental anti-androgens that act during fetal life and open new perspectives for future investigations into the sensitivity of fetal germ cell to androgens.  相似文献   

Human neutrophils are a type of white blood cell, which forms an early line of defense against bacterial infections. Neutrophils are highly responsive to the chemokine, interleukin-8 (IL-8) due to the abundant distribution of CXCR1, one of the IL-8 receptors on the neutrophil cell surface. As a member of the GPCR family, CXCR1 plays a crucial role in the IL-8 signal transduction pathway in neutrophils. We sequenced the complete coding region of the CXCR1 gene in worldwide human populations and five representative nonhuman primate species. Our results indicate accelerated protein evolution in the human lineage, which was likely caused by Darwinian positive selection. The sliding window analysis and the codon-based neutrality test identified signatures of positive selection at the N-terminal ligand/receptor recognition domain of human CXCR1. [Reviewing Editor: Dr. Manyuan Long] The GenBank accession numbers of sequences reported herein are AY916760–AY916773.  相似文献   

G protein-coupled receptor (GPR) 30 is a novel estrogen receptor. Recent studies suggest that activation of the GPR30 confers rapid cardioprotection in isolated rat heart. It is unknown whether chronic activation of GPR30 is beneficial or not for heart failure. In this study we investigated the cardiac effect of sustained activation or inhibition of GPR30. Female Sprague–Dawley rats were divided into 7 groups #2Q1: sham surgery (Sham), bilateral ovariectomy (OVX), OVX+estrogen (E2), OVX+isoproterenol (ISO), OVX+ISO+G-1, OVX+ISO+E2+G15, OVX+ISO+E2. ISO (85 mg/kg×17 day, sc) was given to make the heart failure models. G-1(120 µg/kg·d×14 day) was used to activate GPR30 and G15 (190 µg/kg·d×14 day) was used to inhibit GPR30. Concentration of brain natriuretic peptide in serum, masson staining in isolated heart, contractile function and the expression of β1 and β2- adrenergic receptor (AR) of ventricular myocytes were also determined. Our data showed that ISO treatment led to heart failure in OVX rats. G-1 or E2 treatment decreased concentration of brain natriuretic peptide, reduced cardiac fibrosis, and enhanced contraction of the heart. Combined treatment with β1 (CGP20712A) and β2-AR (ICI118551) antagonist abolished the improvement of myocardial function induced by G-1. We also found that chronic treatment with G-1 normalized the expression of β1-AR and increased the expression of β2-AR. Our results indicate that chronic activation of the GPR30 with its agonist G-1 attenuates heart failure by normalizing the expression of β1-AR and increasing the expression of β2-AR.  相似文献   

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