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Monitoring the water balance of Lake Victoria, East Africa, from space   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Sean Swenson  John Wahr   《Journal of Hydrology》2009,370(1-4):163-176
Using satellite gravimetric and altimetric data, we examine trends in water storage and lake levels of multiple lakes in the Great Rift Valley region of East Africa for the years 2003–2008. GRACE total water storage estimates reveal that water storage declined in much of East Africa, by as much as , while altimetric data show that lake levels in some large lakes dropped by as much as 1–2 m. The largest declines occurred in Lake Victoria, the Earth’s second largest freshwater body. Because the discharge from the outlet of Lake Victoria is used to generate hydroelectric power, the role of human management in the lake’s decline has been questioned. By comparing catchment water storage trends to lake level trends, we confirm that climatic forcing explains only about 50decline. This analysis provides an independent means of assessing the relative impacts of climate and human management on the water balance of Lake Victoria that does not depend on observations of dam discharge, which may not be publically available. In the second part of the study, the individual components of the lake water balance are estimated. Satellite estimates of changes in lake level, precipitation, and evaporation are used with observed lake discharge to develop a parameterization for estimating subsurface inflows due to changes in groundwater storage estimated from satellite gravimetry. At seasonal timescales, this approach provides closure to Lake Victoria’s water balance to within . The third part of this study uses the water balance of a downstream water body, Lake Kyoga, to estimate the outflow from Lake Victoria remotely. Because Lake Kyoga is roughly 20 times smaller in area than Lake Victoria, its water balance is strongly influenced by inflow from Lake Victoria. Lake Kyoga has been shown to act as a linear reservoir, where its outflow is proportional to the height of the lake. This model can be used with satellite altimetric lake levels to estimate a time series of Lake Victoria discharge with an rms error of about .  相似文献   

The level of Lake Tana, Ethiopia, fluctuates annually and seasonally following the patterns of changes in precipitation. In this study, a mass balance approach is used to estimate the hydrological balance of the lake. Water influx from four major rivers, subsurface inflow from the floodplains, precipitation, outflow from the lake constituting river discharge and evapotranspiration from the lake are analysed on monthly and annual bases. Spatial interpolation of precipitation using rain gauge data was conducted using kriging. Outflow from the lake was identified as the evaporation from the lake's surface as well as discharge at the outlet where the Blue Nile commences. Groundwater inflow is estimated using MODular three‐dimensional finite‐difference ground‐water FLOW model software that showed an aligned flow pattern to the river channels. The groundwater outflow is considered negligible based on the secondary sources that confirmed the absence of lake water geochemical mixing outside of the basin. Evaporation is estimated using Penman's, Meyer's and Thornwaite's methods to compare the mass balance and energy balance approaches. Meteorological data, satellite images and temperature perturbation simulations from Global Historical Climate Network of National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration are employed for estimation of evaporation input parameters. The difference of the inflow and outflow was taken as storage in depth and compared with the measured water level fluctuations. The study has shown that the monthly and annually calculated lake level replicates the observed values with root mean square error value of 0·17 and 0·15 m, respectively. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

根据呼伦湖的实际水文过程,计算1963-1980年月水量平衡,在此基础上,分析库容与径流、径流+降雨、径流+降雨-蒸发的相关性.利用累积和分析水位、径流、降雨、蒸发年均值的突变情况,进而重点论述了2000年后水位持续降低的原因.同时,探讨各水平衡项的年内分布规律及相互关系.结果表明,2000年后水位的急剧降低是气候变化(暖干化)造成的.河川径流对水位的影响程度最大,其次为湖面降雨.每年4、5月,冰封期积累的降雪融化渗入地下补给湖泊,其他时间则由湖泊补给地下水.  相似文献   

青海湖水量平衡及水位变化预测   总被引:17,自引:5,他引:12  
曲耀光 《湖泊科学》1994,6(4):298-307
青海湖是我国最大的内陆湖泊,流域面积29661km~(2),水面高程超过3000m,受人为活动影响相对较少,基本上还处于半自然状态。水量平衡计算结果表明,有观测资料的近30年来,青海湖处于负平蘅状态,水位下降了2.96m,平均每年下降10.2cm。如果未来湖区的气候大体保持过去的情况,水位将再下降5.8m,经过57年才能平衡。如果考虑“温室效应”所引起的西北地区未来气候变化,水位亦将下降,每年平均下降10.1cm。  相似文献   

基于水平衡模型的呼伦湖湖泊水量变化   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
针对北方寒旱区呼伦湖水位下降、水面萎缩的现象,根据气候特征,利用月水量平衡模型探究湖泊水文过程并揭示其变化规律.在此基础上,利用不同气候条件下各水平衡项对于湖泊水位的影响程度确定水位升降的直接原因.基于1963-1980年间水位的实测数据,根据水量平衡原理及其他辅助计算判断出湖泊与周边区域存在着地下水的交换,且具有一定的规律性,即历年11月至次年3月期间的累积降雪融化渗入土壤中形成浅层径流补给湖泊,而7、8月份湖泊补给周边草原.基于以上规律,根据周边坡面汇流、地下水与湖泊交换量的年内变化特征,利用水平衡方程式推算湖泊1981-2008年逐月水位变化,并与其他研究成果比较,吻合度较高.不同气候条件下,径流量对于湖泊水位的影响程度最为突出,是水位变化的主控因子.  相似文献   

新疆博斯腾湖水盐平衡及水环境预测   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本文通过综合整理、筛选、分析焉耆盆地1960-2003年历年逐月水文、气象、水土开发、社会经济等资料,并结合遥感影像数据,应用水盐平衡模型,模拟分析该期问博斯腾湖的水盐平衡状况,并以此为基础,结合焉耆盆地近期规划设置了两个情景方案进行模拟,对博湖未来40多年的水环境做出预测分析.结果表明。尽管近年博湖年均脱盐量达30.6×104t/a,但仍然必须使盆地进入湖区的淡水量增加、盐量减少才能降低博湖的水矿化度.盆地内近期工程项目实施后(情景B),博湖大湖区水矿化度波动于0.84-1.38g/L之间,其水矿化度有望调控到1.00g/L以下.据模拟,预测期的第37年(2040年),其水矿化度才可降至1.00g/L.孔雀河水质难于恢复到原状态,但是在保证博湖水环境改善的前提下,其水矿化度可调控到0.60g/L以下.由情景B的预测分析表明,焉耆盆地近期规划实施的工程项目对博湖的水环境是有利的,博湖水环境向良性循环发展.  相似文献   

气候背景下冰川在博斯腾湖水量平衡中的作用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
孙占东  王润 《湖泊科学》2006,18(5):484-489
基于博斯腾湖水量平衡关系,对博斯腾湖水量变化做了分析,认为博斯腾湖近年水位的显著变化与占其入湖水量85%的开都河流量变化有直接关系.冰川作为开都河上游重要的水资源形势,造就了开都河稳定的基流.部分冰川在近20年全球和区域气候变化影响下发生了较大退缩,消退的冰雪直接补给了开都河径流,对开都河连年丰水起了重要作用.随着相对海拔较低的中小冰川的退缩,冰益变薄雪线升高,冰雪储量减少,冰川对气温升高的敏感性开始降低,融水补给量可能随之减少,气候变暖所带来的融水补给效应将减弱,最终影响到博斯腾湖的入流补给.  相似文献   

Annual heat balance and equilibrium temperature of Lake Aegeri,Switzerland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The mean heat budget of Lake Aegeri, Switzerland, is 950 MJ·m–2, comparable to that of neighbouring lakes. The annual variation in the net heat flux can be adequately described using a six-term heat balance equation based on 12 years of monthly mean meteorological and surface temperature data. Although the magnitude of the net heat flux is dominated by the radiative terms of the equation, the one-month backward shift of the net flux and total heat content extrema from the solstices and equinoxes respectively is due to the phase shift of the non-radiative with respect to the radiative terms. A linear approximation was used to express the net heat flux in terms of a heat exchange coefficient and an equilibrium temperature. The former varies from 17 to 28 W·m–2·K–1 in the course of a year; fluctuations in the latter are found to depend mainly on fluctuations in cloud cover and relative humidity, whilst the effect of fluctuations in air temperature and wind speed is slight.  相似文献   

李东梅 《湖泊科学》2010,22(4):625-628
根据洱海流域1998、2004-2006年入湖、出湖水量监测成果,通过实测流量、降水量、蒸发量对入湖、出湖水量进行对比计算,结果发现,应用水文巡测方法与水量平衡方法计算出的2004-2006年洱海水资源量绝对误差最大值为0.2427×108m3,相对误差为4.8%,5%,说明两种方均可行.分析水量平衡方法的误差来源是枯期受湖面蒸发和农业提水灌溉的影响,提高洱海水资源量计算精度所需解决的问题是提高湖面蒸发量观测精度和还原水量计算精度.分析水文巡测方法的误差来源主要是巡测的监测断面距入湖口有一定距离,主要以面积比拟与降水修正进行计算,以及点据数量较少.针对两种方法的优缺点,提出四种措施:加强环洱海水量监测能力建设;加强洱海水面蒸发观测手段和方法;加强环湖生产生活用水的监督性监测;加强入湖河流水质水量并重监测与分析,以期更好地为洱海水环境、水资源保护和出入湖水量预测分析提供更准确的科学技术支撑.  相似文献   

季江  胡文英 《湖泊科学》1994,6(2):115-123
详细阐述了马湖的地理位置、湖盆形态、流域水系特征及湖区自然概况。从研究水资源的角度出发,实测了水下地形,并进行了湖水的水量平衡分析计算。分析湖水的理化特性,包括:水色、透明度、温度、溶解性气体、pH值、营养物质、矿化度和水型等,并根据其水资源特点,提出了开发和综合利用的措施。  相似文献   

The partitioning of rainfall into surface runoff and infiltration influences many other aspects of the hydrologic cycle including evapotranspiration, deep drainage and soil moisture. This partitioning is an instantaneous non-linear process that is strongly dependent on rainfall rate, soil moisture and soil hydraulic properties. Though all rainfall datasets involve some degree of spatial or temporal averaging, it is not understood how this averaging affects simulated partitioning and the land surface water balance across a wide range of soil and climate types. We used a one-dimensional physics-based model of the near-surface unsaturated zone to compare the effects of different rainfall discretization (5-min point-scale; hourly point-scale; hourly 0.125° gridded) on the simulated partitioning of rainfall for many locations across the United States. Coarser temporal resolution rainfall data underpredicted seasonal surface runoff for all soil types except those with very high infiltration capacities (i.e., sand, loamy sand). Soils with intermediate infiltration capacities (i.e., loam, sandy loam) were the most affected, with less than half of the expected surface runoff produced in most soil types when the gridded rainfall dataset was used as input. The impact of averaging on the water balance was less extreme but non-negligible, with the hourly point-scale predictions exhibiting median evapotranspiration, drainage and soil moisture values within 10% of those predicted using the higher resolution 5-min rainfall. Water balance impacts were greater using the gridded hourly dataset, with average underpredictions of ET up to 27% in fine-grained soils. The results suggest that “hyperresolution” modelling at continental to global scales may produce inaccurate predictions if there is not parallel effort to produce higher resolution precipitation inputs or sub-grid precipitation parameterizations.  相似文献   


Hydrogeological investigations have been carried out in rural parts of Guntur district, Andhra Pradesh, India where agriculture is the main occupation. Granite gneisses associated with schists and charnockites are the main lithological formations, which are overlain by black cotton soils. Groundwaters are alkaline, very hard and mostly brackish. Possible sources of fluoride (F?) are weathering and leaching of F?-bearing minerals under the alkaline environment. A high rate of evapotranspiration, longer residence time of waters in the aquifer zone, intensive and longterm irrigation, and heavy use of fertilizers are the supplementary factors to further increase the F? content in the groundwaters. The investigated area has been classified into three types with reference to concentration of F- prescribed for drinking: low-F- (<0.60 mg l?1), moderate-F? (0.60–1.20 mg l?1) and high-F- (>1.20 mg l?1). Forty-five percent of the total groundwater samples belong to the high-F- category. Dental fluorosis is noticed in the region. A groundwater management programme is suggested.  相似文献   

基于质量平衡的太湖氮、磷自净能力计算   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
翟淑华  韩涛  陈方 《湖泊科学》2014,26(2):185-190
以太湖为研究对象,利用2010年实测的进出太湖的水量和水质资料计算了太湖水体自净能力,在分析河道入湖、降雨、调蓄量等入湖水量水质基础上,探索了基于质量平衡原理的太湖总氮、总磷自净能力计算方法.结果显示,通过考虑出入湖负荷量的方法得到太湖总磷和总氮的自净率约为48%和42%,采用基于质量平衡原理得到太湖总磷和总氮的自净率分别约为52%和49%.另外,还分析了这两种方法的优缺点,提出进一步研究太湖自净能力的工作方向.  相似文献   

基于水热平衡模型的青海湖水位变化趋势预测   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近几十年来,随着气候干暖化,以青海湖为代表的我国内陆湖泊水位持续下降,生态环境问题日益突出,备受世人关注.运用改进的水热平衡模型预测了2050年以前青海湖逐年的湖面蒸发量,并运用多元线性回归的方法估算出流域未来径流量的变化,最终通过水量平衡的方式对2050年以前青海湖水位的变化趋势进行了定量预测.预测表明未来几十年内,青海湖水位会经历先相对稳定再继续下降的过程,2020年以前青海湖水位会相对稳定在3192.7m,之后会继续下降,到2050年约下降到3191.22m,总体上2010-2050年青海湖水位下降趋势将有所缓和.  相似文献   

保安湖鳜鱼卵巢的周年变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汪小东  严安生  黄峰 《湖泊科学》1997,9(4):343-350
对保安湖性成熟雌性鳜鱼卵巢进行了组织和组织化学研究。鳜鱼卵母细胞发育分为5个时相。退化卵终年存在,区分为产产萎缩和产后退化吸收。鳜鱼的繁殖期在4月底至6月底。一个生殖周期中,卵巢两次达到成熟,为分批主卵类型。鳜鱼卵黄物质有三种形式,液泡含在量多糖物质。  相似文献   

太湖流域(江苏省)水质污染空间特征   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5  
胡开明  李冰  王水  周家艳  田颖 《湖泊科学》2014,26(2):200-206
基于SPSS 20.0统计软件,对太湖流域(江苏省)9个三级生态功能分区和湖体28项水质指标数据分别进行处理,从原始监测数据中提取出5个主成分,计算其贡献率和主成分得分值,研究主要污染因子的组合,并对相应污染源进行分析.结果表明第一主成分主要体现了水体中氮、磷等导致富营养化的关键因子,而第二个主成分主要反映水体重金属水平,整个江苏省太湖流域污染情况空间分布略有不同,水环境质量也大体表现为北高南低、西高东低的趋势,湖体也存在对应的空间特征,反映了流域外源输入是导致湖体水质污染的主要原因之一,为太湖流域的环境监测及污染治理提供重要的信息和依据.  相似文献   

The salinity of Lake Kinneret, Israel, is significantly higher than the salinity of the water from surface streams that flow to the lake. The relatively high salinity is a result of the activity of saline springs located at the bottom of the lake.The purpose of this work is to establish a general model for the salinization mechanism of Lake Kinneret. The model is based on the main components of the annual water and solute balance. Changes in time of the solute mass of the lake were described as a differential equation of a linear reservoir on an annual time scale. The model assumes that under any long-term operation policy of the lake, the components of the annual solute and water balance stay nearly constant in time.The model was tested for both steady-state conditions, and during changes in time, against measured lake salinity over the years 1968-2000. It was found that the major changes of lake salinity throughout the years were described well, despite the variety of rainfall amounts. Predictions of the expected lake salinity changes were proposed for the cases of controlled increase or decrease of saline springs discharge to the lake; for the changes of water quantity allowed to flow into or pumped out of the lake; and for various initial salinities. Predictions agree well with previous predictions made by statistical models.  相似文献   

张萍  冯婧  李哲  郭劲松  肖艳  刘静 《湖泊科学》2015,27(4):629-636
三峡水库汛末蓄水后易出现支流回水区磷累积现象,并在冬季末期常出现硅藻水华现象.为研究汛末蓄水的磷积累与冬季末期硅藻水华的相互关系,分析2013年1 3月三峡澎溪河高阳平湖库湾水体中碱性磷酸酶活性、磷形态的转化和藻类生长的协同过程.结果表明,总碱性磷酸酶活性(TAPA)及其最大反应速率(Vmax)、特异性碱性磷酸酶活性(PAPA/Chl.a)及PAPA与TAPA的比值(PAPA/TAPA)随着时间推移总体呈先增加后减小而后再增加减小的双峰趋势,分别在2月中旬和3月中旬达到峰值.根据冬季末期水华暴发程的特点将其分为Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ4个阶段.Ⅰ阶段为诱导期,水体活性磷主要来自藻类碱性磷酸酶分解的有机磷,藻类对磷过度摄取.Ⅱ阶段为过渡期,温度低,水体碱性磷酸酶活性相对较低.Ⅲ阶段为水华时期,水中碱性磷酸酶主要来源于细菌,叶绿素a浓度达到最大,溶解态反应性磷浓度达到最低;Ⅳ阶段为水华末期,水体叶绿素a浓度逐渐下降,溶解态反应性磷浓度回升,水中碱性磷酸酶主要来源于细菌.  相似文献   


The water balance of the closed freshwater Lake Awassa was estimated using a spreadsheet hydrological model based on long-term monthly hydrometeorological data. The model uses monthly evaporation, river discharge and precipitation data as input. The net groundwater flux is obtained from model simulation as a residual of other water balance components. The result revealed that evaporation, precipitation, and runoff constitute 131, 106 and 83 × 106 m3 of the annual water balance of the lake, respectively. The annual net groundwater outflow from the lake to adjacent basins is 58 × 106 m3. The simulated and recorded lake levels fit well for much of the simulation period (1981–1999). However, for recent years, the simulated and recorded levels do not fit well. This may be explained in terms of the combined effects of land-use change and neotectonism, which have affected the long-term average water balance. With detailed long-term hydrogeological and meteorological data, investigation of the subsurface hydrodynamics, and including the effect of land-use change and tectonism on surface water and groundwater fluxes, the water balance model can be used efficiently for water management practice. The result of this study is expected to play a positive role in future sustainable use of water resources in the catchment.  相似文献   

洪泽湖吞吐流二维数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吞吐流是湖泊中湖水运动的主要形式之一。它通过水体交换,进而对湖泊污染物质扩散,迁移,泥沙冲淤以及湖水浓度场的变化产生影响。根据洪泽湖的具体特点,本文构造了一个二维开边界数值模拟,对洪泽湖吞吐淮河的特征进行数值实验,研究其吞吐流过程。  相似文献   

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