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简要介绍了王3井、王4井水化学测项数据录入及报表打印程序,从DBF数据库的建立、Excel报表模板的建立、程序实现3个方面加以阐述。  相似文献   

Although the El Ni?o-Southern Oscillation(ENSO) originates and develops in the equatorial Pacific, it has substantial climatic impacts around the globe. Thus, the ability to effectively simulate and predict ENSO one or more seasons in advance is of great societal importance, but this remains a challenging task. The main obstacles are the diversity, complexity,irregularity, and asymmetry of ENSO. The purpose of this article is to organically integrate the understanding of ENSO based on current progress on the physical mechanisms, prediction, and connections between the interannual ENSO phenomenon and physical processes on other time and space scales, and to provide guidance for future studies by extracting specific important questions.  相似文献   

A Bayesian framework for model order selection of auto‐regressive exogenous (ARX) models is developed and applied to actual earthquake response data obtained by the structural health monitoring system of a high‐rise building. The model orders of ARX models are selected appropriately by the Bayesian framework, and differ significantly from the optimal order estimated by AIC; in fact, in many cases AIC does not even give an optimal order. A method is also proposed for consistently selecting the same ‘genuine’ modes of interest from the whole set of modes corresponding to each of the identified models from a sequence of earthquake records. In the identification analysis based on building response records from 43 earthquakes over 9 years, the modal parameters of the first four modes in each horizontal direction are estimated appropriately in all cases, showing that the developed methods are effective and robust. As the estimates of natural frequency depend significantly on the response amplitude, they are compensated by an empirical correction so that the influence of the response amplitude is removed. The compensated natural frequencies are much more stable over the nine‐year period studied, indicating that the building had no significant change in its global dynamic characteristics during this period. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

限制性克立格法在地学中的研究与应用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
普通克立格法在矿产资源储量计算中通常会产生较多的平滑效应,本文运用限制性克立格法,通过其限制性条件来解决这一问题.阐述了限制性克里格的理论方法,设计出限制性克立格法的计算过程,结合实例,通过块段模型的结果对普通克里格法与限制性克里格法进行比较,结果表明,限制性克立格法在抑制平滑效应方面能够取得较为理想的结果.  相似文献   

We hereby present a review on solar oblateness measurements. By emphasizing historical data, we illustrate how the discordance between experimental results can lead to substantial improvements in the building of new technical apparatus as well as to the emergence of new ideas to develop new theories. We stress out the need to get accurate data from space to enhance our knowledge of the solar core in order to develop more precise ephemerids and ultimately build possible new gravitational theories.  相似文献   

菏泽市地震局研制开发的数字地震深井水温水位观测系统,观测数据连续可靠,趋势变化平稳,微动态显示清晰,基本无干扰现象,设备安装方便简捷。  相似文献   

介绍在钻孔中应用的井下摄像系统,此摄像系统为地震前兆钻孔仪器的安装带来便利,降低了仪器的安装风险,确保了钻孔仪器安装顺利进行.通过具体的应用实例,介绍了井下摄像系统在钻孔仪器安装前对钻孔内部,包括孔壁进行摄像的必要性.  相似文献   

测井约束地震反演综述   总被引:18,自引:7,他引:18  
阐述了测井约束地震反演研究的必要性、技术内涵及研究思路,回顾了测井约束地震反演技术的发晨历程,比较了三种非线性测井约束地震反演方法的优缺点。小波变换以其独特的变时窗特性,在测井约束地震反演技术发展中潜力较大,值得深入研究。同时对测井约束地震反演技术的研究现状做了小结,指出当前的研究对象已转向了复杂地质体。特别是海相碳酸盐岩复杂地质体,由于海相和陆相油气田存在许多不同之处,所以测井约束地震反演技术将面临巨大的机遇和挑战。最后,指出了测井约束地震反演技术的发展方向。  相似文献   

用于数字化气体观测的脱气-集气装置研制与应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
介绍用于地震地下流体台站数字化气氡、气汞等气体观测中的脱气-集气装置的研究.该装置采用流体溅射的负压脱气原理,可以有效地将自流井地下水中的气体脱析出来,在脱气过程中,可实现对装置的喷射嘴堵塞等清理的功能.  相似文献   

The objective of this work is to extend kriging, a geostatistical interpolation method, to honor parameter nonnegativity. The new method uses a prior probability distribution based on reflected Brownian motion that enforces this constraint. The work presented in this paper focuses on interpolation problems where the unknown is a function of a single variable (e.g. time), and is developed both for the case with and without measurement error in the available data. The algorithms presented for conditional simulations are computationally efficient, particularly in the case with no measurement error. We present an application to the interpolation of dissolved arsenic concentration data from the North Fork of the Humboldt River, Nevada.  相似文献   

The Lake Suigetsu sediment has been recognised for its potential to create a wholly terrestrial (i.e. non-reservoir-corrected) 14C calibration dataset, as it exhibits annual laminations (varves) for much of its depth and is rich in terrestrial leaf fossils, providing a record of atmospheric radiocarbon. Microscopic analysis revealed that the varve record is curtailed due to the incomplete formation or preservation of annual laminae, necessitating interpolation. The program for varve interpolation presented here analyses the seasonal layer distribution and automatically derives a sedimentation rate estimate, which is the basis for interpolation, and applies it to complement the original varve count. As the interpolation is automated it largely avoids subjectivity, which manual interpolation approaches often suffer from. Application to the Late Glacial chronology from Lake Suigetsu demonstrates the implementation and the limits of the method. To evaluate the reliability of the technique, the interpolation result is compared with the 14C chronology from Lake Suigetsu, calibrated with the tree-ring derived section of the IntCal09 calibration curve. The comparison shows that the accuracy of the interpolation result is well within the 68.2% probability range of the calibrated 14C dates and that it is therefore suitable for calibration beyond the present tree-ring limit.  相似文献   

地电场是重要的地球物理场,以地球表层天然电场及其随时间变化为主要研究对象,是地球电磁场的重要组成部分。文章在概要分析国内外地电场观测与研究现状的基础上,结合中国20多年来地电场观测实践,对地电场观测对象、观测方法、观测技术和观测数据等要研究进展,进行系统性分析和阐述;同时,对中国地电场观测研究中存在的主要难点、制约未来发展的主要因素以及目前需要重点关注的若干问题,进行初步分析和讨论。  相似文献   

测井曲线自动分层方法回顾与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文将测井曲线自动分层方法分为数理统计方法、非数理统计方法和人工智能三大类,并对其中常用的层内差异法、有序聚类分析、极值方差聚类方法、自组织神经网络、模糊识别方法、活度函数法、小波变换和Walsh变换等自动分层方法的算法和优缺点进行了分析.综合比较各类自动分层方法的优缺点,结合测井响应的地质和物理基础认为,虽然自动分层方法众多,从不同的角度试图解决分层问题,但都存在一定的缺陷;今后,测井曲线自动分层方法应在去噪、提高测井纵向分辨率与自动分层方法的进步和联合应用上有所研究,才能够为应用测井资料进行岩性识别、测井相分析、储层划分、储层参数等研究提供更有利的技术支撑.  相似文献   

 Mapping the mesoscale surface velocity stream function by combining estimates of surface height from satellite altimetry and surface currents from sequential infrared (sea-surface temperature) imagery using optimal interpolation is described. Surface currents are computed from infrared images by the method of maximum cross-correlations (MCC) and are combined with altimeter sea-level anomaly data from the TOPEX/Poseidon and ERS satellites. The analysis method was applied to 6 years of data from the East Australian Current region. The covariance of velocity and sea-level data is consistent with the statistical assumptions of homogeneous, isotropic turbulence, with typical length scales of order 220 km and time scales of 10 days in this region. Augmenting the analysis of altimeter data with MCC velocity observations improves the resolution of the surface currents, especially near the Australian coast, and demonstrates that the two data sources provide consistent and complementary observations of the surface mesoscale circulation. The volume of MCC data is comparable to that from a satellite altimeter, but with a more variable distribution of spatial and temporal resolution. In concert with altimetry, satellite radiometer velocimetry represents a technique useful for retrospective analysis of currents from high-resolution satellite radiometer data-sets. Received: 3 July 2001 / Accepted: 16 November 2001  相似文献   

This study demonstrates that ordinary kriging in spherical coordinates using experimental semi-variograms provides highly usable results, especially near the pole in winter and/or where there could be data missing over large areas. In addition, kriging allows display of the spatial variability of daily ozone measurements at different pressure levels. Three satellite data sets were used: Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) data, Solar Backscattered UltraViolet (SBUV), and the Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment (SAGE II) ozone profiles. Since SBUV is a nadir-viewing instrument, measurements are only taken along the sun-synchronous polar orbits of the satellite. SAGE II is a limb-viewing solar occultation instrument, and measurements have high vertical resolution but poor daily coverage. TOMS has wider coverage with equidistant distribution of data (resolution 1° × 1.25°) but provides no vertical information. Comparisons of the resulting SBUV-interpolated (column-integrated) ozone field with TOMS data are strongly in agreement, with a global correlation of close to 98%. Comparisons of SBUV-interpolated ozone profiles with daily SAGE II profiles are relatively good, and comparable to those found in the literature. The interpolated ozone layers at different pressure levels are shown.  相似文献   

通过对福建省 GPS 台网的简介及 GPS 数据资料的分析处理方法的初步探索。重点讨论GPS资料时间序列、基线处理及GPS应变场的分析研究,获得福建地区主要构造块体内部的运动图像、速率及运动学参数等地球物理场信息。  相似文献   

现有的地震地电阻率观测系统需要较大的环境保护区(2——5km2).随着各地的经济发展,地电观测的环境受到越来越大的影响,造成部分台站连续多年的地电前兆观测受到严重的干扰.为了减小观测环境保护区范围,有效地抑制来自地面的观测环境改变及城市地铁、轻轨运行时漏电产生的干扰,提出了将三侧向石油电测井技术移植到地震地电阻率前兆监测领域,以提高地电前兆观测的抗干扰能力和前兆信息的监测能力.电测井有限元数值模型的计算结果表明,该方法可有效测量出地层的电阻率变化,对来自地表的干扰有较强抑制能力.分析还表明,该方法可有效抑制来自轻轨、地铁的漏电干扰.   相似文献   

热水井数字化气汞观测影响因素讨论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汞是地下流体预报地震的灵敏组分之一,高温承压自流井、温泉区自流井的水汞更是携带大量的地下信息,特别是水汞异常在地震之前的表现有目共睹。2001年首都圈范围内的一些水汞观测实现了数字自动记录。由于汞本身的物理化学特性以及观测仪器的使用条件所限,经过近3年的观测发现,对于热水井的气汞数字化自动记录,捕汞管、供电系统、脱气装置、气路的冷却与除湿是保证气汞测项连续稳定,提高记录地下信息灵敏性的关键因素。  相似文献   

研发了RZW-1A型数字化CO_2测量仪,在7个台站8个观测点开展了试验观测,分析了试验观测数据。认为具备在地震研究领域的应用前景。  相似文献   

利用恒温水浴仪可以控制水氡样品的温度保持恒定,在恒温条件下进行脱气观测,可以保证水氡测值的稳定性。为验证该方法是否适用于漳州龙师井(水温年均值97℃)水氡观测,将同一水样,利用恒温水浴仪,将水温分别控制在20.0℃、22.5℃、25.0℃、27.5℃、30.0℃,进行一系列比测实验,结果表明:在25.0℃-27.5℃的恒温条件下,氡浓度测值更为稳定,变化更小,可进一步提高水氡观测的质量和稳定性,说明在龙师井采用恒温脱气方法是可行的。  相似文献   

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