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乒乓球运动员的时间知觉   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据实践观察,从心理学角度论述了乒乓球运动员时间知觉的特点,提出了提高时间知觉水平的具体方法。  相似文献   

为研究探索六周的悬吊训练对散打运动员下肢爆发力和平衡能力等基本素质的影响,把受试者分为实验组和对照组每组各10名,实施六周的悬吊训练方案,对照组进行和实验组同等强度的力量练习,训练前后分别测试单腿跳远和立定跳远成绩、平衡能力指数,对训练前后与组间各数据进行统计分析。结果发现实验组与对照组训练后与之前相比单腿跳远成绩都有提高,但实验组更明显;立定跳远成绩只有实验组明显提高,对照组没有显著性差异;实验组与对照组训练后平衡能力都有明显提高,但是实验组提高更为明显。结论是:悬吊训练可以明显提高散打运动员的核心力量和核心稳定性.增加下肢速度、爆发力和平衡能力,改善了神经肌肉控制能力、肌肉协调能力,改善提高了技术动作完成的质量,身体素质得到明显提高。  相似文献   

重视运动过程,深入研究动态的技术细节,已经成为准确把握项目运动特征的基础和前提条件。对运动能力的认识不能仅停留在静态的距离或时间上,而应该深入到运动的过程中,捕捉并把握关键指标的动态变化,了解运动的全过程。运动训练应转变训练理念,从传统的大运动量低强度训练转变到大运动量高强度的高负荷训练模式上来,这个训练模式称为“高负荷训练法”。无论是以体能为主导的项群,还是以技能为主导的项群,都需要“以赛代练”,但不能“重赛轻练”。运动员在获得“最高运动成绩”时,并不处于“最佳准备状态”。  相似文献   

不同负荷运动、营养与自由基代谢及抗氧化能力的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王莹 《福建体育科技》2003,22(3):39-40,52
本文简要综述了近几年几种不同负荷运动与体内自由基代谢的关系及对于主要的抗氧化酶的影响 ,并综述了消除自由基的一些抗氧化剂 ,营养药物及其他一些方法。  相似文献   

少儿游泳速成技巧的研究与探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文对少年儿童游泳初学者的蛙泳教学程序作了广泛的研究,摸索出一套符合少年儿童生理和心理特点的教学方法。  相似文献   

血红素加氧酶系统是体内重要的抗氧化酶系统,该系统可通过减少氧自由基的产生,发挥抗氧化应激作用。另外,运动性疲劳的出现导致运动能力下降与自由基增多密切相关,故文章采用文献资料法和逻辑推理法对血红素加氧酶系统与运动能力方面的文献进行归纳与综述。  相似文献   

探究科学的运动技术训练方法及其理论,是各运动项目训练实践都非常重视的基本问题。在我们所执行的运动技术训练实践中,执教者一定要借助多学科理论知识去设计各类新方法,以此来提高练习者参与技术练习的兴趣;并从提高学习者的练习兴趣入手,科学地保护练习者努力练习的行为动机,实现预期的运动训练目标。  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to investigate whether different phases of training affect oxidative stress and antioxidant defences in professional cyclists. Ten professional cyclists, aged 21.8 ± 2.5 years, were enrolled in the study. They were classified into two groups of five athletes each one with similar nutritional intake excepting for the overload of vitamin C (1000 mg day?1) and E (400 mg day?1) supplementation in one of them. The cyclists of both groups performed the same exercise design, consisting of hard, tapering and recovery training periods. Total antioxidant capacity (TAC) of the diet, plasma oxygen radical absorption capacity (ORAC), lipid peroxidation (LPO), DNA damage (8-OHdG) and erythrocyte glutathione disulfide/glutathione ratio (GSSG:GSH?1) were measured. During the intense exercise trainings, the cyclists without vitamin supplements had the TAC of diet significantly lower than the supplemented group. Plasma ORAC, LPO and 8-OHdG were similar in both groups of athletes. Athletes with supplements had a basal LPO:ORAC?1 ratio lower than that without supplements, but this ratio converged to the same level at the end of the training in both groups of cyclists. Both groups of cyclists showed similar changes in GSSG:GSH?1 ratio and in GSSG and GSH levels along the study. The data suggest that well-trained athletes with suitable ultra-endurance training volume and intensity do not require antioxidant vitamin supplements to adapt their endogenous antioxidant defenses to exercise-induced ROS.  相似文献   

为了探讨HBO对力竭性运动后机体氧自由基代谢的影响,让20名体育系男大学生在自行车功率计上运动至力竭,然后随机分成HBO组和对照组,他们分别在HBO和自然状态下恢复约120Min。在运动前、运动后和运动后2小时(恢复期)测定血清LPO含量和SOD活力。实验结果表明:短时间的力竭性运动使机体氧自由基的产生和清除处于一种高水平状态,并不破坏其平衡;适当的HBO可以提高机体清除氧自由基的能力,有利于运动疲劳的恢复。  相似文献   

目的:探讨有氧耐力训练对运动热应激大鼠肾脏组织NO、NOS及自由基代谢的影响。方法:对大鼠进行为期6w的递增负荷运动训练,并在运动末次施加热应激,测定大鼠肾脏组织NO、NOS、MDA和SOD含量或活性。结果:(1)运动加热应激使大鼠肾脏组织NO、NOS、iNOS和MDA显著高于安静组和急性运动组,SOD和SOD/MDA显著低于安静组和急性运动组;(2)训练安静组与安静对照组相比,MDA均显著下降,NO、NOS均显著上升;(3)训练后运动热应激大鼠肾脏组织NO、NOS、iNOS、MDA显著下降,SOD显著上升。结论:(1)在热环境下运动,机体NO、NOS和自由基代谢增加,抗氧化酶活性下降;(2)在常温下进行有氧耐力训练练,可以适当提高机体的耐热性,降低运动热应激对机体的损伤。  相似文献   

通过逻辑分析法和文献资料法,结合体育舞蹈的专项特点以及生理特点,研究分析体育舞蹈技术特征及专项力量训练方法。从体育舞蹈的控制技术、旋转技术、律动技术、扭摆技术、弹动技术和摆荡技术等方面及专项力量训练的静力性力量训练、速度力量训练、力量耐力训练和相对力量训练进行分析研究。研究目的是使舞者认识到专项力量的训练对于专项技术与专项体能的重要性,在日常的学习和训练中可以将体育舞蹈运动技术特点与专项力量训练相结合并制定出符合舞者的专项力量训练方法,从而更好地掌握体育舞蹈不同舞种的技术特点,提高专项技能与运动成绩。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法查阅国内外文献,选定与研究相符具有代表性的文章,选取国内实证类文献10篇,国外实证类文献6篇,共计16篇。了解治疗脑瘫患者的运动干预康复手段,分析其干预方法及结果。研究结果表明:当前国内一般采用核心稳定运动干预、抗阻训练、悬吊运动训练以及柔韧训练为主;国外采用向后行走训练,机器人辅助训练,平衡训练等多种训练干预方式。国内外在对其进行运动干预之后,显示对脑瘫患者粗大功能、痉挛状况、步态步速行走能力以及肌肉肌张力、平衡等方面均有显著性差异。提示:针对脑瘫患者特殊的体质情况,借鉴先进干预手段以及多种运动方式相结合的治疗康复手段,促进患者临床康复。并进一步探究其作用机理,设计更科学有效的训练方式刺激肌肉的康复,改善脑瘫患者身体素质。  相似文献   

一氧化氮与运动疲劳关系的研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
一氧化氮(NO)是一种自由基,也是一种重要的细胞内信使分子,其参与许多生理过程,具有广泛的生物学效应。本文主要从NO对肌肉的外周机制和大脑的中枢机制两方面对运动性疲劳进行阐述,探讨了NO与运动性中枢疲劳的关系,并展望了其在消除运动性疲劳的意义。  相似文献   

There is evidence from previous cross-sectional studies that high volumes of certain sports, including running, swimming and cycling, may have a negative impact on bone mineral density. The aim of the present study was to evaluate prospectively the effects of high athletic training in individuals who engage in high volumes of all three of these activities (triathletes). Bone mineral density for the total body, arms and legs was determined by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry in 21 competitive triathletes (9 men, 12 women) at the beginning of the training season and 24 weeks later. Age, body mass index, calcium intake and training volume were also recorded to examine potential mediators of bone mineral density change. Men had greater bone mineral density at all sites than women. No significant changes were observed over the 24 weeks for either total body or leg bone mineral density. Bone mineral density in both arms increased by approximately 2% in men ( P ? 0.03), but no change was observed for women. Change in bone mineral density at all sites was unrelated to age, body mass index, calcium intake and training volume. The results suggest that adverse changes in bone mineral density do not occur over the course of 6 months of training in competitive triathletes.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to determine the type, frequency and amount of dietary supplement consumption among a group of professional basketball players. The type, amount and specific timing of supplement use were recorded by 55 professional basketball players from seven different teams of the First Spanish Basketball League. Most participants (58%) consumed dietary supplements. Multivitamins and vitamins were the most frequently used supplements among the athletes (50.9%), followed by sport drinks (21.8%), miscellaneous supplements (21.8%), amino acids (14.5%), proteins (12.7%) and carbohydrates (12.7%). The average daily dietary supplement was one capsule of multivitamins, one capsule of antioxidant vitamins, 0.2-1.0 g vitamin C, 10.3 g protein, 1.9 g amino acids, 16.2 g carbohydrates and 377 ml of a commercial sport drink. Although the proportion of participants who consumed dietary supplements before, during and immediately after exercise was 25.4%, 16.3% and 7.3% respectively, only a few consumed a potentially ergogenic supplement at these times. It would appear unlikely that the type or amount of dietary supplements consumed had a beneficial effect on the physical performance of these professional basketball players, with the possible exception of antioxidant vitamins and the commercial sport drinks.  相似文献   

对优秀速滑运动员于凤桐起跑技术的运动学分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用三维摄像DLT法,用3台松下M9000摄像机在比赛条件下分别从侧面和正面进行同步定点、定焦拍摄,完整记录了参加第10届全国冬运会500 m速滑比赛的于凤桐等10余名运动员起跑前后约16 m范围内的运动过程,旨在揭示于凤桐起跑的动作特点.研究结果表明:起跑阶段步频较高是于凤桐起跑速度快的重要因素;于凤桐起跑预备姿势两支撑点间距小,前稳定角小,其重心低而偏前,为完成从静止状态转入快速起动蹬冰状态创造了有利条件;在起动过程中,利用重心高度起伏较小,蹬冰角与上体前倾角较接近的特点,获得了较大的重心速度,以较高的频率完成了起动蹬冰动作.  相似文献   


Interest in Vitamin D has risen considerably recently with many athletes now advised to take daily vitamin D supplements. The reason for this interest is partly not only attributed to the resurgence of the Vitamin D-deficient disease rickets but also due to the discovery of a Vitamin D receptor in many tissues suggesting a more global role for Vitamin D than previously considered. Unlike the other vitamins that are obtained through the diet, Vitamin D is unique since endogenous synthesis following ultraviolet B (UVB) exposure is the predominant route of entry into systemic circulation. Moreover, Vitamin D could be better classed as a seco-steroid, given that its structure is similar to that of a steroid, and its production is derived from a cholesterol precursor (7-dehydrocholesteol) in the skin. The classification of Vitamin D status is currently subject to considerable debate with many authors opposing governing body recommendations. Regardless of the suggested optimal concentration, there is now growing evidence to suggest that many athletes are in fact Vitamin D deficient, especially in the winter months largely as a consequence of inadequate sun exposure, combined with poor dietary practices, although the consequences of such deficiencies are still unclear in athletic populations. Impaired muscle function and reduced regenerative capacity, impaired immune function, poor bone health and even impaired cardiovascular function have all been associated with low Vitamin D in athletes, however, to date, the majority of studies on Vitamin D have described associations and much more research is now needed examining causation.  相似文献   

Leadership research that examines follower characteristics as a potential moderator of leadership effectiveness is lacking. Within Bass's (1985) transformational leadership framework, we examined follower narcissism as a moderator of the coach behavior-coach effectiveness relationship. Youth athletes (male = 103, female = 106) from the Singapore Sports Academy (mean age = 14.28, SD = 1.40 years) completed the Differentiated Transformational Leadership Inventory (Callow, Smith, Hardy, Arthur, & Hardy, 2009), the Narcissistic Personality Inventory (Raskin & Terry, 1988), and indices of follower effort. Multilevel analyses revealed that athlete narcissism moderated the relationship between fostering acceptance of group goals and athlete effort and between high performance expectations and athlete effort. All the other transformational leader behaviors demonstrated main effects on follower effort, except for inspirational motivation.  相似文献   

自尊,自信,自我有效感与体育运动   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
唐征宇 《体育学刊》2000,(1):104-106
介绍了自尊、自信与自我有效感的关系,锻练与自尊之间关系的层次结构模式,运动中自信心的作用和培养自信心的方法,以及自我有效感的理论模式及其与运动锻练之间的关系。  相似文献   

运动性疲劳概述   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
一个世纪以来,运动性疲劳一直是体育科学研究中重要的课题,本文旨在回顾过去,展望未来,对有关运动性疲劳的研究:疲劳的概念及其分类、疲劳的产生机制与学说、疲劳的测定与判断、疲劳的恢复与预防等做了较全面的概述。  相似文献   

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