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面对新形势下档案工作的新特点和新需求,微信平台资源建设对于提升平台服务内容质量意义重大.文章首先从满足公众需求、响应政策要求和解决发展诉求三个方面剖析档案机构微信平台资源建设的动力.其次,基于对档案机构微信推文内容的主题、形式和组织的分析和思考,从特色资源建设、资源呈现形式和资源价值挖掘三个层面提出建设对策,以期对档案机构新媒体研究和应用实践有所启示.  相似文献   

叙事思维适用于档案机构微信推文正文写作.在档案机构微信推文写作中,叙事者与作者可以一致,也可以不一致;作者决定叙事视角用全知视角,还是用限知视角.其叙事结构有线性的和非线性的.档案叙事法、拆解档案法和档案配料法是档案机构微信推文叙事的三种独特方法.  相似文献   

分析档案微信公众号推文传播现状,寻求提升其传播力和影响力的策略.以微信传播指数月度排行前十名的档案微信公众号为研究样本,采用案例分析和内容分析方法,展现档案微信公众号传播力度.根据受众行为理论和格莱斯"合作原则",提出要从微信推文的内容题材和语言设计两方面出发,加强推文题材的针对性,提高推文标题和内容的语用表现力,进而...  相似文献   

王淼  蒋冠 《北京档案》2017,(12):10-13
本文以微信推文阅读量为切入点,以"全国各级档案局(馆)微信公众号2016年度前十高阅读量推文"数据为样本,探讨档案类微信公众号运营者如何打造"100000+"的高阅读量推文,提出了紧密结合社会关注点、加强推文内容的原创性、提高推文标题吸引力、选准推送文章的时机、拓展推广方式和发文形式等策略.  相似文献   

微信公众号边际效应递减,即随着运营投入、推文数量的增加,粉丝增加的速度和人数减少,推文打开率和“在看”数增加率下滑甚至趋于零。文章分析了档案微信公众号边际效应递减原因,据此提出减缓档案微信公众号边际效应递减趋势的策略。  相似文献   

通过问卷调查,对档案微信公众号用户关注、点赞、留言评论、转发/分享、收藏这五种信息接受行为的动机进行研究.档案微信公众号用户采取信息接受行为的意愿度、用户对信息内容的认同度和档案微信推文的内容形式,都会影响用户信息接受行为意愿.档案微信运维者可以从加强与用户的互动、重视用户反馈行为并有针对性地进行改进、增强档案微信推文内容的专业性和形式的新颖性等方面,加强档案微信公众号的建设.  相似文献   

微信公众号作为便捷的移动服务平台,已经被越来越多的行业所采用,档案部门也不例外。2014年以来,许多档案部门纷纷建立自己的微信公众号,作为本单位对外宣传的新媒介,借微信公众号的传播优势,宣传档案工作。几年来,档案微信公众号的运营已取得了许多不错的成绩,但在实际操作过程中,也存在着诸多不可忽视的问题,如内容单一、推文不规律、影响力相对不足等,这些问题直接影响用户对微信公众号的依赖性和满足感。因此,如何增强档案微信公众号的用户黏性。  相似文献   

本文从信息质量的四个角度考量档案微信公众号推文质量,通过构建评估指标体系及广泛调查分析,对综合档案馆官方微信推文质量进行系统评估,并提出提高推文质量的相应对策.  相似文献   

李兴利 《中国档案》2016,(12):34-35
根据公众号“档案微平台研究”(微信号:dawxyj)统计,截至2016年9月底,全国档案微信公众号336个,其中长期活跃账号不足一半。同其他行业相比,同我国众多的档案机构组织相比,目前档案微信公众号数量还很少,档案信息微传播总体上还处于摸索阶段。一个公众号是否活跃,要综合考量该账号当期发布文章数、当期文章阅读数、当期文章点赞数。本文从热门推文角度入手,以“档案微平台研究”团队推出的《全国档案微信公众号影响力排行榜》(以下简称《排行榜》)数据为样本,对档案微信公众号有关问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

文章对江苏省167所高校档案馆微信公众号开通情况进行分析,并对已开通的公众号建设情况和运营情况进行系统调研,从基本设置信息、自定义菜单、WCI指数、粉丝数、推文频次和内容等维度详细比对和分析,归纳优势和不足,提出优化和改进策略,为高校档案馆微信公众号建设提供参考,以便提高利用微信公众平台提供档案服务的水平。  相似文献   

A content analysis of 4,507 tweets from 60 local news organizations in the United States was conducted to examine Twitter strategies used by the local news industry. Results indicate that local news organizations in the United States mainly used Twitter as an additional platform for news dissemination. While local TV stations and newspapers differed significantly in their use of tweet structures, content, and strategies, both followed the similar practices of their traditional media portals. In addition, the number of followers and total tweets of a news organization’s Twitter account, use of photos, hashtags, usernames, and tweet content predicted audience engagement with the site. Overall, local news organizations in the United States did not appear to use Twitter to cross-promote and/or supplement their traditional business practices. This research calls for more systematic, multi-dimensional social media management in local newsrooms.  相似文献   

为提高图书馆微信公众号图书阅读推广文章的采纳程度,优化图书馆微信公众号图书阅读推广文章的编写技巧与发送方式,对图书馆微信公众号图书阅读推广文章采纳行为影响因素进行分析和实证检验。以详尽可能性模型和信息采纳理论为基础,结合微信公众号推广文章的特点,构建图书馆微信公众号图书阅读推广文章采纳行为影响因素模型和观测变量,采用结构方程分析方法进行实证。结果表明:外围路径因素中的标题趣味性、推文发送位置、内容突出程度和中心路径因素中的内容趣味性、推荐力度、图书获取途径均对图书馆微信公众号图书阅读推广文章采纳行为有显著影响,其中外围路径因素的影响大于中心路径因素。  相似文献   

“互联网+”在带领档案工作走向开放、融合、协同、创新的同时,也对档案工作形成巨大冲击与挑战。主要包括开放共享的发展理念对组织结构的挑战,二位一体的网络环境对开发模式的挑战,数据化的工作对象对管理环节的挑战,海量的信息用户对服务方式的挑战以及三微一端的媒体格局对运营战略的挑战。认清这些挑战,有利于推动“互联网+”与档案工作的深度融合和创新发展。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 旨在为高校图书馆进行微信公众平台推文内容建设提供经验和建议。[方法/过程] 通过案例分析、网络数据调研和对比分析的方法,介绍北京师范大学图书馆微信公众号在推文内容建设方面的理念、原则、效果和管理方式等。[结果/结论] 提出注重微信内容板块整体规划,坚持文案原创,精品原创栏目化,加强校内新媒体合作以及大力推动微信工作制度建设等方面的建议。  相似文献   


This experimental study examined the impact of posting different types of tweets on a journalist’s perceived credibility. Three-hundred-and-eighty-seven participants were randomly assigned into one of three groups. One group saw tweets from a journalist that were about the journalist’s personal life, another group saw tweets from the same journalist that were written objectively about news stories, and the third group saw tweets from the same journalist that contained the journalist’s opinion regarding news stories. Participants who read the personal tweets about the journalist’s life rated the journalist highest in perceived credibility. The perceived credibility of the journalist was ranked significantly lower by participants who read the tweets that only contained the journalist’s opinion. Participants were also asked to rate the credibility of the organization for which the journalist worked. The perceived credibility of the organization was rated significantly higher by those who read the objective tweets. Organizational credibility was rated lowest by those who read the tweets that contained the journalist’s opinion. This study has important implications for journalists who use Twitter and wish to improve their personal and organizational perceived credibility.  相似文献   

本文以"把关人"理论为依据,通过问卷调查对档案微信信息服务质量的影响因素从信息搜集、信息过滤、信息制作、信息传播四个维度展开研究.调查结果显示,档案微信的不同把关环节对档案微信信息服务质量的影响程度各不相同、档案微信各把关环节中不同因素对档案微信信息服务质量的影响程度不同、各因素对档案微信信息服务质量的影响程度与把关人的职责与能力紧密相关.在未来发展中,档案微信应加强顶层设计、提高档案微信把关人信息搜集与筛选的能力、优化档案微信的栏目设计.  相似文献   

陈絮  周丽霞 《档案学研究》2022,36(3):122-129
本文探究档案馆和图书馆在微信公众号建设上的差距,总结图书馆微信公众号的运营经验,为档案馆微信公众号建设发展提供参考。分别选择5个具有代表性的微信公众号,结合清博指数分析样本传播效益及建设实况;通过翔实的数据对比分析档案馆与图书馆微信公众号建设现状,以揭示问题所在。基于图书馆的经验,档案馆可从用户服务、运营管理、内容建设三个方面优化微信公众号运营,以提升其微信公众号传播力和影响力。  相似文献   

Many altmetric studies have analyzed which papers were mentioned how often on Twitter (one of the most important altmetrics sources). In order to study the potential relevance of tweets from another perspective, we investigate which tweets were cited in papers. If many tweets were cited in publications, this might demonstrate that tweets have substantial and useful content. Overall, a rather low number of citations to tweets (n=13,149) by less than 7,000 papers was found. Most tweets do not seem to be cited because of any cognitive influence they might have had on studies; they rather were study objects. Thus, this study does not support a high relevance of tweets (for research). Most of the papers that cited tweets are from the subject areas Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities, and Medicine. Most of the papers cited only one tweet. Up to 65 tweets cited in a single paper were found. An author keyword analysis revealed that the single largest topic seems to be the COVID-19/corona pandemic.  相似文献   

Police departments increasingly use social media for enhancing their relationships with citizens. However, little is known about how specific characteristics of police-initiated messages affect whether and to what extent citizens engage with the former. This study looks at 11 large police departments using Twitter in Germany. Based on a multimethod approach, it explores the effect of content type and two emotional elements (i.e. arousal and valence) of tweets on different dimensions of citizen engagement. The latter is measured as observable online behavioral responses to police tweets in form of likes, comments, and retweets. The results suggest that emotional arousal (i.e. the emotional intensity of a tweet) plays a key role in triggering all forms of citizen engagement, while emotional valence (more specifically, the negativity of a tweet) largely shows no effect. Moreover, the impact of content type (informative versus interactive) varies across the different engagement dimensions.  相似文献   

Social media can be used to assess public opinions and emotions during different stages of a crisis. Guided by the Crisis and Emergency Risk Communication (CERC) model, this study examined a systematic sample of 2,881 tweets from a corpus of over one million tweets posted during the initial, maintenance, and resolution stages of the 2015 California measles outbreak. It found that the public showed the greatest interest (as measured by the number of tweets and retweets) in the initial stage of the crisis, but their interest drastically declined afterward. The expression of humor/sarcasm was significantly more frequent in the initial stage than in the maintenance or resolutions stage, while the expression of reassurance increased significantly from the initial, maintenance, and resolution stage. The emotion of alarm/concern was most frequently expressed during the initial stage. For message types, the public were more likely to tweet about their personal opinions and less likely to tweet about resources during the initial stage. These findings allow public health professionals to better design messages in response to the public’s concerns and emotions during public health crises.  相似文献   

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