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激光位移传感器的光学系统设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
莫仁芸  朱万彬  钟俊  陈璇 《中国光学》2010,3(5):513-517
针对目前国内自主研制的激光位移传感器精度低,测量范围小等问题,提出了一种采用光学设计软件预先仿真整个激光位移传感器光学系统的方法。在分析系统各部分的光学特性的基础上,结合具体要求设计了一个激光位移传感器的光学系统,其工作范围为(50±10)mm。采用系统分割的方法,将整个光学系统分为两部分进行设计,第一部分是激光束的整形透镜,要求在有效的工作范围内得到小而均匀的出射光斑,设计结果表明,在测量范围内,光斑大小能够控制在10-1mm量级;另一部分是被测面散射光接收的成像物镜,该系统的特点是物面和像面相对于光轴都有一定的角度,实验结果表明其成像满足Scbeimpflug条件。  相似文献   

高精度激光三角位移传感器的技术现状   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28       下载免费PDF全文
三角测量法是一种传统的位移测量方法.随着激光器、光电探测器和计算机的发展,三角测量法有了很多新的进展和应用.对激光三角位移测量系统进行概述和讨论.根据光线的不同入射方式激光三角位移传感器主要分为两种:直入射式和斜入射式.分别介绍了这两种方法的测量原理,并对它们各自的特点进行了比较.最后阐述了高精度激光三角位移传感器的应用方向及发展趋势.  相似文献   

分析传统直射式和斜射式激光位移传感器的特性,结合两者的优势,设计了一种基于自准直原理的紧凑型激光位移传感器。在结构上,利用直线结构取代了大三角的光路布局,形成自准直式光路结构。引入分光比50%的分束镜,与光轴成45°角放置,将会聚透镜和成像透镜合为一枚,并使聚光镜、分束镜和光电探测器共轴,简化了系统结构,减小了仪器体积,同时,推导了符合自准直原理的Scheimpflug条件。利用光学设计软件Zemax对光学系统进行仿真,系统采用单透镜的结构形式,前表面为Forbes非球面,入瞳直径像质量和系统尺寸均达到最佳。该系统具有测量范围大、分辨力高、结构尺寸小、光能损失小等特点,通过实验与Keyence激光位移传感器比较,该系统能够保证测头分辨力1μm、综合检测精度±2μm的技术指标。  相似文献   

为了满足未来车载全景辅助泊车系统对高清视频图像的需求,以美国OmniVision公司的OV10635低功耗、高分辨率、高动态范围CMOS图像传感器为例,提出了应用210°超广角鱼眼镜头的高清720P车载全景成像系统的电路设计方法以及高速图像传输和调试应注意的问题,并通过选取超低EMI信号传输的双向FPD-LinkⅢ串行/解串器实现了传输距离远、信号质量稳定、传输速率1Gbit/s以上高清数字图像数据的高速传输。通过实际测试表明,对CMOS图像传感器电路的设计达到了车载全景成像系统的高清成像稳定性、小型化等要求。  相似文献   

针对高精度激光位移传感器校准的需求,基于C Sharp设计了激光位移传感器自动校准装置测控软件,实现了对位移的测量、数据采集、数据处理、数据保存并显示结果等功能;测控软件对硬件设备的通信与控制采用了面向对象的编程思路,例如针对激光干涉仪、直线位移平台、数字多用表等设备,设计了相应的类,提高了软件的可拓展性,同时也便于系统硬件的升级;数据处理采用多种线性拟合算法计算激光位移传感器的线性度,满足不同情况下的参考需求;实验结果表明,测控软件系统运行稳定,数据的自动采集处理方便快捷,减小人工处理数据引入的误差,提高了激光位移传感器校准的准确性和效率。  相似文献   

提出了一种合成孔径激光成像雷达(SAIL)光学成像处理器的原理方案,基于侧视/直视SAIL单点目标回波收集方程,对此光学处理器的数据加载时空坐标转换、成像分辨率、成像处理能力等方面进行了理论分析,并进行了实验验证,给出了SAIL大口径验证样机获得的目标回波数据的成像结果。此SAIL光学处理器结构简单、紧凑、功耗低,且具有实时、实地处理SAIL回波信号的能力,在未来机载、星载SAIL系统中有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

姜晶  方志良  刘福来  林列  母国光 《光学学报》1998,18(11):503-1507
提出一种用于空间自由曲面测量的激光非接触曲面面形传感器。该传感器结构简单,在光学原理上传感器的输出量与被测量成线性关系,接收物镜绕系统光轴360°接收目标面的漫射光,目标面的倾斜产生的影响很小,解决了困扰空间自由曲面测量中阴影效应、倾斜等问题。该传感器的测量范围为4mm,分辨率为2μm,当目标面(漫反射面和金属等镜面反射面)倾斜角为±85°时,仍能保证20μm的测量精度。  相似文献   

本文采用数值孔径(N.A)法首次计算了光纤-波导端面的耦合效率和器件的响应特性;全面测试了器件的性能,其理论分析与实验结果符合较好;还讨论了进一步提高器件的探测灵敏度及其实用化的途径.  相似文献   

激光调频光纤位移传感器多路复用技术的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
田芊  章恩耀 《光学学报》1995,15(6):71-777
叙述了运用半导体激光器连续波调频外差干涉和频域多路复用原理,研究了光纤位移传感器多路复用技术。已研制成的分频与分幅相结合四路复用光纤位移传感器,可同时进行对多点、多维位移和多种物理量的测量,各路位移测量范围大于1mm,测量精度优于0.1μm及位移分辨率为0.01μm。  相似文献   

基于CMOS图像传感器的成像系统设计   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
宋勇  郝群  王占和  何林 《光学技术》2002,28(3):253-254
以OV 5 116CMOS图像传感器为例 ,讨论了基于CMOS图像传感器的成像系统的电路设计方法及系统设计中应注意的问题 ;并通过对CMOS图像传感器外围电路的优化设计实现了成像系统的微型化和轻量化。  相似文献   

张爽  朱万彬  李健  鲁秀娥 《中国光学》2018,11(6):1001-1010
光斑质量直接影响激光位移传感器测量的精度。为了提高激光位移传感器传感探头光学系统的成像质量,设计了传感探头四片式微小型光学系统。本文在理想成像基础上,分析光束在光学系统中能量传递的变化规律,对比光电探测器的感光能力,利用光学设计软件(ZEMAX)实现了激光位移传感器传感探头微小型光学系统的设计。通过理论计算分析,严格控制传感探头孔径光阑的大小,对光学系统进行优化处理,成像最大弥散斑半径低于3. 3μm,空间分辨率120lp/mm以下的传递函数MTF(Modulation Transfer Function)值大于0. 5,光线扇形图的最大像差小于5μm,畸变量低于0. 1859%。该光学系统具有良好的成像效果,可以满足激光位移传感器探测系统对成像系统成像光斑质量的要求,以保证传感器的测量精确度优于5μm。  相似文献   

The existing so-called “dual polarization competition laser displacement sensor” applies a cat’s eye resonator. The resonator could be disarranged when the cat’s eye reflector (CER) swings slightly with the rod of the slide rail in measuring the procedure and droops due to its deadweight in long-time operation. This influences the stability of the sensor significantly. In this paper, a novel cat’s eye folded resonator was built, based on which our system named “folded resonator-dual polarization competition laser displacement sensor” was set up. It has a high resolution of λ/16 (39.6 nm) and large measurement range of up to 17 mm. The misalignment sensitivities of traditional cat’s eye resonator and the folded one are both analyzed; and comprehensive experiments are carried out, through which a conclusion can be drawn out that the maximal adjusting angle and the maximal cross displacement of the CER in folded resonator are both about 5 times of those in cat’s eye cavity. Furthermore, the measurement results from this new sensor prove its high stability.  相似文献   

介绍利用高斯光束干涉测微小位移的方法,利用该方法设计了纳米级光纤位移传感器,测试了该传感器的位移响应与频率响应.  相似文献   

A new subdivision method for grating-based displacement sensor was proposed in the present study, which takes advantages of imaging array's high resolution and pixels’ good uniformity in the space. In this method, the magnified grating image is received by imaging array and grating pitch is directly subdivided by pixels, which is quite different from that moiré fringe is subdivided by complex subsequent circuits in moiré-type displacement sensor. The displacement is statistically calculated by using the whole grating image, which greatly eliminates the errors arising from illumination, electrical signals’ fluctuation, grating defect, and so on. Therefore, the subdivision method is easy to obtain signal with high signal-to-noise ratio, insensitive to some external factors, and able to attain high measurement precision with low cost. In this paper, the principle of subdivision method was illuminated, the systemic resolution was theoretically discussed, the measurement precision was experimentally checked, and the uncertainty of measurement was analyzed. The subdivision system consisted of the grating with 20-μm pitch and the CMOS image sensor with the pixels of 1280×1024 had the resolution of 0.04 μm, and the maximum displacement error was less than 0.4 μm, which has been tested in the Abbe comparator platform.  相似文献   

A new laser displacement sensor has been designed, constructed, and used in a train running at a speed of 64 km/h. The laser displacement sensor is insensitive to ambient light and to temperature. The parameters of the laser displacement sensor are as follows: the measurement range is 20 mm, and the laser displacement sensor resolution is 0.3 mm. All the results show that this new displacement sensor meets the requirement for real-time gauge measurement.  相似文献   

许用扭矩是拧紧螺纹紧固件时可施加的最大扭矩值,它是保证螺纹连接安全可靠的重要参数;由于现有扭矩扳手需要人工依靠经验或理论计算来设定所需扭矩值,设计了一种通过自动识别螺栓规格并计算许用扭矩的位移式许用扭矩传感器;螺栓夹持装置开口大小的调整与电位器阻值调整通过齿轮相关联用于识别螺栓规格信息,单片机HT66F50采集电位器的模拟信号经模数转换为数字信号运算并处理,计算结果通过液晶显示模块LCD1602进行显示;通过数据拟合及公式推导建立许用扭矩计算理论,硬件采用技术成熟的集成模块,软件设计采用模块化思想,建立了传感器原理样机;测试结果表明,数据计算误差在允许范围内,能够快速准确地计算许用扭矩值,达到了设计要求。  相似文献   

Design and operation of a double-fiber sensor for displacement measurements are reported in this study. In this arrangement, one fiber transmits the laser light to the target and the second one receives the light reflected off the target and transmits to a photodetector. Utilizing inexpensive plastic optical fibers offers advantages such as higher reflexability and more robustness at a reasonable cost, which are required for some applications. The novelties of the reported design are compactness of the fiber probe, flexibility, long dynamic range (22 mm), and it is possible to use the source and the detector at the same side. The displacement of the target causes the intensity modulation and such a power variation is the base of sensor operation. Measurements for the metallic and non-metallic surfaces are performed and the results for aluminum, copper, and bronze sheets are presented here. Our results indicate that the sensitivity is highest for the plane mirror (288.8 mV/mm), high for the shiny metallic surfaces (230.6 mV/mm), but it can be used for other surfaces with a reasonable sensitivity. Important parameters of the sensor such as reproducibility (1.0%) and hysteresis effect (1.8%) are also investigated for this device. The theoretical formulation of the sensor operation is also developed and the computed results are compared with the experimental ones. The obtained experimental respond curve agrees well with the theoretical one, which verifies the successful operation of the proposed sensor system for precise displacement measurements.  相似文献   

本文主要研究一种新型微位移传感器。它用超声波原理进行检测,以喷流的水柱作为超声波传播的介质,可以在恶劣环境下进行位移测量。位移等于超声波传播的速度与超声波从发到收之间传播时间的乘积。考虑到声速会随介质一水的温度的升高而增大,设计时进行了实时温度补偿,提高了系统的精度。  相似文献   

郑刚  田芊 《光学学报》1992,12(9):35-840
利用半导体激光器线性调频外差干涉原理和频域多路复用原理,研究了光纤位移传感器多路复用技术,制作了两路复用光纤位移传感器,研究和解决了多路复用时信号串话问题.实验证明,各路之间串话引起的误差小于±0.02μm,每路测量误差小于±0.05μm.  相似文献   

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