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目的:比较双绒毛膜双胎之一选择性减胎与自发一胎胎死宫内(single intrauterine fetal death,SIUFD)的围生期结局,并比较不同减胎孕周对围生期结局的影响,探讨选择性减胎的临床应用。方法:纳入2011年1月—2019年12月在南京大学医学院附属鼓楼医院产科终止妊娠的55例双胎之一胎死宫内或行选择性减胎术将双胎减至单胎的临床资料,根据减胎或死胎原因将其分为选择性减胎组(39例)和自发SIUFD组(16例),回顾性分析比较其围生期结局。结果:55例患者总妊娠丢失率为9.1%(5例流产),活产率为90.9%。选择性减胎组的减胎/死胎孕周明显低于自发SIUFD组,总体终止孕周、活产率明显高于自发SIUFD组,而剖宫产率、流产率则低于自发SIUFD组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。2组的早产率、足月产率、存活儿出生体质量、出生体质量百分位数、新生儿健康出院率、新生儿重症监护病房(neonatal intensive care unit,NICU)入住率比较,差异均无统计学意义(均P>0.05)。根据选择性减胎的孕周将选择性减胎组再分为减胎孕周≤20周组(24例)和减胎孕周>20周组(15例),2组新生儿出生体质量百分位数比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),但与减胎孕周>20周组比较,减胎孕周≤20周组的早产率低、足月产率高,存活儿出生体质量更高,差异有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。结论:双胎妊娠发生SIUFD后会对存活儿围生期结局产生不良影响,对于有减胎指征者,选择性减胎有利于提高存活儿围生期的活产率及改善新生儿结局,对多胎妊娠的围生期结局有益。  相似文献   

患者32岁,因宫内妊娠38周,双胎之一胎死宫内,一胎臀位于2004年6月28日收入院。检查:血压112/78mmHg(1mmHg=0.133kPa),宫高:32cm,腹围93cm胎方位:骶左后位,胎心率:130次,胎心监护为反应型。  相似文献   

胎母输血综合征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
胎母输血综合征(FMH)是一种少见的产科并发症,大部分病例原因不明。FMH临床表现为胎动减少、正弦曲线样胎心监护、胎儿水肿等。严重病例胎死宫内。在母体血循环检测到胎儿红细胞可以诊断FMH。早期发现,通过连续宫内输血可使该综合征得到有效治疗。仍需探索更好的检测方法帮助早期诊断。  相似文献   

<正>1病例简介患者,女,26岁,G_2P_1,因"停经36+2周,胎监异常3天"于2016年9月11日收入院。孕期外院建卡定期产检,自诉产检无特殊(未见产检报告),既往史无特殊。母亲血型为B型Rh(+)。自诉入院3天前外院胎监反复异常,自觉胎动较前无变化。入院半天前外院胎监NST无反应型,遂就诊于我院,复查胎监NST无反应型。超声检查:胎儿先露头,双顶径  相似文献   

胎母输血综合征(fetomaternal hemorrhage,FMH)是指一定量胎儿血液通过破损的胎盘绒毛间隙进入母体血液循环,引起胎儿不同程度的失血以及母亲溶血性输血反应的临床征候群。该病是一种少见的产科疾病,是胎儿非免疫  相似文献   

胎母输血综合征(FMH)是一种少见的产科并发症,大部分病例原因不明.FMH临床表现为胎动减少、正弦曲线样胎心监护、胎儿水肿等.严重病例胎死宫内.在母体血循环检测到胎儿红细胞可以诊断FMH.早期发现,通过连续宫内输血可使该综合征得到有效治疗.仍需探索更好的检测方法帮助早期诊断.  相似文献   

双胎输血综合征诊断处理和妊娠结局   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
目的 探讨双胎输血综合征的临床诊断、处理及妊娠结局。方法 回顾性分析十五年间18例双胎输血综合征(TTTS组)和620例非双胎输血综合征双胎(非TTTS组)的临床资料,比较两组的妊娠并发症、妊娠合并症和妊娠结局。结果 (1)双胎输血综合征占双胎妊娠总数的2.8%,占单绒毛膜双胎的8.1%;(2)明确分期14例,引产10例,要求保留胎儿7例(Ⅱ期1例、Ⅲ期5例、Ⅳ期1例);3例经腹羊水减量,其中2例转为Ⅴ期后引产,1例胎儿镜下激光凝固胎盘血管交通支,获两活婴;(3)TTTS组辅助生育受孕明显低于非TTTS组(11.1%比40.0%,P〈0.05),胎盘早剥发生率明显高于非TTTS组(22.2%比1.3%,P〈0.05);(4)TTTS组终止妊娠孕周、胎儿平均出生体重显著低于非TTTS组(P〈0.01)。TTTS组胎儿死亡、畸形和窒息的发生率分别为41.7%、16.7%和33.3%,显著高于非TTTS组的6.4%、1.9%和7.0%(P〈0.01)。结论 (1)双胎输血综合征严重影响胎儿预后;(2)明确双胎输血综合征的分期有助于临床处理和评估预后;(3)胎儿镜下激光凝固胎盘血管交通支术治疗双胎输血综合征有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

胎母输血综合征是发生于妊娠期的并发症,目前病因不甚清楚,初期胎儿可代偿而无明显表现,失代偿会出现胎动减少或消失、胎心监护出现正弦曲线以及水肿胎等表现,可通过Kleihauer-Betke试验及流式细胞仪诊断。确诊病例需针对胎儿具体情况进行宫内输血或终止妊娠,及时纠正胎儿或新生儿贫血,提高围产儿的存活率,改善预后。  相似文献   

目的探讨胎母输血综合征(fetomaternal hemorrhage,FMH)的病因、临床特征、诊断及治疗,以降低其引起的围生儿并发症的发生率及死亡率。方法收集2007年1月至2012年6月北京海淀区妇幼保健院诊治的27例大量胎母输血综合征病例,采用红细胞酸洗脱试验法(Kleihauer-Betke test,KB试验)检测母血中胎儿红细胞并计算胎儿出血量,并对胎母输血综合征孕妇及新生儿的临床资料进行分析。结果胎母输血综合征的发生率为0.39‰(27/69497),多数(74.07%,20/27)病因不明确,产前确诊率(14.81%,4/27)低;胎母输血综合征最常见的临床表现为胎动减少或消失(70.37%,19/27),其次为胎心监护异常(62.96%,17/27)、胎儿窘迫(55.56%,15/27)、胎儿生长受限(7.41%,2/27)、胎儿水肿(3.70%,1/27);新生儿均表现为不同程度的贫血(100%),其中新生儿轻度贫血2例,中度贫血5例,重度贫血14例,极重度贫血6例,最低者血红蛋白仅20g/L;根据公式计算胎儿失血量为80~313ml,占胎儿循环血量的(50.54±19.67)%。在27例患者中,17例(62.96%)母血甲胎蛋白增高;17例(62.96%)新生儿接受小量多次输血治疗;25例(92.59%)好转出院,2例(7.41%)死亡。结论胎母输血综合征是一种少见的产科并发症,大部分病例原因不明;临床表现有胎动减少、正弦曲线样胎心监护及胎儿水肿"三联征";母体血循环检测到有核红细胞可以诊断胎母输血综合征,早期诊断,尽早处理,可降低围生儿死亡率和发病率。  相似文献   

双胎输血综合征是单绒毛膜双胎妊娠最常见最严重的并发症,如不治疗,约80%~100%胎儿死亡.产前超声检查和产时胎盘检查可以诊断.治疗措施有:羊膜腔穿刺羊水减压术,羊膜膈穿孔羊水平衡术,选择性灭胎术,胎盘血管交通支阻断术等,后者效果最佳,成功率可达91%以上.  相似文献   

Objective: The aim of our study was to investigate the predictors of adverse perinatal outcomes in intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (ICP) with dichorionic diamniotic (DCDA) twin pregnancies.

Methods: This study was a retrospective study of women diagnosed with ICP and DCDA twin pregnancies in Chengdu’s women and children’s central hospital. These patients were subdivided into mild and severe ICP groups according to total bile acid (TBA) level. The clinical characteristics and perinatal outcomes were collected and compared between the two groups. Logistic regression analysis was developed to evaluate predictors of adverse perinatal outcomes.

Results: About 134 cases were included in the study. Eighty-four cases were in the mild ICP group, and the other 50 cases were in the severe ICP group. Level of alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), total bilirubin (TBIL), and direct bilirubin (DBIL) in the severe ICP group were significant higher than those in the mild ICP group. The rate of delivery before 34 gestational weeks, meconium-stained amniotic fluid, and composite adverse neonatal outcome were higher in the severe ICP group than those in the mild ICP group. After adjusting for confounders, ICP onset gestational age (GA)?<30 weeks and AST >200U/l were associated with GA at delivery <34 weeks. ALP >400U/l was an independent risk factor of meconium-stained amniotic fluid. ICP onset GA <30 weeks was an independent risk factor of composite adverse neonatal outcome.

Conclusion: ICP onset GA <30 weeks, TBA >40 µmol/l, AST >200U/l, and ALP >400U/l were associated with composite adverse perinatal outcomes in ICP with DCDA twin pregnancies. For those patients with these characteristics, fetal surveillance and treatment should be enhanced.  相似文献   

Objective: To examine the incidence of spontaneous fetal reduction during dichorionic diamniotic (DCDA) twin pregnancy after in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer (IVF-ET) and its influence on pregnancy outcomes.

Methods: This was a retrospective cohort study of 4447 DCDA twin pregnancies and 14,551 singleton pregnancies after IVF-ET at a single center between 2009 and 2015. The spontaneous pregnancy reduction (SPR) group included 759 women. The remaining 3688 women with DCDA twins showing no spontaneous reduction were included in the non-SPR group. Outcomes were compared to a singleton group (n?=?14,551) treated over the same period. The overall rate of spontaneous reduction and frequency distribution across gestational epochs were determined and pregnancy outcomes were compared among the three groups. Further regression analysis was conducted to investigate whether spontaneous reduction was an independent risk factor for decreased take-home baby rate.

Results: The overall rate of spontaneous DCDA twin reduction after IVF-ET was 17.1%, with most cases (89.8%) occurring in the first trimester. Pregnancy outcome measures, including miscarriage rate, premature delivery rate, live birth rate, take-home baby rate, gestational age of delivery, and neonatal birth weight, were significantly better in the SPR group than the non-SPR group. Live birth rate, take-home baby rate, neonatal birth weight, and other primary outcome measures in the SPR group were not inferior to the singleton group. Multivariate regression analysis showed that the take-home baby rate was significantly lower in the non-SPR group (OR =0.73, 95%CI: 0.44–0.92, p?=?.008) and that SPR did not decrease the take-home baby rate.

Conclusions: Spontaneous pregnancy reduction is common in DCDA twin pregnancy after IVF-ET, but has little adverse influence on pregnancy outcomes and does not reduce the probability of taking home live babies.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate whether the presence of one major anomaly in a twin pregnancy would affect the perinatal outcome of the unaffected co-twin. MATERIALS AND METHODS: From 1992 May to July 2003, a total of 1400 twin pregnancies were included in the present study and there were 35 pairs of twins with one major anomaly. Major anomaly was defined as the anomaly that had a significant impact on neonatal morbidity and mortality. The perinatal outcomes of the affected and unaffected co-twins, the gestational age of diagnosis of the anomaly and the gestational age of delivery were the parameters for evaluation. RESULT: The incidence of a twin with one major anomaly was 2.5%. Nineteen of 35 (54.3%) affected twins and five of the 35 (14.3%) unaffected co-twins suffered a perinatal death. In the five cases of unaffected co-twins suffering a perinatal death, four were intrauterine fetal deaths and one was a neonatal death. Three of the perinatal deaths of the unaffected co-twins could be attributed to twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome. The gestational age at delivery, the perinatal mortality rate, and the incidence of low 5 min Apgar scores of the unaffected co-twins were not different from those in twin pregnancies without a major anomaly. CONCLUSION: The perinatal outcomes of the unaffected co-twin were not affected by the fact that its counterpart had one major anomaly, nor were these twin pregnancies at increased risk of preterm labour.  相似文献   

Aims: Assess clinical utility of the foetal Myocardial Performance Index (MPI) in evaluation and management of monochorionic, diamniotic twin (MCDA) pregnancies.

Methods: Prospective cohort of (a) initially uncomplicated MCDA (b) Complicated MCDA, including twin–twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS), selective intrauterine growth restriction (sIUGR), and liquor and/or growth discordance (L/GD) not meeting TTTS or sIUGR criteria. TTTS and sIUGR were case-control matched. Routine Dopplers and MPI were taken and correlated to diagnosis and final outcome.

Results: Twenty-six always uncomplicated pairs, 51 always complicated pairs, and seven uncomplicated to pathological pairs were included. TTTS recipient (n?=?25) left and right MPI and intertwin difference (ITD) were significantly elevated, however, were already elevated in Stage I (n?=?10), and did not predict progression or pregnancy outcome. sIUGR MPI (n?=?11) did not differ significantly from control. Of 15-L/GD pairs, two that progressed to TTTS had significantly higher left and right MPI values in the future recipient (0.61 and 0.72) versus future sIUGR larger twins (0.48 and 0.51) or stable L/GD (0.47 and 0.52): p?Conclusions: In this cohort, MPI did not add substantial diagnostic/prognostic information to current routine evaluation in established TTTS or sIUGR though potentially differentiated L/GD cases progressing to TTTS.  相似文献   

The twin transfusion syndrome is diagnosed in 5.5% to 14.6% of monochorionic twins and the classical picture reveals a small anemic donor and a large plethoric recipient. Many other clinical discrepancies have been described. Today, by ultrasound it is possible to diagnose the syndrome in (early) pregnancy. In these case reports different clinical pictures and the importance of ultrasound are described. In twin pregnancies repeated ultrasound examinations should be considered with the consequences of vascular anastomoses.  相似文献   

随着"二孩"政策的全面实施及辅助生殖技术的广泛开展,双胎及多胎妊娠发生率升高。对双胎及多胎妊娠实施减胎及对复杂双胎等接受手术处理的情况日益增多,双胎及多胎妊娠手术及围手术期管理亦日益规范化,对超声监测也提出了更高的要求。本文围绕双胎及多胎妊娠手术及围手术期超声监测的基础及进展进行讨论,以期为其临床管理提供超声诊断的保障与支撑。  相似文献   

Fetus papyraceus is a rare condition. We describe the intrauterine fetal death with subsequent fetus papyraceus of one twin due to blunt maternal trauma in the second trimester of pregnancy. Blunt maternal trauma should raise the clinical suspicion of fetal death and dictate further observation; in a twin pregnancy, the possibility of a single fetal death should be investigated.  相似文献   

High rates of perinatal morbidity and mortality accompany twin—twin transfusion syndrome, which is poorly understood. Clear diagnostic criteria, previously lacking, are now available. Current treatments are not optimal and randomized, controlled trials have not been completed. The counselling of patients upon the diagnosis should include the poor survival, the chance of long-term neurological handicap, the near certainty of prematurity for the infants and the probability of Cesarean or classical Cesarean delivery. Improvement in therapies awaits a better scientific understanding of the etiology of the devastating disease.  相似文献   

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