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地沟油制备生物柴油作为可再生能源具有巨大的潜力。作为制备生物柴油的原料,地沟油具有可再生、环境友好、使用和运输安全等优点。地沟油需经过酯交换转化为生物柴油。文中介绍了酯交换法在地沟油制备生物柴油生产中的应用,其中着重介绍地沟油经超临界甲醇酯交换法制备生物柴油。提出地沟油超临界酯交换制备生物柴油研究意见及优化工艺方法。  相似文献   

包衣酶催化地沟油制备生物柴油   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
实验考察了以地沟油为原料,三阶段包衣酶催化制备生物柴油的工艺.以中心组合设计试验,选取反应时间、反应温度、包衣酶用量、醇油摩尔比和水分添加量为影响酯化率的主要因素,通过响应面分析得优化的工艺条件为:反应时间9.4×3h,反应温度54℃,包衣酶用量18.7%,醇油摩尔比3.6:1,水分添加量17.2%,在最佳条件下的酯化率为93.68%.  相似文献   

地沟油制取生物柴油的试验研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
以地沟油为原料,硫酸为催化剂,采用脂交换法进行生物柴油的实验室制取试验,所得产品性能指标接近矿物柴油,符合美国相关标准。试验的要素采用正交组合,通过正交分析取得了优选的组合,并知在一定的范围内,油醇比对反应的产率影响最大,其后依次为反应时间、催化剂用量和反应温度。  相似文献   

试验研究了以地沟油为原料,在脂肪酶作用下与甲醇发生酯交换反应制备生物柴油的工艺条件,通过单因素试验和正交试验对该工艺的操作条件进行优化,得到最佳的工艺条件为醇油摩尔比为2∶1,脂肪酶催化剂用量按每克油脂90 U添加,正己烷和水添加量均为油重的10%,反应温度为20℃,反应时间为28 h,甲酯得率为97.12%。该新工艺与传统工艺相比,具有操作简单,转化率高,成本低,可重复性好等优点,有利于为酶法制备生物柴油的产业化发展提供一定理论基础。  相似文献   

采用地沟油等餐饮废弃油脂转化制备生物柴油中会含有一定量的硫化物,针对上述问题,考察传统的酸碱两步法制备生物柴油过程中硫化物的迁移,并以离子液体([Hnmp]H2PO4)为萃取剂和催化剂,H2O2为氧化剂,对粗生物柴油进行萃取氧化脱硫,并利用正交实验法对萃取氧化脱硫反应工艺进行优化。结果表明:反应过程使用的试剂和操作条件几乎不会增大生物柴油制备过程中的硫含量以及改变硫化物在反应体系中的存在形态,硫化物含量及存在形式与原料油自身所含硫化物形态有关。S元素在地沟油原料及生物柴油粗成品中的存在形式主要以噻吩、硫醇、硫醚、硫胺素、硫代葡萄糖苷等物质为主,其中噻吩类硫化物约占地沟油原料或生物柴油中总含硫质量分数的93%以上。在粗生物柴油与离子液体体积比为10∶3,粗生物柴油与H2O2体积比为10∶1.2,反应温度75 ℃,反应时间70 min条件下,生物柴油脱硫率达94%以上,脱硫后的生物柴油满足最新国Ⅵ柴油排放标准(GB 17930—2016)硫含量≤10 mg/kg要求。  相似文献   

中国有关“地沟油产业链”的消息,令人忧心,德国人是否需要对地沟油感到忧虑?有哪些防范措施?德国的“地沟油”又去了哪里?  相似文献   

<正>近日,公安机关查获山东省济南格林生物能源有限公司非法使用地沟油制售食用油,非法使用地沟油事件受到有关方面的再次重视。地沟油属于餐厨垃圾,而餐厨垃圾分为三类:第一类是饭菜加工过程中形成的垃圾,主要是从蔬菜切削下来的茎叶、蔬菜夹带的泥土,鱼鳞、禽类的头脚羽毛等,为厨房加工剩余物。这类垃圾中不含剩余饭  相似文献   

地沟油制取生物柴油的试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
生物柴油是由植物油或动物脂肪通过酯交换反应而得到,由于生物柴油具有无毒,可生物降解和可再生的特性,因此受到越来越多的关注.分析生物柴油的制备方法,研究以地沟油为原料,以浓H2SO4为催化剂催化甲酯化制备生物柴油的工艺条件;分析所得产品的理化特性,验证所得产品具有较好的柴油机燃烧特性.  相似文献   

针对采用废油脂为原料转化制备的生物柴油会含有一定量的硫化物的问题,采用真空精馏法脱除生物柴油中的硫化物,并对硫化物附存形态进行分析。结果表明:生物柴油中硫化物主要包括低沸点的硫化氢、硫醇、硫醚、硫胺素等,以及高沸点的苯并噻吩、二苯并噻吩等。采用控制精馏脱硫塔塔顶温度150 ℃、操作绝对压力300~500 Pa、回流比1的条件下,先对生物柴油中低沸点硫化物进行脱除,再将塔顶温度升至210 ℃,将中间馏分(生物柴油)从塔顶精馏出来,高沸点重馏分(生物重油、高沸点硫化物)留在塔釜底部,两步精馏切割法能将达标的生物柴油与其他馏分分离开来,可有效降低生物柴油的硫含量,脱硫率达97%,满足最新国Ⅵ柴油排放标准(GB 17930—2016)的硫含量≤10 mg/kg要求,且硫含量达标的生物柴油得率达到85%以上。  相似文献   

植物油制备生物柴油的研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
以植物油为原料,在催化剂(KOH)的作用下,通过甲醇酯交换反应生成脂肪酸甲酯即生物柴油的试验研究,考察了醇油比、催化剂用量、反应温度、反应时间等反应条件的变化对植物油转化率和产品纯度的影响。  相似文献   


The purpose of this work is to investigate biodiesel production processes from vegetable oils. Biodiesel fuel can be made from new or used vegetable oils and animal fats, which are non-toxic, biodegradable, renewable resources. The vegetable oil fuels were not acceptable because they were more expensive than petroleum fuels. Biodiesel has become more attractive recently because of its environmental benefits. With recent increases in petroleum prices and uncertainties concerning petroleum availability, there is renewed interest in vegetable oil fuels for diesel engines. Dilution of oils with solvents and microemulsions of vegetable oils lowers the viscosity, and some engine performance problems still exist. The purpose of the transesterification process is to lower the viscosity of the oil. Pyrolysis produces more biogasoline than biodiesel fuel.  相似文献   


Biodiesel is a renewable fuel that can be produced from vegetable oils, animal fats, and used cooking oil including triglycerides. Biodiesel, an alternative biodegradable diesel fuel, is derived from triglycerides by transesterification with methanol and ethanol. Concerns about the depletion of diesel fuel reserves and the pollution caused by continuously increasing energy demands make biodiesel an attractive alternative motor fuel for compression ignition engines. There are four different ways of modifying vegetable oils and fats to use them as diesel fuel, such as pyrolysis (thermal cracking), dilution with hydrocarbons (blending), emulsification and transesterification. The most commonly used process is transesterification of vegetable oils and animal fats. The transesterification reaction is affected by molar ratio of glycerides to alcohol, catalysts, reaction temperature, reaction time and free fatty acids and water content of oils or fats. In the transesterification, free fatty acids and water always produce negative effects, since the presence of free fatty acids and water causes soap formation, consumes catalyst and reduces catalyst effectiveness, all of which result in a low conversion. Biodiesel has over double the price of diesel. The high price of biodiesel is in large part due to the high price of the feedstock.  相似文献   


In this study, usage of methyl ester obtained from waste cooking oil (WCO) is evaluated as an alternative energy source. Potential of obtained biodiesel from WCO in the World and Turkey was determined. Physical and chemical properties of methyl ester were determined in the laboratory. The methyl ester was tested in a diesel engine with turbocharged, four cylinders and direct injection. Obtained results were compared with No. 2 diesel fuel. In addition, if WCO is evaluated as biodiesel, environmental pollution caused by waste cooking oil diminished.  相似文献   

制备生物柴油所用催化剂的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张世敏  张无敌  尹芳 《节能技术》2007,25(6):493-496,500
生物柴油作为一种清洁的可再生能源,可以由动植物油脂通过酯交换反应来制备.本文概述了近年来制备生物柴油的多种催化剂,并探讨了各自的优点及缺陷.  相似文献   

In the wake of increasing environmental constraints, this work is aimed at developing a catalyst purely prepared from waste biomass source as the raw material. The catalyst is investigated for its applicability in transesterification of vegetable oil with the objectives: (i) to use waste shells of mollusk as raw material for the preparation of activated carbon and CaO; (ii) to use it as heterogeneous catalyst in the transesterification of waste cooking oil; (iii) to optimize the different parameters affecting the transesterification reaction; and (iv) to study its reusability. Under optimized conditions it was observed that a conversion >90% was possible and the catalyst could be reused five times with a slight loss in activity. This study indicates that the biomass source could also be used as a potential raw material in the synthesis of environmentally benign catalysts.  相似文献   

餐饮废油基生物柴油对柴油机有害排放特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑轶  陈文  魏小栋  张武高 《柴油机》2018,40(5):7-12
在一台电控共轨增压中冷柴油机台架上,燃用纯柴油以及分别掺混10%、20%、30%餐饮废油制生物柴油的柴油/生物柴油混合燃料,研究生物柴油对柴油机燃烧及排放特性的影响。结果表明:生物柴油使发动机的预喷放热率略微下降,主喷放热率有所升高,缸压峰值随掺混比例的增大略有降低;燃用生物柴油使发动机的NOx排放有所上升,HC排放略有下降,CO排放变化不大;低转速下核模态颗粒排放略微增加,积聚态颗粒数有所减少,高转速下核模态和积聚态颗粒数都减少;掺混生物柴油会增加发动机排气颗粒物的氧化活性,使得最大氧化速率温度降低,活化能降低;掺混生物柴油能够降低颗粒相多环芳烃的质量比排放。  相似文献   

介绍采用物化法工艺处理发动机生产企业乳化液、涂装废水和综合废水的工艺流程及主要设计参数,并且深度处理后可回用.根据不同性质的水质采用不同的处理工艺,选用了运行稳定、处理效果好、运行费用较低的处理工艺.处理后的废水水质达到<污水综合排放标准>GB8978-1996一级标准,回用水水质达到<城市杂用水水质标准>GB/T 18920-2002的要求.  相似文献   

High energy prices, energy and environment security, concerns about petroleum supplies are drawing considerable attention to find a renewable biofuels. Biodiesel, a mixture of fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs) derived from animal fats or vegetable oils, is rapidly moving towards the mainstream as an alternative source of energy. However, biodiesel derived from conventional petrol or from oilseeds or animal fat cannot meet realistic need, and can only be used for a small fraction of existing demand for transport fuels. In addition, expensive large acreages for sufficient production of oilseed crops or cost to feed animals are needed for raw oil production. Therefore, oleaginous microorganisms are available for substituting conventional oil in biodiesel production. Most of the oleaginous microorganisms like microalgae, bacillus, fungi and yeast are all available for biodiesel production. Regulation mechanism of oil accumulation in microorganism and approach of making microbial diesel economically competitive with petrodiesel are discussed in this review.  相似文献   

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