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基础设施是城市建设正常运行和健康发展的物质基础,近几年来,作为推动经济结构调整和发展方式转变,拉动投资和消费增长的有效手段,受到各级政府的充分重视。2013年9月,第12届全运会在辽宁召开,沈阳作为主会场,将建设迄今为止规模最大、配套最全面的全运村,《十二运·沈阳全运村市政工程综合规划》是指导沈阳市全运村市政工程建设的纲领性文件,是从项目落地到实施的“一体化”全覆盖市政工程综合规划,规划统筹协调了土地、道路、绿化、市政设施及管线的空间关系,实现成本、运营、效益最优化,已取得良好的综合效益,对同类市政工程规划建设具有较好的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

大巴黎区域规划和空间治理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
二战后,法国政府推行区域分散式发展政策,对巴黎的社会经济发展采取诸多限制措施。前总统萨科齐在任期间,重新开始推动巴黎的空间拓展与经济振兴,促进巴黎在大都市尺度上的发展和全球竞争力的提升。介绍了法国大巴黎区域的规划和空间治理的发展历程以及近年来推动区域整合以强化巴黎发展的一系列行政、规划措施。法国大都市区发展范式的转变对上海新一轮总体规划的编制具有很大的借鉴价值。  相似文献   

《上海市城乡规划条例》规定:市规划委员会为议事协调机构,负责审议、协调城乡规划制定和实施中的重大事项,为市人民政府提供规划决策的参考依据。围绕控制性详细规划制定的各个环节,从上海市规划委员会的职能、运作、审议制度以及专家论证参与等方面,重点分析市规委会及专家在控制性详细规划制定过程中的作用。  相似文献   

本轮上海城市总体规划自本世纪初实施以来,上海与全国其他城市一样,迎来了几乎足史上最大规模的城市扩张和社会经济的高速增长,亦率先面临转型发展的急迫要求.2011年是上海市'十二五'规划的起始年,也是上海'后世博'城市发展的起步年结合最近两年上海总体规划层面的相关规划与研究,对上海城市规划建没提出建议与思考.  相似文献   

美国食物系统规划研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
食物系统关系到粮食安全与城市可持续发展,却一直为规划师所忽略。自2005年"食物规划"(Food Planning)的研讨主题第一次出现在美国规划协会年会后,食物系统规划成为美国规划界关注热点。本文通过文献阅读、访谈和实地调研,探讨了食物系统概念和现状,以及美国食物系统规划的探索历程、指导方针和工作范畴,并对相关案例进行了分析。粮食安全是我国政府工作的重中之重,本研究希望能为我国食物系统和都市农业纳入城乡规划提供理论支持和经验借鉴,保障我国城市粮食安全和全面可持续发展。  相似文献   

The debate between proponents of collaborative planning theory and their critics on the dynamics of power in planning highlights a discrepancy between the norms and the practices of democratic planning. According to the norm of democratic planning, all participants should have an equal opportunity to influence and to realise a plan's objectives, but practice has shown that power is unequally divided between people, privileging some and excluding others. This raises the important issue of how normative aspirations of deliberative planning can be reconciled with actual planning practices. This article discusses this question, exploring the power relationships and institutional transformations that influence planning using two case studies about conflicts over Dutch rural land use.  相似文献   

吕江波  吴迪 《华中建筑》2010,28(8):33-37
江汉路游憩商业区是武汉的重要商业中心,该文选取江汉路游憩商业区的一个重要节点——万达-佳丽片区作为调研对象,以实地调查的方法,依托城市游憩商业区(TBD)的概念核心,从TBD的功能、游客需求的角度,分析该片区存在的问题,以此找出江汉路游憩商业区存在的不足,就江汉路游憩商业区的发展提出相应的规划建议。  相似文献   

海底隧道顶板厚度直接关系到海底隧道工程的经济性和安全性,如何在地层加固条件下确定顶板厚度是海底隧道穿越不良地质体施工的关键问题之一。针对该问题,文章首先对国内外典型海底隧道突水事故进行分析,进一步阐明“极限顶板厚度”的物理意义,结合合理注浆加固参数与顶板厚度相互制约的特点提出极限顶板厚度确定方法,其核心为合理注浆加固参数和塑性区范围的确定方法;进而建立考虑渗流作用和超前加固的海底隧道围岩力学分析模型,基于对塑性区发展模式的分析,对海底隧道围岩进行弹塑性解析,在此基础上对加固参数的敏感性进行分析,以围岩位移最小和渗水量最低为目标,基于分层排序法提出海底隧道超前加固参数多目标优化方法,从而可确定最优极限顶板厚度值。将该方法应用于青岛胶州湾海底隧道工程,验证其合理性和可行性,可为海底隧道的规划选线和安全施工提供理论依据。  相似文献   

本文基于建筑学平台下城市规划专业教育发展现状,以研究城市规划专业转型期教学为目的,就专业基础知识体系建构、专业基础技能训练、专业意识培养三方面的缺失进行反思,提出现阶段城市规划专业转型期<居住区规划设计>课程教学改革的思路与办法,即以规划理论课为主线,合理组织课程体系,循序渐进完善学生专业知识结构;以课程设计为核心,注...  相似文献   

中外合办大学是国际化教育发展的产物,国际领域的交流与合作对于提升教育综合竞争力及培养国际观念的复合型人才都有重要意义。不同文化背景和价值取向的教育理念在合作办学的模式中碰撞,激发了教育的新思路,也带来对本土文化的冲击,在校园规划中如何吸收国外先进的教育理念使之融合于本国实际将是中外合办大学面临解决的重要课题。该文通过温州肯恩大学的规划设计实践,阐述对中美合办大学校园规划设计的理解,提出大学与城市、大学交通组织、大学形态与风格等多层次的融合是实现本土文化与国外教育理念相结合的关键。  相似文献   

华中科技大学城市规划专业办学30周年回顾与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
洪亮平 《新建筑》2009,(5):125-128
回顾了华中科技大学城市规划专业办学30周年的发展历程。通过对毕业生就业状况及用人单位反馈信息调查,深入分析了不同时期规划专业教育的办学特点及其人才优劣势特征。在借鉴国内外规划专业教育办学经验的基础上,展望了华中科技大学城市规划专业教育的发展目标和主要努力方向。  相似文献   


Visions in planning of what a city could or should be tend to be constructed around metaphors, rhetorical tropes that crystalize the image of a preferable future city. Such metaphorizations are never innocent: they draw on pre-existing cultural narratives and activate particular frames of expectation. This article examines two metaphors used in the planning of New York City, and its shores, in particular: the spectre of the ‘valley of ashes’ and the dream of the ‘fresh green breast’. These metaphors, taken from F. Scott Fizgerald’s novel The Great Gatsby (1925), appear time and again in the planning and thinking of the New York shoreline, from Robert Moses’s plans for Flushing Meadow to Major Bloomberg’s waterfront development and Eric Sanderson’s vision of a 2406 New York in Mannahatta (2006). This article examines how the metaphors of the ‘valley of ashes’ and the ‘fresh green breast’ have been adapted throughout decades of planning New York City to accommodate changing relationships, conflicts and ideals, always infused by a pastoral undercurrent that is already questioned in Fitzgerald’s novel.  相似文献   

本文对英国零售业的规划政策进行了回顾与评述。在过去的20年间,英国零售业规划政策的一项核心内容是通过“城镇中心优先政策”来减少新型零售业态的扩张对城镇中心所带来的影响,从而保持与提高城镇中心的活力,并通过集约化使用土地达到可持续性发展。文章同时对规划政策制定过程中的五大矛盾进行了阐述。研究表明,“城镇中心优先政策“的执行受到近年来经济衰退和其他经济结构变化的影响和干扰。对很多人而言,城镇中心不再是他们日常生活的主要场所。在网购和手机购物直行的今天,现行的零售规划政策必须与时俱进,做出适当调整和改变。同时,许多经营大店的零售商正在反思和重估大店赖以生存的社会经济条件,并减少对大店的投资。  相似文献   

秦小东  杨娜 《福建建筑》2010,(4):144-145
以建筑学为依托建立的城市规划专业,在继续保持城市物质形体规划方面优势的同时,必须重视加强社会经济类课程的学习,使之与城市物质形体规划有机结合,顺应城市规划学科的发展。  相似文献   

停车换乘系统规划在国外大城市已研究多年.也有许多成功的应用范例。但国内在此方面的研究起步较晚,本文希望抛砖引玉.初步探讨停车换乘系统规划的一般流程,重点分析停车换乘系统的设施分类方案、需求预测、选址准则等关键技术。最后.结合北京规划实例提出停车换乘设施在规划后期用地控制、建设方面的相关建议和措施。  相似文献   

Established in 1909, Tsinghua College was built on the base of a royal garden, and developed into a modern university through campus designs produced by Henry Murphy. The Auditorium, one of the Four Grand Buildings during Tsinghua׳s formative times, was a significant part of early construction and has become a symbol of the school. However, no thorough measuring work has ever been done to it since its completion in 1921. This paper delves into archives with combination of field survey and measurement, aiming to better understand the historical background in which the construction of the Auditorium was embedded, and technological and structural features of the Auditorium. Though the Guastavino system was indicated in the original design drawn by Murphy, concrete shell was applied in the end.The first part combs up the intellectual origins and precedents of the campus planning by Henry Murphy. As the dome is a focal point of the study, a brief course on the history of dome construction in the West is needed. The third part, based upon field measurement in July 2013, compares the actual dome with its original design featured by the Guastavino method, deducing possible reasons that resulted in the differences, including architect׳s unfamiliarity with Guastavino Company and its parameters, considerations about cost, and local construction tradition.  相似文献   

Francesca Galeazzi is an architectural engineer who leads the sustainability team at Arup Associates in Shanghai. Here she looks back with hindsight from 2050, reflecting on how rapid urbanisation in China, which started in the 1990s, played out over the next half-century. She describes how the initial highly centralised, mass urbanisation programmes gave way to a more local and community-based, participatory approach to decision-making and planning, foreshadowed by some key legislation around land ownership and design for community-based planning models in the early 2010s.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the ecological infrastructure planning practices by LA PKU and Turenscape over the past two decades, discussing the application and development of the ecological security pattern theory in different types of ecoregions and typical habitats, and that of ecological process analysis methods in practice. Nearly 100 studied projects employed this theory to address different local ecological problems. But similarities could be found regarding the key ecological issues among similar habitats. Far from mainly addressing habitat protection issues at its early stage, the ESP theory by now has expanded its application to all important ecological processes and sub-processes. This paper focuses on related application at urban and regional scales, attempting to summarize 1) approaches to solving local ecological problems via ecological infrastructure planning in a wider geographic range, and differences concerning the application modes in varied ecoregions; 2) ways to harmonize man–land relations and to achieve synergic development in typical habitats; and 3) influence brought by the wider spatial range to the application on the understanding of ecological processes, the establishment of sub-security-patterns, and the renewal of analysis techniques. The empirical analysis in this study suggests that both the methodology and application of the ESP theory contribute to China’s ecological civilization construction, providing valuable technical support and theoretical basis for territorial spatial planning.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,我国人民生活水平显著提高,旅游业随之有了突飞猛进的发展,各级政府也相继出台了一系列支持旅游业发展的方针、政策,且近年来,紧张的城市生活让人们更加向往乡村,追求回归自然、感受自然,乡村游也越受到重视,本文基于此,以韶关小坑玉龙湖旅游规划为例进行研究,探讨如何依托区域、整合资源营造休闲度假旅游生态环境,打造特色名镇,促进经济良性发展。  相似文献   

美国各州的规划体系差异较大。俄勒冈州的土地利用立法与规划、管理是一个统一的整体,整个系统既在行政体系中自上向下推行,又在司法体系中获得法定权威和受到严格监督。俄勒冈州独特的土地利用管理体系运行、演进近40年,其经验在美国规划界被认为是严格保护资源用地、控制城市蔓延的典范。该体系的建立初衷是保护资源用地,因此本文以资源用地保护为切入点,简要介绍俄勒冈州建立在州司法体系基础上的土地利用策略与规划方法,希望对中国在敏感资源用地保护和规划体系建设方面提供一定参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

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