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基于压缩感知的多尺度绝缘子跟踪算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对多旋翼无人机(UAV)在电力巡检中的绝缘子跟踪问题,提出一种尺度自适应的绝缘子跟踪算法,采用稀疏投影的方式对原始图像特征进行降维,使用朴素贝叶斯分类器进行二分类,改进传统压缩感知(CS)跟踪搜索框固定问题,利用绝缘子的Lab空间特性进行分割,根据分割结果中绝缘子有效像素所占比例来改变搜索框的尺度,实现跟踪中的尺度自适应.实验结果表明:该算法能够在实验室和野外环境下自适应绝缘子尺度变化,对未来电力巡检智能化具有重大意义.  相似文献   

基于计算机视觉的实时手势检测与跟踪算法是人机交互领域的一项关键技术,传统的手势检测与跟踪算法将检测和跟踪分成两个独立的模块进行,检测与跟踪结果受手势姿态变化、目标遮挡、运动模糊以及外界环境干扰等因素的影响。提出了一种基于压缩感知的实时手势检测和跟踪算法,将基于检测得到的手势信息与基于压缩感知跟踪算法得到的目标信息进行有效融合,从而实现有效的手势检测与跟踪,与传统算法相比,该算法能实现手势跟踪自动初始化和跟踪错误后自我恢复功能。实验结果表明,提出的算法能对手势运动进行快速、连续、准确的识别,满足人机交互的要求。  相似文献   

为提高可穿戴多传感数据远程联合重构性能,提出了一种基于分布式压缩感知的可穿戴多传感加速度数据联合重构新方法。该方法首先对可穿戴多传感原始数据压缩编码,将数据融合传送至远端服务器;然后,基于可穿戴传感数据的时空相关性,构建块稀疏贝叶斯学习联合重构算法,实现压缩数据解码,准确重构各传感原始数据;最后,新方法对美国加州伯克利大学可穿戴多传感运动数据进行分析。实验结果表明,对不同编码采样率,文章所提方法重构性能明显优于传统的算法,并且能够准确解码压缩数据,有望在远程医疗环境下推广应用。  相似文献   

针对运动目标外观或背景变化较大时,采用基于压缩感知的跟踪算法由于特征单一易导致漂移、跟踪不稳定甚至丢失目标等问题,提出了改进的基于自适应特征融合的压缩感知跟踪算法。该算法采用两种随机测量矩阵,分别投影V、H空间得到压缩后的纹理和颜色特征,利用在线计算的特征可靠性相对程度来自适应调整特征加权系数,充分利用两类特征的互补性来增强跟踪稳定性。对不同视频的测试结果表明,提出的方法在目标外观、背景环境变化时仍能准确跟踪目标,在目标大小为70像素×100像素时平均帧率为22帧/s,达到实时性。与提取单一特征的原压缩感知算法相比,改进后的方法在目标外观和背景变化时具有更强的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

压缩感知以随机投影的形式利用较少的非传统采样,重构稀疏的或可压缩的信号。Hough变换通常用于检测图像中的直线和其他参数化形状。提出利用Hough变换域的稀疏性,用CS寻找图像中的参数化形状的方法。进行了用基于CS的方法检测噪声图像中的直线和圆的实验。  相似文献   

利用Matlab平台设计了基于压缩感知的图片压缩和加密GUI系统,主要解决海量图片的存储空间利用率低和图片数据安全问题.本系统采用小波变换基将图片系数稀疏化,将使用高斯随机矩阵进行压缩测量后得到的数据存储在服务器中,以减少存储空间,提高服务器空间利用率;同时将测量矩阵作为密钥进行加密,增加了图片信息的安全性,在需要访问时使用密钥矩阵和重构算法重构出原始图片.该GUI系统能够直观反映基于压缩感知的图片压缩与加密系统的工作过程.并且通过MCC将代码独立化为可执行exe文件,以便于直接对图片进行压缩、加密、存取和重构.  相似文献   

压缩感知理论是一种利用信号的稀疏性或可压缩性而把采样与压缩融为一体的新理论体系,它成功地克服了传统理论中采样数据量大、资源浪费严重等问题。该理论的研究方向主要包括信号的稀疏表示、测量矩阵的设计和信号的重构算法。其中信号的重构算法是该理论中的关键部分,也是近年来研究的热点。本文主要对匹配追踪类重构算法作了详细介绍,并通过仿真实验结果对这些算法进行了对比和分析。  相似文献   

针对当前故障检测系统检测网络通信故障信号时存在不精准的问题,设计了基于联合压缩感知重构的网络通信故障检测系统。结合联合压缩感知理论,设计系统总体结构。选用光时域反射仪F7高端电信级光缆故障光纤测试仪OTDR作为系统硬件,依据工作原理,判断通信网络传输特性,设置菜单按钮,缩放、等比、还原检测出的波形。采用AD8066型号低噪声放大器,设计电流电压转换电路,在反馈电阻两端并联一个电容以抑制噪声,并利用单色驱动器24-40W激光驱动器为激光电源提供电流,使脉冲信号转换为电信号。在J2SE平台下,设计中心服务功能,通过激光驱动发射正脉冲,使格雷互补码偏置到峰值的一半左右,实现格雷互补码在OTDR中应用,依据系统检测流程,完成网络通信故障检测。系统性能测试结果表明,基于联合压缩感知重构检测系统对网络通信故障信号检测结果较为精准,误差最大为0.3dB,为网络运行维护奠定基础。  相似文献   

针对快速压缩感知算法在目标被遮挡、光照变化较大时存在跟踪不稳定的问题,提出了基于图像传感器的上下文快速压缩感知跟踪( FCT)算法。新算法首先在Haar-like特征中引入时空上下文特征,通过目标周围的空间信息和时间上的递推关系协助估计目标的位置。通过改进的随机测量矩阵同时提取目标的纹理特征和灰度特征,加强了特征的稳定性,提高跟踪的准确性。通过方差分类器预判定候选样本,减少判定的次数,并减少错误的候选样本。改进的FCT算法对光照、旋转、尺度缩放都有良好的不变性,且不易发生跟踪漂移。实验证明:改进的FCT算法优于压缩感知跟踪( CT)算法和FCT算法。  相似文献   

目标跟踪技术作为机器视觉领域中的基础,有着广泛的应用,但其仍然存在许多问题。为了解决目标在光照变化和快速移动场景下跟踪漂移的问题,提出了基于SURF的压缩跟踪算法。首先选择跟踪目标并提取SURF特征,其次采用压缩感知理论对SURF高维特征降维,来减少特征描述的维数和计算时间,最后筛选压缩后的样本特征并训练分类器,来实现对多种复杂场景下目标实时准确跟踪。通过实验与传统的SURF算法和Compressive Tracking(CT)算法的对比,证明该算法不仅大大减少了目标在跟踪的过程中的计算量,其跟踪的实时性和准确性相较于CT算法和SURF算法都有所提高。  相似文献   

无线传感器网络中的分布式数据处理处理时,会出现数据压缩率低和数据相关性差的特点,在数据采集和处理中采用分布式压缩感知算法.对基础矩阵和观测矩阵的合理建立,在满足无线传感器网络数据传输的可靠性同时,充分考虑数据之间的相关性,大大降低数据的冗余度,减少了数据量的传输.实验结果表明,在满足信号数据可靠性的同时,有效的增加了信号的压缩比,减少了节点数据采集量.  相似文献   

为了有效解决无线多媒体传感器网络中多视角视频监控传输数据量大以及网络能量、资源受限的问题,提出了一种基于分布式压缩感知的高压缩率多视角视频编解码方法.对多视角视频序列进行分组处理,并将图像组分为关键帧和非关键帧;对关键帧采用基于压缩感知(compressed sensing,CS)的编解码方法进行处理;而在非关键帧的编码端采用联合稀疏表示方法对残差图像稀疏表示,解码端利用帧间时间相关性和多视角空间相关性预测生成当前视频帧,并借助差异补偿方法进一步提高预测准确性,同时提高了重构效果.实验结果表明,该方法取得较高的压缩率,重构出的图像质量比参考方法更高,且PSNR值得到了较大的提高.  相似文献   

In this paper, a forward-backward pursuit method for distributed compressed sensing (DCSFBP) is proposed. In contrast to existing distributed compressed sensing (DCS), it is an adaptive iterative approach where each iteration consists of consecutive forward selection and backward removal stages. And it not needs sparsity as prior knowledge and multiple indices are identified at each iteration for recovery. These make it a potential candidate for many practical applications, when the sparsity of signals is not available. Numerical experiments, including recovery of random sparse signals with different nonzero coefficient distributions in many scenarios, in addition to the recovery of sparse image and the real-life electrocardiography (ECG) data, are conducted to demonstrate the validity and high performance of the proposed algorithm, as compared to other existing DCS algorithms.  相似文献   

In this paper, we focus on tackling the problem that one sparse base alone cannot represent the different content of the image well in the image reconstruction for compressed sensing, and the same sampling rate is difficult to ensure the precise reconstruction for the different content of the image. To address this challenge, this paper proposed a novel approach that utilized two sparse bases for the representation of image. Moreover, in order to achieve better reconstruction result, the adaptive sampling has been used in the sampling process. Firstly, DCT and a double-density dual-tree complex wavelet transform were utilized as two different sparse bases to represent the image alternatively in a smoothed projected Landweber reconstruction algorithm. Secondly, different sampling rates were adopted for the reconstruction of different image blocks after segmenting the entire image. Experimental results demonstrated that the images reconstructed with the two bases were largely superior to that reconstructed with a single base, and the PSNR could be improved further after using the adaptive sampling.  相似文献   

为了保证为LTE-R系统用户提供可靠的无线通信服务,需要通过信道估计获取信道状态信息。在高速移动性场景下,无线信道呈现频率-时间双选择性,若要实现信道估计,则需引入大量导频。针对上述问题,提出一种结合分布式压缩感知理论的信道估计导频优化方案。首先,根据时延域中无线信道的稀疏特性挖掘基函数系数之间的联合稀疏性并对估计方程进行去耦处理。接着,引入分布式压缩感知理论,获得一种能够抑制子载波间干扰的新型导频图样。仿真结果表明,对导频图样的优化处理,可使信道估计方案的系统性能显著优于传统方案。  相似文献   

In this paper we present a new iterative greedy algorithm for distributed compressed sensing (DCS) problem based on the backtracking technique, which can reconstruct several input signals simultaneously by processing column by column of the compressed signals, even when the measurements are contaminated with noise and without any prior information of their sparseness. This makes it a promising candidate for many practical applications when the number of non-zero (significant) coefficients of a signal is not available. Our algorithm can provide a fast runtime while also offers comparably theoretical guarantees as the best optimization-based approach in both the noiseless and noisy regime. Numerical experiments are performed to demonstrate the validity and high performance of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study a distributed compressed sensing (DCS) problem in which we need to recover a set of jointly sparse vectors from the measurements. A Backtracking-based Adaptive Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (BAOMP) method to approximately sparse solutions for DCS is proposed. It is an iterative approach where each iteration consists of consecutive forward selection to adaptively choose several atoms and backward removal stages to detect the previous chosen atoms’ reliability and then delete the unreliable atoms at each iteration. Also, unlike its several predecessors, the proposed method does not require the sparsity level to be known as a prior which makes it a potential candidate for many practical applications, when the sparsity of signals is not available. We demonstrate the reconstruction ability of the proposed algorithm on both synthetically generated data and image using Normal and Binary sparse signals, and the real-life electrocardiography (ECG) data, where the proposed method yields less reconstruction error and higher exact recovery rate than other existing DCS algorithms.  相似文献   

The compressed sensing (CS) theory makes sample rate relate to signal structure and content. CS samples and compresses the signal with far below Nyquist sampling frequency simultaneously. However, CS only considers the intra-signal correlations, without taking the correlations of the multi-signals into account. Distributed compressed sensing (DCS) is an extension of CS that takes advantage of both the inter- and intra-signal correlations, which is wildly used as a powerful method for the multi-signals sensing and compression in many fields. In this paper, the characteristics and related works of DCS are reviewed. The framework of DCS is introduced. As DCS’s main portions, sparse representation, measurement matrix selection, and joint reconstruction are classified and summarized. The applications of DCS are also categorized and discussed. Finally, the conclusion remarks and the further research works are provided.  相似文献   

Zhang  Zheng  Bi  Hongbo  Kong  Xiaoxue  Li  Ning  Lu  Di 《Multimedia Tools and Applications》2020,79(21-22):14777-14791
Multimedia Tools and Applications - We propose a novel algorithm for color image compressed sensing (CS). Our method involves the adaptive measurement and reconstruction of color images based on...  相似文献   

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