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CeO2对不锈钢基SiO2-BaO-Al2O3-Cr2O3陶瓷涂层性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吕晶  樊旭峰  康勇  陈彪  郑君刚 《稀土》2012,33(4):64-67
采用高温熔烧法于1Cr18Ni9Ti不锈钢基材表面制备掺CeO2的SiO2-BaO-Al2O3-Cr2O3陶瓷涂层,研究了不同含量CeO2对涂层的抗氧化性、抗热震性和硬度的影响。研究结果表明,含CeO2的不锈钢基SiO2-BaO-Al2O3-Cr2O3陶瓷涂层能有效阻止不锈钢基体的氧化增重,提高涂层的抗热震性能及硬度。本实验条件下,CeO2含量2.8%时,涂层具有最好的抗氧化性能和抗热震性能。  相似文献   

以NiCrAlY和Y2O3粉末为原料通过两种工艺分别制备出团聚烧结和混合型NiCrAlY-Y2O3金属陶瓷粉末,研究了该两种用于热喷涂给料粉末的颗粒形貌及粉末性能.使用该两种粉末及一种商用CoCrAlY-Y2O3通过超音速火焰喷涂(HVOF)在不锈钢基体上制备厚度约为100um的涂层。研究了涂层的孔隙率及抗热冲击能,将四种热喷涂涂层在高温下与MnO,Fe3O4及含锰碳钢进行接触反应后对它们的抗结瘤性能进行了相对的静态比较,结果表明,团聚烧结NiCrAlY-Y2O3涂层具有较好的抗锰氧化物的结瘤,而抗铁氧化物结瘤性能差。团聚烧结金属陶瓷涂层比混合型陶瓷涂层具有更好的抗氧化物结瘤性能。  相似文献   

石妍 《热喷涂技术》2022,14(2):76-83
表面涂层防护是混凝土耐久性提升的主要技术思路, 本文基于等离子喷涂技术, 采用拉拔法、 XRD、 SEM-EDS、 X-CT、 摩擦磨损等手段, 在混凝土表面喷涂陶瓷基涂层并进行性能测试评价。 试验结果表明, 试验 用莫来石粉是合适的陶瓷基涂层材料, 涂层与混凝土表面具有良好的界面结合能力, 二者结合部位呈现嵌合状态, 附着力达 3.82 MPa, 且表面具有持久的耐磨能力。 涂层内部具有多孔的结构特点, 仍需通过工艺参数优化、 材料 复合或粉末细化等途径, 提高结构致密性、 细化内部孔径, 提升喷涂质量。 研究旨在探索混凝土表面防护涂层新 材料与新技术, 拓宽热喷涂应用领域, 延长混凝土健康服役寿命。  相似文献   

单节热离子燃料元件为了保证接收极与冷却剂NaK合金及与其接触的装置绝缘,采用等离子喷涂方法在接收极钼钛锆合金(Mo-0.5Ti-0.08Zr,通用牌号为TZM)表面制备了Al_2O_3绝缘涂层。本工作对比研究了经过不同次数的高温(20℃—1250℃—20℃)热冲击后TZM基体上Al_2O_3涂层的相组成、表面形貌、涂层基体的结合强度及涂层表面应力状态。结果表明,热冲击后氧化铝涂层由γ-Al_2O_3和α-Al_2O_3相混合全部变为α-Al_2O_3,涂层孔隙数量增多,涂层表面平整度下降,结合强度由21.1MPa下降到6.7MPa。涂层与基体的应力状态由拉应力转变为压应力。  相似文献   

通过在我国大气和水环境下的曝露腐蚀试验,以及实验室条件下的中性盐雾腐蚀、NaCl水溶液中的全浸和浸渍/干燥循环、电化学等手段,研究了铝含量对Zn-Al合金耐蚀性影响,在此基础上分析比较了热喷涂Zn85Al合金涂层与传统的Zn、Al金属涂层在耐腐蚀性和对钢基体的电化学保护的差异。研究发现,与热喷涂Zn、Al涂层相比,Zn-15Al合金涂层对钢基金属既具有热喷涂Zn涂层优良电化学保护特点,又具有热喷涂Al涂层的高耐蚀特点。目前热喷涂Zn85Al合金涂层已开始在国家水利、桥梁等重点基础设施建设项目中应用。  相似文献   

Al_2O_3等氧化物对YSZ热障涂层的高温使用性能有一定的影响。本文用HVOF喷涂Ni Co Cr Al Y合金粘结层,APS喷涂YSZ陶瓷面层,制备了Al_2O_3含量为0.01~0.64wt%的YSZ涂层。比较了不同Al_2O_3含量的YSZ涂层在1100℃下的热震性能和抗烧结性能,并探讨Al_2O_3对涂层的影响机理。结果表明相较于高纯YSZ涂层,随着涂层中Al_2O_3含量升高,涂层的抗热震性能降低,且Al_2O_3促进YSZ涂层的烧结。Al_2O_3含量在小于0.01wt%-0.12wt%区间内时,对涂层抗热震和抗烧结性能有显著影响,含量继续增加至0.64%时,对性能影响减缓。显微组织观察与EDS检测结果表明涂层中Al_2O_3并未在熔融颗粒界面处偏聚,但在颗粒内部有局部偏析。由此推测,含Al_2O_3的YSZ涂层热震失效的原因可能是Al_2O_3在YSZ颗粒内部偏析,并影响涂层的烧结性能,导致裂纹容易萌生和扩展。  相似文献   

用无机金属盐水解及有机醇盐中间体合成两种不同的工艺路线制备了ZrO2-Y2O3复合Sol(溶胶),对比了通过Dip-Coating的方法在GH220/MCrAlX基体上形成致密ZrO2-Y2O3陶瓷涂层的能力,以及涂层在1000℃的静态抗氧化性能.结果表明,金属有机醇盐工艺制备的ZrO2-Y2O3陶瓷涂层具有极其优越的高温静态抗氧化性能.无机金属盐水解所制备的ZrO2-Y2O3涂层抗氧化能力明显低于金属有机醇盐工艺.可能的原因是残留在涂层内的微量酸根离子使氧化和腐蚀过程加剧.  相似文献   

首先介绍了非晶合金的理论基础,然后从耐磨性和耐蚀性两个方面入手,详细地阐述了国内外对于热喷涂非晶合金涂层性能研究进展情况,并系统地总结了非金合金涂层在耐磨性和耐蚀性上的本质联系和根本矛盾,最后指出热喷涂非晶合金涂层性能研究上的局限性,提出三点问题:对于非晶合金基础理论的研究还处在起步阶段、热喷涂制备非晶合金涂层的合金体系种类少、制备非晶合金涂层的热喷涂技术有待开发,并针对以上三点问题提出热喷涂制备非晶合金涂层性能研究的未来发展方向。   相似文献   

采用化学共沉淀-煅烧法制备了Sc2O3、Gd2O3和Y2O3复合稳定ZrO2陶瓷原粉,陶瓷原粉经球磨、团聚造粒和烧结处理后得到适于等离子喷涂工艺的热喷涂粉末。测试分析了Sc2O3、Gd2O3和Y2O3复合稳定ZrO2热喷涂粉末微观形貌、流动性及其等离子喷涂涂层的相稳定性及导热性。结果表明Sc2O3、Gd2O3和Y2O3复合稳定ZrO2材料及其等离子喷涂涂层具有优异的高温相稳定性,即使在1400℃热处理500小时依然呈四方相结构、无单斜相出现,涂层热导率比单一Y2O3稳定ZrO2涂层明显降低,Sc2O3、Gd2O3和Y2O3复合稳定ZrO2可以用作新型超高温热障涂层材料。  相似文献   

热喷涂陶瓷绝缘涂层具有优异的介电和机械性能,被广泛用于工件绝缘防护。涂层材料与制备方法决定了其介电性能表现。首先,总结了高纯Al2O3、掺杂态Al2O3 (掺杂Mg O、Ti O2、Zr O2)及其他材料(Y2O3、Mg Al2O4)的介电与机械性能特征。高纯Al2O3的介电强度与电阻率高,是应用最广泛的涂层材料。其粉末纯度、涂层的相组成与缺陷取向是影响介电性能的重要因素。在Al2O3中适度掺杂Mg、Ti等元素可降低粉末熔点,提高沉积效率与致密度。Al2O3混合稳定四方相Zr O2通过其相变增韧提高涂层冲击韧性。掺杂法在适度牺牲涂层介电性能的同时可提高其综合服役性能。另外,Y2O3  相似文献   

La2(Zr0.7Ce0.3)2O7 (LZ7C3) ceramic was synthesized by solid state reaction with La2O3, ZrO2 and CeO2 as starting materials. The synthesis kinetics, phase structure, mass loss and microstructure were studied by thermo gravimetric-different thermal analyzer (TG-DTA), X-ray difference (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The thermal conductivity and thermal expansion coefficient were measured by laser-flash method and pushing-rod method, respectively. XRD results showed that LZ7C3 was a mixture of La2Zr2O7 (LZ, pyro- chlore) and La2Ce2O7 (LC, fluorite). The lowest synthesis temperature and time of LZ7C3 were 1400 oC and 5 h. There were no peaks of La2O3 when the powder granularity was about 0.82 μm in the synthesis process. The atom ratio La:Zr:Ce of prepared LZ7C3 powder was very close to 10:7:3 which was the theory value of LZ7C3. The thermal conductivity of LZ7C3 decreased gradually with the temperature increased up to 1200 oC, and was located within 0.79 to 1.02 W/(m·K), which was almost 50% lower than that of LZ, whereas its thermal expansion coefficient was larger and the value was 11.6×10-6 K-1.  相似文献   

Employing Dy2O3, Al2O3, and SiO2 as starting materials, several series of Dy2O3-Al2O3-SiO2 sealing glass were prepared. The relationship between their coefficients of thermal expansion and the contents of Dy2O3, Al2O3, and SiO2 were studied respectively. Experimental results showed that Dy2O3 and Al2O3 had a positive effect on the coefficient of thermal expansion of glass, whereas, SiO2 had a negative effect. The coefficient of thermal expansion of glass showed an apparent linear relation to the contents of these three raw materials, from which an estimation model was built, to calculate the coefficient of thermal expansion of sealing glass. Relative errors of the calculating results to testing results were no more than 2%, which suggested that the estimation model was reasonable. This study provides a good theory reference for the practical utilizing of this sealing material, through which a proper glass composition for good sealing could be easily found.  相似文献   

采用固相合成法在氧化钇部分稳定氧化锆(YSZ)陶瓷材料的基础上引入氧化物Ta2O5以及稀土氧化物La2O3取代部分Y2O3,获得一种新型的La2O3-ZrO2-Y2O3-Ta2O5陶瓷材料。分别利用X射线衍射仪、扫描电子显微镜和STA-449C热膨胀仪对材料的物相组成、微观结构及热膨胀性能进行表征。结果表明,陶瓷材料的主晶相仍为四方相,晶粒尺寸减小,在RT~1200℃温度范围内热膨胀系数有所减小。  相似文献   

The thermal decomposition of Mn2O3 was studied at 1000°. The rate of decomposition was inherently fast and dependent on the mass-transfer characteristics of the geometry used. The rate of reduction of Mn3O4 by CO, coconut charcoal, coke, and pure graphite was investigated in the temperature range 900 to 1200°. It was found that the rate of reduction in CO was fast and that the overall rate of reduction by carbon was determined by the oxidation of the carbon by CO2. In general the rate was higher for higher tempera tures and for smaller particle sizes of the oxide and the carbon. Gases such as He, Ar, or N2 were found to decrease the rate because of the dilution effect due to back diffusion into the interparticle pores of the oxide-carbon mixture. It was further found that the oxidation of carbon by CO2 was catalyzed by Mn3O4. This effect was particularly pronounced when the reductant was either graphite or coke.  相似文献   

In the present work transparent Y2O3 ceramics were made by slip casting and vacuum sintering of nanopowders with sodium poly-acrylic acid(PAA-Na) as dispersant.The rheological properties of Y2O3 nanopowder slurry were investigated using different amounts of dis-persant and solid contents.The microstructures and transmittance of the sintered ceramics were also studied by means of scanning electron microscopy(SEM) and ultra-violet visible spectrometry.The results showed that rheological behaviors of the Y2O3 nanopowder slurry were effectively promoted by sodium polyacrylic acid.Highly dispersive and stable slurries were obtained as the dispersant was added over 1.0 dwb% under the fixed conditions of pH 11 and 45 wt.% solid content.All the slip cast green bodies were sintered into highly dense ceramics after sintering at 1700 oC for 5 h in vacuum,wherein the sample added with 1.1% sodium polyacrylic acid exhibited the highest relative den-sity of 99.36% and transmission of 30% at 800 nm wavelength.  相似文献   

利用激光熔覆技术在Q235钢基体表面分别制备出添加不同质量分数Y2O3的AlCoCrFeNi高熵合金涂层。采用X射线衍射仪、扫描电子显微镜、显微硬度计和摩擦磨损试验机对AlCoCrFeNi高熵合金涂层的微观组织、硬度及摩擦磨损性能进行了分析。结果表明:AlCoCrFeNi高熵合金涂层由面心立方结构(FCC)和体心立方结构(BCC)两相构成;随着Y2O3质量分数的提高,其体心立方结构相体积分数增加,而面心立方结构相的体积分数变化呈相反趋势。AlCoCrFeNi高熵合金涂层组织由等轴晶构成,加入Y2O3后,促进了熔池流动,使气孔逐渐消失,致密性提高,晶粒明显细化。添加质量分数5%Y2O3的涂层组织呈树枝晶状,形成弥散分布的YAl2和Y2O3相;涂层的显微硬度可达HV 350,约为AlCoCrFeNi高熵合金涂层硬度的2倍,强化效果明显。Y2O3的添加有利于促进涂层中体心立方相的形成和YAl2相的析出,能有效提高高熵合金涂层的硬度及耐磨性能。  相似文献   

Al2O3/TiCN composites were synthesized by hot pressing.The influences of components and HP temperature on mechanical properties,such as bending strength,breaking tenacity and Vickers hardness were investigated.The results showed that the mechanical properties of Al2O3/TiCN composite increased with temperature when hot pressing temperature is below 1650 ℃.The mechanical properties reached their maximums when the composites were sintered at 1650 ℃ for 30 min under hot pressing pressure of 35 MPa,the value of bending strength,breaking tenacity and Vickers hardness was 1015 MPa,6.89 MPa·m1/2,and 20.82 MPa,respectively.When hot pressing temperature was above 1650 ℃,density decreased because of decomposition with increased temperature,and mechanical properties dropped because of rapid growth of grains in size at high temperature.Microstructure analysis showed that the addition of Y2O3 led to the formation of YAG phase so as to inhibit the growth of crystals.This helped to improve breaking tenacity of the composites.TiCN particles with diameters of 1 μm dispersed at Al2O3 grain boundaries,inhibited grain growth and enhanced mechanical properties of the composites.SEM study of the propagation of indentation cracks showed that the bridge linking behavior between matrix and strengthening phase might lead to the formation of the coexisted field of crack deflection,branching and bridge linking.The mechanism of this phenomenon was that the addition of Y2O3 improved the dispersion of TiCN particles so as to enhance the tenacity of the composites.The breaking tenacity was changed from 5.94 to 6.89 MPa·m1/2.  相似文献   

采用常压烧结法制备了铜-石墨-氧化锡(Cu-C-SnO2)复合多孔材料,对其物相组成和物理性能进行了分析测试,研究了SiO2-B2O3-Al2O3系助焊剂对Cu-C-SnO2多孔材料组织和性能的影响。结果表明,加入适量助焊剂有助于铜-石墨-氧化锡混合粉体烧结;助焊剂加入量(质量分数)在5%以下时,铜-石墨-氧化锡粉末烧结体的透气性和硬度随着助焊剂质量分数的增加而降低,粉末烧结体的导电性和烧结收缩率随着助焊剂质量分数的增加而升高;在730~770℃烧结,烧结温度对铜-石墨-氧化锡混合粉体的烧结工艺特性和烧结体性能影响不大。  相似文献   

The solubility of carbon in molten CaO-B2O3 and BaO-B2O3 slags at high temperatures was measured to understand the dissolution mechanism of carbon into the slags. The B2O3-bearing slags, which have a wide range of liquids, at the temperature of interest have been applied to investigate the effect of basicity on the solubility of carbon from the saturation of acidic or basic components. The solubility of carbon, as a function of the composition of slags, shows a minimum value, and it is suggested that carbon dissolves by different mechanisms in the acidic and basic slags, respectively. From the infrared spectra measurements, the wave number indicating the B-C bond was found to be about 1150 cm−1 in the acidic region of slags; hence, the incorporation of carbon into the borate network was confirmed qualitatively. The carbide capacity was compared to the nitride capacity, showing that the dissolutions of carbon and nitrogen into the slags are similar.  相似文献   

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