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When the epicuticle of a silkworm larva, Bombyx mori, was lightly abraded in the presence of live Bacillus licheniformis, Enterobacter cloacae, or bacterial cell wall components, cecropin mRNAs were detected in the underlying epithelial cells and in fat body cells remote from the abraded area. Antibacterial activity due to cecropin was detected in the matrix of the lightly abraded cuticle but not in nonabraded portions of the cuticular matrix or in the hemolymph surrounding the fat body, unless a more severe cuticular abrasion was administered. A light abrasion to a larva of the giant silkworm moth, Hyalophora cecropia, in the presence of E. cloacae also induced antibacterial activity in the abraded cuticle. These data illustrate that the ectodermally derived lepidopteran larval integument, when challenged by live bacteria or their cell wall components, mounts an immune response. Hence, the insect exoskeleton, which is often considered as an inert protective armor, is indeed actively participating in defense.  相似文献   

Reported here is the isolation and characterization of two antibacterial peptides synthesized in an ant Myrmecia gulosa in response to bacterial challenge. The peptides were purified by reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography and characterized by peptide sequencing and mass spectrometry. Both peptides were formed from 16 amino acids, were rich in proline ( approximately 30%), and had N-acetylgalactosamine O-linked to a conserved threonine. The activity of a synthetic non-glycosylated isoform was markedly reduced demonstrating that glycosylation was necessary for maximum activity. The peptides were active only against growing Escherichia coli. They were inactive against stationary cells, Gram-positive bacteria, the yeast Candida albicans, two species of mammalian cells, and bovine pestivirus.  相似文献   

The distribution of integument peptides in relation to chitin and structural features has been studied in the surface epidermis of the caterpillar of Calpodes ethlius by immunoblotting and immunogold labelling using antibodies prepared to peptides isolated from lamellate endocuticle or from hemolymph. The intermoult cuticle consists of an epicuticle, an endocuticle of many chitin containing lamellae, and a chitin containing assembly zone directly above the apical epidermal microvilli and the perimicrovillar space. During the intermoult, the epidermis secretes peptides constitutively, that is, secretory vesicles containing peptides exocytose without accumulating, traverse the perimicrovillar space and form lamellae in the assembly zone. At moulting, the epidermis deposits ecdysial droplets in addition. These interrupt the last few lamellae which later go on to become the perforated ecdysial membrane. The integument is involved with four routing classes of peptide. Secretion is apical into the cuticle (C), basal into the hemolymph (H), bidirectional (BD), or transported to the cuticle across the epidermis from the hemolymph (T). Some peptides change their routing at moulting. There are several patterns of localization. (1) C and BD cuticular peptides occur mainly in chitin containing lamellate cuticle. (2) Some are also present in epicuticle, and are therefore not obligatorily linked to chitin or matrix between chitin fibers. Cuticular peptides that also occur in the hemolymph are glycosylated, whereas most that are only secreted apically into the cuticle are not. All BD but few C peptides carry alpha-D-glucose/alpha-D-mannose. Some C and BD peptides carry N-acetyl glucosamine. (3) C36 extracted from cuticle has most N-acetyl glucosamine and colocalizes with chitin rather than the protein matrix. It is therefore probably the main link between chitin fibers and the matrix. (4) H235 is barely detectable at the apical cell surface during the intermoult but is abundant at moulting around and below the ecdysial droplets. (5) T66 occurs in intermoult lamellate cuticle. At moulting, alone among the peptides examined, it is in ecdysial droplets. Intermoult C and BD peptides are not in ecdysial droplets but continue to be present in the ecdysial membrane, suggesting that constitutive secretion is independent from the exocytosis of transported moult peptides. T66 differs from most hemolymph peptides in that it does not carry N-acetyl glucosamine or alpha-D-glucose/alpha-D-mannose. (6) Weakly reacting BD peptides (and some H peptides barely detectable in cuticle) localize near the apical surface. Their distribution therefore favours apical secretion and retrieval as a mechanism for basal secretion.  相似文献   

Insect blood cells (hemocytes) play an essential role in defense against parasites and other pathogenic organisms that infect insects. A key class of hemocytes involved in insect cellular immunity is plasmatocytes. Here we describe the isolation and identification of a peptide from the moth Pseudoplusia includens that mediates the spreading of plasmatocytes to foreign surfaces. This peptide, designated plasmatocyte-spreading peptide (PSP1), contains 23 amino acid residues in the following sequence: H-ENFNGGCLAGYMRTADGRCKPTF-OH. In vitro assays using the synthetic peptide at concentrations >/=2 nM induced plasmatocytes from P. includens to spread on the surface of culture dishes. Injection of this peptide into P. includens larvae caused a transient depletion of plasmatocytes from circulation. Labeling studies indicated that this peptide induced 75% of plasmatocytes that were double-labeled by the monoclonal antibodies 49G3A3 and 43E9A8 to spread, whereas plasma induced significantly more plasmatocytes to spread. This suggests that only a certain subpopulation of plasmatocytes responds to the peptide and that other peptidyl factors mediate plasmatocyte adhesion responses.  相似文献   

The efficacy and tolerance of Lysine Clonixinate (LC), a NSAID with prostaglandin synthesis inhibiting mechanism was studied in 24 patients with primary dysmenorrhea according to a double-blind randomized crossover Placebo (P) controlled design with patients serving as their own controls. Treatment consisted in administering 1 tablet of LC or P q6h as from onset of menstrual pain during 5 days and 6 menstrual cycles. Patients were controlled monthly as from the 5th day of the cycle, rating changes in pain intensity according to a 4-point scale, presence of pain during pre-, post- and menstrual periods; possible intracycle changes, amount of bleeding, tolerance and related total and general signs and symptoms. Intensity of baseline menstrual pain amounted to 2.9. Menstrual, intramenstrual and postmenstrual pains were observed in 19 out of 24, 24/24 and only 2 out of the 24 patients, respectively. Concomitant symptoms consisted in headache (12), mastalgia (14) and discomfort (12). Results were obtained by averaging the data from the treatment periods with each drug. Menstrual pain was reduced from 2.9 +/- 0.7 to 1.9 +/- 0.7 with P administration and to 0.66 +/- 0.4 with the administration of LC, a highly significant difference between treatments (p < 0.0001). Premenstrual pain was reduced nonsignificantly from 0.79% to 0.58% with P administration and significantly to 0.29% with administration of LC (p < 0.001). Intramenstrual pain affecting all patients at baseline was reduced significantly by 9% with P and also significantly by 50% with LC (p < 0.001). No differences were encountered in concomitant symptoms during P treatment periods while the incidence was significantly reduced with LC (p < 0.0001). No changes in cycle duration or amount of bleeding were observed between treatments. No adverse events were reported.  相似文献   

Peptides were isolated from the water-soluble fraction of Feta cheese by reversed-phase HPLC in three successive steps. Peptide sequencing was performed by automatic Edman degradation. Most of the peptides originated from alpha s1-casein (CN), especially from the N-terminal half of the molecule. Two peptides originated from the C-terminal domain of beta-CN. Only one peptide, which was rich in histidine, originated from kappa-CN. beta-Lactoglobulin and alpha-lactalbumin were also identified in the water extract of Feta cheese. The origin of most of these peptides could be explained on the basis of known specificities of chymosin and lactococcal cell-wall proteinases.  相似文献   

Patients with chronic disease may be excluded from capitated managed care plans due to higher than average expected costs. In an attempt to remedy this inequity, one type of risk adjustment technique proposes to set separate capitation rates for certain chronic illnesses, including coronary artery disease (CAD). Cardiologists, who increasingly are requested to accept capitation, will benefit from understanding the impact of using clinical factors as opposed to using demographic factors to set capitation rates. Using a 5% national random sample of the 1992 Medicare population, we determined mean annual expenditures and variation in expenditures of individuals with CAD. We compared the use of 2 demographic factors currently used for capitation rate adjustment (age and gender) with 2 factors not currently used--3-digit International Classification of Disease (ICD-9) code (a measure for severity) and Charlson index (a measure for comorbidity). Mean annual expenditures for individuals with CAD were more than double mean annual expenditures for the general Medicare population ($6,944 vs $3,247). Among individuals with CAD, mean expenditures of subgroups defined by both age and gender ranged from $6,205 to $7,724. In comparison, stratifying by measures of severity and comorbidity identified subgroups with lower and higher mean expenditures, producing a range of $1,702 to $19,959. Substantial variation of expenditures for individuals within subgroups defined by severity and comorbidity remained, with few patients having substantially higher expenditures than the rest. When capitation rates are set with the use of demographic factors alone, patients may be subjected to risk selection and physicians to financial loss. Using clinical measures may decrease the incentive for patient risk selection, but substantial financial risk to physicians would remain, because of a relatively few patients with high expenditures (or costs).  相似文献   

The extracellular matrix is formed by complex and intricate networks within which molecules are precisely organized. These molecular networks determine the specific histoarchitecture of tissues and provide cells with information and a scaffold. Most of the structural extracellular matrix molecules - collagens, noncollagenous glycoproteins, and proteoglycans - are chimeric and share common domains. Studies of the interactions between extracellular matrix molecules and mapping of the interaction sites to defined structural modules have led to the concept that the function of the extracellular matrix relies largely in the polymers that they form. Furthermore, determination of the tertiary structure of protein motifs involved either in the assembly of the various molecules into polymers or in cell-extracellular matrix interactions has recently opened the field of structural biology of the extracellular matrix.  相似文献   

One thousand and three diarrhoeal stool samples were processed in our laboratory during the period 1996/1997 for the presence of enteric pathogens especially Aeromonas spp., which has emerged as a new agent causing diarrhoea. Ampicillin sheep blood agar was found to be the best medium for the isolation of Aeromonas spp. from stool specimens. Enteric pathogens were found in 200 (20%) stools, of which Aeromonas spp. was the second commonest pathogen isolated amounting to 21% of isolates. This study clearly indicates that Aeromonas spp. must be looked for in every diarrhoeal stool samples, specially in children below 10 years of age. Isolation and identification is cost effective and easy, if the given protocol is observed.  相似文献   

Bromfenac (Duract(R)), a drug approved for pain, was expected to be metabolized by the rat to an acyl glucuronide, a metabolite formed with most compounds of similar structure. During the investigation of metabolite profiles in rat bile following administration of 1 mg/kg iv doses of 14C-bromfenac, an acid-labile metabolite was found that degraded to form 14C-bromfenac. Isolation and characterization of this metabolite indicated that it is an unusual conjugate, bromfenac N-glucoside.  相似文献   

Estimating phylogenies from DNA sequence data has become the major methodology of molecular phylogenetics. To date, molecular phylogenetics of the vertebrates has been very dependent on mtDNA, but studies involving mtDNA are limited because the several genes comprising the mt-genome are inherited as a single linkage group. The only apparent solution to this problem is to sequence additional genes, each representing a distinct linkage group, so that the resultant gene trees provide independent estimates of the species tree. There exists the need to find novel gene sequences which contain enough phylogenetic information to resolve relationships between closely related species. A possible source is the nuclear-encoded introns, because they evolve more rapidly than exons. We designed primers to amplify and sequence the 7 intron from the beta-fibrinogen gene for a recently evolved group, the woodpeckers. We sequenced the entire intron for 10 specimens representing five species. Nucleotide substitutions are randomly distributed along the length of the intron, suggesting selective neutrality. A preliminary analysis indicates that the phylogenetic signal in the intron is as strong as that in the mitochondrial encoded cytochrome b (cyt b) gene. The topology of the beta-fibrinogen tree is identical to that of the cyt b tree. This analysis demonstrates the ability of the 7 intron of beta-fibrinogen to provide well resolved, independent gene trees for recently evolved groups and establishes it as a source of sequences to be used in other phylogenetic studies.  相似文献   

Triggering of RAW 264.7 cells with a cecropin A-melittin hybrid peptide (CA(1-8)M(1-18)) promoted a rapid rise in the intracellular calcium concentration that was followed, after a lag period of 6 h, by nitric oxide synthesis through the expression of the cytokine-inducible form of nitric oxide synthase (type II NOS or iNOS). The maximal effect was obtained at peptide concentrations in the 2 to 5-microM range. Simultaneous incubation with the peptide and LPS abrogated the nitric oxide synthesis elicited after LPS treatment of the cells. CA(1-8)M(1-18) induced a rapid activation of nuclear factor kappaB as evidenced by the presence of p50/p65 heterodimers of the nuclear factor kappaB/c-Rel family in the nuclei of activated cells. This peptide also activated the reporter activity of cells transfected with a plasmid harboring a 1-kb fragment corresponding to the 5'-flanking region of the murine iNOS gene. CA(1-8)M(1-18) promoted apoptotic cell death at concentrations below 1 to 2 microM, whereas higher concentrations altered the plasma membrane integrity. These results suggest the involvement of multiple intracellular signaling pathways in the mechanism by which this peptide elicits macrophage triggering.  相似文献   

Two known compounds were isolated from the methanol extract of root of Rumex gmelini. Their structures were elucidated by chemical and spectral methods as 1-O-beta-D-glucopyranosyl chrysophanol and 1-O-beta-D-glucopyranosyl emodin. The two compounds were isolated from R. gmelin for the first time.  相似文献   

Seven hundred thirty-seven clinical samples from 460 patients were processed for direct detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex by a semiautomated ligase chain reaction commercial assay, the LCx Mycobacterium tuberculosis Assay (LCx assay) from Abbott Laboratories. Results were compared to those of direct microscopy and standard microbiological culture. Of 26 patients (5.7%) with a culture positive for M. tuberculosis, 22 (84.6%) were found positive by the LCx assay. The sensitivity of the LCx assay was 98% for smear-positive samples and 27% for smear-negative samples. With an overall culture positivity rate for M. tuberculosis of 8.3% (61 of 737 samples) and after resolution of discrepant results according to clinical data, the sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values of the LCx assay were 78, 100, 95, and 98%, respectively, compared to 85, 100, 100, and 98%, respectively, for culture and 67, 99, 87, and 97%, respectively, for acid-fast staining. In conclusion, the LCx assay proved satisfactory and appears to be an easy-to-use 1-day test which must be used with standard culture methods but can considerably reduce diagnosis time versus culture. However, its clinical interest appears to be limited in our population with low mycobacterial prevalence because of its cost considering the small gain in sensitivity versus direct microscopy.  相似文献   

T-lymphocyte movement out of the bloodstream and into tissue is critical to the success of these cells in their role in immunosurveillance. This process involves interactions of the T-cell with endothelium as well as with extracellular matrix. Central to these interactions are a number of T-cell adhesion molecules and their endothelial and extracellular matrix ligands. The identification and functional characterization of adhesion molecules have been the subject of intensive research in recent years. We highlight here the latest developments in this rapidly expanding field as they pertain to T-cell interactions with endothelial cells and extracellular matrix components, including: (1) identification of adhesion molecule families, including the selectins, mucins, integrins, immunoglobulin superfamily members, and cadherins; (2) elucidation of the multi-step adhesion cascade that mediates the rolling, arrest, and eventual diapedesis of T-cells through the vascular endothelium into the surrounding tissue; (3) the changes in adhesion molecule expression that accompany T-cell maturation and activation, and the impact of those changes on T-cell migration; (4) the functional relevance of the extracellular matrix for T-cell function; and (5) the clinical relevance of adhesion molecules and the potential for targeting these molecules for the amelioration of immune-mediated diseases.  相似文献   

The electrochemical behaviour of the bioreductive redox active nitroimidazole drug metronidazole has been examined in the presence and absence of the DNA bases using three electrochemical techniques, all of which indicate the capacity for interaction between reduced products and DNA bases. The 4-electron metronidazole (RNO2) metronidazole-hydroxylamine (RNHOH) couple in an aqueous medium shows a positive shift in reduction potential upon addition of thymine, adenine and guanine, but a negative shift for cytosine. Interpretation of these results for an irreversible process is, however, inconclusive. In dimethylformamide/H2O the presence of DNA base on the one-electron addition product, the nitro radical anion, was examined by cyclic voltammetry. All except guanine resulted in interaction with the metronidazole nitro radical anion (RNO2-), as measured by the decrease in the return-to-forward peak current ratio, in the following order of increasing reactivity: cytosine, adenine and thymine (at a metronidazole: base ratio of 1:1). The increase in the stability of the radical anion by increasing the pH of the dimethylformamide/H2O medium resulted in a decreased reaction with thymine.  相似文献   

A new cinnamate ester drivitive (II) and three flavonoids (I, III, IV) were isolated from Liaoxi propolis. Their chemical structures were established as benzyl caffeate (II), 7-O-methylchrysin (I), genkwanin (III) and rhamnazin (IV) by spectral analysis. II is a new natural compound; I, III and IV were found from the propolis for the first time.  相似文献   

Several strains growing well in minimal media with 500 and 1000 mg/l of oil or phenol as a sole carbon source were isolated from activated sludge purifying petroleum waste waters and identified. Five of the best growing strains classified as Arthrobacter, Pseudomonas, Xanthomonas and Enterobacter were selected and their capacity to remove petroleum components and phenol (in the oil fraction of petrochemical waste waters) was studied. The enzymatic activity of the strains, including respiration intensity and dehydrogenase activity was also determined. All the examined strains were found to use oils as the sole source of carbon (percent age of the oils reduction during cultivation of the individual strains ranged from 58 to 78). Phenol was completely reduced by only one strain. The rest of the strain removed only from 7 to 24% of this compound. The activity of dehydrogenases and the respiration intensity in the presence of the studied substrates -- oil and phenol was low for all the examined strains.  相似文献   

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