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We characterized the mutation associated with familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy in a Japanese patient. Sequence analysis of polymerase chain reaction-amplified exons of the transthyretin gene revealed a novel point mutation resulting in a substitution of arginine for glycine at position 47. The mutation was confirmed using allele-specific olgonucleotide hybridization procedures. This most likely represents a de novo mutation since neither parent carries the mutant allele.  相似文献   

Summary A Turkish family is described with two members suffering from familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy. Their transthyretin genes were examined using the polymerase chain reaction, and both patients possessed the met30 mutation in both of their transthyretin genes. In this family, only individuals who are homozygous for the met30 mutation have developed symptoms.  相似文献   

A novel variant transthyretin which contains a leucine-for-valine substitution at position 30 was isolated and identified in the serum of a patient with familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy (FAP). The amino acid substitution was proven to result from a guanine-to-cytosine change at the first base of codon 30 located in exon 2 in the mutated transthyretin gene by restriction fragment length analysis on the amplified transthyretin gene using Cfr13 I. The study indicates that the point mutation of the transthyretin gene is a cause of the disorder.  相似文献   

A novel transthyretin (TTR) mutation associated with familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy was detected in a Japanese patient. Single-strand conformation polymorphism analysis and sequence analysis of polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-amplified exons of the patient's TTR gene revealed a point mutation resulting in a substitution of leucine for valine at position 30. As the mutation creates a Cfr13I site, it was confirmed by PCR and restriction analysis. Our finding indicates the importance of position 30 in TTR-derived amyloid fibril formation.  相似文献   

Familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy (FAP) is associated with the deposition of an abnormal transthyretin (TTR) molecule. We have studied DNA from a family of Greek descent with FAP. The proband's TTR gene was asymmetrically amplified by using PCR and then was sequenced directly, to reveal a cytosine-for-guanine substitution in codon 36. This substitution removes a recognition site for endonuclease Fnu4HI. Allele-specific PCR was employed for diagnosis of the mutation. The predicted amino acid change of alanine to proline at position 36 was confirmed by protein sequencing of the proband's plasma TTR.  相似文献   

A plasma prealbumin variant with a methionine-for-valine substitution at position 30 is closely associated with familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy (FAP) type I. Secondary ion mass spectrometry of the tryptic digest of a carrier's prealbumin could easily detect an abnormal peptide containing the substitution besides the normal peptide. This is a sensitive and reliable method for the diagnosis of FAP.  相似文献   

Familial amyloid polyneuropathy (FAP) is an autosomal dominant disease characterized by deposition of amyloid related to the presence of mutations in the transthyretin (TTR) gene. TTR is mainly synthesized in liver, choroid plexuses of brain and pancreas and secreted to plasma and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Although it possesses a sequon for N‐glycosylation N‐D‐S at position 98, it is not secreted as a glycoprotein. The most common FAP‐associated mutation is TTR V30M. In a screening for monoclonal antibodies developed against an amyloidogenic TTR form, we detected a distinct TTR with slower electrophoretic mobility in Western of plasma from carriers of the V30M mutation, not present in normal plasma. Mass spectrometry analyses of this slower migrating TTR (SMT) identified both wild‐type and mutant V30M; SMT was undetectable upon N‐glycosidase F treatment. Furthermore, SMT readily disappeared in the plasma of V30M ‐ FAP patients after liver transplantation and appeared in plasma of transplanted domino individuals that received a V30M liver. SMT was also detected in plasma, but not in CSF of transgenic mice for the human V30M mutation. A hepatoma cell line transduced to express human V30M did not present the SMT modification in secretion media. Glycosylated TTR was absent in fibrils extracted from human kidney V30M autopsy tissue or in TTR aggregates extracted from the intestine of human TTR transgenic mice. Studies on the metabolism of this novel, glycosylated TTR secreted from FAP liver are warranted to provide new mechanisms in protein quality control and etiopathogenesis of the disease.  相似文献   

Genomic DNA was isolated from peripheral blood lymphocytes of a patient with familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy (FAP) and the transthyretin (TTR) gene examined for sequence mutations. Polymerase chain reaction was used to asymmetrically amplify the TTR exons. Direct DNA sequencing of the PCR product revealed a C for T mutation at the first base of codon 33 located in exon 2 of one transthyretin gene. This resulted in a substitution of leucine for phenylalanine at position 33. Exons 3 and 4 were examined and found to be normal. The mutation creates a novel DdeI restriction site at the point of the mutation.  相似文献   

The familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy is strictly associated with point mutations in the coding region of the transthyretin gene. Here, we focused on the mutations in the monomer-monomer and dimer-dimer interaction site of the transthyretin tetramer. The naturally occurring amyloidogenic Tyr114His (Y114H) and Tyr116Ser (Y116S) variants formed more amyloid fibrils than the wild-type transthyretin, nonamyloidogenic Tyr116Val (Y116V) variant, and other amyloidogenic variants in previous studies. The secondary, tertiary, and quaternary structural stabilities of the Y114H and Y116S variants were compared with those of the wild-type transthyretin and nonamyloidogenic Y116V variant. The unfolding data indicated that the amyloidogenic Y114H and Y116S mutations reduced the stability of the secondary, tertiary, and quaternary structure. Our results also indicated that the unfolding of Y114H and Y116S is less cooperative than that of the wild-type transthyretin. Moreover, the tetramer of the amyloidogenic variants dissociated to the monomer even at pH 7.0, indicating the importance of Tyr114 and Tyr116 in strengthening the contacts between monomers and/or dimers of the transthyretin molecule.  相似文献   

Type I familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy (FAP) results from the systemic deposition of a plasma transthyretin (TTR) variant with a Val----Met change at position 30. In an attempt to establish a model of this disease, we generated transgenic mice producing the variant TTR. A DNA fragment containing the mouse metallothionein-I promoter fused to the structural gene coding for the human TTR variant was microinjected into fertilized mouse eggs. Among 72 mice that developed from these eggs, ten carried the fusion gene and three of these showed significant concentrations of the variant TTR in their serum. These mice may be useful in elucidating the pathogenesis of FAP and in establishing a therapy for this intractable disorder.  相似文献   

Summary Mutations in the serum protein transthyretin (TTR) cause amyloidosis involving the peripheral nerves, heart, and other organs. In Ashkenazic Jews, the only TTR variant described to date has been TTR Ile 33. We have studied DNA from another Ashkenazic Jewish kindred with familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy. Singlestrand conformation polymorphism analysis, DNA sequencing, and restriction analysis indicated that this kindred has the TTR Pro 36 variant, previously described only in a Greek kindred.  相似文献   

Conclusions and Summary The authors begin with a historical review of the first genetic investigations concerning familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy in the North of Portugal by C. Andrade. Then they review the studies made by other authors about this curious hereditary disease.A dominant mode of transmission was found in all investigations and the area of Povoa de Varzim could be confirmed as the focus where the mutation took place for the first time. Later on the affection spread throughout the northern part of Portugal before finally migrating also to the American continent.The early inquiries of Andrade in 1951–52 were concerned with a still fairly limited number of cases (74 cases). A systematic genetic and statistical study became, however, necessary for the whole material collected over almost 30 years by C. Andrade et al. The individuals examined now amount to 623, 249 of whom are affected (153 males and 96 females, distributed over 148 sibships).After applying various methods of correction (maximum-likelihood-method and Weinberg's method) and while making a distinction between simple selection (k=0) and complete selection (k=1), the authors come to the following evaluations: for K=0, the average of individuals affected (corrected) per sibship is of 21.26±1.88% (method of maximum likelihood scores); for k=1, this value is of 30.84±2.26%. When considering separately within the sibships the male and female patients, the following figures are obtained: for k=0, respectively 13.06±1.33% for males and 8.20±0,98% for females; for k=1, 18,95±1.68% for males and 11.89±1.29% for females.The percentages obtained with Weinberg's method are more or less the same (21.26±1.75% and 31.39±2.50% for k=0 and k=1, respectively). Since the material was collected during a systematic survey of all families affected, the figures computed for k=1 (complete selection) must be considered correct (30.8% by the maximum-likelihood-method and 31.4% by Weinberg's method).In respect of the sex ratio in the families studied, a predilection for the male sex was revealed when all families with at least one member affected are taken into account. However, when considering the families with at least two members affected, the sex ratio corresponds to 1:1.As to morbidity risk, our values are clearly below those of Becker (1964): whereas the figures found by Becker range between 0.32 and 0.50, ours lie between 0.26 and 0.31. The discrepancy must be attributed to the fact that our material which was numerically more important than Becker's provided for a more equitable evaluation of the sex ratio and excluded the possibility of a sex controlled gene.According to our investigations, there is therefore no difference between the sexes as to the degree of penetrance of the affection. The discordance between the sexes is practically restricted to the age of manifestation of the disease, 33 years on an average for males and 44 years for females. The assumption must consequently be made that this one difference is sufficient to guarantee transmission of amyloidotic polyneuropathy through the generations, in spite of counterselection that operates to the detriment of the responsible gene.This work has been supported by the U.S. Public Health Service (Research Grant A. M. 05728), the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and the Portuguese Ministry of Health.  相似文献   

The identification of specific biomarkers provides opportunities to develop early diagnostic parameters, monitor disease progression, and test drug efficiency in clinical trials. We previously demonstrated that in familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy (FAP) related to the abnormal extracellular tissue deposition of mutant transthyretin (TTR), inflammatory and apoptotic pathways are triggered in the presymptomatic stages of the disease, when nonfibrillar TTR deposits are present. In the present work, to better define biomarkers for future assessment of prophylactic and therapeutic drugs in the treatment of FAP, we extended the search for oxidative stress and apoptotic biomarkers to clinical samples and animal models presenting nonfibrillar and fibrillar TTR. We found that lipid peroxidation measured by hydroxynonenal, oxidative DNA damage measured by 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine, and cellular redox homeostasis measured by glutaredoxin 1 were consistently increased in biopsy specimens from FAP patients and in tissues from transgenic mouse models presenting nonfibrillar TTR deposition. Death-receptor Fas, caspase-8, and Bax were also found to be increased, indicative of the involvement of death receptors in the observed apoptosis process. Removal of TTR deposition by an immunization protocol resulted in significant decreases of the selected markers we describe, corroborating the relationship between TTR deposition, oxidative stress, and apoptosis. Taken together, our results provide a robust biomarker profile for initial experimental animal studies and clinical trials to assess the application of the selected markers in therapies aimed at removal and/or inhibition of TTR polymerization.  相似文献   

Transthyretin isolated from amyloid fibrils from an Israeli patient with Familial Amyloidotic Polyneuropathy was sequenced by two research groups. One laboratory reported a position 49 Thr----Gly substitution, while the other noted a Phe for Ile interchange at amino acid 33. We used a transthyretin cDNA probe to study DNA from this patient by Southern blotting. The DNA displayed the unique Bcl I restriction site predicted by the mutation in codon 33. Because of the close size of the normal (6.40 kb), and variant (6.27 kb) fragments, the variant was more easily demonstrated after digestion with both Bcl I and Sph I, which generated two easily resolvable fragments of 2.39 and 2.27 kb.  相似文献   

We performed biochemical and immunological examinations of heterozygotic carriers of the transthyretin (TTR) mutant Y114C associated with familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy (FAP). The total serum TTR levels in Y114C TTR carriers were extremely low when analyzed by single radial immunodiffusion (SRID), whereas by indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) procedure, their total TTR concentrations were increased. Recombinant homozygotic Y114C TTR showed no immunoreactivity towards a TTR antibody when analyzed by SRID, whereas by the ELISA procedure presented the same degree of reactivity as that of normal TTR or isolated serum heterozygotic Y114C TTR. These results indicate that immunodifusion based techniques cannot properly determine TTR serum levels in Y114C carriers. Analyses of serum TTR of the Y114C TTR carriers by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) with the orifice corn voltage at 60 V revealed a small peak of the free Y114C TTR in addition to large TTR peaks of normal TTR. The levels of the free mutant TTR increased with the orifice corn voltage at 90 V. In contrast, increase in orifice voltage from 60 to 90 V produced a reduction in the level of normal TTR. The results suggest a different pattern of association between monomers in Y114C relative to normal TTR.  相似文献   

Two mutant genes coding for two different variants of transthyretin were identified in two independent kindreds with familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy. A single base change from A to G was identified in exon 2 of transthyretin gene in two brothers from the first kindred. This base change led to replacement of glutamate by glycine at position 42 of 127-residue molecule. In a patient from the second kindred, T to G transversion in exon 3 of transthyretin gene led to replacement of Ser by Arg at position 50. The two mutants were discovered by randomly sequencing recombinant clones containing the entire length of each one of the four exons selectively amplified by polymerase chain reaction. The base change produced a new restriction site for Hae III and Cfr 13 I in the exon 2 and for Mva I in the exon 3, respectively. Restriction fragment length polymorphisms and allele-specific oligonucleotide hybridizations confirmed the base changes. The accurate detection of the new mutant genes is hereafter possible by these procedures.  相似文献   

In the serum of a Japanese patient with familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy (FAP), we demonstrated the presence of a prealbumin variant having a single amino acid substitution of a methionine residue for a valine at position 30. We have developed a highly sensitive and specific method for quantitative analysis of the prealbumin variant in the sera of FAP patients by using radioimmunoassay for a nonapeptide corresponding to subsequence [22-30] of the prealbumin variant. This peptide is produced from the prealbumin variant by cyanogen bromide cleavage followed by tryptic digestion. The serum concentration of the prealbumin variant in five Japanese FAP patients ranges from 4.0 mg/dl to 7.8 mg/dl, which is 100 times or even higher than normal controls. This method should be helpful for an early diagnosis of this hereditary disease.  相似文献   

U Drugge  G Holmgren  B Udd 《Human heredity》1992,42(3):184-188
Finnish hereditary amyloidosis-Meretoja (FAP type 4) is the predominating type of hereditary amyloidosis in the Finnish population, found in more than 200 individuals. We present a Finnish family with familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy (FAP Met30), a type of amyloidosis hitherto not described in the Finnish population. Genealogical tracing back to the 18th century revealed no connections with Swedish FAP families, but introduction from Sweden is the most probable origin of the FAP Met30 gene.  相似文献   

Summary As part of an epidemiological study that aims to characterize chemically the mutation(s) in transthyretin (TTR) related to familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy (FAP) of different ethnic origins, studies were carried out on TTR from two FAP kindreds of Italian origin. Two different criteria were employed in the characterization of TTR from these kindreds: (1) immunoblotting of cyanogen bromide fragments for screening of TTR(Met30) and (2) isoelectric focusing. TTR(Met30) was not detected but other substitutions were demonstrated using isoelectric focusing techniques. One of the variants found is a basic TTR variant. The substitutions occurring in the variant TTRs of these two kindreds are not known and are presently under study.  相似文献   

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